What happen is........

You're my true love

Minho hand was bleeding. Hara was very shock and worry.

Hara: “what happen?”

Minho does not answer.

Hara: “answer me, what happen? Is there any problem?”

Minho: “you cheat”

Hara was shock and said “cheat? What did you mean? I don’t understand”

Minho show the picture and said “you know, you hurt me”

Hara: “what? I never meant to hurt you. Who send you this? This is Jonghyun. What’s the problem to walk with him? You know we’re classmate right?”

Minho stare at Hara and said “what problem? Someone send this to me and the person told me that you guys are holding hand? I don’t believe that this is Jonghyun. If this is Jonghyun, I would already recognize him from the beginning.

Hara: “I swear this is Jonghyun! Who send you this? This is all rumors. This is all fake! I never hold hand with other guy” she cry.

Minho: “I don’t care if you drop your tears or what, I can’t trust you anymore. Go away, I don’t want to see you anymore.” He push Hara.

Hara: “no, I want to solve this problem. If you don’t believe me, then I will ask Jonghyun to explain it for you and to prove it”

Minho: “I don’t care, go away!”

Hara: “alright I’ll go, but please let me take care of your hand first”

Minho: “no, thanks. I want to punch this locker again”

Hara: “no please.” And hold Minho hand.

Minho push Hara and said “just go away!”

Hara cry and walk slowly away from Minho. Hara then went to find Onew. She then found Onew with Nicole, Gyuri and Jonghyun in the library. Hara run crying towards them and sit near Nicole. Hara cry on Nicole shoulder. Nicole was very shock and said “what happen?” Hara does not say anything.

Onew: “what happen, princess?”

Gyuri: “where’s Minho? Do you want us to call him?”

Jonghyun: “I’ll go find him” he stand up from his seat but Hara stop him.

Hara: “no, I don’t need him”

Onew: “what happen? Tell us”

Hara tell them what happen.

Nicole: “I think it’s Krystal”

Hara: “no, we can’t blame her just like that”

Gyuri: “yes, I think it’s her too. Remember when the first time you fight with Minho? It’s her that cause it”

Jonghyun: “who’s Krystal?” he still doesn’t get the point that Hara is dating Minho.

Onew: “she’s Minho sister”

Jonghyun: “oh you mean, the one that’s always hang out with guys? And is she always like, you know, act like as a beautiful girl”

Onew: “yeah, that’s her”

Jonghyun: “now I remember. She stop us when we walk in the middle of the corridor. Yes, I think it’s her too”

Nicole: “that girl is seriously want to die!”

Gyuri: “I’m going to meet her now”

Onew, Nicole and Gyuri went to meet Krystal while Hara was left with Jonghyun. 

Jonghyun: “let’s go to the class, it’s not good to cry in the library and people will see you”

Jonghyun then walk with Hara to their class.

Jonghyun sit next to Hara. He wipe Hara’s tears with tissues.

Hara: “thanks. I never thought that I could find a real friend like you”

Jonghyun: “no problem. Hara, can I ask you something?”

Hara: “sure”

Jonghyun: “are you with Minho?”

Hara: “I guess not now.”

Jonghyun: “alright, I won’t ask you any more further. Can I say something?”

Hara: “sure you can”

Jonghyun: “you know all this time that I want to say to you? I want to say it now. The truth is that I like you since the first time I came to this class. All this time, would you like to go out with me?”

Hara: “aww, Jonghyun. I don’t know you have that kind of feeling to me but I’m sorry, I can’t”

Jonghyun: “it’s ok, I understand. I can wait”

They both then remain silent.

Meanwhile, Onew, Nicole and Gyuri meet Krystal at her class. They three surrounded Krystal and Krystal is very afraid.

Nicole: “hey you, mother princess.”

Gyuri: “yeah you, miss-so-not-pretty”

Krystal: ”what’s your problem?”

Onew: “what have you done with your brother?”

Krystal: “oh you mean that girl you guys so proud of? Huh”

Nicole: “that girl named Hara”

Krystal: “yeah I know, I don’t even care at all. You want to know what happen? Wait until I die, then I’ll tell 
you” she laugh.

Nicole: “fine, I’ll kill you now” she want to punch Krystal.

Onew: “just leave her. It’s useless to talk to a rude girl like her.”

They three then walk to their classroom.

It’s the end of lunch time, Onew walk to his classroom after calming Hara down. In his class, he sit next to Minho and said “what your sister have told you is not true. The picture is real but they never hold hand and yes, I was there with them. Trust me but if you don’t, I don’t mind. You still have time to apologize to Hara before she leave.”

Minho: “what did you mean by leave?”

Onew: “she’s leaving” yes, he lied to defend Hara.

Minho: “this can’t be!”

Onew just walk to his seat and said “see, it’s not that hard to admit that you still need her” to himself and smile.

The bell has gone, it was time to go home. Hara was packing her stuff and Jonghyun walk towards her and said “bet I can cheer you up?”

Hara just smile. Jonghyun said “come on, I take you to a place to make you happy” he hold Hara’s hand and pull her. He run out from the class to the school gate. Minho was searching for Hara. He run to Hara’s classroom and ask Hara’s classmate “where’s Hara?”

Hara’s classmate: “she just went out”

Minho then run to find Hara. He run outside the school gate but still, he couldn’t find her. He cried when he run. He then give up and walk to his home.

Meanwhile ….

Hara and Jonghyun were walking in a park where there is a lot of small shops and playground. Jonghyun bring Hara to a place where there is only them there.

Jonghyun: “this place is where I hide and spend all my time sitting here when I feel sad and lonely. No one know about this place except me and now you. I only can tell this place to the person who I trust” he look at Hara and smile.

Hara: “wow, it’s beautiful here.”

Jonghyun: “I know. You can go to this place when you feel sad. You know, you also can find me here. Come on, I take you home. It’s almost dark”

Hara: “no wait, I’m hungry” and smile at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun laugh and said “naughty girl, come on let’s eat first then I take you home. My treat”

They then eat at a restaurant.

At the front of Hara house …

Hara: “thanks for today”

Jonghyun: “no problem. See you tomorrow.”

Hara walk inside her house and into her room. When she get into her room, she found out that Minho was sitting on her bed.

Hara: “what are you doing here?”

Minho walk towards Hara and hug her. “I’m sorry”

Hara: “no, you don’t need to say sorry”

Minho: “but I was wrong. I’m so sorry”

Hara: “its ok. I I don’t blame you”

Minho: “you should. I was so stupid that I trust my sister just like that. This is the second time im being so 
stupid. I’m very sorry. I promise to not to do it again”

The next morning …

Hara and Minho was sitting at the school garden in the morning.

Minho: “I’m sorry about yesterday”

Hara: “its ok. You know I will never do that kind of thing. I promise”

Minho: “promise me you never leave me”

Hara: “I promise”

They both laugh together and starting to tease each other. Meanwhile… Jonghyun was standing behind the tree and heard what Hara and Minho have said. His face turns sad and he looks like very frustrated …


A/N: YAY ANOTHER UPDATE! :D Do you like it? Please comment and subscribe!! Thank you for reading and don't forget too vote Which couple you want for my next one shot called "Eternal Love of A Fan" here: 


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Next Update: 20/04/2012 ^-^ Please look forward to it :D


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This story is fun !! XD
LovelyHara #2
Omo! I thought the bride is Minho....
But it's okay. Still great ending! <3
Thank you!
Naaw, finished already? Can we get a sequal?
Yay she ended with Jonghyun, i hope Minho finds a great girl to love :)
great story!
swagger32 #4
Finish already?? Great ending! So happy that hara ended up with jonghyun and also happy that minho is happy for hara.
Waaaah did she choose Jonghyun!?!?
Update soon!
who hara choose??jonghyun??
if jonghyun i will wait for your update..
swagger32 #7
Yes! Hara's feelings for minho is gone!! Well is it? Anyways, i sure hope that hara picked jonghyun cause they're the perfect couple. Minho just please get lost
Updare soon xD
i hope she end up with jonghyun..
even how much i love minra couple..
jonghyun is the one for hara in this story..:)
babysun576 #9
i don't know what to say now T__T
cuz i still want Hara end up with Minho
even Jonghyun so good
swagger32 #10
i hope hara will end up with jonghyun
she doesn't deserve minho at all
update soon