░ Chapter 6 ░

►► The Play House: Dark Knights & Angels ◄◄

Author Note: Wahhh 50 subs O_O Most likely after I say that someone's going to leave but there's nothing wrong with trolling haha How have you all been? I spent my sick days rewatching the Twilight series please don't hate me xD Last update we met another Demon of Hakyeon's coven, the ever playful Jaewhan. One's company, two's a crowd, three's a party, but more would be too much right? Those were all the Demons that would be inviting themselves into Jeanne's home right? Let's find out on The Play House: Dark Knights and Angels m(_ _)m Shall we play?
Jaewhan knelt and retrieved the leather collar among the wreckage. Dead flower petals were scattered, stems and vines hanging lifelessly from the remnants of the cage. When he closed his eyes a sense of nostalgia would wash over him, as if he could smell the pure aroma of the once living flora.

He could hear the faint whispers of other beings, from high above, and the subtle pattering of feet traveling across the floor. The Demon uses his abilities to dig deeper into his own thoughts, his own memories.

His head begins to sway lightly. The images are shrouded in a fog making them unclear but he can easily hear a classical tune being played. A grand piano, a cielo, violins, it was so beautiful and he loved it.

"You feel it too don't you?"

Wonshik's low voice pulls the younger Demon from the depths of his mind, his eyes seizing their glow and he nods. He eyes the collar around Wonshik's neck then looks down at the similar one in his hands.

"I feel strangely attached to this piece of garbage."

He tugs at the leather unaffected by time and places it around his neck but it appears the clasp is broken. Wonshik chuckles.

"I felt the same way. That's why I let the girl put it on me."
"You let a human make you a Pet Wonshik."
"I.....don't think of it that way...."

Wonshik's mind wanders and he nods in approval as he senses the young woman of the house is fast asleep in her bed.

The Cleaner, a special kind of Demon wielding mystical powers, had returned the manor to it's proper state, the way it was before Hakyeon had arrived.

Her car was no longer in ruin and was tucked safely away under a dust cover in the large garage. He smiles. The meat she had purchased too had been salvaged and he had enjoyed every bit of it deliciously as he consumed it raw after taking it upon himself to tidy the rest of the manor. He's never cleaned more than his plate.

How could she allow herself to live in such conditions? The dining hall was even gruesome for him and he was a Demon, even worse an animal like Demon. The stench of rot was over whelming, not a single edible substance in the house.

Mold grew in every dark corner from lack of ventilation. Did she never open the windows? Or the doors to let the sun in? Or air? He frowns. The petite girl was nothing but bones and barely flesh, a walking corpse for a lack of better explaination. It was pitiful.

"Do you think it wise Brother? To not have let the Cleaner wipe us away from the girl's mind and life?"

Jaewhan tossed the accessory back in forth in his pale slender hands. His chest rumbled softly from his own words thus answering his question. Wonshik growls.

"If I hadn't found her she'd be dead."
"You mean if she hadn't found you, you'd be dead hahaha"

"And I'm thankful to the human for that. Never thought I'd be saying such things."

The two Demons look back at their handsome Leader who had entered the labrynth silently. Hakyeon glides over to the far end of the room, past rusted chains and murky water.

In the crevices of the floor he finds another leather collar, picking it up and blowing off the debris. He tries to click it closed but it seems the clasp is broken.

"What do we do with her?"
"What do you mean what do we do with her?"

Hakyeon shoves the object into his pocket, his expression becoming serious.

"We can't stay here..."
"But, my thoughts exactly. Seems we can't leave the girl either. This is very...strange. Jaewhan have you come to any revelations?"
"Besides the young maiden has an amazing set of soft kissable lips?"
"I only joke...not really...but nothing Brother. I see nothing but that does not mean there is nothing there."

The birds hum in the distance as Jeanne sits in her night gown on the floor next to her bed with large photo albums scattered around her. She had slept very well last night and woke up in tears as she had a beautiful dream of her Grandfather.

Smiling down at the glossy photos she tucks her hair behind her ear and continues to flip through the memories until she's distracted by a soft knocking at the door. She wasn't alone, not anymore and the thought is welcoming into her mind.

Wonshik slowly opens the door and invites himself inside. He leans against the white wall and observes the young woman on the floor, controlling the urge to take her back into her bed so he may once again experience what was hiding under that thin material she called a night gown.

She looks up and blinks at the Demon with her Emerald eyes. His hair was spiked today, brushed neatly to the side. Wearing a black button down with matching trousers and the collar gleaming around his neck.

"You really should wait until I invite you inside Wonshik"
"I'll be entering one way or another Mistress. It makes no difference if I wait or not."
"I could've been indecent."
"Let's hope one day I should be so lucky."

He purs darkly, sending a light blush up the girl's neck to her cheeks.

"What are you doing Jeanne?"
"I was just loo....."

Wind envelopes her as the Demon blurs to her side, leaning his back against the bed with one knee propped up supporting his arm and the other slender leg stretched across the floor, much longer than her own.

She studies his profile, as she's done many times before, but she just couldn't fathom how such a flawless creature could exist.

"You have his eyes...."

Wonshik's voice pulls her from her thoughts and she peers down to where he's pointing to a picture of her Grandfather. One of her favorites. He was standing next to her Grandmother in front of the gallery on a beautiful spring day, the lighting making his Emerald eyes sparkle more than the jewel.

"Who is he?"
"My Grandfather, Joseph Demetrus. This gallery and the pieces inside were all created by him."
"They're beautiful. He was a talented man."
"Thank you."
"I never hear you talk about him."

Jeanne chuckles, closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the cushion.

"In our short time together I'm sure you never hear me talk of anything Mr. Wonshik. You know nothing about me."
"But I'd like to...know more about you."

She turns her head to the side and smiles at Wonshik, making him feel strangely uneasy, but not in a bad way. He moves in a bit closer and his body stiffens as she leans her head against his shoulder, the action sending a tingling through his body.

"There's not much to know. In fact I'd fail in comparison to a mighty Demon like yourself when it comes to being intriguing."
"Encontrer Jeanne, in my life time there was not someone, Demon nor human nor any other being, I've wanted to know more than you."
"You can't possibly mean that"
"But I do."
"Do not"
"Do too"
"Do not....!"

Suddenly Jeanne was on her back, her wrists pinned to the sides of her head by the Demon hovering over her with darkening eyes. He watches mesmerized as her chest moves more rapidly, her pink lips parting as if she's waiting, anticipating.

"How could you make me banter in such a child-ish manner? Do not, do too, do not, do, don't, to do, to not do....."

His voice is hypnotic, his lips lowering to her skin, trailing down her neck to her chest making her body feel hot. Jeanne arches her back off the floor to feel him against her, the Demon smiling wickedly as he releases his grip so his hands can roam her body.


The door is shattered to pieces as Jaewhan kicks it down impatiently, bellowing at the top of his lungs in a total frenzy. He blurs over and pushes the lustful Demon off the young woman and she quickly sits up, embarassed and adjusts herself.

Wonshik is beyond infuriated. He charges to tackle his brother and as he's about to sink his fangs into his shoulder Jaewhan shoves a pale yellow pastry into the brooding Demon's mouth and he too stills in awe.

It was so soft. Buttery and sweet and nothing like he's ever tasted. Wonshik sits back on his and buttons up his shirt while savoring the food in his mouth. Jeanne blinks at the two satiated Demons and eyes the plastic container wrapped protectively in the younger's arms.

"They're Madeleines. They're my favorite food too actually."

Jaewhan quickly stuffs another confectionate into his mouth and practically sings in delight. Jeanne giggles as Wonshik peers over his brother's shoulder curiously and is pleased when the other male hand feeds him, the two completely forgetting she was even here. Who knew Demons could be so.....cute?

She reaches for the container and Jaewhan whines upset and pulls it away from her but not before feeling completely at peace as her laugh caresses the Demon's ears.

"Yah that's not fair"
"I'm a Demon my Lady, I do not do fair"

She reaches again, a large smile on her face as the Demon holds it behind his back teasingly. She gasps as she leans too far forward and falls against Jaewhan's causing the Demon to lie back under her.

"You have beautiful eyes..."

He whispers, his now free hand cupping her cheek as Wonshik shakes the plastic container, completely distracted like a child. Blushing, Jeanne bites her lower lip causing the man's eyes to darken with desire.

He digs into his pocket pulling out the sturdy collar and places it in her hand, closing her fingers around it with his own.

"Put it on me."

He sits up with her straddling his lap, begging, his lips rushing forward desperately to feel hers and he groans as he finally makes contact. Jeanne's fingers fumble as she wraps the collar around Jaewhan's neck, barely able to concentrate with the Demon's mouth on her but the buckle sparkles as it snaps closed.

You must protect her

An unknown voice echoes faintly in Jaewhan's head as if from a memory, he didn't know, but what he did know was with this collar, with this young woman, he felt complete.

Finally snapping out of the spell he was under which he was convinced was a human world drug hidden in the pastry Wonshik's blood begins to boil as he witnesses Jeanne in Jaewhan's embrace but the collar around his neck calms his senses.

There's a knock downstairs. Wonshik sniffs the air and narrows his eyes. It's a human.

"I have...-kiss-...to answer that...-kiss-...Jaewhan please....-kiss-..."
"They'll -kiss- leave -kiss- I need you -kiss- more than they do -kiss-"

His hands slipped under the material of her night gown making her shiver in his lap, his tongue dancing across her lip sensually in an attempt to persuade her to stay.

"Jeanne! Are you in?"

Growls erupt in the room from hearing the male voice down below. Jaewhan holds the girl to his chest tightly as Wonshik blurs out of the room roaring. She begins to panic. Where is he going? What is he going to do?

"No wait, you two don't understand!"

But it was no use in talking to them now as their Demonic instincts have taken over. Fangs snarling in warning, and eyes blazing Jeanne's vision goes black.


Wonshik freezes before he can reach the handle and Jaewhan falls silent.

To your quarters. Now.

But Mistress.....


Jeanne gasps as Jaewhan immediately releases her and rushes down the stairs. The two Demons disappear behind the curtains and lock themselves away in their designated confines, their senses returning to normal once surrounded by the invisible force field.

Jaewhan was in shock. What just happened? He places a hand against the glass, the once dead flowers now blooming around him, the aroma enveloping him into submition.

Wonshik groans and leans his forehead against the glass. What's going on?

Changing into proper attire Jeanne rushes to the front door and swings it open where an older man with a beard is standing. His eyes widen and he drops his brief case as Jeanne jumps into his arms.

"Uncle Chester!"

Uncle Chester, also known as her family's lawyer who's known her since she was little was speechless. After having her sign paper work years ago for her Grandfather's will the man had never heard from the young lady again despite his calls and visits, until she called him.

"My how you've grown Jeanne! What a beautiful young woman you've become!"

He holds her out at arms length, upset with the fact she looked so thin but the important thing was she was alive. She nods and picks the brief case from the ground and invites the guest inside.

"I was surprised to get your call Jeanne. It's been so long."

The family acquiantance nods as Jeanne sets a glass of water in front of him and nods.

Who's he?

She flinches as she hears Jaewhan's voice echo in her head. She takes a seat next to him and smiles.

Don't sit so close to him

Wonshik growls unhappily as Chester is talking and Jeanne's brows furrow.

Why can't we say hello to the human?
Who is he Mistress?
Must it be a man.....
We won't hurt him....
Let us out
Please let us out

"Enough. Both of you."
"Jeanne who are you talking to?"

Jeanne hisses towards the door making Chester curious and she laughs and shakes her head.

"Ummm so is it possible?"

She asks as the man lays out the papers on the table top.

"Are you sure you want to re-open the Gallery Jeanne? I mean, this is the first I've heard from you, the first anyone's heard from you in so long...."
"I....I need this Uncle Chester."

Jeanne sighs. Seeing the gallery destroyed with her own eyes was a real wake up call to her. This place was important to her, and important to her Grandfather and if she were to honor his wishes to live as she once did, the gallery had to be a part of it, because that was her life. Art was her life.

Chester studies the young woman's face and nods as her Emerald eyes become determined.

"Well then there's a lot of planning involved Jeanne. Paperwork, communication, purchases, you can't do this on your own."
"I need to do this on my own. I don't have anyone else."
"But Jeanne..."
"Please Uncle Chester. Can we discuss it first before you say no?"
"Thank you. I'm known for making a very good argument."
"Just like your Grandfather hahaha Okay Jeanne, persuade me."

They talked for hours as the Demons paced back and forth in their confines. Jeanne could clean the gallery on her own, she could call art enthusiasts, caterers for events, everything could be as it was.....

"And what about the art Jeanne?"
"....Grandfather still has many unsold pieces...."
"And once those run out Jeanne, what will you do?"

Her chest aches, the images of herself painting flash unwelcoming in her mind. She clenches her fists her lap.

"Then...I....could make a few things....."
"Are you sure that people would purchase them? If you want to run this place properly you can't just rely on your fortune, you need to make a profit off the business and....."
"I'm sure. Grandfather was very certain of it when he was alive. But he liked to keep my pieces to himself saying they were too good to sell."
"May I see them before I make my final decision?"
"Of course."

The chair screeches as they rise and Jeanne soulessly makes her way to her Grandfather's chambers with Chester following close behind, amazed by the cleanliness of the area despite Jeanne being alone. Maybe she could do this.

"I apologize in advance. I'm not sure of the state of his room. I haven't stepped foot in it since...."
"It's alright Jeanne."

There's an eerie sound of fabric in the air, and tapping on glass that makes the hairs on the back of Chester's neck stand. The Demons' were feeling Jeanne's grief and they were not happy.

The wine red room was just as it was left years ago. Organized, untouched, full of memories that made Jeanne's chest tighten as she fought down her tears. As soon as you enter a large oil portrait welcomes guests.

Her Grandfather, her Grandmother, and little Jeanne sitting in his lap. It was beautiful and unmarked by time. Jeanne opens a door to a storage space and pulls away the white fabric revealing her art work through time.

Chester combs through the canvases in awe, truely amazed by the talent the young woman had.

"When have you created this one?"
"When I was seven"
"SEVEN!? My God Jeanne this is incredible!"

She nods appreciatively as he continues to praise her. She picks up one painting, of a forest with a peculiar tree. This place was real was it not? That's what Wonshik said when they were first met.

Was it really wise to open the gallery, knowing there were Demons in the Labrynth down below?

"Huh....oh yes Uncle Chester?"

He waves a wrinkled hand in front of her face to get her attention and nods.

"Okay Jeanne. I'll get to work on my end, speak to the accountant, and other contributors. I'll help you reopen the Gallery."

Jeanne's eyes sparkle from his words.

"Really! But I do have a request"
"Could you create a piece for my office? So my children have something to look at when they visit Daddy? Hahaha"

Nervously Jeanne forces a laugh and nods, hugging the man gratefully. First she'd have to find the will to pick up a paint brush again without the urge to vomit afterwards.

Stop hugging him!
If you keep hugging him Jeanne I'm going to have to kill him. I'm already going to have to kill Jaewhan.
What did I do!?

And suddenly the idea of collars and cages in the Labrynth didn't seem so barbaric anymore.
Author Note: I wonder which Demon we're going to meet next hmmmmmm

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Chapter 22: I really love it! Thx for finish! u do a brilliant work!
Chapter 22: It's brief and well written! It may have not gone the way you planned it to be but it worked out well in my opinion. Hahaha Some stories had been too dragging that I appreciate the adjustments you made. I'm sorry you had lost motivation in the middle of making this story but It didn't discredit the awesomeness of the plot. Well I'll be looking forward to reading more stories from you my dear author. :D
Chapter 19: Omg hahaha Hakyeon-ah... Xd
06reader #4
Chapter 22: I'm so happy that Jeanne ended up with Hakyeon as i want them to be...AND good job author-nim for the lovely and fantastic story.. BUT i want to apologise cause i can't really understand this chapter... it's because I'm a little bit ill so my mind can't function well *sigh*
Chapter 22: Honestly im a bit dissapointed you ended your story author-nim but thank you for amazing story
hoelang #6
Chapter 22: i love it!
Chapter 22: When i saw it's the last chapter i was really sad, disappointed and worried. Sad because this story is absolutely one of my favourites. Disappointed because you decided to give up. I hoped you would continue even if you had to take hiatus. Worried because there's so much to end it in just one chapter...
But after i read it, i was really amazed with your skill!!! Even if you had to include those many events, it didn't seem rushed...
I got to know what happened to her and them... but i still can't shake off the disappointment wholly.. *sigh* i just wish i could go through those events with them..
But... this journey... i really enjoyed every chapter!! :D
I remember when Hakyeon tried to hang himself XD
I remember when Hongbin saw himself for the first time after he became fallen angel TT^TT
I remember when Wonshik first came to her <3
I remember when Taekwoon creepily gave her a cup of tea :P
I remember when Jaehwan got collared (that precious piece of ****!!!)
I remember Hyuk's childish yet manly moments (TT that baby is growing too fast!!! *heartattack*)

Thank you for everything, Author-nim XD you will always remain as my favourite writer <3333 May fate bring us together in the future :))))
edrylla_Dya #8
Chapter 22: I really love both of the Playhouse. And frankly speaking I am very disappointed that the story is cut short due to unavoidable reason because yeah, VIXX is my bias. But lets put it all aside, you deserves a compliment Author-nim. Good job, Author-nim. Thank you for this whole experience. Looking forward for your future stories. Love you.
maiyura #9
Chapter 22: Hihi! Awesome story! Been following u since Got7 Playhouse!
Im so glad u decided to finish this one instead of leaving it hanging...even though its not the original ending u had planned (or is it? Hahah).. Even so, im quite satisfied with this ending... Will u be writing anymore for Vixx? Hahah
I'll look forward to whatever stories u have in the future! All the best!
Chapter 21: I scream when they all lossen their ties. Gyaaa!! You're so lucky jeanne