Staym Blya


Daehyun woke up in a white bedroom. Everything was so bright. It looked like everything was made of ice, but it wasn’t cold. He was only wearing a white pair of pants and a white top, but he felt warm.

Suddenly he remembered.


He called and got up from the bed. He walked bare footed on the ice floor to the door but it opened before he reached for it.


Said a tall figure.

“I’m Zelo. I believe you’re Daehyun.”

“Ye- Yes. Where am I?”

“You’re in Staym Blya’s castle. My castle. I saw you and your friends needed some help and you were close by so I took you all in.”

“They’re not my friends. Where’s Youngjae?”

Daehyun was feeling suspicious.

“I’ll take you to him if that’s your wish.”

Zelo and Daehyun walked through the ice castle for about 10 minutes until they reached the other end.

“He’s inside.”                                                                                                                    

Zelo motioned to an embellished ice door in front of them. Daehyun got in and saw Youngjae also wearing all white, lying peacefully on the bed.  Right now Youngjae looked like an angel, not a witch.


Daehyun said softly his face.

Youngjae opened his eyes. He still had one brown eye and one grey eye which meant, half of the evil witch was still inside him, which was keeping him alive.

Daehyun smiled to Youngjae.

“Why are you smiling?”

“I’m just happy to see you.”

Youngjae smiled back, but then his eyes went dark and he started laughing.

“I will win in the end Daehyun.”

He said before he fell into sleep again.

Daehyun was shocked with the change he just witnessed.

“Will he be ok?”

He asked Zelo, who was at the door.

“I’m sorry…”

Zelo shook his head.

“I’ll leave you alone for a moment.”

Zelo got out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Daehyun wanted to cry but he had no more tears left. So he started singing. He sang a sad, sad song, but the sound of his voice was beautiful. He was singing to Youngjae, and on the other side of the door Zelo was listening. Jongup also appeared at that moment and stood there listening. Then came Himchan. They were all impregnated with the sound of his voice when Daehun suddenly stopped. They all found it strange so they entered the room abruptly.

Inside they saw Daehyun petrified leaning to one corner while a dark shadow came out of Youngjae.

Zelo took a step forward and with a calm gesture of his hand he transformed the shadow into ice. Then Jongup joined his hands and threw an avalanche of wind against the ice breaking it into millions of thin pieces.

Himchan was holding his little black box but he couldn’t use it.

“Call Yongguk!”

He told the others.

“We don’t have time!”

Zelo said.

“You have to act now!”

The shadow was starting to reunite again from the pieces of ice all over the floor.

“Himchan you can do it.”

Jongup said looking at him confidently. So Hicmhan grabbed his square black box, and opened it. But for some reason it wasn’t working. The shadow continued to flood the room like a thunderstorm.

“Daehyun sing!”

Zelo screamed at him through the sound of the lightnings.


“Your voice caused this, the shadow was weak. Try to sing again!”



Everyone shouted at him. So Daehyun closed his eyes and started to sing his sad song. His voice was perfect and Zelo was right. The shadow was begging to get smaller and smaller.

“Himchan, now!”

Himchan opened the box again and this time it was working. The shadow was being captured inside the box. When it ended the echo of Daehyun’s voice resonated through the ice walls, and Yongguk appeared.

“Is everyone alright?”

He asked alarmed.


Himchan said smiling.

“I did it.”

He showed his box to Yongguk and Yongguk took his box from his pocket. There was half of the witch evilness in each little box.

“Now we have to find a way to destroy it.”

“I know the way.”

Said Zelo.

“Somebody, help!”

Daehyun shouted. He was leaning over Youngjae. His both eyes were brown now, but he was dying.

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Chapter 17: Aww that's so cute! Thank you author-nim. Will there be a sequel???
Chapter 11: this story is so good! it's so complex and cool, this is your first fic too oh gosh (o w o)
daejae are so cute here, it is so great that daehyun saved youngjae ; - ;
and you update so often, it's a dream come true *w*
can't wait for the next chappie ^^
Chapter 7: Such a great story so far!!! Can't wait to read more!!
sarabang #4
Chapter 3: Where's my baby jello am so curious abt him
Pls update soon ;-)
stefi177 #5
Chapter 1: interesting so far! hope to see more soon! good luck ^^