Puppy love


So when you're a five year old or maybe older or maybe younger. Whatever. When you're little, you tend to have this little affection towards someone. No, I'm not talking about myself. I didn't know about that kind of thing yet. They call it 'puppy love'. It is a time when a little girl or boy is attracted to someone other than their parents, someone of the opposite . 

Now to get to the main gist of the story. There was a little girl and a little boy. They were next door neighbours and used to play together a lot. She was always making mud balls to throw at the little boy. And the boy hated it. He wanted her to stop and he didn't know what to do. One day, when she had made an extremely slimey mudball, one so slimey that if she didn't throw it immediately, the ball would slowly morph and seep through her fingers, he said the most unexpected thing. 

And what was that that he said you might ask.

"I have a crush on you." He had said. 

Now the little girl was stunned at the time. And she didn't know what the boy was talking about at all. But what she did know was that he was lying. It was obvious. He was quivering, his eyes looked uneasy as if he was afraid that she would see into his soul. 

"You're lying." She growled. The ball in her hand was half gone but she threw it at him, this time hitting him square on the face. "It's not good to lie!" She ran towards the boy and he ran away utterly frightened. "I HATE LIARS!!!" She shouted as she caught up and pushed him to the ground. Then she grabbed his arm and bit it in anger.

Vulnerable, he surrendered and wailed in pain. "I'm sorry." He pleaded. "I'm sorry. I thought that if I said that, you would stop throwing mud balls at me. I hate it. Mum gets angry when I come home with dirty clothes. I don't want to get into trouble." He cried like a girl.

She released his arm and towered over him. "That's all you had to say." She said, still feeling annoyed. 

"I'm sorry." He murmured again. 

She rummaged her pockets and found a handkerchief that her mum told her to keep at all times. Then she wiped the little boy's face. "I'm sorry that I made your mum angry at you too. But you shouldn't lie. It's bad for you."

He nodded in the middle of her cleaning. "I won't lie ever again."

She was satisfied but still curious. "What is a 'crush' anyway?" She asked.

He looked at her with shock. "You don't know?!" 

The little girl shook her head. 

"It's when a person loves someone."

She furrowed her brows. "Loves someone...?"

"Like how your mum and dad loves each other." He tried to explain it. "Like how they want to marry each other."

The little girl then look horrified. "Like when you want to make babies with each other?!"

He was stunned at her exclaimation but she was waiting for confirmation. Reluctantly, he nodded.

Her look of horror only intensified. "EWWWWWWW!!!" She muttered disgustedly. She shot a glare at him and he stood up straight as a stick. But she wasn't going to hit him, not when he was telling the truth. Instead she looked at him with distaste. "You're disgusting, Luhan!"


And you guessed it, that girl was me. Luhan and I used to be next door neighbours who played together almost everyday. I used to sneak under my fence to play in his back yard. And then I moved away. 

"Eunwoo." Lu pulled me back to earth. "Are you daydreaming?"

I looked at him. He wore that same blank expression. "Yeah, a little." I muttered. "How did this girl break your heart, Lu?" I asked curiously.

He must really like it when he is called 'Lu'. A bright smile appeared on his face, however his eyes were in a solemn trance of nostalgia. He answered me. "She moved away without even saying goodbye. I didn't even get to tell her how I really felt."

I felt my heart shatter at those words. Luhan looked genuinely heartbroken. 





Hi all,

I'm sorry that I kept you waiting with updates but I was really busy and I was indecisive as to whether I should continue writing this story or not. It takes me a while to finish chapter stories. I even take long planning one shots. I'm sorry if I have let any of my precious readers down. 

I think with a lot of aff writers, we question how much of our time we should dedicate to writing fanfictions. Life isn't easy. We are balancing a lot of things at once. And we contemplate on the decisions we make. 

But I realise that I have come to love writing and wish to improve in it. I can't guarantee that I will be able to finish this story to your desires however, I know that I will continue to write fiction because it is rewarding and relaxing to me. 

Until next time,

whitedreamm ^^

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Hashtagkpop #1
Chapter 18: Rereading ur story. I hope to see more :)
Chapter 17: I thought you were dead author-nim.
Chapter 7: So i was reading a ff.. Then in my alerts "New Story Updates! " and i just so happened to see ugky first... And i literally screamed "OMG UGLY GOT UPDATED OMG OMG OMG AN UPDATE omg" and my brother looked at me with that 'do i knoe u' look and then i stood there giving him the 'why dafaq u lyin'stare and then he just... Yea i got smacked... But at least, UGLY GOT UPDATED OMGGGGG