TRIP Pt. 1

Hold Me Tight

Decided to post this on Jungkook's birthday. But still haven't write the next chap because I'm having a writer block and I'm out of ideas urgh. Enjoy guys and till next time ~


Ever since the day the event where Jimin had kissed Jungkook, there has never been a moment where Jungkook could stand being alone with Jimin. He would avoid Jimin at any cost and it would be a lie to say that he could not see the way other members would stare at him everytime he refused to do any activities with Jimin, be it a partner or a group choice. He tried to get into the comfort zone when Jimin's around him but he can't. He always ended up ignoring and avoiding Jimin it seems like they were a couple being in a couple fight.

Jimin also stopped treating Jungkook the way he used to do. It's not that he refused to do any affectionate things with Jungkook, he still did it but less than before and it's only for the fans. Backstage, he avoided any interaction with Jungkook.  They seems like two strangers the moment they stepped out of the stage. Those smiles they had exchanged in front of the fans turned into an awkward silent.

A week after that, Taehyung and Hoseok, being the brightest of them all, tried to bring up the mood by suggesting that they went for a trip together that weekend. It has always been Taehyung's dream to have all the members went for the trip with him. But with no cameras and no spotlights on them. He wished for them to enjoy their moment being with each other without any attention from anyone as idols. However, that has not been the case for Hoseok. Hoseok quickly agreed on Tae's ideas as he has other ideas coming up. It's not only for Jimin and Jungkook who has been awkward with each other for the whole week. But also for the weird interaction between Namjoon and Jin. Others may not noticed it since they covered it up well with their acting but Hoseok knew what's going on between them.

"Hyung. You're going right?" Hoseok nudged Yoongi who was walking beside him on the red carpet. He still managed to  flash a bright smile to the cameras clicking non stop at them.

"Where?" Yoongi mumbled out a very low response yet Hoseok caught it on.

"The trip. " Hoseok continues waving at the fans who were shouting at them and gave a fanservice too.

"Take me out of it." Yoongi smiled showing his gum as he waved over the fans on Hoseok's side.

"What?!" Hoseok averted his eyes to Yoongi, he forgot that he was on the red carpet.

"Hey. Focus." Yoongi took his turn to nudge Hoseok's arm, still not forgetting to flash his warm smile to the fans.

"U-uh. But you're not getting out of this Hyung. We'll discuss it later on." Hoseok spit out his warnings to the elder. He brought his head closer to Yoongi and quickly pulled further away when the fans started screaming at their sudden intimate interactions.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulder and mimicked the younger's warning expression. Hoseok muttered out a quiet 'Yah!' to Yoongi. He quickly rounded his mouth, uttering 'You're dead.' to the younger.

-later on at backstage-
All the members were sitting scatteredly at the waiting room. They have just finished their performance and they were heaving out their breath with sweats dripping down their face and neck. The coordis were busy handing them the tissues and fanning them to cool their body down.

Hoseok intentionally grabbed the tissues that were handed to Yoongi and dabbed it all over his sweaty face, wiping away all the sweats that kept on flowing down.

"Yah! Hoseok!" Yoongi shouted and wanted to give a smack to his shoulder but Hoseok managed to back his body away, far from Yoongi's reach.

Hoseok giggled as Yoongi rolled his eyes up in annoying way.

"You know Tae, do we need to attend the whole camp thing? " Yoongi knew that Hoseok was looking at him but he knowingly did it to irritate Hoseok.

"Yes hyung. It's been decided. I've already booked everything. You guys just need to be there and enjoyyyyy" Tae's swinging Yoongi's hand while he rocked his hips left and right, with his cute face, trying to appeal Yoongi.

"But I'd prefer spending my free time at studio." Yoongi hope that Tae would consider him out of the camp.

"Yeah right." Hoseok stopped by his side and gave him a sharp glance before continues making his way to Jin. Yoongi did not respond to Hoseok's diss yet he still had his eyes on Taehyung, waiting for his reply. 

"Ahhhh. Noooo hyung. You have to be there too ~ " Taehyung pulled out a sulking face when he knew that Yoongi wanted to be alone on their free time. Then his plan would be ruined! He had been planning for the whole week for their trip to make it perfect and yet Yoongi wanted to back out. He won't allow it. Never.

"Ah Tae. It'd still be the same right, be it all of you with or without me. " Yoongi tried to make his escape as he went to the corner of the room and took a bottle of water. He's really exhausted due to the performances and in need of a lots of water.

"No! Who said so?! You've always been important to me, to everyone. " Taehyung followed right behind him and sat on the corner of table with a sulking face. 

"Then you won't allow me if I refuse to join?" Yoongi faced him while frowning his brows. He really needs to rest after pulling all long nights to complete his mixtape to perfection.

"Yes. I won't. And it is finals. Everyone. Is. Going. Compulsory. " Taehyung marked his words one by one. Without waiting for Yoongi to reply, he quickly ran away to other side of the room.

"But..Tae..urgh.." Yoongi scrunched up his face as he could caught Hoseok's smirk from the corner of his eyes.

-Day of trip-
"So.. Jin hyung will be at the driver's seat. I"ll take the co-driver's seat. Jimin and Jungkook will be seating on the back and others will be seating in the middle. " Upon giving the tour-guide-alike instruction, Taehyung moved closer to the car and pulled the door open. The others were making their ways to the cardoor lazily as they were forced to wake up at 5am just to get ready for their trip. Some of them yawned couple of times as they made their way to the car and arranged their baggage in the boots.

Jimin and Jungkook especially looked way uncomfortable with Tae's seating arrangement. But they couldn't reject it as no one did. Worried starts to grow inside them. 

Once everything is completed, each of them get inside the car and sat on their so-called designated seat, as Taehyung called it. Those in the middle seat quickly settled in and drifted into sleeps as soon as they got out into the highway. Meantime, Taehyung and Jin was consuming coffees as they have to stay awake along the ride. Furthermore, the weather is quite chilly and rainy. They have to be alert. And the backseat?

Jungkook tried to sleep. Really. He tried. But he can't. He let out a big sigh as he opened up his eyes and stared on the road. Jimin who is obviously can not sleep as well, turned his head over to Jungkook's side upon hearing the younger sighed. As his eyes darted along Jungkook's body, he realized how much gap there is between them. he sighed unconsciously, and now Jungkook's head made a 180 degrees turn to his side. Realizing Jungkook was staring at him, Jimin quickly held up his head. They were now boring their eyes into each other.

The longer Jungkook bored his eyes into Jimin, the longer he could feel the longing inside him for Jimin's attention. The one that Jimin used to give him. The eye-smile that Jimin owns. He missed it.

On the other side, Jimin was fighting with himself. He wanted to speak to Jungkook but nothing would come out of his plump lips. He searched for Jungkook's eyes as Jungkook eyes changed his direction. He was now looking away from Jimin.

Jimin knew that they were the only one who is awake aside from Jin and Taehyung. He knew that there won't be another chance like this again. And so he took all the courage that the had to move closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook could feel Jimin's body came closer to his. He knew he did not have any room to move farther and so he froze in his place as Jimin's thigh came in contact with his. That's the closest they would get.

"Hey. Um.. " Jimin swore his inside is flipping about as he started to talk to Jungkook in a whisper. Just as he got the courage to speak up to Jungkook, he could not remember what he wanted to say. He practiced it numerous times but at the real moment, his lips went numb and his mind went blank.

"That day.. I'm sorry.." Damn. This is not what he wanted to say to Jungkook. He cursed himself inside as Jungkook went into a confusing mode at Jimin's words.

"For what.. Nothing happened." Jungkook meant for the words to be said in a calm way but it come out cold and it hurts Jimin in a meanest way possible.

"We..Jungkook ah.." Jimin was flustered at Jungkook's cold reply.

"I'm sleepy, hyung." It was short. But could be interpreted in many ways and in many tones. It could be that he wanted to stop talking about the kiss or he was really sleepy. And it did not take Jimin long time to know it was the first one. They have lived together long enough for them to know each other's body languages.

"O-okay. Just thought that..we need some clarification about it.." Jimin continued talking even when Jungkook already had his eyes closed. He knew that this was his  golden chance to disscus it with Jungkook as they would never have other time to discuss it. Because Jungkook avoided him almost everytime they would have the chance to sit together.

"There's nothing to clarify. Nothing happened." Jungkook's quick reply makes  Jimin's heart sunk. He must be hating it that much that he denied the kiss that had happened, Jimin thought. His face fell and the words he had arranged before scattered around, leaving him mute.

"Right. It is.. Nothing.." Jimin can't really make out any respond on that. He sounded sad and sniffed a sob as he moved his body away from Jungkook when suddenly a cold hand gripped his.

"I'm cold." Jungkook sighed. He refused to admit it. He did not want Jimin to stay away and he needed an excuse. And that was a bad excuse. Truth is, he's also confused with his own feelings. He wanted Jimin but he's not confirmed yet if it's just affection towards an older brother or as a man. And he hated the fact that his heart sank too when he heard Jimin's voice sounded low.

Jimin darted his eyes on the hand and moved his eyes upwards. Jungkook's black eyes was staring into his welled up eyes. He blinked rapidly.

Jimin's body leaned closer to Jungkook without waiting for his mind to interpret what was happening.

"Closer. " Jimin swore the way Jungkook utter it out was demanding and manly. Oh wait, did he just said that Jungkook sounded manly? Crap. Since when did he saw Jungkook as an adult? Isn't Jungkook still a baby? Another gulp goes down his throat.

Shuffling his body closer to Jungkook, Jimin's breath hitched as Jungkook swiftly landed his head on Jimin's small shoulder frame. Adjusting his body a little, he hummed in a comfortable way. His soft fluffy black wavy hair brushed Jimin's flushed cheek in a way Jimin would appreciate if he have it everyday.

Jimin tried to steady his nervously shaking breath while wandering his eyes on the road. It was chilly and he could felt a jolt of electric went through his small frame as the van went over a corner and hell yes Jin make a swift turn over there and Jungkook's body was pressing against his. Their body was literally in touch but of course through the clothes they were wearing.

Knowing that Jungkook's breathing went quiet and his chest pumping outwards in a steady way, he calmed himself down. Then only he knew how his body was stretching along the moment.

His small hands were itching to hold onto the big hands of the younger as few minutes passed. But he would not dare to do that as he would not want the air between them got any more awkward than it already be. 

However his feelings overcome his uncertainness. Deep and long breaths made his way as he reached out his hands to the others'. While keeping watch on the younger's body movements, he slipped his hands into Jungkook's rough and manly hands. His tiny little hand does really fit perfectly into Jungkook's. He smiled into the intimate touch that made his heart bubbles into a string of happiness. . Did he just smiled at the thought of being able to hold his hands? And did he just said that Jungkook's hand is manly?

Unexpectedly, Jungkook's hand gripped his and his crescent smile faded away. His steady breathing went on like a storm and the realization hit him. He felt his body shuddered as he thought Jungkook would pushed him away and scold him.

'Is Jungkook awake?' His eyes blinked crazily at the thought of Jungkook's reaction on his brave act. But Jungkook stayed still like nothing happened. He gulped again. 

When he was sure that Jungkook is actually still asleep, Jimin let out a relieved sigh as his tensed body went into a calm state again. 
Little did he know Jungkook's lips was slightly tugged to the corner while he had his eyes closed.





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Chapter 16: COUPLE GOALS!!!
JIMINIE PABO and JUNGKOOKIE PABO being awkward and all pfft
Chapter 14: so goooooooooooood mmm yoonsoek so good
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Chapter 14: Omg >< cuteness overdose ... gosh I love yoonseok so ing much.. thank you for update^^
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Chapter 13: My two otps is YoonSeok and Namjin and the closeness of 2seok is sooooo cute! I love it!! Please update soon!
Chapter 12: Yoonseok & Namjin *^* love them to bits
Hyukjae4everyword #8
Chapter 12: Yay an update~ It's nice seeing some development between Seokjin and Namjoon ^^ I hope Hobi will help them out.
Thanks for updating!