
School Wars

Surprisingly, pledisplagiarisers doesn’t ruin it. Instead the channel is enthusiastically circulating videos of all the performances from the festival, to “spread the love” or something. Seungkwan is shocked. And utterly convinced that the school authorities finally caught the guy behind the channel. Why else would he post all this positive bull online?  Soonyoung seems to know something, from the way he keeps defending the channel. Change of heart, he claims. Forcefully, as if trying to convince Seungkwan that the owner never had a shred of malicious intentions. Hah. As if Boo would ever believe that. If he ever catches whoever runs that Youtube channel, he’s going to teach that fellow lesson he won't forget. Even though he has a sneaky feeling that Soonyoung will somehow find out and stop him. Still, if he can’t get a good slap in, he’s not Boo Seungkwan.


Well, at least pledisplagiarisers isn’t making trouble this time. So Boo’s elaborate revenge schemes can be placed on the backburner for a while. Especially when he has more important things to do. Namely, a) plan beautiful and lovely dates with his adorable girlfriend and b) play proper cupid for his two idiot best friends. Because Seokmin and Soonyoung are fools and can’t be trusted with their own love lives, especially not with their paper-thin “we’re totally enemies-turned-friends-only-seriously!!” defense which should frankly die in a ditch. If people like each other, they should hurry up and confess so they can go on dates and become even happier than they already are. Seungkwan wants nothing more than for his best friends to be happy, even if they are occasionally (okay make that 90% of the time) idiots. 


And speaking of grand plans, he’s thought of this really great one. How to get Seokmin and Soonyoung, a.k.a idiot best friends together 101. Seungkwan has even obtained all the essential materials- cute notepaper, nice pens and roses. One for his genius masterplan, and the rest for his girlfriend. So he had only meant to buy two roses, but his girlfriend deserved more than one, okay. And no matter what Seokmin says, Seungkwan is Not Whipped. He just loves her a lot. Like how Seokmin and Soonyoung will love each other! Cupid Boo thinks they already do, they’re just way too blind and stubborn to admit it.(Even though he thinks his love for his girlfriend is a teeny bit bigger.)


Well, here goes nothing. Seungkwan is a little nervous this time, perhaps since he’s put in less thought into this plan than he normally would. It’s really hard  when you’re constantly thinking about how he should do this with his girlfriend instead. Love is distracting, but a very sweet distraction. Seungkwan will swallow his pride to admit that much. 


Dear Seokmin,


Even though we haven’t had the best start , we’ve moved past this and now we spend so much time with one another. Lately I’ve found myself


Seungkwan writes neatly on the notepaper. And cringes. Eww, leave that gushing to Soonyoung. Why is he even doing this? Right, cupid duties. Take a deep breath. Pretend you’re writing to your girlfriend instead. Press on through the cringe. You can do it! 


really falling for you. Everything about you. Your sweet words and constant care. Your handsome serious face and your immense talent. I feel like we just click.  


Bleargh. Romance is highly overrated, soppy and gross. His toes are curling. Ew. Ew. Seungkwan can’t do much more, Cupid Boo has used all his energy to write those few sentences.  


I really like you. Would you go out with me? 


Love, Soonyoung.


Sighing loudly, he folds the notepaper up and places it in a pink envelope. Perhaps this isn’t his brightest idea yet, a fake confession note. Maybe he should feel more guilty about pretending to be Soonyoung. Then again, they are dense idiots who probably won’t see romance even if was just staring at them in the face. Which it is! See, Seungkwan isn't wrong! Placing a rose on top of it, he looks at the letter. Passable. Probably too much effort for Soonyoung, that slacker. Anyway, now to do non-gross things. Like write a not-soppy love letter. To his girlfriend this time.


Seungkwan is not the king of sneakiness, he can admit that he’s a little conspicuous (the juniors always greet him loudly in the halls, no fault of his okay). But what he does have is good timing. So when Soonyoung and Seokmin have class with Mr. Kye (because his friends are nerds and are good at Physics, why), he saunters to Seokmin’s locker. Drops the letter in and stares at the rose. He wonders how’s that supposed to fit before shoving the stalk down the small slot. Not the most elegant solution, but Soonyoung would probably do that too. Of course, he could open the locker, because Seokmin hasn't bothered to change it from the default 0000. All that brains but not an ounce common sense. Seokmin and Soonyoung both, actually. 0000 and 9999, such a match made in heaven. At least Soonyoung kind of bothered. 


Well, now all he has to do is wait in ambush. And there’s this lovely comfortable place where he can sit down and spy. Boo has the best laid plans, even standing around is too much of a bother.


It’s boring, just loitering around, but finally Seokmin comes. With Soonyoung right next to him, chattering away merrily. Seokmin is looking downwards, honey dripping from his eyes. And Soonyoung is looking up at the slightly taller man, eyes all crinkled up and laughing at something seemingly stupid Seokmin said. Urgh, this stupidity is enough to make Seungkwan want to rush from his hiding place to push them closer together. Force them to kiss or least close that stupid distance between their hands. Just admit you like each other, fools! Cupid Boo is internally screeching at this painful scene.


“Isn’t that your locker? The one with a rose poking out of it.” Soonyoung says, finally noticing.


“Nah, no way.” Seokmin shrugs it off, but then he looks more carefully. Hang on, its really his. Which popular girl is giving out his locker number as hers, he demands to know. Just because it's always empty doesn’t mean he deserves to have love letters pity-dumped on him. Opening his locker, he positions himself carefully so Soonyoung doesn’t see that he still hasn’t changed his locker code from the start of junior year. He doesn’t need that level of humiliation in front of Soonyoung, not now at least.


For some reason, there’s an offending pink envelope staring back at him. With his name scrawled right over it. And Seokmin has a sneaky feeling he’s seen that very familiar handwriting before. Flipping it over, he hastily opens the envelope.   


It take Seokmin all about thirty seconds to evaluate the letter. Out of which ten seconds was dedicated to ensuring Soonyoung can’t see what’s on it. Which was a great use of time, seeing as he’s 200% sure the letter was not written by Soonyoung. The handwriting and cheesy lines just sound like they came from a very close friend’s playbook. A very close friend named Boo Seungkwan.


That punk. He’s going to get such a scolding when Seokmin next sees him. And knowing him, he’s probably hiding somewhere nearby.


With an almost vicious passion, Seokmin rips the letter to bits. Because a fake love letter is seriously uncalled for. Soonyoung makes this shocked sound. Oops, Seokmin totally forgot Soonyoung was standing right next to him. That might have been a little overboard. But still, Seungkwan deserved it.


“You shoudn’t do that! Even if you don’t like that person it’s only nice to turn them down nicely.” Soonyoung looks huffy, pouting his cherry coloured lips. How cute. And completely mistaken. Seokmin isn’t going to lie, he’d be happy to date Soonyoung. But clearly Soonyoung doesn’t think that way, seeing how earlier that year he’d probably laugh at Seokmin if he fell on his face in the hallway, rather than rushing forward to help him. Even though even that seems a little to cruel for Soonyoung, who probably isn’t even that cruel to his sworn enemies since he’s the ultimate kind guy.


“But it’s a prank. Just let it go. It’s nothing serious.”  Taking the scraps of the notepaper, he drops it into the class bin. Soonyoung trails after him, flower in hand. Man, flowers suit him. “You can keep the flower. Kind of too pretty to throw.”


Suffice to say, Soonyoung is Confused. Maybe he wouldn’t have been before, probably writing it off as some typical handsome boy heartlessness to confessions or something, but the Soonyoung now knows Seokmin just isn’t that type of person. So rather than dismissing it like Seokmin would probably like him to, he checks out the bin. And even though it’s probably a little disgusting, he fishes out whatever scraps of the notes that he can get without sticking his hand down the bin too much. If curiosity kills the Kwon, the least he can say is that at least someone has given him roses.


Well, he looks kind of stupid now. Rose in left hand, ripped letter in right hand. Better hide from anyone who is going to judge him from his poor life choices.   




And that’s kind of how they ended up like this. Soonyoung lying on his stomach in the Rooftop Shed, trying in vain to arrange the scraps of notepaper knowing full well he lacks some of the pieces. Seungkwan creeping near the front entrance of the shed, trying his best to see what’s going on without looking like a burglar. Because the only stealing that is going to occur is of hearts, duh.


“Oh hey Seungkwan! Why are you-”


Seungkwan has never muzzled anybody that fast. Chan’s shocked face is almost enough to make him feel bad, key word almost. Seungkwan has no desire to be skinned alive for trying to help his best friends overcome stupidity.


“Go in and act like you didn’t see me. I’ll explain later. Leave the door slightly open.” Seungkwan hisses. 


Chan is a good kid, so he just nods with wide eyes. Dusts himself off a little before entering, leaving the door ajar. Man, Chan is a great junior. Seungkwan should have tried convincing him to join the Broadcasting Club too. Maybe offer him some slot to play Michael Jackson songs or something. 


“Hi Soonyoung! What are you doing?”


Soonyoung looks up to see a cheerful Chan. Damn, this is a little hard to explain. I’m piecing together a torn love letter for Seokmin I fished out from the bin? The truth sounds really pathetic.


“Trying to figure out the sender of this message.”


“Looks fun! Can I join?”


And would you look at that. Puppy eyes. Soonyoung is so weak. So it becomes two grown boys lying on their stomachs patching together the pale pink paper. It takes a while, but they’ve managed to put together something.


Dear Seokmin…we spend so much time with one another… falling for you. Everything… handsome serious face… really like you. Would you go out with me? …Love,”


“Awww! That’s so cute. I want to see the sender! Do you know who sent this to Seokmin?” Chan squeals. “And why did he rip it up?”


Soonyoung shrugs. If he knew he wouldn’t have dug the scraps out of the bin, please never tell Chan about his shameful behavior. He has completely failed as a cool senior. But he can’t deny that he’s dying of curiousity. The handwriting is neat and cute, all rounded and pretty. Would Seokmin like a diligent girl like that? Soonyoung can’t see any reason to dislike someone like that. Maybe a mean college noona mocking Seokmin? An ex-girlfriend Seokmin wants to forget? 


Seungkwan curses under his breath from the door, damn, grand plan foiled. Why did Seokmin decide to have the brains to rip the name portion to shreds? Why did all the incriminating parts of the message land deeper in the bin? Now it just sounds like some generic pining message from some lonely girl who took one look at Seokmin’s face and decided he was easy pickings. (For the record, he isn’t.) And really Soonyoung should-


A sharp yank at his year disrupts Seungkwan from his thoughts. He struggles against the strong grip despite knowing he’s fighting a losing battle. Really, trust Seokmin to immediately know who’s the mastermind.


“Guess who I found creeping outside the room?” Seokmin says as he flings the door wide open, dragging Seungkwan by the ear. Seungkwan’s protesting loudly about being treated like a doll and the glare he gets from Seokmin would be enough to scare him silly if Seungkwan were a lesser man.


“Someone who wouldn’t tell me who wrote this letter?” Soonyoung looks up from the floor. Damn, why does he have to look so cute lying on the floor kicking his legs up and down like a spoilt child. Seokmin is weak for cute things, and Soonyoung is one of the cutest things Seokmin has ever laid his eyes on. The only thing that would make the whole scene cuter is if Chan wasn't lying next to him with the partially pieced-together letter resting in front of him. Which thankfully, has the name missing.


“You should know. You’re very familiar with the sender.”  


The look of puzzlement on Soonyoung’s face is almost enough to make Seokmin coo. Almost, because now Chan is attempting to help Soonyoung in his detective work, which is completely pointless since the culprit has already been apprehended. Securely under Lee Seokmin’s custody, held by the ear. And speaking of which, he ought to punish Seungkwan harder. So he gives his ear a harsh tug.


“But the handwriting is too pretty, it’s probably a girl and I don’t think I’m close to that many of them?” Ah, why is Soonyoung so intelligent in some things yet so silly when it comes to others?


“It’s this punk. He thinks I need a love life or something.”


Seungkwan sees the golden opportunity and seizes it. Go! Now it’s Cupid Boo’s time to shine! And he chooses Direct Attack!


“I didn’t write Seokmin anything? Why would I need to when I see him every other day? But anyway Soonyoung, don’t you think Seokmin is way too lonely? He needs someone cute to keep him company every day now that I’ve gotten busy-“


“I’m very happy with my life, thank you. And I don’t need you meddling into my affairs, whether you own up to it or not.”


Soonyoung is Confused. The handwriting in the letter is cute and looks 30% like Seungkwan’s, but at the same time there’s no good reason why Seungkwan would go spend all this effort on a prank. Seungkwan’s idea of a good prank is something easy to execute, like a jump scare. (Soonyoung has fallen for more than his fair share of them, with numerous unglam photos to back it up) This letter+rose combination is just too much effort for too little satisfaction and reward. And it might hurt Seokmin’s feelings, so Soonyoung doesn’t know how to make head or tail out of it. And to add to that Seokmin seems to think that Seungkwan deserves to be whacked for it, when pranks from the always playful boy normally are dealt with a few eye-rolls and copious sarcasm. So in summary, Soonyoung doesn’t understand. But Seungkwan is looking him expectantly. And Seokmin is too. 


“I think Seokmin should go date the sender if it makes him happy, but seeing he ripped it up probably not?”


Seungkwan literally facepalms. No, they are still fools and do not get it. Direct Attack was sadly not Super Effective. Soonyoung dodged it so completely. 


Best Friend Fools: 1, Almighty Cupid Boo:0


Well, this is going to be a challenge. But Boo Seungkwan will not lose heart. After all, he is the Almighty Cupid Boo. And as long as his surname is Boo, he will not lose. 


a/n: after half an eternity on hiatus for major exams, i'm back!! sorry for making you all wait so long TTATT. thank you for waiting for me and staying with this fic ^^ hope you guys enjoyed this update!! 


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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.