Who are you?


"When I'm sad, I like to eat this soup." Pretty boy explained.

I cringed at the bowl in front of me. There was something I clearly despised in there. Carrots. Like who could eat carrots? They were like oompah loompahs oompah loomping in this broth. I shuddered but tried to hide it from Luhan. He had put so much effort into making it for me. 

"Carrot soup is the best." Luhan said enthusiastically. No, they aren't. "Try it."

I lifted a spoon of soup, with no carrots and put it to my lips. The broth was superb. Perfect. I don't think I've had soup like this before. 

"Why don't you eat the carrots?" Luhan asked curiously. He grabbed a clean spoon and started chopping them up.

No! No! No! "I hate carrots!" I blurted. 

"But Eunwoo, the carrots are what makes the soup sweet." Luhan added. 

I gave him a confused look. "No way." I shuddered. "You're lying."

"No." Luhan said calmly. "I'm not. And if I'm lying, I would tell you."

I pointed my spoon at him. "True." I admitted, and continued eating the soup. 

"So what is it that makes you so upset?" 

I spluttered a little.

Luhan looked genuinely curious. "I'm just curious."

You don't say....

"You hate being handsome." He wondered. "That is quite out of the ordinary."

"It's nothing weird." I muttered, taking another spoonful of soup.

"Don't you want a girlfriend?"

I choked at that. I eyed him with disbelief. Do guys really talk about these kind of things? I cleared my throat whilst thinking of something. "I would want a lover who doesn't care about how I look."

"Of course." Pretty boy agreed. "I mean sooner or later, they will have to be comfortable enough to see you and do gross things like fart, have the occasional diarrhoea, get fat as you age."

I lifted a hand to stop him. "Please, I am eating Lu."

Luhan was shocked. "I apologise for it then." He smiled sheepishly.

"What's with the smile?" I asked.

"You just called me Lu." He grinned from ear to ear. "It means that you're getting comfortable. I'm glad you're fitting in, Eunwoo."

He was right. I did give him a nickname. And it was Kai's nickname for him at that. I was quite shocked myself. This can't be right. Luhan must have mysterious powers or something. How was I able to open up to him so easily?

I realised that this was very unlike me and literally shrugged it off. "I'm just annoyed because everyone wants me to be something I'm not." I took a spoonful of soup and shoved it in my mouth. I realised that there was a carrot piece in there and groaned with my mouth closed if that was possible. My face scrunched up distortedly and I shook my head with discontent. 

When my eyes opened, I saw Luhan looking at me bewildered. I gulped, mortified. "You must really hate carrots." He said simply, not looking away. 

Annoyed, I glared at him. "What are you looking at?" I snapped at him.

Luhan bit his lip, probably wondering whether to tell me or not. In the end he decided to say it. "You just reminded me of someone. That's all." He said.

I could have just left it at that. I could have not pestered further. But curiosity got the better of me. This was Lu, the prince of the academy we were talking about. And if I could open up to him to some extent, I'd like him to tell me something about himself. "Who is this person?" I asked him cautiously.

He eyed me sadly. It was a bit grim to watch. I started to regret asking. "It's alright, you don't-"

"You remind me of a girl," he said staring blankly at me, "someone who broke my heart."

I blinked at him. Pretty boy had his heart broken before? That seemed impossible. But then he never lies. So he must be telling the truth. And plus, his blatant honesty can be a bit of a put off sometimes. 

Lu took a step closer and looked down at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Just who are you, Eunwoo?" He asked. 

The spoon left my hand and fell into the soup bowl. I looked up at Luhan shocked. I remember him. 

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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 18: Rereading ur story. I hope to see more :)
Chapter 17: I thought you were dead author-nim.
Chapter 7: So i was reading a ff.. Then in my alerts "New Story Updates! " and i just so happened to see ugky first... And i literally screamed "OMG UGLY GOT UPDATED OMG OMG OMG AN UPDATE omg" and my brother looked at me with that 'do i knoe u' look and then i stood there giving him the 'why dafaq u lyin'stare and then he just... Yea i got smacked... But at least, UGLY GOT UPDATED OMGGGGG