A Talk Over Food

Somehow, Somewhere There Is Love

“Yah, Park Sooyoung, what the hell is wrong with you?” She scolded herself the moment she finally stopped running. Looking behind her she sighed in relief when she didn’t see him. What on earth had possessed her to kiss him in the first place? Her mind went back to the moment before the kiss occurred. What were they talking about? She snapped her fingers, he didn’t believe that she really liked him. Still, it wasn’t a good enough reason to kiss him. She remembered looking into his eyes and oh no-

It was his eyes! She couldn’t explain it, but he had looked at her with so much hurt that it touched the deepest creeks of her heart and she wanted nothing more than to erase his doubts.

“You’re so stupid Sooyoung-ah.” She screamed, pressing her hands against the side of her head. Of all the things she could have done, she kissed him. Bringing her fingers to her lips she thought back at how arm his lips against hers, and how – no, she shouldn’t keep thinking about the kiss.  


Stop it, Joy. It was just a kiss, she shook her head, it doesn’t mean anything.


But it was my first kiss.


And it was with Taehyung.

“Jungeng.” Joy became aware of a figure standing in front of her and lifted her eyes to find Jin smiling at her.

“I thought it was you. What brings you here?” She momentarily forgot about her incident as she stared at his blinding smile.

“Ah, Jin oppa.”

“Are you okay?”

“Hmm, yeah why?”

“I don’t know, but I was calling your name for a while and you kind of just stood there holding your lips. Did you hurt it?”

Her eyes went down to her lips and found her fingers still placed over them, “Uh, I just bit them on accident,” she laughed.

“I see,” he smiled in relief and Joy couldn’t help but smile back at him. His concern was cute, not like the a certain someone who watched her get beat up before helping her.

“Say you wouldn’t happened to know where V went, would you?”

The mere mentioned of his name tensed her up, and she could feel a hot sensation flow through her body.

“V? No, haven’t seen him,” she lied.

“Weird. I was for sure you would have. Jungkook and Jhope had mentioned he might have went to go find you. Rapmon’s not going to be very happy.” She saw the disappointed look on Jin’s face.


“Well you see, we were supposed to practice today, but he skipped out and it isn’t like him you know unless it was urgent, but it’s been a while and he still hasn’t come back yet, so here I am, looking for him,” he explained. Her heart thumped, had he really skipped practice just to ask if she was pretending? Did it matter that much to him? She was confused. It shouldn’t matter if she was pretending, if anything he should be happy she didn’t really like him right?  

“Jungeng?” Jin’s voice bought her back to reality, “yes oppa?”

“Are you sure you’re alright? You’re acting a little out of it.”

“No, no, no. I’m fine. Honest.” But she wasn’t fine. In fact she was far from fine. The kiss, Taeyeon unnie, the fight, the Ferris Wheel, every moment she spent with him since the first time she had confessed her feelings for him came rushing back to her and she wasn’t sure what to make of her feelings anymore.

“But what are you going to do about V oppa?” She tried to change the subject.

“Hmm, we’re probably just going to call it a night now. Rapmon and Suga will probably find a way to punish him tomorrow.” She nodded her head, he needed to be punished. An air of awkward silence fell upon them. Jin was a great guy, but she never really got the chance to get to know him. All of her time was spent pestering V and now that it was just the two of them, she wasn’t sure how to act. Thankfully, Jin saved her the trouble by interrupting the silence.

“Oh, I forgot to say thanks for the snacks. I know they were probably all for V, but I took a bag of chips a while ago.”

“No, you have it all wrong. They were for everyone,” she protested.

“Really?” His eyes widen in shocked, before returning to his normal state of crescent moons.

“I wouldn’t just bring snacks for V oppa and forget about the rest of you,” she nervously tucked her hair behind her ears. He was making it very hard for her to look at him, he just smiled so freaking much.

“Say, how I about I treat you to something to eat. I know of a very good food stall not too far from here?”

Her ears perked up, food? She was always down for food. A cheeky grin appeared on her face, “your treat right?”

“Of course, I asked.” Within seconds, they were standing side by side in front of a food stall. Her eyes scanned the different variety hungrily.

“Eat as much as you want,” Jin commanded, grabbing himself a skewer out of the tray in front of him. Joy could only obey, the smell of food made her suddenly hungry. In the midst of eating, he heard a chuckle come from her side, “you’re going to choke if you don’t slow down.”

Seconds after his words, she felt a piece of un-chewed meat get lodged in . A round of cough was heard as she tried to dislodge it. Spotting her glass of water she quickly gulped as much as she could in hopes of pushing it down.

“I’m fine,” she whispered between breaths. Her cheeks red from the unfortunate event that could have occurred.

“You had me worried for a bit there,” Jin stated, refilling her empty glass cup.

“Me too, but it’s all good now,” she smiled to assure him that she was fine.

“Wouldn’t want anything to happen to V’s number one fan girl now would we?”

“No, I suppose not.” Her heart sighed, she had grown to hate that term, but it wasn’t Jin’s fault because after all, in his eyes, and everyone else’s she really was just a fan girl and perhaps that was all she would ever be, his fan girl. The kiss from earlier would be nothing more than a kiss from a fan girl.

“You know, V’s really lucky to have someone like you though.” Jin stated out of the blue.  

“You don’t think it burdensome or a little annoying?”

“No, in fact I wish I could be a little more like you,” he confessed.

“Really?” This piped her interest. Why on earth would he want to be loud and annoying? Unless he perhaps have feelings for a certain girl?

He nodded his head, “it take guts to confess and you did it in front of the whole school and you didn’t take no for an answer either. I wish I had half your courage.”

“Jin oppa, by chance do you like someone?” She watched as his face turn red, so he did like someone.


“N-“ he was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Leaning over just enough, she smiled when she saw the caller id.

“You’re not going to answer?” She asked when he continued to stare at his phone and she thought she caught a sad smile right before he shook his head no. If she had saw right, and basing off his earlier statement, then there was no doubt in her mind that he did harbor feelings for the goddess of peace.

“Just tell her,” she blurted, much to his surprise. “You never know, she might feel the same about you.”

There was a long pause before he answered in almost a whisper, “she does.” Joy almost choked for the second time, “what? You know Irene unnie likes you?”

He nodded his head solemnly, before looking up at her, shock written on his face, “wait how did you know it was Irene?”

A very good question and she mentally smacked herself, “I- uh, I kind of just noticed, it’s a girl thing.” She shrugged and hoped he would buy her lame excuse, “but back to you two. You like Irene unnie and she likes you. Then what’s stopping you from confessing to her?” It made no sense to her.

“Taehyung.” Right, she forgot about him. She groaned, he was really making life difficult wasn’t he? If only he could get it in his thick skull that Irene didn’t like him, but she wondered, “would it be so bad to tell V the truth?” She’d be the first to admit that V could be a little hateful, but there was something inside of her that like to think he’d value Jin’s friendship over his petty, little crush on Irene and would give them his blessing.

“It would be different if Irene unnie didn’t like you, but she does. Doesn’t that count for anything?” She reasoned. Happiness was literally within their reach. There was no reason Irene and Jin shouldn’t grab on to it and it irked Joy that V was standing in their way. V never had a chance with Irene and she highly doubt he ever would.  

“I just can’t bring myself to do it. It would crush his heart and I couldn’t do that to Taehyung. You wouldn’t understand.” He sighed, clearly exhausted from the topic.  


Patting her stomach as they exited the tent that housed the stall, she smiled gleefully at him, “thanks for the food oppa.”

He smiled back at her, “no problem. You were great company and it feels good to finally be able to talk to someone about my problem.” He patted her head as a sign of gratitude.

“Any time you need someone to talk to, you can always call me, of course you’ll have to pay for my service though,” she mischievously added, earning a laugh from him.

“Joy? Jin?”

They both turned their head to the owner of the voice and saw a hurt Irene staring at them.

“Unnie/Irene,” they shouted, but it was too late, she had sprinted off away from them.

“Unnie!” Joy shouted as she sprinted after the girl. Thankfully the girl was short and therefore hadn’t gotten very far when she caught a glimpse of her through the crowd. Increasing her spend she caught up to Irene in no time.

“Unnie,” she called, pulling Irene to a stop.  

“How could you Joy?” Irene shouted, turning to face Joy.

“Oh stop it unnie. You have the wrong idea,” Irene really was a love sick grandma.

“Wrong idea? But you two were together and he patted your head, and I’ve tried so hard to get him to like me, but…” The waterworks started, and Joy couldn’t keep herself from laughing. Irene was just too cute when she got jealous.

“Unnie, stop it, you look ugly right now,” she joked. “There’s nothing going on between us and besides,” she contemplated if she should tell her or not. It wasn’t really her place, but something had to be done for this love triangle to become resolved.

“What?” Irene tapped her foot impatiently. Her crossed arms a sign that she didn’t fully believe Joy yet.

“Jin li-“

“-I like you.” The two girls turned and found Jin staring straight at Irene.

“What?” Irene asked, shocked at the suddenly confession.

“I like you Irene. I always have,” he stated nearing them and Joy knew it was her que to leave. This was something they needed to sort out by themselves, so she quietly backed away from the two love birds who seemed to be in their own world.

Taking one last glance back she saw Irene in Jin’s embrace and smiled, finally, but her smile quickly faded. Her thoughts went to V and she wondered if he was going to be okay. There was no doubt in her mind that he was going to be heartbroken and she frowned at the idea of not being able to do anything about it. In fact, she dare say she was partially responsible for his impending heart break and she suddenly hated herself. 

Oh no, Jin and Irene finally confessed to each other (actually, this is a Yay!). How will V react to this? And what about the kiss, what did V think about it?

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esumi_ #1
Chapter 18: Love this fic so much! The concept of being a fake fan girl was hilarious.
esumi_ #2
Chapter 8: I love Joy so much in this. She’s so forward it reminds me of her appearance on knowing bros.
Atara_lunar1 #3
Chapter 18: Wow what a masterpiece ?
PenGwynsoo #4
Chapter 18: Awwe ?? TaeJoy
PenGwynsoo #5
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaàaaaah so cute ???
please comeback huhu i am rereading your story :(
Chapter 18: I jsut reread your whole fic instead of studying for my exams HAHAHHA I’m hoping you will update again soon because I am total and utter Taejoy trash. I’m in need of more Taejoy fics and I love your fic so much TT. I hope one day you update this fic!!!! <3
Chapter 18: I can't believe I read this fic in one sitting! It had me crying at 4AM ugh huuu magicpanda, please never stop writing about TaeJoy.
shinhosheok #9
i honestly love this fic sm i never even liked taejoy before but now i ship them so hard tysm for this masterpiece its so adorable and amazing