Chapter 9: Secrets

The Spring Between Us

“You guys already think this place as your own home, huh,”

“Well,” Jungkook says as he munched some chips as he lied down at the carpet, “Hoseok-hyung’s house is our base from the start,”

“Fine, just don’t wreck the house,” Aran sighed as she tied her hair into a ponytail, “I’ll be back in an hour,”

Jimin turned to her, “Where are you going, noona?”

“Picking up Nara at her ballet class,”

“Ooh,” Taehyung cooed, “Nara does ballet?”

“Yeah, it’s been five years.”

“Can we come?” Jimin shot up from his seat, “I wanted to see Nara do ballet!”

“What are you going to pick her up with?” Hoseok asked, “You can’t ride a bike,”

“Uh.. the car?”

Jungkook gasped, “Noona, you drive?”

“On emergencies like this,”

“But you’re not old enough to have a license!”

“My face is basically a photocopy of my mom’s,” the girl shrugged as she puts on her shoes, “Besides, it’s not too far away from here that I could get caught (A/N: everyboyd remember, don’t break the rules! Get a license first!)”

“We’re coming then!”


“Nara, why do you never participate in plays?”

“Huh?” the girl tilted her head, “I’m just not really interested in it, I guess. Why?”

“You know you’re one of the best seniors in our class,” the girl beside her—Joohyun says, “I just think you should have been ace-ing a play by right now,”

“Nah,” Nara smiled bitterly, a memory surfaced in her mind, “I don’t think the spotlight’s for me,”

“Well, if you say so,” the other girl pouted, “Hey, is Aran-unnie going to pick you up again?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to see the real Kim Aran in close,” Joohyun giggled, “Why did she stop ballet though?”

“It’s Jung now. She hurt her ankle once and she kind of changes genres,” Nara grimmed at the memory of her sister in the hospital, “She got into metal and quickly said that she wanted to do bands instead of ballet,”

“Whoa, to think she had once been the studio’s primadona,” the girl frowned, “Does she still do it?”

“Nope, it stopped last month—she got bored,”

“Well she should get back into ballet again!”

“Believe me, I had told her that for months,” the younger of the Jung sister sighes, “But she always brushes it off and said how she’s too lazy to do it again,”

“That’s a bummer—hey who’s the bunch of boys with your sister?”

Nara quickly turned to Joonhyun’s pointed finger, her eyes was quickly met with Jungkook who’s frigirously waving his hand at her, followed by Taehyung and Jimin. Hoseok sent her a smile as he leaned on the car beside  Aran who’s looked like she was so done with the world.

“Ah, they’re... my brother’s friends,” she answered as she awkwardly waves back.

“Oh, I forgot that your mother got married again,” Joohyun tilted her head as they pass some of the other ballet students who’s currently oogling to her friend’s sister and squealing ‘oh my god we’re seeing Kim Aran in real life’, “Which one’s your new brother?”

“The one beside my sister,” Nara says as she puts on her shoes, Joohyun sent an ‘ooh’ sound to her, “He’s pretty hot,”

“Ugh, I can’t really say he’s hot knowing his personality,” the younger Jung sister cringed, “Well, I’m going first. See you later, Joohyun!”

As her friend waves back, Nara made a beeline to her sister and the rest of the boys, “Wow, you’re bringing them here,”

“They forced me,” Aran sighed as she got in the driver’s seat, Nara sitting besde her and the rest of the boys cramping on the back seat, “They said they wanted to see your ballet,”

“Yeah, Nara!” Taehyung grinned to her, “Do you have a play soon?”

“Not really,” Nara smiled sadly, “I don’t really do plays,”

The boys awwed as Aran started the engine, already moving to the direction of their home. Nara only responded with an apologetic smile before she turned to her sister, “There’s a lot of your fans in my new class,”

Aran groaned, “Really? You’re a senior in the studio now right? Why would a senior oogle over me?”

“Fans?” Hoseok’s head shot up, “Aran has fans?”

“Nara,” the older girl glared at her sister, “Don’t,”

But the younger girl doesn’t seem like she cared about the glare from her older sister, “Yeah, unnie used to be the studio’s primadona. Scoring acts here and there,”

Jimin screamed, “Aran-noona does ballet too?!”

“Ugh, my dark past,”

“Hey, you were good at it! Girls be dreaming to be you, unnie!” Nara scowled at her, “Besides, where are the others?”

“Seokjin-hyung is busy doing a new recipe with Namjoon as his experiment, Yoongi-hyung is busy with his basketball club,” Jungkook shrugged, “We were just lounging at your home,”

“Looks like our home is your home too now,”

Unknowingly to them, there’s someone that had been keeping his eyes to Nara.

“So she still did ballet huh? Way to go changing studios to avoid us,”

School mid-terms is closing and Yoongi was devastated.

“You got that equation wrong,” Aran pointed at a number as she munched her lunch, “You’re supposed to square it before you multiply it,”

It’s not like Yoongi is stupid, he’s actually on the top 10 of the grade (was eight before but Aran came in and he was moved to the ninth) but he can’t say he’s a good friend of chemistry—the most thing that made him regretted taking natural sciences instead of social ones.  

“Ugh, I can’t do this anymore,” he groaned as he shoved away the papers in front of him and went back to his lunch, “Why do people create chemistry anyway,”

“You’ll never recover from a fever if there’s no chemistry, Yoongi,” Seokjin scolds, “It’s important for our life,”

“But it’s so hard! Even English isn’t this hard,” the blonde-haired boy scowled.

“You should find someone to tutor you,” Namjoon nonchalantly says as he munched on a burger, “Don’t want your position to slide out from the top 10, hyung,”

“I know,” Yoongi groaned, “But who? I don’t know much about our class, and I don’t think you guys are able to tutor me either,”

The oldest of the crowd suddenly smirked, “Aran is good at chemistry,”

The girl widen her eyes and nudged Seokjin, “No I’m not that good!”

“She is actually,” Nara butted in, not knowing the situation while eating her piece of fries, “She taught me back in middle school and I scored a full mark on the test!”

“Whoa, really, noona?” the youngest of the boys looked to the said girl as she shook her head.

“It’s not to that extent—,”

But her words was cut straightly when Yoongi grabbed her hand, looking at her with pleading eyes.

“Aran,” he says firmly, “Please,”

The girl scowled at the current scene but the rest of the guys didn’t seem like they’re going to help her, so instead she sighes, “Fine, set up a date,”

The blonde-haired boy’s usual stoic face brighten up immediately, “Today after school?”

“It’s Thursday and Thursdays are for clubs, Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin said, earning a frown from the boy.

“Friday then? Your house?”

“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” Namjoon suddenly said, “Why don’t we all join—,”

Before he could finish his words, Seokjin quickly glared and nudged him. The oldest then turned back to Aran, smiling as if nothing happened, “No, he doesn’t have any ideas~”

“Uhh, okay then, Friday,” she grinned awkwardly while side eyeing the oldest boy who only grinned back while whispering ‘fighting’ unknownly why, “I’m cool with it,”

“Great!” then thankfully for Aran, the bell finally rang, “See you then!”

As the boys began to go away one by one leaving Aran and Seokjin (Nara got pulled away by Jungkook) alone, the girl began to shot daggers to the older boy as the said boy didn’t even notice the glare.

“Kim Seokjin,” she frowned, “What are you doing?!”

“Hey, I never seen Yoongi’s face brighten up like that! I just can’t help it,” he shrugged, “Beside, I bet he likes you too,”

“I do not like him!” Aran sneered, “Ugh, what am I going to do...,”

“Just be yourself,” Seokjin patted her head as he threw away his lunch, “He’ll like you anyway you are,”

“Oh my god, Seokjin!”

“It’s oppa for you, Aran-ah~”

Unnie, fighting!!”

Classes has finally ended that day and because it was Thursday, the students of the school was having their club sessions. Aran can’t say she’s ecstatic about it but being active in a club is one of the graduation requirements, and she’d choose anything that she doesn’t need to work so hard on. That’s why she’s currently streching in the middle of the track field, wearing a loose black tank and the school’s trackpants, thankful that the club doesn’t require their members to wear their tracksuits fully because it was too hot. She already had some past experience with the sport (courtesy of being her old ballet studio’s primadona, she was ordered to do tracks to keep her stamina up) so she didn’t have any trouble with the club.

Today was their first grading, where the seniors will keep their first track record. Aran, being a transferee, needs to join the rest of the new members (consisting mostly of first-graders) to record their track time. The rest of the guys including her sister had ditched their own respective club to cheer for her, but it only annoys the girl.

“Whoa, Nara looked really good in the cheer uniform,” Jimin gaped at her, being in the same club as the older girl, “She really got into the team, huh?”

“Yeah, Nara looks good in everything,” Aran frowned as she glanced at the girl who’s currently waving her pompoms at her, with the boys behind her, “Unlike me,”

“Aww, noona, don’t be so negative! You look really pretty too even with those tracksuit,” the younger boy grinned to her, earning a flick at the forehead.

“Sorry to say, but you’re a flirt, Jimin. I don’t want to hear it from you,”

The boy only pouted on her, “I’m not that bad! Who do you want to hear it from then?”

Aran paused as she secretly glanced to one of the boys, sporting a blonde hair with his strangely matching basketball uniform. She began to question her self why was she glancing at the boy, and when Seokjin caught her gaze he started to grin playfully at her, making a scowl on her face.

“No one,” she said as she deadpanned, “I don’t need anyone to say I’m pretty,”

Jimin tilted his head in confusement, “Huh? Why?”

As she was going to answer the boy, a loud whistle was heard, signaling that the track recording is going to start soon. Aran sighes loudly as she made her way to the field with the younger boy sending her a shout of ‘fighting noona’ to her.

“So, you’re here too,” a voice came from beside her, making her mood flew out of the window instantly, “I should have known that you’ll take athletics though,”

“Shut up, Byun,” she spat, “Do not talk to me,”

“Still a hard-headed girl, I see,” the boy replied as he got into his position, “I really just wanted to say sorry,”

“We don’t need your sorry.”

Baekhyun was just going to say something more, but the seniors had started their command.

“Get ready!”

“If you keep being a hard head, Aran,” Baekhyun whispered, “he would never like you. He doesn’t like hard shells like you,”


“Byun,” the girl whispered back threateningly, “I suggest you keep your mouth closed,”


A shot was heard and the students in the track started running. It was  a one-hundred meter sprint, and Aran being used to the athletics due to her past experiences, went through it smoothly.

“Jung Aran, ten point one seconds,” a loud whoa was heard from the rest of the students, “You got the best between second years!”

“Thank you,” she replied to the recording senior. The girl—Seulgi, smiled at her, “You’re really great at short tracks! Do you have an experience before?”

Aran was just opening to reply, but a hand patted her shoulder and her words was cutted—again, “Yeah, she was an ace in her old middle-school,”

The girl glared to the boy who had answered the senior’s question, “Byun Baekhyun,”

“It’s sad that she stopped for a while because she hurt her ankle,” the boy smirked at her, “Right, Aran?”

The girl shrugged his hand off her shoulder, sending him glares and turned back, “Everything’s done for the day, right, Seulgi-sunbaenim?”

“Yeah, you can go already, we’re just going to finish up now,” she smiled at her, “I hope you’ll be more active! It’s good to have you in the team!”

The older of the Jung sister just nodded at her as she walked over to the benches to take her bag, obviously annoyed that Baekhyun was still following her, “What the do you want, Byun?!”

“I just wanted to talk, you know, like old days,” he tilted his head nonchalantly, “Can’t we?”

He earned a scoff from her, “Really? off. You don’t do those things,”

“Don’t we used to?”

Right when she was just going retort back at the boy, Jimin came to her, “Noona, there you are! Wow you were really amazing back there—what the is this prick doing here?!”

Seeing that the younger boy is glaring at him, Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “None of your business, obviously, kid,”

Noona’s business is my business too,” Jimin glared at the boy, “Go away, Baekhyun,”

“Oh, is that how you adress your senior?” the boy gaps dramatically, “So you’ve ben flirting with bad boys now, huh, Aran?”

“Byun,” Aran closed her eyes as her forehead wrinkles, “Stop. Don’t start anything,”

“I wonder what will be his reaction when he knows you’ve been playing with other boys than him?”

“Byun Baekhyun,” the girl shot a look as she dropped her tone an octave, “Drop it,”

“Yeah, you better listen to her,” the younger boy beside her sent daggers to him, “You’re lucky we’re in public so I wouldn’t hit your smug face,”

But Baekhyun just smirked at him, “I doubt you’ll hit me too even in a private space,”


“Jimin,” Aran patted his shoulder, “Don’t. He’s not worth it. Just off, Byun Baekhyun,”

“Fine, fine,” the boy puts up his hand in the air, “See you later then, Kim Aran. Ah, sorry, it’s Jung now, right?”

The girl just scoffed at him as she took her bag and grabbed Jimin’s hand, “Let’s go, Jimin,”

The younger boy shot a look to Baekhyun before finally complying to the older Jung sister’s pull, walking straight beside her, “Noona, are you alright? He didn’t do anything to you right?”

“No, I’m alright,” she tried to smile at the younger boy, “Thank you for worrying, Jimin,”

Jimin just smiled back at her but he knows deep inside that Aran wasn’t alright, the sudden pain and sorrow was plastered obviously on her face but he didn’t pressed through, letting the older girl keep her thoughts with herself.

A/N: HI IM FINALLY BACK I had a small writers block while writing this TT TT but it's okay because it's already gone and I know where am I going to bring this story next XD there might be a double update in the next day beacuse I have to be away on 4th of may for some days.. and I don't think I can update in those days >< so I'll do a double update for you guys~ see you later~

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chocobin22 #1
Chapter 18: I'am glad you are back authornim. I hope your bad time is gone :)
isn't they are cute? When namjoon felt overprotective my heart just like uaaa I want an older brother too >.<
chocobin22 #2
Chapter 17: It's okay authornim :) we are understand. Sometimes life is hard,same goes to me. But whatever hard time you are having. Keep smile and fighting ! xoxo ^.^
annaelenaschulz #3
Chapter 16: update pleaseeee
Vtae84 #4
Chapter 11: kimnamjoon is kim aran and kim nara brother..ok..i know..heheh
chocobin22 #5
Chapter 6: I'm a new reader and I really like your story! ^^ keep a good work authornim :) can't wait for another chapter ! ^^ also I have feeling about nara aran and namjoon :D but I will keep my guess for myself, forgive me authornim for guessing your story, I just like to guessing story :D
Vtae84 #6
Chapter 6: Oh no..did hoseok like her sister? Please dont..i like aran and yoongi..hope hoseok like her as his sister only..nice story authornim..
sakura94exo #7
Chapter 5: Another great update ^^
Do Jungkook and Suga live together?
sakura94exo #8
Chapter 4: Update soon please!