House of Flowers


Welcome to the House of Flowers, where we serve only the finest tea.

Oh, you didn’t come for tea? Demons? I see, if you’ll kindly follow me this way. Madame will be with you shortly. 


So I've been dying to write a grand scale Red Velvet X boy group story, but to begin to write such a story I needed a story line and a boy group. I finally decided to go with B.A.P, because well I'm such a Joylo trash that I thought why not? Anyways, I hope you guys will give this story a chance because I'm really excited about it and I really do plan on making it a Bapvelvet story and not just Joylo (though I guess you can say they're the main-main characters though all of them are pretty important). I even wrote out character descpritions for each member so that I wouldn't leave them out. 

So who's down for some BapVelvet? 



I am! 


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Chapter 1: Yeah so let me tell you that it did perk my interest, hahaha! The plot's very interesting! I feel like this one's going to be chaotic af. Omg. Can't wait to read the next chapt ~
Chapter 1: i love himchan and juhyun's bickering lol. And how is such a sweet fluffy cotton ball like Zelo ended as demon king hahaha omg didn't see that coming tbh.

I miss you(r writing), by the way. ;)
victoriaiueo #3
Chapter 1: cant wait for the next chapter to be honest!
well im waiting for sooyoung~ and what did sooyoung do? i mean where is sooyoung? ........
BlueSkyEyes #5
Chapter 1: I'm a huge trashhh for fantasy <333
Looking forward to reading more! This is so good
HufflepuffBaby #6
Chapter 1: "Not as old as you, you're like freaking ancient"
Hahahahahahaha this was totally my favorite scene