How unlucky


Sunday was crazy. Kai and Luhan had arranged to make me a fitted uniform and were engrossed in measuring areas I was not comfortable with. Tao was surprisingly good at makeup but I stubbornly declined. Instead, he gave me a few tips on skincare which I decided to follow. Kris and Sehun had taken me shopping and looked into a few good clothes. Kai was against my baggy-hoodie look. Xiumin and Lay referred me to a local hairdresser and had my rough hair styled and cut. D.O and Suho took me grocery shopping. Apparently, Luhan had them teach me about healthy eating. Chen and Baekhyun was the worst. They made me exercise, something I had not attempted to do after I was ten. Despite their scrawny bodies, they were really fit. Apparently Chanyeol was supposed to take me to the sauna but he had disappeared. Kai decided that the sauna wasn't necessary because my skin was quite fair; the breakouts just needed to be tamed.  

Come Monday, I was making my way from the dorms to my very first class at my aunt's academy. I made the boys encircle me so I was hidden from view. It was awfully uncormfortable, wearing something fitted. My hair felt light and though it fell nicely, the wind made it easily go crazy. Thankfully, it was long enough to be tied up.

"It's going to be fine." Luhan reassured me. "You look great Eunwoo. I think you did a good job."

I fiddled with the leather bracelet that was bought for me yesterday. I was nervous. No. This wasn't me. I didn't dress like this. It was always something loose. My hair was always messily down. I also chose to wear glasses over contacts; they felt annoying in your eyes. Not whatever I was wearing now.

"You need to stop fidgeting." Suho commented. "It really ruins the effort we've put into you."

I stopped immediately and looked up at him, somewhere from behind me. He wasn't even looking me in the face. 

Kris chuckled. "I think he looks cute, kind of like a lost puppy."

I coughed. "Don't call me cute." Boys hated being called cute. "Ow!"

I turned around to see Kai looking innocently at the sky. He jabbed me. I looked away only to feel it again. I shot him a glare but he looked up again, this time with a smile. 

I stopped in my tracks and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"

Kai looked at me cheekily. "I just felt like touching you." He then started massaging my shoulders. 

"Kaiwoo is real!" Sehun bellowed, backing away. 

What the h*ell is Kaiwoo?

Kai then turned to Sehun. "It is not!" He yelled at the poor boy. 

"Yes it is!" Sehun shouted aloud. "You guys even k-" 

I had lunged for the poor boy and cupped my hand on his mouth. No way was I letting it spread again. "Please, Sehun." I begged. "This secret lies within our dorm only."

Sehun pulled my arm away, wiping his mouth. I forgot that he was homophobic for a second. He looked at me angrily. "Alright, I got it." With that, he stormed off. 

I looked at him, feeling a little guilty.

"Don't worry too much." Chen said from beside me. "He had a guy confess to him last year, so he's iffy about the gay stuff." 


Kai then slung an arm around me. "Yeah, so we can continue we left off since the homophobe is gone now."

I pushed him away. "I'm homophobic too, so stay a good two meters away from me." I demanded.

Kai's eyes widened. "Are you really?"

The group of boys laughed. 

I stuck a tongue at him. "Don't make me say things in front of the whole school." I threatened him and marched onwards to class. 

"Is he a part of Exo?" I heard a girl ask her friend. "He looks nothing like the others."

"Yeah, compared to the others, he's quite ugly."

"He's the thirteenth member right? How unlucky." I could hear her giggle.

I walked on to avoid suspicion. I chuckled satirely to myself. All this effort and it still didn't make a difference. Frustration began to grow within me.

I found an empty corridor and examined my attire. Everything was on point. Everything. And I didn't like it. 

I removed my blazer, belt and tie and shoved it into my bag. I took my shirt out of my pants. Then I removed the top buttons of my dress shirt and the buttons on its sleeve. I let go of my ponytail and shook my head a little to release my hair. 

All set, I made my way to class.

They wanted to see ugly. I'll show them ugly. 

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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 18: Rereading ur story. I hope to see more :)
Chapter 17: I thought you were dead author-nim.
Chapter 7: So i was reading a ff.. Then in my alerts "New Story Updates! " and i just so happened to see ugky first... And i literally screamed "OMG UGLY GOT UPDATED OMG OMG OMG AN UPDATE omg" and my brother looked at me with that 'do i knoe u' look and then i stood there giving him the 'why dafaq u lyin'stare and then he just... Yea i got smacked... But at least, UGLY GOT UPDATED OMGGGGG