True beauty lies within?



Oh no! It was that creep's voice again. I turned around to see him, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Panicking, I spun around and ran in the opposite direction. 

Only to bump into someone. 

"Watch where you're going." I looked up to see Luhan's dazzling smile. "Are you alright, Eunwoo?"

I felt myself blushing so I steered away from him and stood a good foot away. Why was he making me blush? 

"Eunwoo-ah!" Kai had unfortunately caught up. He whisked me in his arms and messed my hair. "Why were you running away from me, you potato?"

"Po- potato?" I stuttered.

"I think it suits you perfectly." Luhan commented. "Your hoodie is the same muddy colour."

Thanks Luhan. Thanks for the compliment.  

"Hey Eunwoo, it's still the weekend. What do you want to do before you start school?" Kai asked expecting a response. 

"I'll stay home today, thanks." 

"Cool, let's go shopping." Kai beamed at me.

He completely ignored me. I growled. 

"We need to prep you up for school, Eunwoo." Luhan began.

I gave the prince a look of annoyance. "I've got everything I need already!" 

"But your attire is off putting." Luhan elaborated. "And your hair looks like Medusa's snakes. Your complexion is ghastly despite your fair complexion. You're no different from a troll."

"Luhan!" I snapped at him. "I don't need any of this. All I need is a place to study. Is that too much to ask for?"

"Believe me. You need so much more." Luhan interjected. His insults. How was he able to say it so seriously? Was he not aware how offensive he was?

Kai chuckled. "Don't worry, I've got some clothes I can lend you for the day." He grinned. "It might be a bit too big for you though." He eyed my short stature. 

I whacked his head. "I don't need it. I'm perfectly fine with what I'm wearing."

"Hey hey, what's with the ruckus in the morning?"

The three of us turned to an extra voice. 

"Oh Min!" Kai said. "Morning. You're looking y as usual." 

I watched the man intently. The man was in a set of sport trunks and a tank with a towel around his neck. He was sweating bullets and his hair was extremely wet. I saw his biceps and unconsciously began to drool.

"You're arms are gorgeous!" Luhan mouthed. I turned to him appalled. He just said my thoughts out loud.

"Is that..." Xiumin began.

"Ah, this is Eunwoo." Luhan began. "Eunwoo, that's Xiumin."

"Morning." Xiumin smiled and I died a little.

"Hi." I breathed.

"See!" Kai exclaimed.

I turned to him, frustrated. "See what?"

"You like this kind of thing, why don't you do something about it?"

I lifted a brow.

Kai held my shoulders and leaned in. "You want to be beautiful. You want to be manly. Why are you depriving yourself from what you want?" Kai hit my shoulder like I was his brother-friend. "Go get it."

He totally misunderstood my feminine attraction for physical goals. I was actually happy with that.

Luhan nodded behind him and smiled encouragingly. "I believe that it will be tough, but you can be as beautiful as all of us if you work on it, Eunwoo."

"Are you guys shallow?" I pondered. "What happened to all that about true beauty being within?" I know that I was sounding all philosophical and sappy but I believed that wholeheartedly. That's why I never did anything. As long as I was good at heart, I didn't mind how I looked.

Xiumin smiled at me. "I agree with you, Eunwoo. The true beauty of a person lies within, that's what people look for in another person." He said. "But we ourselves know who we are within, so we find a way to love ourselves by focusing on the outside."

Luhan nodded again. "Inner beauty is for others. Outer beauty is for yourself."

"To put it in baby terms, Eunwoo-ah." Kai's tone was chirpy. "You don't love yourself. And we're helping you to."

I stared at Kai dazed. He was the creep who was teasing me yesterday and today too. I didn't even know he was capable of spouting out such words. Why was it having an impact on me?

"OWW!! Leeeh yi go!" I howled at the man who was squeezing my cheeks.

Kai let me go and pinched my nose. I scrunched up and looked at him, irritated. He smiled at me brightly. "I'm hungry now."

His words earlier were pretty, so I won't punch him this time. 


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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 18: Rereading ur story. I hope to see more :)
Chapter 17: I thought you were dead author-nim.
Chapter 7: So i was reading a ff.. Then in my alerts "New Story Updates! " and i just so happened to see ugky first... And i literally screamed "OMG UGLY GOT UPDATED OMG OMG OMG AN UPDATE omg" and my brother looked at me with that 'do i knoe u' look and then i stood there giving him the 'why dafaq u lyin'stare and then he just... Yea i got smacked... But at least, UGLY GOT UPDATED OMGGGGG