Meeting Future Family

Sweet Life

Taehyung smirked and pulled out his phone, he dialed a number and said “ Annyeong  appa.. Returning to the matter of my marriage.. I seem to have found a suitable candidate”


7 AM at Kim’s Mansion:

“Aneyoghaseyo appa, eomma”  Taehyung said while sitting at the table. “Oh Taehyung-ah, we have to talk” His mother replied. “What is it, eomma?” “Taehyung-ah.. You’re 20 years old.. It’s time for you to get married” “What?! Married?!  Eomma I…” “Taehyung stop!” his father interrupted him “ You’re 20 years old and all you do is play with girls! You should stop, you’re not a kid anymore! But of course we can’t force you to anything, so you have 1 month to find your future wife, if by the end of month you won’t find any, we’ll introduce to girl. And You’ll have to get married with her!” “But appa..” Taehyung started but once more his father interrupted him “End of discussion! Eat your breakfast and get ready for school!”

*end of flashback*


Hana reached restaurant and saw their Oppas sitting at the table. “Key oppa, Jonghyun oppa, Onew oppa, Taemin oppa anyeong!” “Oh~Hana-ah anyeong!” “Yah! Choi Hana! What about me? I’m your real oppa” Minho shouted with annoyed face. “Sorry” Hana came closer and peck Minho cheek “Anyeong Oppa”. Hana sat beside Minho and started talking with everyone.

5 hours later

“Oppa! It’s getting late, we have to go home” Hana said to Minho, when she checked her phone. “Oh you’re right, you have exam tomorrow, we should get going”. Minho replied her. “Oppas we’re sorry but we have to go” Hana said with sad expression on her face “It’s okay, you should study for your exam. Good luck tomorrow!” Key said while patting Hanas head. “We’ll meet tomorrom again, right Minho-ah?” Jonghyun asked Minho “Yes, see you tomorrow” “Bye oppa~!” Both Hana and Minho said at the same time. Soon both Hana and Minho were inside Hanas car.

Hana: “Oppa .. why are you here? Don’t you have your own car?”

Minho: “I came here in Onews car”

Hana: “Oppa did you talk with appa or eomma?”

Minho: “No, They’ll call in around one hour”

 “We should hurry home” Hana said while speeding the car.”Yah! Slow down! I know, that you want to talk with your beloved appa but I want to get home alive!”

After driving for 15 minutes they reached their mansion.  “Welcome home Young Master, Miss” mr. Shin said as he took their coats. “We’re back” Minho replied. “Your parents made video call and their waiting for you in living room” mr. Shin announced . As Hana heard their butler annoucment she hurried to the living room “Anyeong appa, eomma! I miss you! When are you coming back home?” She asked. “Anyeong my princess, I miss you too! You know..” Hana’s father started but his wife interrupted him “Hana honey, we have something to tell you” “What is it?” Minho asked before Hana could. “You see.. you’re getting married!” “What?!” Both Hana and Minho yelled in schock. “As you heard honey, you’re getting married. We received a call 5 hours ago. I thought that’s good solution because of ours situation.. We’re always away from home and it’s better for you to have someone to take care for you” Hana’s Mother stated as Minho stood up and said “What about me?! I’m her oppa! I can take care of her besides..” Their mother interrupted once again “Minho sweetie.. I know that you love your little sister.. but you’re not cut to be her guardian .. Even today, you drank with your friends so Hana had to take you home!” “But eomma..” “It’s decided! You can’t do anything about it. We’ll end our business trip and come home tomorrow to determine the details of wedding and to get to know your future family. We’ll all meet tomorrow at 6 PM at our house for dinner. Don’t be late” Their mother announced as she ended the call.

Hana: “Minho oppa.. what should I do??”

Minho: “Don’t worry Hana! We’ll meet them tomorrow and I’ll oppose to you marriage”

Hana: “Thank you oppa”

Minho: “ Okay, now go to your room and study for your exam and go to sleep early”

Hana: “goodnight oppa”

Minho: “goodnight”



After the talk with my parents I couldn’t focus on my studies. *I’m getting married? But I’m only 19. It’s all Minho oppa fault because he’s irresponsible!* I sighed. I took a quick shower and went to sleep. I woke up at 6 AM and decided to jog a little. I came back at 7 AM took a shower, dressed up and went down to grab a breakfast. When I finished eating Minho oppa came down to eat breakfast. “Oh, Hana-ah, you’re up?” he asked me “Yes, Oppa good morning, I’m going to school. I have some time so I’ll go to library and study more” “Okay, be careful on you way”. I went to my car, because of yesterdays talk with my parents I forgot to call Hyorin and to pick her up. I reached school and once again I heard girls squealing, this pulled me out from daydreaming and quickly I called Hyorin
Hana: “ Hyorin-ah~~ I’m sorry, I forgot about you”
Hyorin: “It’s okay, I’ll be at school soon. But is something wrong?”
Hana: “I’ll tell you everything later.. I have an exam so I have to go. See you later”

Hyorin: “okay, see you later”


Hana didn’t notice that Taehyung were staring at her all this time.  *She’s beautiful* He thought. “Tae! We’re going to be late! What are you doing standing there?” Jin asked him. Taehyung turned to face BTS which were standing behind him “Let’s go” he said.

*At lunch time*

Hana and Hyorin took their lunch and sat at the back of cafeteria.

“Now talk Hana! What’s wrong?”Hyorin asked Hana as she took a bite of her lunch. “Rin-ah.. I’m getting married” Hana said and she look down at her lunch. “WHAT!? YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED?!!!!!!!” Hyorin yelled and all the people in the cafeteria started to look at both of you. Even BTS which sat near you. As Taehyung heard Hana’s conversation, he smirked and started to eat his lunch. “Shhhh Hyorin.. Not so loud.. Everyone are looking at us.. And it’s not made to public yet. What if one of them tell the press before CH official announcement” Hana tried to silence her best friend. “Okay okay, sorry.. so what is it about that marriage thing?”. Hana explained everything to her best friend . “So, you don’t know who you’re going to marry?” “No” “And you’re fine with it?” “Of course no! I want to marry someone I love.. I don’t want to get married to some stranger” Hana whined to Hyorin. “It’s okay.. You’ll meet him today! And Minho oppa said that he’s going to oppose to your marriage.. And I think that your dad don’t want to marry you off yet” She tried to cheer Hana up.. “Oh please, you know my mother.. And Minho oppa? Please.. he’ll give in as soon as mom will give him something new..” The phone call interrupted their conversation. It was from Hana’s mom

Hana: “Annyeong Eomma! Did you safely came home?”

Mom: “Yes sweetheart.. Don’t forget that will be meeting your future in-laws today! Don’t be late!”

Hana: “Yes Eomma, see you later”

Lunch break ended and Hana went to her class. She didn’t notice Jungkook which was sitting next to her. After 2 hours of lecture her class was dismissed but Hana didn’t want to go home yet. After sitting in her car for a while she decided to head home.. She couldn’t do anything about her marriage thing.

Hana reached her home and went upstairs to dress up before meeting her future parents. She heard knocking at her room. It was her mother. “Hana, is everything okay? Are you rady?” “Eomma, it’s okay, I’m doing my make-up” “Okay.. but hurry! We have 10 more minutes  before they arrival.” “Okay eomma”

*15 minutes later*

Mr. Shin opened the door and announced arrival of Kim family.  As Hana walked down staires she saw people at the entrance. “Hana hurry up! This is mr. and mrs. Kim and their son..” “Kim Taehyung” Hana said before her mother.




Okay.. Thanks for coments! Please leave some more! I hope that I'm getting better at writing this :D

Tomorrow I'll update new chapter :)

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alejandra12 #1
Chapter 19: Cute story hope that you can update soon :)
syaveda #2
Chapter 14: Ummm author-nim
Can u make hana pregie in the day of wedding
So after the ceremony wed,theres a feast right?so why dont make hana vomit and have bloated stomach.
It will be a sweet marriage
This is a really nice story! However, I noticed that you didn't have a poster for this story... If you want, author-nim, I can get a poster for you! Would you like one?? ^^
Nice fic ... wish you luck ^_^
Chapter 1: Nice