∗Review: Said the Love Letter∗

❋CANDY FLOSS REVIEWS❋ || Closed Until Further Notice ||
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AUTHOR: caching12



TITLE: (4/5)

I could see how your title relates to your story since it’s about Hanol’s love letter to Seungkwan, but it’s not very original, or eye-catching. Also, articles (the, a, an) and short, unimportant words (less than 5 letters) shouldn’t be capitalized unless it’s at the start of the title. Ex: Said the Love Letter (the shouldn’t be capitalized) You can check out this website for more information about how titles are written here.



Your description sums up what your story is going to be about pretty well. One small change I would suggest is separating it into more than one sentence since in my eyes, your description looks a bit run-on, making it harder to read.

Ex: “Unlike his good looks, Hansol has awful handwriting. As a result, Seungkwan is completely baffled when he receives Hansol’s love letter, unable to read a thing due to the poor penmanship. And surprisingly, Hansol finds himself reading his own love letter to the latter himself.”

It makes it easier to read and sounds better in general.


PLOT: (20.5/25)

Your plot is not very original and pretty cliche, since there are a lot of stories about characters receiving love letters. There were some questions I had while reading story as well like how did Minhyun even find out that Hansol was the one that wrote it? Did he go around asking everyone if they were the person? Also, when Minhyun suggests getting the person who wrote it to read it for Seungkwan. Seungkwan say it would be embarrassing for “both me and him.” How did Seungkwan know it was a guy and not a girl? Does he go to an all-boys school or something? And when you wrote, “Hansol waits patiently. He expects rejection and a hard slap on his face as he watches Seungkwan’s serious face,” why would Hansol think Seungkwan would slap him in the face? That’s just unreasonable for Seungkwan to physically hurt Hansol just because Hansol liked him. Plus, if you were rejecting someone, you already hurt their feelings so why would you want to slap them for it and embarrass and hurt them even more?   

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StoicBread #1
Hi ^.^! Do you accept affiliations request? If so,
Chapter 26: I didn't expect such a high score tho lol. Thanks for the review! Will credit later when I'm on PC.
Chapter 25: thank you for the review!!^^
Chapter 23: thank you so much for the review!!! :D :D I was trying out new writing style with this fic so these feedbacks are really important to me! and thank you for spotting those grammatical mistakes >.< I tend to mess up grammar often...
but may I ask that you mentioned "lack of necessary articles like 'the'", but I couldn't find where I need to put 'the' in the fic. Yes Ii have re-read it but I guess I still don't know where I've missed out the word?
anyways I really appreciate the review! It's very helpful and I am glad I request from you :) have a nice day~~
requested for a review! Merry Christmas! <3
Manlyluhaniie #6
Requested for a review ^^
I've requested for a review!!^^
Chapter 22: Because it is crucially important to me, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the grammar section. I didn't get a beta-reader because I'm doing the editing myself over winter break and didn't want to waste anyone's time to comb through my story, so thank you for this.

LOL. No, in Chapter 000, this was only an exaggeration about Jungkook, but I can't blame you for taking it seriously though. The sarcasm was subtle. Anyways, for that reason, Jungkook hasn't moved up in school (like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, that lil smart haha). Yes, Jungkook is smarter than most, but he's not a certified genius and it's why he treats his position in school with contempt.
I'm sorry. I don't explain my characters to reviewers like this because it sounds like I'm "defending" myself, but I wanted to point out that TDoJ is strong in its exaggeration. Haha.

No, I'm not offended at all! Not about the cliché-ness, not about the long chapters, none of that. I embrace the cliché-ness, tbh. Plus, I know there are chunks I could cut out of the story (which is what I'm doing right now. Lord help me.), but other than that, I'm used to this reaction and I like the different perspectives. Honestly, it flatters me that despite everything said in your review, you found great enjoyment in my story while remaining a critical reviewer throughout it. (Okay, I'm sorry for this feedback that isn't really feedback.)

At last, thank you for your corrections, advice, and time! I will have a second pair of eyes to help me after I do the first round of editing. Thank you for the honest and critical review and I'll credit right away! If any troubles or questions arise, I shall PM you if Google can't help me, but I won't bother you over winter break because of the holidays and school :)
Hello there, I've requested for a review. Thank you.