Because, Because

School Wars

Soonyoung is pretty crap at excuses. His mother told him to be an honest and upright individual, so that means no lying and minimal bull.


So it’s only logical that he doesn’t have anything to say when Jeonghan is smiling (sinisterly) and asking what he’s doing with Seokmin at some fancy dessert place. Because there are probably no excuses the long-haired boy will believe when the whole thing sounds frankly ludicrous to himself.


But there are real legitimate reasons, okay! There are extenuating circumstances. Very extenuating circumstances. 


Because someone up there (probably the vice-principal) has a twisted sense of humour, he places the Physics papers at the very end. Which frankly frustrates Soonyoung the most, because the largest stress will last the longest. But this time he's determined. This time he’s going to beat Seokmin. Although he hates the guy much less than last year, Soonyoung is Petty. He admits it, he’s not some generous guy. That Seokmin is better than him at Physics irks him. Especially when they’re seatmates and Seokmin sleeps and drools (okay, sleeps with his mouth open and exhales loudly) through Mr. Kye’s lessons. It’s really not fair he can’t beat someone like that.


And Seokmin? Of course he’s gone back to not being bothered. Singing and studying, he’s unfairly good at both. Right, he can cook too. Damn, what’s with this unfair distribution of talent? Give him some too! Why do people like he and Seungkwan seem to have it all? The only thing Seungkwan has now that Seokmin doesn’t is a cute girlfriend.


And no matter what Lee Seokmin says, he can totally get one if he wanted. Ask one of his fangirls- hang on, does he have any left? It’s been a bunch of months, so maybe not. That’s okay, his fanbase will go up in an exponential curve after the holiday festival. That the dance club has not prepared for yet. Damn, he should really stop with all these thoughts and just got back to studying. Last paper, last few hours before the exam.


He needs to beat Seokmin. Except it isn’t happening. Because for some reason he just can’t figure out how to do this one question on light waves. And nothing helps, because somehow Google doesn’t know the answer. Him texting the entire dance club doesn’t help either, because “If you don’t know how would I” seems to be their ironclad belief system.


So he drags himself pretty depressed to the classroom the next day. It’s a lie to say he doesn’t believe he won’t do well. No one is a failure if they can do 90% of the questions on the paper.


It’s just that second place is the first loser, that’s all. And Soonyoung hates losing. 


“You look like hell. Didn’t sleep well?” Seungkwan asks, fishing a spare calculator from Soonyoung’s bag. Because best friends can take things without asking for permission and it’s called tradition, not stealing.


“I dreamt of that question. The whole night.” Soonyoung seriously wants to throw something. It’s not just that question, it’s Jihoon holding up the paper and gloating at him while boasting about being the top scorer. It’s about Seokmin suddenly reverting back into his early persona and being totally heartless.


Actually, Seokmin being heartless was the scariest part.


“Which one?” So Seokmin wasn’t sleeping. Whoops, did he grumble too loudly?


“Question 17b. The one of light waves.”


And even though Seokmin’s eyes are still barely open and his words sound tired, he explains it. Patiently, like he’s teaching a five-year old and not his classmate whose sole goal on this examination is to take the crown from him.


So gentle, that Soonyoung has to consciously focus on the explanation than how Seokmin is explaining it.


How is he still single?


“So? Got it?”


It’s been maybe five minutes, but Soonyoung does. Completely, totally. He understands.


What he doesn’t understand is Seokmin. Shouldn’t you be more competitive? Keep your rival stressed and on his toes before you enter the actual battle arena? There’s a fair odd that something similar will come out on the paper. And why would you ever help you opponent like that? Soonyoung is no Joshua, he is no saint. If Seokmin had asked him for help he would have ignored him. And felt a little bad. Just a bit.


“Then don’t look so stressed. It’s just an exam. You’ll do well.”


“Speak for yourself. Top scorer.” And maybe he sounds bitter and resentful, even though he’s got absolutely zero right to be so. It’s nobody’s fault that Lee Seokmin is a smart boy, smarter than him. Seokmin is also nice and caring. He sleeps in class because he studies hard by himself at home. Even though Soonyoung spent more time staring at the comics and self-help books, it was obvious that Seokmin had all those practice books stacked up high on his table too.


Seokmin blinks open his tired eyes. Carefully studying him like he’s a problematic problem on the test.  


“You’re really tough competition, you know. I stayed up the entire of last night and I’m still not sure if I can beat you.” He pauses, brushing a stray hair away from Soonyoung’s eyes. “ You have a higher overall score than me. You beat me at both Literature and Chemistry. Stop stressing over a one mark difference.”


Somehow it feels like Seokmin is really good at looking straight into Soonyoung’s heart, putting what he feels into words. It’s got to be another one of his infinite amount of talent, that skill.


“Speak for yourself. You look even worse than me.”


Seokmin laughs. Really, this must what you call friendly competition. A really friendly competition.


“Good luck!” Soonyoung says before he steps into the classroom again. Loaded pencil case in the left hand and spare calculator on the right. Ready to tackle whatever Mr. Kye thinks as fun to throw at them.


“Save it for youself. Don’t need it.” Seokmin says, odd jumble of stationery hastily assembled in his hands. Seungkwan gives his head a hard rap. Don’t be an just because you’re a little bright, he scolds. Soonyoung means well.


Yeah, but so does Seokmin. He means nothing but the best, even thought his harsh way of speaking doesn't convey it well.


Good luck too, that's what Seokmin means.  


The question does come out on the paper. Seokmin’s voice is ringing in his head as his calculates the solution in his mind. Find this distance first. Then find the separation between the light source and the dark spot.


Soonyoung’s just been gifted two marks. By his one and only rival, who he’s spent a good part of his high school life hating. It’s funny, he thinks as the examiner tells them to put their pens down.


The class is full of chatter when they’re dismissed. The paper was killer, the last question was literally impossible. Mr. Kye is a sadist, he just wants to see all of us fail so we’ll study hard for the end of years. And even though he’s listening attentively to Seungkwan’s non-stop grumbling, there’s something he needs to say before they all leave school to enjoy themselves.


“Thanks.”  He says this softly, punching Seokmin’s shoulder as he tries to shove all his stationery into his pencil case.


“No problem. Next time you could ask earlier. Teaching directly before the exam is pretty stressful, you know.” Now he’s wearing the fakest scowl Soonyoung has ever seen. And even though his tension is still pretty high from the exams, he ends up laughing. 


And Soonyoung would have been pretty happy staying like that if not for a gentle tap on his shoulder. And look over here, it’s Seungkwan’s cute girlfriend. Those two really do look very good together, Soonyoung ships that.


“Would you mind if I stole Seungkwan from you today? I know you made plans but…” She says softly. Looking guilty when Soonyoung is just the token Best Friend and their “plans” involved fast food and soft drinks. Asking for permission, what the hell? Soonyoung can weep. Why are all the people around him all angels? Well, everyone except Jeonghan. Soonyoung cannot stand self-promotion.  


“Take him! I don’t love him anyway.” Soonyoung sticks his tongue out at that line.  “Make sure you have enough fun to compensate for my sadness at being single.”


“And mine too! My life is the worst, okay. Last night I was terrorized by the thought of being demolished by a scary friend of mine in the academic arena I woke up with chills and excessive stress my hands are still trembling-“


Soonyoung reaches up to muzzle him. Seokmin refuses to be silenced and tries to wriggle out of his grasp. They’re quite equally matched, except Seokmin is really good at projecting his voice. And even within this scuffle they can still wave the adorable couple goodbye.


Maybe playfighting is a good way of releasing pent-up emotions. Because they’ve been going at it for way too long and when they finally give up, everyone else seems to have left. And now Seokmin’s behind the teacher’s table pretending to be Ms. Han. His imitation is frankly too perfect. Right up to the way he sticks his nose up and praises an imaginary Jihoon.


Maybe it’s got to do with the relief of not having exams and how he’s sweating after all their bickering, but it seems like the right to do.


“Want to get ice-cream? My treat.”


“What, you’re using me as Seungkwan’s replacement? I’m hurt, Kwon Soonyoung. Hurt.”


“Boo is special. He cannot be replaced. Don’t ever let him hear that. his ego will get way too big to handle. One time offer for teaching me Physics questions.” Soonyoung pauses.


“And because I’m thankful. You’re a real friend I want to spend time with.”  


“I’m warning you, I’ve got expensive taste.”   




You see? That’s why they’re in one of those fancy cafes. That they’re sharing one bowl of ice cream is because Soonyoung is a cheapskate and would rather spend more money on ordering in pizza. He felt lonely, it’s only human to want some company. And express gratitude to a good friend who helped him.  It’s not that they’re on some toe-curling sweeter-than-ice-cream post-exam date. Probably the furthest thing from that.


Except there are too many reasons, too many “because” that Soonyong doesn’t know how to start. So many that it starts sounding like a long-winded excuse. Which it isn’t. So he turns to Seokmin, king of snark and sharp comebacks to bail both of them out.


Yet for some reason he’s totally tongue-tied. Why choose to be stunned speechless now, idiot? Why not when Soonyoung really wants to win a verbal argument with him in the rooftop shed?


“Because, because- ”


“Because maybe you should open your eyes. Both of you. I’m not going to have Mingyu and Wonwoo round two on my watch. That type of tensions is real torture, okay. Very mean of them.”


And to drive home the point, Jeonghan takes the DSLR Joshua was furiously snapping with. Why does one even take an DSLR out on an exam day? Really a Doraemon, that one.


Wow. That looks pretty incriminating. Were they seriously sitting that close? Were they both laughing so happily at the bad jokes they were swapping? Man, perspective is scary. No wonder why all the celebrities are scared to death by the paparazzi.


But it is cute. They do look really happy together. Scarily so, actually. There’s not a trace of coldness on Seokmin’s face at all, eyes all wrinkled up from laughter. And instead of making Soonyoung’s fingers curl like all cheesy couple pictures he’s frequently subjected to (coutesy of Mingyu and Wonwoo, Junhui and Minghao, Jeonghan and Joshua, Vernon and his girlfriend and lately Seungkwan and his girlfriend. Seungkwan was right, everyone IS dating.), the photos make him smile.


He really won’t mind putting this in his wallet to glance at once in a while.  


“Mmm. Really bad stuff.” Seokmin casually picks the camera up, scrolling through the photos. And cooly, presses the delete button, disposing of all evidence. It almost makes his heart twinge, even though it really is for the best. Soonyoung has to hand it to him, putting on a calm front and boldfacedly deleting them in front of Jeonghan. Really good at managing all kinds of situations, this one is. Way too capable.  


“So bad I’m a little glad it’s gone. Really, you shouldn’t teach Joshua all the bad things, Jeonghan.” Seokmin smiles, passing the camera back to Joshua calmly. Soonyoung can’t suppress his laughter much longer. Jeonghan looks so betrayed while Joshua is nodding and agreeing that spying isn’t very good behavior. They were also here for the ice-cream, until Jeonghan saw them from the window or something.


“Well, maybe then you should get some. To cool down, you know? And if you don’t mind, mine is melting and I want to savour it.”


Yet another item to add to Seokmin’s never-ending laundry list of talents. Maybe Soonyoung should give up on documenting them. Everything Seokmin does is ideal, there is no justice in this world.   



a/n: sorry for the long wait TTATT it's been a busy time in school! thank you for not abandoning this work despite the lack of updates, i do intend to finish this!!  >///<  hope you all enjoy it ^^


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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.