Chocolate Milk

School Wars

Normally Soonyoung likes Mr. Kye. Hell, Mr. Kye is almost his favourite teacher. He’s always liked his straight talking, no nonsense style when teaching Physics. Clean and neat.


Unfortunately, this carries onto his homeroom teacher style. And no nonsense means throw names straight into the box and assign them seats in lucky draw style. That means it’s a Russian Roulette of chance, rapid death at the fingertips of Lady Luck. The thing about lucky draws is that for Soonyoung, they might as well be called unlucky draws. And he already has a bad feeling.


Thankfully the bad feeling never truly materializes. While Seungkwan is diagonally across the classroom, he’s next to Seungcheol. And that’s okay, because Seungcheol is just the unknowing accomplice to Jihoon’s schemes. Without Jihoon around Seungcheol is a gentle giant who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Unless it was an accident. Then he would apologise.


It’s almost like he’s gotten off light for once.


“Mr. Kye, I can’t see from here. Can I move to the front row?”


And he turns his head around sharply to see Lee Jihoon at the back of his row, trying to look innocent. Bloody liar. He sat there perfectly fine last year. He just wants to be closer to the front because there’s Seungcheol to copy answers from and hell would he be damned he’s right next to Seungcheol!


Maybe he should just open the window and jump out. Right next to Lee Jihoon is a Lee Seokmin who already looks way too amused.”


“Is it a height issue? Where can you see from?”


“Yeah. Front row is the best.”


No Mr. Kye please don’t do this I’m begging you Mr. Kye don’t send me to the back into the jaws of the devil. He’s lying. Please, please, please. Kwon Soonyoung promises to top the level this time. I’ll work really hard. I’m begging you Mr. Kye-


“Soonyoung can you swap seats with Jihoon then?”




He feels like Kim Mingyu in front of the notice board this morning. All his prayers got cut short because the higher beings are still too busy laughing at their cosmic joke. Why is he the one suffering for their amusement?


But Mr. Kye looks at him with earnest eyes and Soonyoung just picks his bag up and start moving down the row.


“You’re pretty toothless in front of authority, aren’t you?”


Even before he sits down Seokmin starts. This is going to be hell. Soonyoung’s never been happier that lectures are more or less free seating until today.


“I like Mr. Kye. Being blindly anti authority doesn’t make you cool, just a lousy tryhard.”


“Huh. Mr. Kye doesn’t seem like your type. Too old. Teacher student romance is forbidden, by the way. Authority really wouldn’t approve.”


It takes all of Soonyoung’s self restrain not to grab Seokmin by the collar and give that jerk a good shaking. But something tells Soonyoung that would make Seokmin even more pleased.


“Yeah, Mr. Kye seems more like your type. At least he’d still return your papers after three days, unlike your temporary fangirls. Feel free to make a pass at him, I’m not your love rival.”


Seokmin goes silent for a while. Just when Soonyoung’s about to rub his hands in glee at his victory, there’s a sudden glint in Seokmin’s eyes.


“Yeah, that’s cause no one’s in love with you. Especially with your dancing. At least I have fangirls. You have an empty roster for new members.”


Now it’s Soonyoung’s turn to fall silent. It’s true.


“Anyway, would the two gentleman at the back like to repeat what I just said or are you more interested in talking to each other?”




“The school management has high expectations of our class and we are expected to maintain these standards so that the juniors have something to look up too.”


Seokmin recites this smoothly like he’s been paying full attention this whole while and they were not trading insults at the back of the class. Soonyoung is grudgingly impressed. Very grudgingly.


“We were just discussing how we could improve our respective clubs to better engage our juniors. Isn’t that right, Soonyoung?”


The class snickers a little. Everyone in Seokmin’s class last year is used to this, fanciful and slightly believable lies of a guy who knows he’s smart and witty and likes to show it off.


“Yeah. The dance club is very interested improving the experience for the juniors who join us this year. ”


“Very well. Do that after class.” Mr. Kye doesn’t buy a word of their nonsense but still lets them off the hook. Soonyoung’s sure this is because he’s slightly biased towards the both of them.


“If your choreography could be as high class as your comebacks, the dance club has hopes of recruiting one member.”


“My choreography is better than my comebacks. And we’ll get that one member to rub in your face.”



“No Seungkwan, chocolate milk is not enough to quell my anger. Who does that Lee Seokmin think he is? That little- ” He places the tray on the table, fuming. “And who does that Lee Jihoon think he is? Always going on about how he’s short and bullied and all kinds of bull. Keeps telling everyone that he’s not short, he’ll grow but the moment the height is to his advantage he just completely makes use of it.”


“Jihoon was really too much. But hey, Mr. Kye’s the homeroom teacher! Really, Seokmin isn’t that bad the more you get to know him. He saved you from punishment just now, didn’t he?”


“We weren’t talking” He takes a vicious bite out of his bread, “We were arguing. He just wanted to show off how smart he is. I’ll get that fifth member and show him. Jerk. Lee Jihoon, too. Ugh. Thinking about it makes me angry.”


Seungkwan passes him the chocolate milk. Soonyoung drinks it. It actually does make him less angry, but never let Seungkwan find out. He’ll start using chocolate milk as the solution to all problems.


There’s a lot at stake on getting that fifth member.  Already the management bugged them when Jihoon and the others quit, saying they didn’t have the mandatory five members to maintain a student-run after school club. Honestly, Soonyoung doesn’t care too much for the club status. However, being a club does come with two days of using the dance studio and some funds. Which makes it essential that they get that fifth member, otherwise they’d be practicing music-less on the corridors. Stupid noise restrictions in school making life so difficult. He’s perfectly happy with the club having four people.


Still, they won’t get a second chance. It took a lot of talking and promises with the management to maintain their club status until this year and it’s going to be all for nothing if no one joins. They’d even recruited Seungkwan as a temporary member when they were trying to iron things out with the management. But while Seungkwan is a better dancer than Soonyoung initially thought, he’d much rather sing choir songs and emcee school events. And then the school management found out (how did they not know actually?) that Seungkwan was already in Choir and Broadcasting, breaching the two-clubs-maximum rule.  So they really don’t have any back doors left.



Right now they’re sitting on the floor of the dance studio in track pants, sweaty from practicing their dance. Discussing how to best make use of the Recruitment Drive on Friday. They couldn’t get the Main Stage on the Concourse, stupid rock band managed to snag the only spot for student-initiated clubs. Soonyoung wishes he’d stepped so hard on Seokmin’s shoes they broke and revealed hot pink holey socks. But those are just his fantasies.


So there are some crappy uninspired posters from two years ago. The ones that made Soonyoung almost reconsider joining the dance club because they were so poorly done. Then there’s some hastily written announcement they gave to the Broadcasting Club last year. He’s going to ask Seungkwan to help write theirs.


They’re screwed. They have zero artistic talent, so attractive posters are out of the picture. The entire dance club can be classified as shy towards strangers, so fat hope trying to talk the juniors to their booth when they have Debate and Broadcasting three tables from them. And if they were going to use Vernon’s visual, which was the initial plan, they’re about to be steamrolled.


Because Vernon’s girlfriend will clearly be around him. And they’re right next to stupid rock club with their stupidly handsome members. Stupidly good-looking idiots like Kim Mingyu, Jeon Wonwoo and Yoon Jeonghan. Who cares that they can’t really play instruments, they look good doing so.


Even though the singing studio next to theirs is soundproof, Soonyoung is pretty sure he’s hearing a doom soundtrack playing really loudly right now. Not death metal though, bad rock music.

Anyway, they're screwed. Let's just turn the music on really loud and try to get attention that way. Play Top 10s and try to attract people over. Just dance, pun fully intended.


Maybe dance and pray. He's seriously had enough bad luck to have good luck come his way.



a/n: next update should be soon~ it'll be a fun ride I hope?? haha ^.^ hope y'all enjoy it

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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.