Suit Yourself

Hold Me Tight

Yoongi groaned as he felt something heavy was pushing him on the bed. To be exact, he was sure it was one of s.

"Hyung. Wake up~" His lips curved into a smile as he recognized the owner of the voice who was now making weird sound above his head without needing to open his eyes. He sighed in comfort as the other's hair brushed over his face.

It's the lavender scent. It's him.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a sunshine smile of Hoseok, just as he expected. Hoseok was laying beside him on the bed, facing him with one of his elbow down on the mattress, holding on his head from falling.

"What time is it Hoseok ah?" He grunted when Hoseok kept on pulling his hands, wanting him to get up from his bed. He was now laying his back on the mattress with his hands on his forehead, not giving up on his sleep. He was still weary from the work and he truly wanted more rest.

"It's already noon hyung. Wake up~" Hoseok's aegyo came out. He hang both of his hands onto Yoongi's hand, swinging it side by side.

"Can you let me sleep some more? I came in at 6.." Yoongi tried to plead but then he knew that he made a mistake when Hoseok's grip on his hand loosen.

"What?! You came back at 6?! I thought we promised. You said you will be back earlier..!" Hoseok pouted. Yesterday before he tailed Jin, he went to search for Yoongi at his workroom. And they make a promise.

Hoseok pushed the door to sight Yoongi rapping while scribbling something on his notes. Yoongi kept on tapping the table, following the rhythm that he was listening to through his headphone. He ran his little fingers to the keyboard and played some keys, nodding as he felt satisfied and shook his head when he felt it doesn't feel right.

Hoseok tip-toed to Yoongi who was still immersed in doing his work, not even realized that Hoseok has been watching him for a while now. Hoseok stand still behind Yoongi who was sitting on the chair.

He pulled his hand out of his pockets and decided to tease Yoongi. Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's headphone lightly from both sides and placed his face besides the latter. He was suprised that Yoongi still did not realized that.

When he pulled Yoongi's headphone off his head, he quickly blew to Yoongi's ears. He let out a giggle as Yoongi winced at sudden movement of his headphone and also the sudden blow.

Yoongi looked over his side with a shocked face. "Yah Jung Hoseokkkk. You almost got me heart attack!" Yoongi's cheeks blushed with red tint when Hoseok's face was too close to his.

Hoseok moved from the back of the chair and took a seat on the couch, still squealing like a little girl.

"Hyung. You should see your face just now. You're so cute. Hahaha.." Hoseok wiped the tears that came out from his eyes as a result of excessive laughing. He slowed down his laugh and reorganized his breath.

"You little kid.." Yoongi turned his chair around. He threw a death glare at Hoseok but his face was actually burning up.

Did Hoseok just said that he's cute? Aish this kid. I should stop imagining. Yoongi shook the thoughts off his mind.

"Aigoo Yoongi hyung..but hyung..what are you doing? We just ended our dance practice and you're now working on your songs?" Hoseok collected his sane mind back and started the real talk.

"Uh-uh..can't rest for too long" Yoongi gave out a simple answer to Hoseok's question.

"But have just recovered from your high fever..and you just got back from our hell kind of practice.. Take it easy hyung.." Hoseok leaned forward and gave a light tap and grip to his shoulder. He gave an intent gaze to Yoongi. He wanted Yoongi to rest. It hasn't been that long since Yoongi recovered.

"Hoseok. It's been 5 days since I got out of the hospital. I'm totally fine now so you don't have to worry." Yoongi's stubbornness strike again. Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's hand on his shoulder and took it into his hands. He firmly gripped his hands in attempt to assure that he's fine.

"Okay. But you must promise me that you'll not be stucked up in here till dawn. You have to be back at home the latest by 2." Hoseok's stern voice got Yoongi grinned widely. Since when did Hoseok become so demanding like this?

"What are you? My mom?" Yoongi chuckled, teasing Hoseok who was now standing with his hands on his waist, like a typical mom would as she scold his child.

"Hyung! If you don't promise me, I'll drag you out of here, right now." Hoseok whined and stomped when Yoongi did not want to compromise to his words.

"Yes yes. I got it." Yoongi nodded several times.

"Then I'll be off now. Bye hyung." Yoongi moved his chair closer to the table again. He was now focusing again on his work as he saw Hoseok heading to the door.

" and hyung.." Yoongi tilted his head to the door.

"Fighting!" Hoseok shot him flying kisses before he disappeared behind the shutted door.

Yoongi looked down on the floor and ran his index finger behind his ears, scratching below his ears eventhough it is not itchy. He let out a little content laugh and a smirk.

"This fella.."

"I know. But I did not realize that the time was ticking so quickly. When I finished my work, it's already 5.30." Yoongi explained to Hoseok. It's true though.

"I should have just dragged you back home at that time." Hoseok pulled out a sulky face.

"Hey. It's not a big deal. I came home safe and sound right? Come on, I'm not a child anymore. I know how to take care of myself. " Yoongi muttered, looking up at Hoseok. Hoseok stood at the end of his bed. He had been the type that wouldn't like to be asked multiple times.

"Yeah right. " Hoseok stood in silence.

Yoongi sighed at the sight of Hoseok being grumpy at him. He's not used to grumpy Hoseok. And he's tired. He did not want to pull a fight right now. It won't be good.

"Hoseok. Let's talk later. I need to catch up on some sleep." Yoongi stated calmly but to Hoseok's ears, he thought that Yoongi thinks of him annoyingly at that moment.

"Okay then. Suit yourself." Hoseok bolted out of the room with a teary eyes. Before he chocked on tears, he needed to stay away from the elder. He did not want Yoongi to see him crying. He did not want Yoongi know that he lost to his emotion.

He went into his room and slammed the door hard. Causing Taehyung and Jimin who was watching drama on television sent each other a shocked look. They shrugged their shoulder and continues watching the drama.

Why is it so hard for Yoongi to realize that he was worried about him because..because he love him..

Yes. He have been loving Yoongi ever since they were trainees. And even before they knew each other actually. He had always stay back late during dance practice just to wait Yoongi finished his work and then they would walked home together. He thought that Yoongi would realized his feelings but Yoongi did not catch up at all.

Meanwhile in the room, Yoongi couldn't sleep a wink after he heard the door slammed hard. He knew that he made another mistake. And he did not know what to do now. Should he go after Hoseok? Or maybe not. Hoseok must be very angry at him right now. So he decided to sleep again. Two hours later, Taehyung came inside his room. He lightly shook Yoongi's shoulder in hesitation. He searched for Yoongi's eyes as Yoongi's eyelid started to blink.

"Hyung. What happen? Why did Hoseok hyung came out of the room with tears?" Taehyung's questions leaves Yoongi dumbfounded. It took him a while to caught on the question.

Ah right. Just before he sleep, he was in argument with Hoseok. Well he wouldn't call it an argument. He'd say it's a misunderstanding. Nevertheless, he made a mistake. And Hoseok. Hoseok cried. He made Hoseok cried.

"Where is he?"

"He's been locking himself inside the room for two hours now. And he wouldn't replied to anything as we asked. Not to mention he refused lunch. And he did not even had his breakfast yet."

"What? "

"Yes. He said that he wanted to have breakfast with you. That's why he came here. But then this happens."

"Oh ."

"Why hyung?"

"I messed up, Tae."

"Did you say that he locked the door? Don't we have the keys?"

"Ah right. We do."

"Get me the key. Now."

Yoongi jolted out of the room, making his way to the kitchen. He took a glance on the clock. It's already 2pm.

And Hoseok haven't had his food yet?

He blamed himself for this.

Warm these up first before you eat. Remember, Hoseok can't eat cold foods. -JIN-

Yoongi smiled automatically at the cute note that the elder had left on the table. He moved the tray under the food cover to the other table. He heat it up anxiously.

"Hyung. Here's the key." Taehyung came panting and shoved the key to Yoongi's hands.

"Ah Taehyung. Thanks." Yoongi gripped the key tightly.

"Small matter." Taehyung gave a fighting grip to his shoulder.

He did not knock before locking the door on. Upon unlocking the door, he caught a sight of bulging blanket.

Hoseok wrapped himself under the cover. But Yoongi did not hear any sound. The room was quiet. Yoongi moved his body closer to the bed and took a seat beside Hoseok. He pulled down the cover and discover Hoseok curling up under it. Hoseok was sleeping. And Yoongi could see that the pillow besides his face was wet. Hoseok must have been crying till he slept. It broke Yoongi's heart. He immediately regretted his decision earlier. He should have went after Hoseok.

Yoongi ran his fingers on Hoseok's cheeks. He held his breath as he leaned down closer to his cheeks and kissed it lightly. He wanted to kiss away the traces of tears on Hoseok's cheeks. When he backed his face away, he could feel Hoseok's body moving about.

To Hoseok's surprise, Yoongi is sitting by his side. Their eyes met. Yoongi tried to talk to Hoseok but before he was able to open his mouth, Hoseok circled his body around to the other side while scoffing.

"Hoseok ah. I'm sorry. " The latter remained silent. He shut his eyes closed and remained frozen at his spot. Not wanting to accept Yoongi's apology.

"Hoseok.." Yoongi tried to hold Hoseok's arms but Hoseok shook Yoongi's hand off him.

"Okay. I won't do it again. I promise. " Yoongi held out his right hand like he was taking a pledge even though Hoseok can't see him anyway.

"Hoseok ah. Why are you crying?" Yoongi panicked as he heard Hoseok's sob.

"Do I annoy you, hyung?" Hoseok mumbled under his sobbing.

"No you're not. It's..just me.. I'm the one at fault..I'm sorry for making you worry."

"But you told me off earlier. Clearly you're annoyed of me. Right?" Even if Yoongi couldn't see Hoseok's face from behind, he knew that Hoseok was pouting when he said that.

"No. Hoseok. No. Come on. Look at me now. " Yoongi grasp Hoseok's arm and Hoseok reluctantly turned around. His heart actually soften from Yoongi's continuous apology.

"I'm..I'm sorry.." Yoongi touched Hoseok's chin so he would be able to stare at each other's eyes. He sincerely apologized. Then he used his other hands to wipe away Hoseok's tears that was flowing down his cheeks.

"I heard that you haven't had your breakfast yet."

"Yeah. I went to woke up some fella so that I could have breakfast with him but ended up crying and slept while being hungry." Hoseok tried to tease Yoongi with his low and deep voice.

"I-I'm really sorry. " And the bait got caught. Yoongi seriously felt sorry as he knew that recently Hoseok has been having problems with his eating order. He lost his appetite and then it would affect him later on. There was a time Hoseok fainted because he has been practicing without rest. Yoongi's face fell as he heard Hoseok said so.

Hoseok squealed while pulling the blanket up to cover his giggle. Yoongi lifted his head in daze.

"Yah Jung Hoseok. You seriously.." Yoongi gave Hoseok a slight punch on his arms, trying to cover his embarassment.

"Then you can eat alone. I'll be making my way out. " Yoongi put down the tray he was holding on the table.

Hoseok instinctively pulled Yoongi's arms, refusing Yoongi to leave.

"Hyung. Let's eat together. I know you haven't eat yet too." Hoseok scouped the soup and brought it closer to Yoongi's mouth.

"No it's okay. I'll eat by myself." Yoongi pushed Hoseok's hand and the spoon changed hands. Yoongi ate the soup by his own while alternately feeding Hoseok as well. He couldn't hide his blush as Hoseok kept on locking their gaze together.



I'm super busy as of now and for the next few weeks I dunno whether I'd have the time to write up the continuation.

Sorry guys but let's just hope I'll have the time to write and update.

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Chapter 16: COUPLE GOALS!!!
JIMINIE PABO and JUNGKOOKIE PABO being awkward and all pfft
Chapter 14: so goooooooooooood mmm yoonsoek so good
Chapter 14: Gah Yoonseok *^* take ur time updating authornim
woosansweetkins #4
Chapter 14: Omg >< cuteness overdose ... gosh I love yoonseok so ing much.. thank you for update^^
Chapter 13: Oh my Namjin hearteu, this is so cute loved the update
Chapter 13: My two otps is YoonSeok and Namjin and the closeness of 2seok is sooooo cute! I love it!! Please update soon!
Chapter 12: Yoonseok & Namjin *^* love them to bits
Hyukjae4everyword #8
Chapter 12: Yay an update~ It's nice seeing some development between Seokjin and Namjoon ^^ I hope Hobi will help them out.
Thanks for updating!