Croissants and congee


"We eat in the dining room." Luhan explained. "And shower in the bathrooms. And play in the game rooms and swim in the swimming pool."

"Swimming pool?" I stammered. There was a swimming pool here?

"Yeah." Luhan continued. "And we try to stay in our respective bedrooms. We were lenient on you last night since you're new Eunwoo."

"Guess what we do in our bedrooms?" Kai lifted a brow and smiled cheekily.

I gave him a glare and he took a step away before I used force.

"Breakfast is ready!" I heard a shout from the kitchen.

"Let's go to the dining room." Luhan suggested. 


"Let's go!!!!!" Kai bellowed at the top of his lungs and slung an arm around me. He dragged me with him to the room.

The table was empty. There was no food set on it at all. My stomach grumbled. I was expecting food. 

"Awww." Kai and I groaned in unison.

"Those who whine are not allowed to eat." Someone snapped at us.

I looked to the door which connected the kitchen to the dining room. There stood a girl in a frilly pink apron. She was bringing in trays with steaming hot toasts, croissants, congee. What the hell? She made everything. She was so pretty too but not as pretty as Luhan. 

Wait a minute.

If she's the one who spoke earlier, was she not a she? I mean, her voice was deep like a guy's.

"Oh is this Eunwoo?" The cook asked, looking to Kai for answers.

Kai nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, D.O! Look at this cute ugly little thing."


"Ow, not again." Kai groaned. "It was Luhan who said it."

Before I knew it, D.O had put all the food on the table and grabbed me by the arm. "You have to try my cooking, Eunwoo."


D.O led me to the head of the table and sat me down. "Just eat."

Kai looked up enviously. "What about me?"

"You." D.O put on a stern voice. "There's more in the kitchen, bring those out and you can have a slice of toast."

"Hungry." Kai whined and dropped down dramatically. "I'm so hungry." 

D.O sighed angrily. "Just bring the food here, and you can eat like you've been starving since the day you were born." D.O snapped at him.

Kai stood up straight away with bright eyes. 

"D.O's cooking is really good, Eunwoo." Luhan had caught up and stood at the door of the dining room. "As long as he brings it out before it cools down, it's fine."

"Luhan, you too! Go help Kai." 

Luhan smiled. "I knew you were going to say that." He whisked away to the kitchen before D.O could say another word against him.

D.O turned to me with a smile. "How is everything?"

Luhan was right. "Everything is delicious."

D.O beamed proudly. "Then you better eat it all."

It sounded more like an order than a mere suggestion.

I looked to all the food he had placed in front of me. There were three croissants and a large bowl of congee. He expected me to finish all this?

"There are dishes that need washing." D.O added and looked at me darkly.

Wow. D.O was evil.

I was a bit irritated by that. Okay, maybe a lot. 

I spooned a layer of the congee and bit into the croissant. "Are you a girl?" I asked him in between chews. I knew though, I was certain now of his gender. I looked to his pink frilly apron with no expression whatsoever on my face.

D.O stared at me, and then at his apron. He hastily took it off, almost ripping it in the process. I watched everything with a satisfied smirk on my face. Gosh, it felt better pissing off this devilish cook.  


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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 18: Rereading ur story. I hope to see more :)
Chapter 17: I thought you were dead author-nim.
Chapter 7: So i was reading a ff.. Then in my alerts "New Story Updates! " and i just so happened to see ugky first... And i literally screamed "OMG UGLY GOT UPDATED OMG OMG OMG AN UPDATE omg" and my brother looked at me with that 'do i knoe u' look and then i stood there giving him the 'why dafaq u lyin'stare and then he just... Yea i got smacked... But at least, UGLY GOT UPDATED OMGGGGG