Love knows no boundaries


From that day onwards, I couldn't help it but be a little nicer to poor Lu. To some extent, I felt honoured to be a girl who broke the prince's heart. It was like every girls' dream: to have an affect on him. 

Other than that, my school attire was almost the way I liked it. Somehow the boys and I compromised. I chose to wear my clothes more loosely, not as polished as those preppy boys. But Kai still suggest that I tie my hair up. I personally loved his braid but I didn't want to show that so I resorted to the standard ponytail. 

I thought about being more understanding most of the time. What would it be like to be in their shoes? I asked every time I spoke rashly. It's not easy to change bad habits, but it's possible to reflect on them and consider what would be the better way to approach the situation.

"Eunwoo-ah!" Kai crooned. "You haven't handed in your assignment yet."

Almost everyone was calling me by that nickname. I had established a pretty close relationship with most. But I wasn't really speaking to Kris, let alone Suho. The worst would have to be Chanyeol. He kept eyeing me like he wanted to eat me alive. At times like that, I stuck close to Lu. It was obvious that the annoying creep was always beside him but somehow I was more at ease that way. 

"I know that." I shot back at him. I realised that I was being rude for no good reason and softened my tone. "I will hand it in later."

Kai had this thing whenever he is perplexed. He tilts his head only slightly and widens his eyes. A subtle frown appeared at his lips but after that, he wore a beaming smile and was back to normal. "Okay!" He exclaimed. "It's due by the end of the day."

"I know that too." I said in the same calm tone.

"Have you finished it, Sae?"

My heart skipped a little. I should be used to that by now but I wasn't. Lu was one of them who had made up his own nickname for me. I looked at the man behind me, who was waiting for a response.

I chuckled nervously. "Of course I've finished it."

"You're the only one in class who hasn't handed it in." Lu commented. "If you need help feel free to ask."

"He probably hasn't finished it yet." Kai interjected.

I gave the man a glare. "I have!" I snapped at the nosy creep. Truth was, I was having trouble with the last bit.

He was unfazed. "Okay. Explain consanguity." Kai demanded.

"It's basically ry." I said bluntly.

"Mating with your own bloodline." Lu added.

"Yes." I continued. "It explains why there are different races, ethnicities. It is common in royalties. However it limits variation in the offspring and makes them more prone to illnesses. From Charles Darwin's theory, this makes them less fit for survival."

"Sounds like you got it." Luhan said. "What's troubling you, Sae?" 

"The last bit." I admitted. "What are your thoughts on consanguity?"

Kai grabbed me by my shoulders and stared at me deeply. "That's the easiest part!"

I gave him a serious expression. "How so?"

"What are your thoughts on consanguity?" He asked me.

I sighed. "I don't know."

"Okay." Kai thought. "So if I was your sister, would you want to have with me?"


"Scratch that. If Lu was your sister, would you want to have with him?"

"Why Lu?"

"Lu's your favourite." Kai added. 

"Am I?" Lu asked.

"Are you?" I asked.

"I'd love to be." 

I looked at him and felt myself blushing.

"So would you have with him?" Kai asked again.

I felt nervous. The two boys were looking at me intently. "No!" I stammered. "I'm not in love with him. Why would I?"

Lu smiled like a fool in love. "If Eunsae was my sister, I would still do it with her." He said dreamily.

If my heart was skipping before, then now it wanted to beat the hell out of my chest. 

"Eunwoo-ah, you're red." Kai said. He put his hands on my cheeks and my heart beat harder. 

I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from me. "I'm allergic to the sun." No. Actually I hated it. But that wasn't why I was flustered. 

"Allergic to the sun?" Luhan said.

"I'm only here because you said you wanted to eat outside." I told him.

Kai took another sandwich and took a bite. "I think you got your answer, Eunwoo." He spoke with your mouth full. "As long as it's love, you'll approve of consanguity."

I hate to admit it but he was right.

"Sandwich, Sae." Lu passed one to me. "This one has no carrots."

I smiled shyly and accepted it. I picked up a sandwich as well. "Here. One with carrots." I handed it to Luhan. 

Then I turned to Kai and picked another one. "Here, this one has tomatoes in it."

Kai looked at me in shock. "How'd you know I like tomatoes?" He asked.

I looked at him blankly. "You're eating one with tomatoes right now."

Kai looked to his occupied hand. It was a tomato and tuna sandwich. 


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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 18: Rereading ur story. I hope to see more :)
Chapter 17: I thought you were dead author-nim.
Chapter 7: So i was reading a ff.. Then in my alerts "New Story Updates! " and i just so happened to see ugky first... And i literally screamed "OMG UGLY GOT UPDATED OMG OMG OMG AN UPDATE omg" and my brother looked at me with that 'do i knoe u' look and then i stood there giving him the 'why dafaq u lyin'stare and then he just... Yea i got smacked... But at least, UGLY GOT UPDATED OMGGGGG