░ Chapter 4 ░

►► The Play House: Dark Knights & Angels ◄◄

Author Note: I didn't get to say before but happy 500+ views ♥ That's half of a thousand \o/ Sorry, can't chit chat, have to go to the market place to buy meat for the hungry Demon in the basement in this update of The Play House: Dark Knights and Angels m(_ _)m Shall we play?


Jeanne claps as the engine of her Grand Father's car roars to life despite it's hiatus. She very rarely drove when he was alive but she still remembered the basics, pull on this lever and don't crash into anything.

The ash gray dust cover kept the sleek black car spotless in the large garage. She pulled out onto the stoney driveway and exited the brass gates of her estate for the first time in years.

She switched the dial of the radio to the classical station, enjoying the ambience as she drove down the long, winding country road. Back in the day not only was the gallery fully appreciated for it's beauty, the building structure as well not just the pieces it housed, but guests often expressed their enjoyment of traveling this road.

Houses spotted the rolling grass fields, farms and animals, oh, she must keep her eyes on the road and two hands on the wheel at all times, just like her Grand Father taught her.

So much has happened, and all in a few hours. She smiles sadly. Life does change suddenly, this shouldn't surprise her but what did was the fact that this single stranger had somehow coaxed the young woman out of the shackles of her lonliness and anquish.

He had made her feel fearful, nervous, intrigued, demeaned, protected, and joyous. All this array of emotions in less than a day, it was more than she felt in a very long time.

Jeanne's cheeks burn as she recalls the way he calls her Mistress.

She was not vain but she knew she was not unappealing. To have such a beautiful creature look upon her like she is above him in any way, it was truely a strange feeling. In his presence she looked like a beggar honestly.

The letter had warned of this. He said this was not her world? Does that mean everything her Grand Father had painted, the scenes, the beings, were they real?

There's a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she thinks about painting and once again tears sting the corners of her eyes as she remembers her white bearded loved one.

The market place has changed a lot since the last time she was here. She had to park near the curb and walk deeper into the area, buttoning up her brown coat to the top and adjusting her black floppy hat.

It was so large now, much more organized, but the stalls remained the same. Wood stands selling fruits, and breads, people shouting and being merry, and of course those hagglers who had very loud voices.

She lowered her head as she saw owners of stalls she recognized. She couldn't say hello to them now, it was too soon. 

The colored elderly man selling fresh made meals who at the end of the day gave away his unsold stock to the homeless, free of charge and with good wishes.

The now older woman who sold bouquets of flowers in season from her very own garden would give little Jeanne a flower to match the color of the dress she had worn that day.

There was the elderly lady who ran a small trinket shop who always had her eye on your Grand Father but was respectful enough to never act upon her feelings in loving memory of your Grand Mother.

The Butcher shop was extra busy today as the colder days were arriving. People buying meats for hearty meals and stews the air was filled with voices and the sound of the steal cleaver hitting the wooden cutting board.

Bodies of animals were hung with care, fresh and cleaned and she smiled. No forest rabbit.

"Yes Madamoiselle? How can I help you today?"

The large man with the heavy accent behind the counter was very intimidating. Dressed in a white uniform stained with blood splatter, a large round muscular body with a sharp trimmed beard he gave her a small smile to ease her worry.


She looked around at all the piles of meat and made a face. Exactly how much meat did Wonshik need? He joked saying she would never be able to hunt the amount of fresh meat he needed....

"Is this all fresh Monsieur?"
"Of course it is Love, cross my heart"

He brings the dripping cleaver to his chest in a salute making her a bit uncomfortable. Her Grand Father's tale says the Demon's human form was nothing more than a mask, that the true form was truely the Demon. Wonshik was a huge....what did he say? Berserker?

"How much meat do you recommend for a party of 100 men?"
"100 men you say? Having a big ol' celebration Ma'm?"
"Haha I have a very ravenous guest"
"A guest? With the appetitie of a 100 men?"
"I meant guests sorry Sir."

The man impaled the cleaver into the wood, rubbed his chin and called her over to the side so there was room for the other employees to help the other customers. Pork, Beef, Lamb, chicken, veal, there was so many to choose from.

Marbled, Rib eyed, lean, fatty, the man was very passionate about his meat. He watched her as she curiously looked from pile to pile.

"Ummm what about a dog?"
"Ee gad no we don't sell dog!"
"No no no! Oh my goodness! I mean, what would you recommend if I were to feed a dog?"
"I thought you were having a party of 100 men?"
"And a dog"

She smiles brightly making the large man laugh. Surely if Wonshik were to know she had refered to him as a Dog he would not be too pleased. Would he rather she had said a Bear?

"Ma'm are you sure about this?"

The Butcher was dumb founded as he rung up the expensive bill. Jeanne had purchased the freshest stock they had of top quality beef and pork. Large slabs of steak and a huge full pig almost as large as the man himself.

"Should this cover it?"

She hands the man a large wad of rolled up bills causing the customers around her to eye her warily. The man's stunned as he counts the bills and shakes his head.

"This is way too much Ms..."

There are gasps from people and the Butcher himself also becomes wide eyed. Demetrus? As in Joseph Demetrus? The owner of the Gallery up in the country side? The man who gave his life for his Grand Daughter?

The man pulled off his hat and bowed his head.

"Your Grand Father was an honorable man. His story of love and sacrifice known by all. We thought you dead Jeanne."

The story of the self less man and the disappearance of a young girl were stories that floated around town through time. Those who had known Jeanne never heard from her nor did she respond to those who tried to reach out to her.

They could all tell the young lady's become very thin and sickly but they were glad she was not as dead as a door nail as people claimed. One person tapped her shoulder, dressed in a clean cut suit and white gloves the older man beamed.

"Does that mean you'll be running the Gallery as well Ms. Demetrus? My Master loved your Grand Father's pieces and was so saddened when he heard of his passing."
"I ugh......"
"Oh my family loved visiting the gallery to see the statues and such!"
"Ms. Demetrus!"
"Is the meat for a re-opening party?!"
"Leave the young lady be, have you all no shame!?."

The Butcher came around the counter controlling the sudden attention Jeanne was recieving. Figthing her way out of what appeared to be a very esteemed meatery the Butcher had assisted Jeanne in carrying the meat to her car.

It was more than three of her and like predicted she struggled just to carry the large cooler of steaks. She was very envious at the moment of Demon Wonshik's strength to shatter lumber without so much as a swipe of his claws.

"No keep it"
"But Ms. Demetrus this is way too much, even for a tip for carrying your things"
"I insist sir. I live alone and have this wealth with no one to share it with. Besides a fine gentleman like yourself deserves it, thank you for everything"

The man grows bashful from her compliments and bids her a farewell.

"You better eat some of that meat Ms. Demetrus or else you'll wither away to nothing"
"And I bet it'll be the best I've ever tasted thank you"

She approaches the driver side of her car when an irresistable aroma tickles her nose. Looking up she sees a new cafe', sleek and shiny with a long line of customers and decides to trail at the end.

"Hello! How can I help you?"

The beautiful blonde Barista smiles wide with crystal blue eyes that failed to glimmer in comparison to Jeanne's Emerald eyes. Her gaze skims around the freshly baked pastries and hot beverages but there was only one thing on her mind.

"One white hot chocolate please and two cases of those Madeleines"
"Chocolate covered or plain"
"One of each please and would it be possible to make the hot chocolate mint flavored."
"Of course! Please have a seat and I'll bring your order right to you"

Jeanne pays the chipper employee and manages to find a lone seat near the window. Holding her head in her hand she spots a rather sharp looking man across the street.

The hairs on the back of her neck stand. He's staring right at her with piercing eyes. Tall and slender with flat black hair and beautiful tanned skin, she was absolutely sure he was looking right at her.

A passing by tourist bus blocks her vision and to her surprise the man is gone.

"I'm sorry Ma'm!"

Jeanne's startled as the employee apologizes and hands her her order. The young lady scurries to the safety of her car and locks it immediately. Why did she have such a bad feeling?

Peering at the passenger seat all her anxiety is washed away by those delectable dainty pastries in the plastic container wrapped with a blue ribbon. Her most favorite food in the world.

"But that's not food Jeanne"

The cook would scold her at home for always asking for the Madeleines and in would come her Grand Father, large smile on his face with his hands behind his back.

"What seems to be the trouble?"
"Jeanne's hungry and wants Madeleines but she hadn't had lunch so she needs a proper meal."
"She said it wasn't food Grand Father"
"Can it be consumed?"
"Well yes but...."
"Does it keep you full and able to carry on your day?"
"But Sir...."
"Then it is food and I dare say you should give them to the Wee one before she bites your hand off hahaha"
"You spoil her Sir."
"Every once is a while isn't too bad"

Jeanne's tears once again begin to fall remembering her Grand Father and the thoughtful staff of the Gallery. How could they just leave her?

"Wait.....did they?"

The pile of mutilated bodies flash in her mind and Jeanne shakes her thoughts free and puts the car in drive. Peering into the rear view mirror she gasps as she once again spots the slender man, eyes boring into hers, and she quickly drives away until he becomes smaller and smaller becoming nothing more than a memory.

She's parked outside of the cemetary where both her Grand Parents and Parents were laid to rest. Would he be upset with her that she had not visited, not once since the Doctor had told her where he was buried? That was years ago.

He would surely be upset that his last will was for her to continue living as she had and instead she almost wasted away to nothing. She squeezes her eyes shut and sighs. She couldn't even think about painting without her heart breaking.

The sun was beginning to set, the tree tops of the cemetary becoming black in the dimming orange and purple glow of the sky.

"Oh no Wonshik"

Her eyes flutter open. She had completely lost track of time, distracted by her own thoughts and feelings, even her hot chocolate had become cool. He must be starving! Well, he was before, but even more so now!

She was thankful that they had installed street lights now on the country road. When she were younger the road was pitch black with nothing but the high beams of the headlights to light your journey.

"The meat isn't smelly so I assume it's still fresh...."

Jeanne grumbles as the last of the sunlight fades leaving nothing but the light of the stars in the sky and a crescent moon.

There's a man on the side of the road holding a hand out. Was he a straggler? She slows her speed and as she rolls her window down she regrets stopping and immediately hovers her foot over the accelerator.

It was the slender man from the market. He was smirking down at her causing her anxiety to spike and she kept her head down.

"Sorry to bother you Ma'm but could you tell me what's at the end of the road here?"
"The Demetrus Gallery of Fine Art but it's been closed for years Sir."

The man whines, his voice clear and beautiful, full of disappointment and whimsy.

"Have you heard of the forest that lays beyond the Gallery Ma'm?"
"Nothing but a forest Sir. Do you need anything else? It's getting late and I have to get home."
"What's the rush Love?"

He smiles handsomely and Jeanne tenses as she can see fangs in his reflection of the rolled down window. She tries to close it but the automatic switch clicks as the window is unable to move under the man's slender hand. 

"I really have to leave"
"I insist you stay. It's such a nice night. Ohhhh I bet the reflection of the stars in your eyes would only enhance your Beauty~"

Jeanne whimpers as the man's grip tightens, denting the metal of her car and shattering the glass of her window. She stomps on the excelerator but to no avail. The tires screech and smoke as they turn angrily against the dirt but the vechile is held in place by this man's single hand.

"Now that's very rude. Trying to speed off when all I wanted was a nice conversation with pleasant company."


She screams as the car begins to leave the ground, the slender man growing in size.

You seem to have something of mine, well someone....

A two toned gravely voice, a complete contrast to the light hearted voice he had before Jeanne cries out as she is hanging upside down with nothing but her seatbelt keeping her from falling out of her seat.

The hot chocolate coats the glass of the wind shield and the Madelelines fall to the ceiling. Her breathing becomes erratic as she comes face to face with a shark like eyeball that's literally the size of her open window.

Compared to the Monster's size the car was nothing, it was even larger than Demon Wonshik. Wait.

Come out come out wherever you are Witch

The Monster shakes the car causing the trunk to fly open and all the meat falls to the dirt floor.


It roars angrily as it lifts the car over it's head ready to throw it. Her vision blinds as she tightens her grip on her seat belt.

Je vous ordonne de venir a la lumiere Wonshik

Jeanne screams as her car is thrown and is sent flipping in the air. The ground comes closer and closer and she prepares for the worst but she screams as suddenly everything stops moving and she jolts in her seat.

Through the white beverage she can see large clawed feet under her. She covers her face as her door is being ripped from it's hinges and tossed to the side. A single claw slices her seat belt and she is carefully pulled out of the wreckage by a leather bound paw.

She looks up and breathes in a sigh of relief as she comes face to face with Demon Wonshik's grizzly face. Furry with horns protruding behind it's ears his head was almost the size of her body.

The collar is visible around his neck and the symbol reflects in her eyes. Wonshik grumbles as her legs give out under her, his eyes glowing and filled with aggression and concern.

He covers her with his other paw as the large greyish white monster approaches with large arms and black spikes treading from the top of its head down to it's lengthy tail.

Bulging jaw full off razor sharp teeth it roars and pulls its massive fist back ready to strike Wonshik and Wonshik grunts as Jeanne runs up his arm and defends his chest with her own body, not wanting him to get hurt.

Turning his back on the Monster Wonshik conceals her small body and she expects him to cry in agony as the blow hits but instead he's....annoyed? The white monster continues to pound on Wonshik's armored shoulder, not as roughly as she would've thought and Wonshik turns and swats the being away with a paw and growls.

Stop that...Hey!...Hyung stop!

Author Note: -sighs deeply and finally places pen down- Okay my spurt of update is over haha ♥ Until next update please look forward to meeting our new Demon on The Play House: Dark Knights and Angels m(_ _)m

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Chapter 22: I really love it! Thx for finish! u do a brilliant work!
Chapter 22: It's brief and well written! It may have not gone the way you planned it to be but it worked out well in my opinion. Hahaha Some stories had been too dragging that I appreciate the adjustments you made. I'm sorry you had lost motivation in the middle of making this story but It didn't discredit the awesomeness of the plot. Well I'll be looking forward to reading more stories from you my dear author. :D
Chapter 19: Omg hahaha Hakyeon-ah... Xd
06reader #4
Chapter 22: I'm so happy that Jeanne ended up with Hakyeon as i want them to be...AND good job author-nim for the lovely and fantastic story.. BUT i want to apologise cause i can't really understand this chapter... it's because I'm a little bit ill so my mind can't function well *sigh*
Chapter 22: Honestly im a bit dissapointed you ended your story author-nim but thank you for amazing story
hoelang #6
Chapter 22: i love it!
Chapter 22: When i saw it's the last chapter i was really sad, disappointed and worried. Sad because this story is absolutely one of my favourites. Disappointed because you decided to give up. I hoped you would continue even if you had to take hiatus. Worried because there's so much to end it in just one chapter...
But after i read it, i was really amazed with your skill!!! Even if you had to include those many events, it didn't seem rushed...
I got to know what happened to her and them... but i still can't shake off the disappointment wholly.. *sigh* i just wish i could go through those events with them..
But... this journey... i really enjoyed every chapter!! :D
I remember when Hakyeon tried to hang himself XD
I remember when Hongbin saw himself for the first time after he became fallen angel TT^TT
I remember when Wonshik first came to her <3
I remember when Taekwoon creepily gave her a cup of tea :P
I remember when Jaehwan got collared (that precious piece of ****!!!)
I remember Hyuk's childish yet manly moments (TT that baby is growing too fast!!! *heartattack*)

Thank you for everything, Author-nim XD you will always remain as my favourite writer <3333 May fate bring us together in the future :))))
edrylla_Dya #8
Chapter 22: I really love both of the Playhouse. And frankly speaking I am very disappointed that the story is cut short due to unavoidable reason because yeah, VIXX is my bias. But lets put it all aside, you deserves a compliment Author-nim. Good job, Author-nim. Thank you for this whole experience. Looking forward for your future stories. Love you.
maiyura #9
Chapter 22: Hihi! Awesome story! Been following u since Got7 Playhouse!
Im so glad u decided to finish this one instead of leaving it hanging...even though its not the original ending u had planned (or is it? Hahah).. Even so, im quite satisfied with this ending... Will u be writing anymore for Vixx? Hahah
I'll look forward to whatever stories u have in the future! All the best!
Chapter 21: I scream when they all lossen their ties. Gyaaa!! You're so lucky jeanne