17 - If you came first than Minho

You're my true love

Hara have received an email which is from someone who Hara doesn’t know. She open the email and she is very shock and said “who is this?”

Someone has sent her a picture of Minho and Jessica. Obviously, you know that it’s Krystal work. she then save the picture and only be patient. All night long, she can’t sleep and keep on thinking about the picture.

“who is that girl? Who sent that to me and what does the person up to on sending me that picture? Minho, you’re not cheating right. No, I know you don’t. You’ve promised me and I trust you. I bet this is just sabotage and I am very sure.” Hara said to herself.


Minho walk down from his room to the kitchen to have a breakfast.

“Morning oppa, do you sleep well yesterday?” Krystal said to Minho.

Minho smile and said “morning. Yes, how about you?”

Krystal: “me too. Oppa, are you busy tonight?”

Minho: “no, why?”

Krystal: “great. Can you accompany me and Jessica at the funfair tonight?”

Minho: “what about mum and dad?”

Krystal: “they’ve got a function today”

Minho: “fine, ok then but we can’t get home late”

Krystal: “no, let’s just make it for today. There’s no school tomorrow. It’s Sunday. Please”

Minho: “fine but only this time”

Minho finish his breakfast and went to the college.

Minho was sitting on a bench at the college garden with Onew and said “I’m going to the funfair tonight with my
sister and her friend”

Onew: “wow, I want to go to the funfair too but I can’t since I’ve got a lot of assignment”

Minho: “I was supposed to have a video call with Hara tonight but I guess, I’ll miss the chance today”

Onew: “poor you, just be patient than. You still have another day. Have you told Hara about this?”

Minho: “no, I’m going to tell her later”


Jonghyun knock Hara’s apartment door and Hara open the door.

“Hara, why do you look so tired?” Jonghyun said.

Hara: “I just can’t sleep yesterday”

Jonghyun: “poor you. Do you want to just rest today? I can explain to the professor”

Hara: “no, I’ve got test today and I’m strong”

Jonghyun: “alright then, let’s go”

They both walk to their college.

Hara was having a short test and she couldn’t even think any answer.

“Hara, think!” she said to herself.

She rub her forehead and said “oh, I’m so dizzy”

She then fell asleep on her table.

“Hara, wake up. Are you ok?” the professor said.

Hara wake up and said “oh sorry. Yes I’m ok”

professor: “I think you should go home now and have a rest. I don’t think you look ok”

Hara: “no, I’m ok sir. I can afford to answer the test”

professor: “no. it’s ok Hara. You can have the test tomorrow. Just go home now and rest”

Hara: “thank you sir” and walk home.


“Krystal, come on. It’s already late” Minho shout waiting for Krystal to get down from her room.

Krystal run down the stairs and said “I know. I’m coming”

Minho: “what take you so long? You’re not going to see your boyfriend at the funfair right? Come on. We need to pick up Jessica” (yes, Minho forgot to tell Hara that je can’t have a video call with her that night)

They both then walk to Jessica house and walk to the funfair.


Hara was sitting at her chair, staring her computer and said “where are you? It’s already late. You’re supposed to be online now”

She wait for Minho. After two hour waiting, still, Minho does not online. Hara then give up and turn off her computer. She lay on her bed and said “Minho, you’re not forgetting about me right?”


“oppa, can we play the rollercoaster?” Krystal said.

Minho: “no you can’t”

Krystal: “oh, why?”

Minho: “because you two are too young”

Krystal: “no, we're not!”

Jessica: “wait, yes we can. You can accompany us”

Krystal: “oh yeah. Oppa, come on”

Krystal pull Minho hand and force him to join them on the rollercoaster.

Krystal: “ok, Jessica sit next to you, oppa”

Minho: “whatever you want”

Jessica sit next to Minho and Krystal sit next to Jessica. 

“hug him later” Krystal whisper.

Jessica: “why? No”

Krystal: “trust me” she take out her camera.

The rollercoaster move and when they reach at the higher part, Jessica hug Minho and Minho just let her. Krystal take their picture and was very excited.

“seriously, you are going to leave my brother now, ugly girl” she said to herself.

They get down from the rollercoaster and they are very excited because of having fun on the rollercoaster. Minho look at his watch and find out that it is almost 12 o’clock in the middle of the night. “omo, I forgot about 
Hara!” he said. 

“girls, I’m going home now. Don’t be late later. Make sure to come home before 1” he said and run.

Jessica: “what happen with him?”

Krystal: “urgh, I hate it when he remember Hara.”

At home, Minho turn on his computer. He found out that Hara was not online and said “Hara, I’m sorry. I miss you”

He then lay on his bed and fell asleep after being tire running all the way home.


It was morning and Hara wake up from her bed.

“no school today. I guess I’m just going to have a rest today” she said.

Someone knock her door and she open it.

“Hara, what are you going to do today?” Jonghyun said.

“oh Jonghyun, come in. I don’t have anything to do today. What about you?”

Jonghyun get inside Hara apartment and said “me too. I don’t have anything to do and by the way, what’s this smell?”

Hara: “what smell? I can’t smell anything”

Jonghyun: “I can smell someone who haven’t take a bath”

Hara laugh and said “fine, I’m going to have my bath now”

Jonghyun laugh and said “Hara, wait. No offense”

Hara take a bath and Jonghyun wait for her in the living room.

“it feels like living in one house with you now, Hara. And I feel like I’m yours and you’re mine. No, stop 
dreaming. That will never be happen” Jonghyun said to himself.

He then walk around Hara apartment and suddenly his stomach vibrate.

“omo, I’m hungry” he said and rub his stomach.

“Hara, have you eat your breakfast?” he shout.

“no” Hara shout back.

“ok then, I’ve got an idea! I’m going to cook for you, Hara” he said to himself.

Jonghyun look at Hara refrigerator and cupboard to find out some food to eat.

“oh, kimchi! This is the best” he said. He also found some noodles in the cupboard.

He cook Kimchi noodle and serve them on a round table.

“what is this smell” Hara said after finish taking her bath. She then went out from her room and found out that there’s two bowl of kimchi noodle on the table. Jonghyun was standing next to the table and smile. Jonghyun walk towards Hara and said “even though you already take a bath, you still smell” he smile.

Hara hit her softly and said “why?”

Jonghyun: “ I haven’t finish yet. You smell nice. Sweet just like you” he smile.

Hara: “aw, you’re so sweet”

Jonghyun: “well, I’m Jonghyun. Everybody know that I’m sweet. Come on. I’ve cooked a kimchi noodle for our 

They both then eat their breakfast. After finish the breakfast, Hara wash all the plates and Jonghyun stand next 
to her and help.

“Only married people wash their plates together and now, we’re in this situation.” Jonghyun said to himself and 
his heart beats faster and faster.


Minho wake up and found out that Jessica was inside his room. He was very shock and said “what are you doing 

Jessica: “my parents is not home and a can’t find Krystal so I decided to wait here”

Minho: “but you shouldn’t get in here and how did you get in to this house”

Jessica: “oh, the door was open when I came here so I decide to just get in”

Minho call Krystal to find out where she is.

Minho: “where are you now?”

Krystal: “I’m at my friend house now, why?”

Minho: “does mum and dad know?”

Krystal: “yeah, I’ve told them yesterday”

Minho: “your friend Jessica is here”

Krystal: “oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to tell her that I’m going to my friend house today. Oh, oppa. I got to go, bye” 
she end the conversation. 

Minho: “this kid is so, esh. Jessica, you can wait inside this house. If you want to eat, you can find some in the kitchen”

Jessica: “ok” she then walk out from Minho bedroom and went to the living room.

Minho went to take a bath. After he take a bath, he turn on his computer and found out that Hara was not online.

“how am I going to apologize to Hara about yesterday? I can’t call her since I don’t have any money in my line. 

“Minho oppa!” Jessica shouted from down stair.

Minho was very panic that he thought something was happening to Jessica and so he run down to the living room. He found out that Jessica was laying on the ground next to the stair. 

“Jessica, what happen?” he said.

Jessica only close her eyes and didn’t say anything. Minho then hold Jessica on his hand and take her to the 
hospital. Meanwhile, Krystal saw everything and she hide next to the door. She took the picture of Minho holding Jessica and said “this shot is the great one and sorry Jessica, I have to make you fall from the stair since I only want my brother to separate from that ugly girl”


Jonghyun was laying on the sofa and Hara apartment was a mess after they both play games together. Hara clean her apartment. She look at Jonghyun and said “it should be great if you came first than Minho” and smile. She take a blanket and put it on to Jonghyun. She then continue cleaning her apartment. After finish cleaning, Hara turn on her computer. She found out that she receive an email again from an unknown person. She open it and ….


A/N: SURPRISE!!!! A TRIPLE UPDATE!!! ^^~ I'll update another chapter after this (: Thank you again if you're still reading this fanfic and supporting me from the first chapter until the 17th chapter :D Eventhough this fanfic only got 11 subscribes, I STILL LOVE YOU GUYS :D To anyone(everyone) who is still reading this fanfic, please do comment on what you think the next chapter will be and how is the fanfic so far. Please do comment, dont be shy! ^^~ THANK YOU AGAIN!

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Next Update: 20/04/2012 ^-^ Please look forward to it :D


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This story is fun !! XD
LovelyHara #2
Omo! I thought the bride is Minho....
But it's okay. Still great ending! <3
Thank you!
Naaw, finished already? Can we get a sequal?
Yay she ended with Jonghyun, i hope Minho finds a great girl to love :)
great story!
swagger32 #4
Finish already?? Great ending! So happy that hara ended up with jonghyun and also happy that minho is happy for hara.
Waaaah did she choose Jonghyun!?!?
Update soon!
who hara choose??jonghyun??
if jonghyun i will wait for your update..
swagger32 #7
Yes! Hara's feelings for minho is gone!! Well is it? Anyways, i sure hope that hara picked jonghyun cause they're the perfect couple. Minho just please get lost
Updare soon xD
i hope she end up with jonghyun..
even how much i love minra couple..
jonghyun is the one for hara in this story..:)
babysun576 #9
i don't know what to say now T__T
cuz i still want Hara end up with Minho
even Jonghyun so good
swagger32 #10
i hope hara will end up with jonghyun
she doesn't deserve minho at all
update soon