Chapter 13: A Sense of Trouble

The Spring Between Us

Namjoon sighs for the umpteenth time of that day.

He should have seen it coming—his dad doesn’t really listens to him that much and now he just got a call that he was admitted to a hospital abruptly, due to him fainting in the middle of his workplace. Because of it he was forced to skip class and scurried to the said hospital, filling his papers and stuffs they need to know about his father. It was four in the afternoon and the boy had just gotten home after buying some groceries.

Sometimes he wished his mother was still here. Although his childhood memories are pretty vague and he doesn’t seem to recall the woman’s face, he still wanted her to come back so his father wouldn’t overwork himself in guilt—even though Namjoon had multiple times said to him that he shouldn’t be feeling guilty of making him grow up without a mother.

The fridge was empty and the boy’s sudden decision of shopping was a right choice. Soon the appliance was filled with a variety of foods, mostly being canned and instant because the only thing his dad could cook something that is not instant was kimchi fried rice and Namjoon doesn’t really have a good relationship with kitchens.

He took a look of the house as he plopped the last box of tuna inside the firdge—since he was busy at schol and his dad doesn’t really went home anymore, the place had gotten pretty dusty even though everything was in place. He figures that it would be nice if he could do some cleaning—something that Namjoon wasn’t skilled at because Seokjin says everything he touches will break apart.

After sometime of wiping and dusting off the place sucessfully without even an incident of anything breaking, he wonders if he should cleaned up his dad’s room. The man is going to be out from the house for a while and it will make dirt pile up inside the room—also his chance of knowing more of his fuzzy background.

It was nerve-wrecking when he pushed the unlocked door. It feels like he was going to commit a crime but in the same time the crime is going to make him feel much better. Compared to his room who had a lot of music equipment stuffed in every corner, his dad’s was relatively clean and tidy, everything was placed symmetrically—a type of room that would probably please Seokin a lot if it has more pink colors. There was queen sized bed in the middle of the room, a mahogany-made dresser, a pretty big cupboard and a simple desk beside the door with Namjoon’s photo and him framed and placed on the very right corner.

It doesn’t seem that there’s anything for him to clean except for his desk, which had some papers and envelopes scattered all over the surface. Some of the hospital marked documents doesn’t made him comfortable, but as he tried to gather all of the papers, a photo slipped from the desk.

As he picked it up, Namjoon was really sure that there must be some part of memory that disappeared from his mind.

Because he didn’t recognize his own photo, younger with another four person around him.

“I feel like I have died and revived again!”

Mid-terms had finally ended and the students had rejoiced. The hell-ish week had passed (even though they didn’t know how the results are going to be) and the boys are currently waiting in front of girl’s restroom now.

“I demand we go out for ice cream!” Jimin exclaimed as Nara and Aran finally stepped out of the restroom, “We deserved to treat our brains!”

“Ooh, parfaits!” the younger girl chimed in, “Cold desserts are perfect for summer!”

“End of summer,” Aran corrected her, “I swear it’s going to be so windy tomorrow,”

“At least today is still hot, noona,” Jungkook grinned then turned to Nara, “Yeah, we should really go to an ice cream parlour!”

Yoongi in the other hand still had Baekhyun’s words echoed in his mind as he stared at the girl who’s currently punching her brother’s arm for bothering her too much. Then it dawned to him—Baekhyun was friends with Nara and Aran before and the way he said that Aran already had someone in mind made him realize that the boys doesn’t really know that much yet about the girls, despite being their self-proclaimed close circle of friends.

His frown was unfortunately seen by Seokjin, “Yoongi, you okay?”

“Yeah,” he shrugged nonchalantly, trying to cover up his feelings of disappointment that he wanted to know Aran more but they were currently not in a really approachable terms now, “Let’s go, ice cream right?”

“Right,” the oldest nodded, “But which one?”

“There’s this good parlour near my dance studio!” Hoseok beamed up, “We should go there!”

“Sounds great,” Namjoon wasn’t really up yet, but he finally had at least tried to be more engaging in the group as usual, “We should move when it’s still day—so we could play more,”

Suddenly, the maknae line looked to each other and they jumped, standing in a circle, “Rock, Paper, Sciccors!”

“I win!” Jimin shot his hands up in the air while the two boys who had papers scowled. He quickly turned to Nara and hugged her arm, “Today, you’re hitching with me~,”

“Great!” the girl gave him a smile, “Cause I don’t need to hear Jungkook complaining about my wight again when it’s actually him who couldn’t hitch people!”

“Hey! I hitch people just fine,” the black-haired boy scowl, “It’s you who’s heavy!”

Aran stared at the rest of the boys. Seokjin was going with Namjoon as usual and it seems Taehyung and Jungkook brought their own bike. She usually hitched with Yoongi (because it gave her more time to complain about her day to the boy even though they’re in the same class) but with their situation right now, she doesn’t think she could go as usual.

Hoseok who realized this quickly grabbed the chance, turning to her had cupped her cheek, “We’re having brother and sister bonding session!”

The girl only scowled as the older squished her face, “We do that everyday!”

“Today’s a special one~,” he could just see the dissappointment in Yoongi’s eyes. He almost wanted to scoff, the blond-haired boy must have thought that they could get back in good terms with hitching together. Hoseok thinks he wanted to be egoist for a little more time, “So you’re hitching with me!”

“Ugh, fine,” Aran was almost relieved that she doesn’t have to go on an awkward rollercoaster with Yoongi, “Don’t do anything strange!”

“Why would I?”

“Guys,” the blond boy finally spoke up, trying so hard not to scowl, “Let’s get going before it gets too hot outside,”


“Here’s a good seat!”

They have finally arrived at the parlour, with pink coloring it’s interior and made the rest of the guys turned to the first boy who suggested the place because Hoseok we didn’t know you’re into this kind of place but the boy just retorted by saying the ice cream’s really good.

“Aran-ah,” the oldest of the Jung siblings turned to her, “What do you want?”

“Milk tea parfait,” she stared at the toppings section, “With strawberry mochis,”

“Okay,” the boy turned back to the cashier as he placed the rest of the boy’s order. Aran quickly took out her wallet but a hand stopped her.

“Hoseok-oppa?” she frowned as her took out his card instead, smiling to her, “Don’t—I’m the older brother here,”

“But you don’t need to do that!”

“I am supposed to take care of you and Nara, right?” Hoseok beamed a grin, “Just relax and go sit, Aran-ah, let me handle this,”

The girl sighed, her brother was doting on her too much, “Fine, call me if you need help,”

As Hoseok gave her a smile, she walked back to their table where her eyes was greeted with the maknae line (including Nara) fighting over a box of strawberries, Namjoon working over Jimin’s homework (he has been tutoring the boy for somewhile) and Seokjin bothering Yoongi with his rantings.

It has become a normal sight for Aran to see the bunch she’s in ruckus.

Unnie,” as soon as the older girl took a seat, Nara whispered to her, “If there’s anyone calling your name besides us, don’t look okay?”

Aran scrunched his face on her sister, “What?”

“Just don’t—,”


The older Jung sister wanted to hit herself so much for not listening to the younger, because the moment she turned her head back, she felt like it’s going to be the worst day ever in her life.

“Aran!” the boy, sporting black flocks and a private school uniform walked over to her and why is it so coincidentally that she had to sit on the outer corner of the table, “Is it really you?”

She could definetly feel her face getting warm, “S-seungcheol-oppa...,”

The rest of the boys quickly turned their focus on the person that Aran has called because they know how hard for the girl to call someone with that spesicific honorifics, meanwhile Nara just slapped her forehead and was currently trying to hide from the new boy’s sight.

“Oh my god, Kim Aran,” the boy beamed a smile at her, making her blush furiously, “It’s been so long since I saw you..,”

Aran only managed to give him a small smile, flicking her hair to the back of her ear in embarrasement, “Y-yeah,”

“Are these your friends?” he turned to the rest of the bunch, “Hi, I’m Choi Seungcheol, Aran’s friend—oh, Nara-ah, you’re here too!”

Nara sent him a very forced smile which the boys had never seen before—reluctant and a small piece of hatred oozing from it, “Hi to you too, Seungcheol-ssi,”

The boy obviously didn’t notice the smile and turned back to the other girl, “Ah, Aran, I would really like for us to talk and catch up some things, but I have to go to work,”

“You worked here?”

Seungcheol nodded his head, shrugging a little, “Yeah, I need a part-time job because dad wanted me to be more independent,”

“Ah, I see,” Aran sent him her most sincere smile, “Good luck, then,”

“Yeah, see you later Aran! I hope we could talk soon,”

The girl waved her hand as Seungcheol went into the staff room, sighing a little too loudly as he eyes never left the door. The boys was staring at her confusedly until Seokjin decided to speak up, “Who’s that?”

“Just,” Aran gulped as she scooped her parfait weakly, “An old friend,”

Even though the rest of the boys decided to brush it off because the girl’s face screamed that she doesn’t want to explain anything, Yoongi keep looking at her intently. From her reactions, it was obvious that the two probably had some history—and then Baekhyun’s words rang again in his ears.

“Her heart’s already belongs to someone,”

Could it be... it’s that guy?

“Bye, Nara, see you tomorrow!”

Nara was tired—the fact that Aran was pretty down for a few days because of Seungcheol’s recent appearance had made her pulled into the vibe, all gloomy and bummed out. She had faked smile throughout ballet class and she wasn’t the one who’s easy to fake their emotions—but if she didn’t do it, people would ask and Nara doesn’t really want to do any explaining to them.

She scanned the outer side of the studio as she puts on her shoes. There were no sight of Aran’s car, so she guessed she will be walking home alone. But as soon as she stepped out from the building, her eyes were gretted with a flock of orange hair—who’s once again, she thought as  attractive even though there’s only street lamps shining on him.

“Tae?” the boy grinned at her when she notices him on his bike, “What are you doing here?”

“Picking you up,” he replied as he pushed back the hold on his bike, “Don’t worry, I already told Aran-noona that I’m the one who picked you up. Now, hop on!”

Nodding reluctantly, the younger girl plopped down on the bike’s backseat and adjusted her seat. Taehyung turned back to her, “Ready to go?”

A hum was heard from her, a cue for the boy to pedal forward. It was pretty quiet because Nara had taken up some extra lessons (which she regretted because it was tiring herself out) and the skies had gone dark, autumn breeze already making out it’s presence.

“It’s already pretty chilly, huh,” Taehyung mumbled, “You should be coverig up soon, Nara,”

“Nah,” she replpied quietly, being a little awkward to him, “I’m not Aran-unnie, I stand cold much better than her,”

“Is that why she gets fever easily?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, “She won’t even come out without at least four layers of clothing in winter,”

“Wow, doesn’t it made her look like a snowman?”

Nara giggled loudly at the thought, “She does sometimes!”

“We always have snowfights in winter,” Taehyung grinned, “Imagine her trying to make a snowball but ended up rolling on the ground because of her thick clothing!”

The younger girl on his back was laughing out loud right now, mood lifted right away, “Do you know that it had actually happened once?”


“Yeah, I remember I was in fourth grade and she’s in fifth—I accidentally kicked her when were sledging and she rolled into a big pile of snow!”

The orange-haired boy has a deep voice that Nara thought as adorable, mostly when he laughs, “Man, I think I would kill to see that!”

“I know, it was really hilarious that I can’t even tell it to my mother properly because I’m laughing too much,” she grinned widely as she remembered how her mother was staring at her confusedly when the girl was trying to explain why is her sister trapped in a pile of snow, “I wished I was quick enough to record it,”

“Too bad you didn’t,” Taehyung softly hummed, “Do you feel much better, Nara?”

“Huh?” she tilted her head, “What do you mean?”

“You’ve been a little down if you didn’t know yourself,” they passed Han River and Nara could see the water gleaming, and the taller boy’s chuckle was filling the air, “It’s embarrassing but I was kind of worried you know?”

“Sorry,” she squeaked, “I was just—,”

“Wait, hold on tightly, Nara, I’m going to change lanes,”

The girl could feel her hands who was awkwardly hanging loosely beside the boy’s waist grabbed, pulling it closer as Taehyung gestured him to hold him tighter. It made her startle a little, but she finally decided to circle her hands closer, cheeks warm out of embarrassement. They were so close that Nara could just leaned her head on the orange-haired back, but she refrained from doing it even though it was so tempting.

“So,” the boy continued, “What were you going to say?”

Nara shook her head, even though Taehyung couldn’t see her, “No, nothing. It’s just there’s a lot in my head right now,”

“Do you want to talk about it?” the boy slowed down his pedalling, “You know you can always talk to me or one of the boys,”

She paused for a little, contemplating on telling the boy or rather keeping it to her self. She decided to spill some of it, “I’m just confused on some things,”


“Like a few days ago..,” she sighed loudly, “Jungkook told me about being in love,”

Taehyung hummed, gesturing her to continue.

“And you know, I don’t really understand those things so I asked him to explain it to me, but I still didn’t get it,” she pouted slightly, “Maybe I wasn’t meant to understand it,”

A nod was given to her, the boy suddenly became so wise and so out of his character, “It is something that you have experienced it by yourself, Nara. Then you’ll understand it,”

The girl squinted her eyes a little, “When?”

“It will come, don’t worry. It comes to everyone.”

Then suddenly it made her wonder—does Taehyung have someone that he liked just how Jungkook is?

“Tae, can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” he started to speed up, “Go for it,”

“Do you have someone that you like right now?”

There was a silence engulfing them. Nara can’t say it was comfortable, unconciously holding her breath as she waited for the orange-haired boy to answer her question while her heart was strangely pumping fast.

She always had thought she’s pretty much okay not understanding the whole romance thing, but why does her heart aches when she heard Taehyung’s answer?

“Yes,” he softly replies, “Yes, I do,”

Hoseok smile got bigger when he entered Seokjin’s house.

“Oh, you two are here already,” the older’s head popped from the kitchen, the house smelling like rich thick curry and the other boy could hear  a sizzle of oil, “Namjoon’s still on the way so you two could just wait on the table,”

“Is there anything we could help you, hyung?” Yoongi plopped down on one of the chairs even though he’s offering a hand, but Seokjin quickly shook his head, “Nope, you both will ruin it, so just stay quiet on the table because I’m finishing soon,”

A pout came from the oldest of the Jung siblings, “Aran said my cooking isn’t that bad!”

The blond-haired boy snickered, “She’s just being nice to you,”

Hoseok frowned, a little hint of jealousy always surfaced when he saw Yoongi, “You sound like you know her better,”

“Sorry, Hoseok, truth hurts,” the frown on the boy’s face got deeper, “She’s already fond of you, you shouldn’t be worried,”

“Yeah, I know,” Hoseok slumped on his chair, then suddenly a shout was heard from the kitchen, a sign that Seokjin has been eavesdropping their conversation, “When are you two talking again?”

Yoongi groaned loudly as he stepped down the chair to take a glass of water, “Why do you keep asking about it?”

“Because it’s odd to see you both avoid each other!”

“Yeah,” the other boy nodded, “As how much I liked it much more when fewer boys talk to Aran, it’s kind of annoying to see you both awkward,”

“Your siscon is showing, Hoseok,” the blond boy grunted, “Fine, I don’t look like I tried to talk to her, right? Well how could I even said a word to her when she always runs away when she sees me?”

Hoseok only squinted his eyes on him, “Really?”

“Hey, it’s not like I don’t want to talk to her anymore okay?” Yoongi shot him a look before drinking his water, “She’s a good friend of mine,”

The boy is now propping his head on the table while still squinting his eyes on him, “Only a friend?”

He swore he almost choked, “What are you trying to say?”

“Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok’s expression was a little foreign to Yoongi right now, “You like Aran, don’t you?”

A thick pause was there and Yoongi stiffened, “Not to that extent!”

Seokjin’s shout could be heard again, “He’s lying!”

“I know!” the only boy of the Jung siblings shouted back, “You see here differently, hyung, you can’t lie to us,”

Yoongi sighed, placing his glass on the table and sits back on the chair, “Doesn’t matter—no one’s going to get Aran’s heart anyway,”

Hoseok’s frown was back, “What do you mean?”

“I approached Baekhyun some days ago,” the blond buried his face under his arms, tired of the topic, “He said something about her heart wasn’t avalaible anymore,”

The oldest of the crowd was finally finished with his dish, putting the big bowl of curry on the table and some fried side dishes, “Could it be that guy when we were out eating ice cream? Choi Seungcheol..,”

“Maybe,” Yoongi could feel Seokjin took a seat beside him, “And I don’t think I sensed anything good from him—I’m feeling he’s going to be trouble for Aran,”

A/N: Why am I always late on doubl updates... this isn't a few hours, this the same as a regular update TT TT I'm really sorry guys, I have a busy day tomorrow TT TT I don't really have anything to say here and mind that I didn't proofread this chapter so I'm very sorry for any typos and grammatical mistakes TT TT See you in the next update! Feel free to send a feedback as always!

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chocobin22 #1
Chapter 18: I'am glad you are back authornim. I hope your bad time is gone :)
isn't they are cute? When namjoon felt overprotective my heart just like uaaa I want an older brother too >.<
chocobin22 #2
Chapter 17: It's okay authornim :) we are understand. Sometimes life is hard,same goes to me. But whatever hard time you are having. Keep smile and fighting ! xoxo ^.^
annaelenaschulz #3
Chapter 16: update pleaseeee
Vtae84 #4
Chapter 11: kimnamjoon is kim aran and kim nara brother..ok..i know..heheh
chocobin22 #5
Chapter 6: I'm a new reader and I really like your story! ^^ keep a good work authornim :) can't wait for another chapter ! ^^ also I have feeling about nara aran and namjoon :D but I will keep my guess for myself, forgive me authornim for guessing your story, I just like to guessing story :D
Vtae84 #6
Chapter 6: Oh no..did hoseok like her sister? Please dont..i like aran and yoongi..hope hoseok like her as his sister only..nice story authornim..
sakura94exo #7
Chapter 5: Another great update ^^
Do Jungkook and Suga live together?
sakura94exo #8
Chapter 4: Update soon please!