Behind the masks


"I'm going to call you Sae." Lu said abruptly.

I was shocked. He even remembered my name. No one remembers me and yet this boy here remembers my name. Heart attack?

No. I couldn't look suspicious. "What?!" I feigned. "Why?"

"Because you remind me of her." He said simply.

"What? Her name's Sae?"

"Sort of." Luhan said slowly. He really doesn't lie.

But I didn't pester him anymore. I smiled delightfully. He was like an old friend. It made me feel warm. Luhan smiled back at me. 

"Woah woah, you guys look like you're in love..."

Lu and I turned to the voice. Kai was standing at the door to our common room kitchen. Beside him was a Sehun who was eyeing us nervously. Chen was smiling from ear to ear. The creep though, had a smug expression. He walked up to Lu and elbowed him playfully. "So what were you talking about Lulu?" He raised his eyebrows as well.

It was so annoying that I had to look away. 

"We were talking about first love." Luhan admitted honestly, like he usually does.

Does he ever hide anything from anyone. I guess this was his creepy best friend, that's why it doesn't matter if he tells him.

Kai was a little shocked. He quickly turned my way when Lu mentioned it. I glared at him, wondering why he was looking at me. My thoughts were immediately answered.

"You had a first love?" He asked.

I couldn't tell whether he was asking me seriously or not, but there was no way that I was spilling secrets to someone like him. I smirked at him and decided to have some fun. "Of course I have a first love." I intentionally raised my voice. Then I approached the pretty prince and looped our arms together. "Don't you know that it's Prince Lu?" I faced Lu and winked at him. He blinked back, utterly confused.

Kai was in complete astonishment. "Really?" He asked.

"Of course." I exclaimed. "Lu is my favourite here."

Kai didn't say anything, but I could tell that he 100% believed every word I said.

"You're gay!!!!!" Sehun cried. "But you said you weren't into guys."

"Lu changed me." I looked at the poor boy, put a hand to my chest and acted dramatically. 

"EWWWWWWW!!!!!" Sehun appeared to be shaking, as if he was going to go into anaphylactic shock and then he dashed away from sight. 

The creep suddenly grabbed me by the hand and dragged me out the door. I could only hear one thing before I was whisked out. "Chen, that's Eunwoo's, I mean Sae's." Lu had said.

This creep had his grip hard on me. It hurt a little but I kept it in. I reminded myself that I was a guy and I had to act like one. He led me to the basement and shut us both in. It was pitch black but then he pulled a string and a dim bulb . 

"Why did you drag me here?" I asked instantly. 

He looked at me. He almost seemed angry. "Don't talk about first love like that." He told me. Even his tone was serious. "Not in front of Lu."

I was confused. "Why?" I asked. 

"Lu takes it really seriously." Kai said. "His first love is not something you can joke about."

What? Kai was being particularly strange. "It was just a joke. I'm pretty sure that Lu knew I was joking. What's wrong with you?"

"He knows you're joking." Kai explained. "But that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt him."

I shook my head, trying to lighten the matter. "Do you have a first love?"

Kai was a silent for a moment. But after some time, he shook his head. "No, never."

I clicked my tongue. "Then what would you know about first love? You're just as inexperienced as me."

He scoffed. "When it comes to first love, Luhan is probably the closest that comes to it." His glare was intense, I felt cold all of a sudden. "And I have watched him suffer from his first love. Do you know why he doesn't lie?" I was frozen but Kai continued out of frustration. "He doesn't lie because he thinks that if he does so, he will meet her again one day."

I was speechless. I didn't know that Lu was like this. He seemed so calm and blunt that he was unfazed by anything.

"Just because he doesn't lie, doesn't mean he doesn't hide things." 

The only words that I could say was, "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Kai looked at me, still frustrated. "Of course you wouldn't, all you do is pity yourself."

That statement hit me like truck. "What?"

"I'm so ugly. No one's ever going to love me." He squeaked. "Why can't I be hot like Kai or pretty like Luhan? Why can't I fit into this class of excellence? They have it all, the brains, the looks. Boohoo." He rubbed his eyes, brushing away non-existent tears.

"Stuff you!" I belted and punched him on the arm. "You may be smart and good looking but you're still a creep."

"I'll take it."

I looked at him, bewildered. "What?" I said. The light bulb started flickering. 

But Kai and I were just eyeing each other. He wore a smirk. "I'll be a creep and ask you, honestly, do you have a first love?"

It wasn't what he was saying. It was how he said it. He sounded so gentle, so tranquil. Somehow I felt sincerity in his words. He was genuinely curious. The light bulb died. But that made me feel safer. Somehow I could be more honest spouting truths in the dark. "I had a first love." I admitted.

"What happened?" Kai asked.

"I confessed," I had to keep in mind that I should use girl pronouns, "And she called me ugly."

I couldn't see Kai's face so I couldn't read him. After a moment of silence, he spoke. "I see." He said. I expected more but that was all. "Oh," he added, "You can change the light bulb now."


"It's out." 

As if I didn't know that.

"There should be some in that top box on the back wall." Kai said.

I growled and reluctantly looked. He was master for a day. "Hey creep." I said as I removed the old bulb and fixed on the new. "What about your first love?"

At that moment, he pulled the string turning on the basement light. I realised that he was right in front of me, and that he was watching me the whole time. His eyes though looked soulless. It looked like there was hatred in those eyes. But it also seemed like sadness. What is wrong with this guy? His face is all over the place. 

In time, he pulled his lips up into a side smirk. "I don't know, Eunwoo-ah..." He sang.

Damn this creep. 

No. If it was true about what he had said about Lu, it might mean that he was hiding something distraught behind that smile too. Suddenly I wanted to understand this creep. I wanted to see what was behind his mask. As well as Lu's, as well as everyone else's. 


A/N: not edited


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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 18: Rereading ur story. I hope to see more :)
Chapter 17: I thought you were dead author-nim.
Chapter 7: So i was reading a ff.. Then in my alerts "New Story Updates! " and i just so happened to see ugky first... And i literally screamed "OMG UGLY GOT UPDATED OMG OMG OMG AN UPDATE omg" and my brother looked at me with that 'do i knoe u' look and then i stood there giving him the 'why dafaq u lyin'stare and then he just... Yea i got smacked... But at least, UGLY GOT UPDATED OMGGGGG