Pillow Fights

School Wars

Seungkwan, being The Only Sane Guy, is convinced there’s something strange going on. Something between witchcraft and alien brainwashing. Boo Seungkwan isn’t a lot of things. He isn’t tall (therefore subjected to tons of Seokmin-manhandling) and can’t beat people to a pulp just because he gets pissed off (don’t piss off Soonyoung. Trust him. he’ll beat you up barehanded).


But Boo is fearless. Okay, maybe ghost movies make him scream like a little girl. That’s having self-preservation instincts, okay.


So when his friends start acting all crazy (giggling and cuddling?!?!)  while insisting that they’re perfectly normal, he does the only logical thing- hold a sleepover. A controlled environment where he can observe test subject #1 Lee Seokin and #2 Kwon Soonyoung in captivity.


Perfect, actually. Keep them in safe custody while fattening them up with sugar cookies, making them silent with anime and copying their holiday homework. Kill four birds with one stone. Hold the applause, Boo knows how smart he is. Thank you very much!


Seokmin arrives first, because Seungkwan can’t trust him to arrive on time. The promise of sugar cookies and an unwilling captive to watch anime with was strong enough. Seungkwan just didn’t specify who. He’s smart like that.


Seokmin is sprawled out on the wooden floor, munching through sugar cookies and chips. Homework lying on the ground that could be either his or Seungkwan’s. Who can tell the difference? It’s both blank. The laptop has an ancient Pokemon episode on in grainy quality, but Seokmin loves it anyway. Pikachu is still adorable. Has those adorable chubby cheeks Seokmin would kill to pinch.


Seokmin is annoyingly thoughtful despite his harsh boy image and it comes back to bite Seungkwan in the . When the doorbell rings, of course Seokmin tries to be a good guest and heads downstairs to answer it. Because he thinks it's the pizza guy and is eager to spend Seungkwan’s money, of course.


Instead there’s a dazed-looking Soonyoung bearing potato chips and a chewed-up teddy bear. Gosh, he looks so cute sleepy. Even cuter when he gets annoyed, gosh.


Seungkwan realizes his mistake the moment he gets out of the bathroom. Quickly, before Seokmin shoots his stubborn mouth off. Before Soonyoung decides to head home in a huff. Stumbling over the worksheets, crashing on the bed. Cranks up the volume as loud as it goes and covers his ears.


The Pokemon theme song blares. Seungkwan tumbles down the stairs two at the time.


“Oh my god! I meant tomorrow! Aliens messed up my thought process or something! Boo is fabulous but careless. Or clumsy.What's the difference? Haha. But since you’re here you might as well come in! Sleepovers are more fun with three! Yes! Indeed! ”


Seungkwan has a special killer move in situations like this. Kidnap Mr. Fluffles and Soonyoung will follow. So he makes a grab for the not-very-fluffy-any-longer teddy bear and runs up the stairs. Low, he knows. Holding things his best friends hugs to sleep hostage. But you wouldn’t blame him. Seungkwan is desperate here. Desperarte enough to use his puppy eyes and Best Quality aegeyo as well. If this doesn't work on Soonyoung, nothing ever will.  


Soonyoung knows Seungkwan is lying. Boo is many things, but a good liar is not one of them. This stupid boy probably just wanted a sleepover with both his close friends or something. And figured lying and holding Mr. Fluffles hostage was the only way to get them both to his house. Well, Seungkwan isn’t totally wrong.That would have been the only way a week ago. Now, the lure of food and anime is enough. 


“He’s lying. You could go home, you know. I’ll retrieve the teddy bear.”


Ladies and gentleman, Seokmin is capable of niceness. Stop the press! This needs to be tomorrow's headline. 


“Nah. Let’s just force Seungkwan to watch ancient Pokemon episode for hours on end. Could be fun.”


They both enter Seungkwan’s room. Right on the bed, next to Mr. Fluffles there’s a rather worn-out horse. Faded pink with a dirtied mane.


Seokmin hugs pink ponies to sleep? This grown rock band frontman with a snarky tongue?


“Look! Mr. Fluffles looks so happy next to Pony-Pony! See, they’re waving hi! They’re hugging each other! My hand isn’t moving their paws or anything! I swear!”


Seungkwan’s self-preservation instinct has clearly hit an all-time high.


“Pony-Pony is such a bad name.”


Seokmin’s cheeks redden. Soonyoung’s already visualizing all his angled features pressed against the pink pony. God, that visual is way too cute. Sweeter than the sugar cookies Soonyoung is already attacking. No wonder Seokmin offered to retrieve Mr. Fluffles. He understood how difficult it was to live without your favourite stuffed toy.


“Mr. Fluffles isn’t that good either. Seriously, he’s not very fluffy. All stuffed toys get covered in fluff. Pony-Pony is self-explanatory. I was two, don’t make fun of me.”


Now he’s pouting. Soonyoung places a sugar cookie in Seokmin’s mouth before dropping his bags next to Seokmin’s. Turns the volume of the Pokemon episode down. Damn, they’re watching one of those old-is-gold epsiodes. The type he always wants to watch but never has the heart to put Seungkwan through because the quality is that grainy. Soonyoung admires his guts and total disregard for Seungkwan’s feelings. Well, not as if Seungkwan cared about his today, either.


“Mr. Fluffles is a great name, excuse you. Two year old me had better taste and more creativity than you.”


“Two year old Lee Seokmin traded his new puppy toy with a little girl down the street who really wanted it. And settled for a pink-and-white pony. Who’s the real good two year old?”


Seungkwan cannot stand this. Sure, they aren’t biting each others heads off like they used to, but seriously? Squabbling over who was better when they were two?


“All right you babies. Stop bawling at let Mommy Boo tuck you in bed and play anime for you.”


“Only if we get to watch these episodes of Pokemon.”


“And sing and dance the theme song real loud. When’s the pizza coming?”


Seungkwan sighs. These slave drivers.


He feels like sighing even more when they’re on the sixth episode, nibbling at the pizza and giving running commentary about the series. Lying sandwiched between them wasn’t the brightest idea he’s ever had. They’re talking his ears off, and Boo has a very high tolerance. Mostly because he’s the one normally yapping non-stop.


Why did he think it was a good idea to give these two nerds their time of the day? Right, because he expected them to keep fighting. He almost wants them to start arguing again. Instead they’re half-facing the screen half-facing each other with the stupidest grins plastered across their faces. Not a trace of rivalry between them.


Do they all have amnesia or something? He can still remember having to endure Soonyoung’s endless grumblings about Seokmin and vice versa. Does liking anime solve everything? But Jihoon likes anime too. Soonyoung used to talk to Jihoon so much about it.


Maybe it’s about liking anime and genuinely being a good person.


Whatever, Seungkwan needs to escape these two idiots. And fast. For some reason they keep pushing him further to the center. Like hello, his bed isn’t that small. There’s so much space on the left and right but no, they want to move towards the center. They both don’t even know what they’re doing.


“I’m going to bathe first. Continue watching your anime.”


Seungkwan climbs off the bed and grabs his clothes. He’s about to start brushing his teeth when a sudden urge strikes him. What on earth would they do when he isn’t around? Throw cookie crumbs at each other? Use his nice fluffly comforter to smother each other? Summon devils and get brainwashed by aliens? Or, oh gods, copy his homework wholesale!


This cannot happen. He turns on the shower while peering out from  the bathroom door.


Oh. My. God.


For some reason they’ve turned the anime off and now they’re lying down practically next to each other. Soonyoung is eyeing Pony-Pony. Slowly approaching it. That’s a death warrant, Soonyoung! Don’t do it!


He picks it up. Seungkwan lets out a silent scream. Don’t let Seokmin catch you, I want my best friends back intact. And my recently washed sheets blood free.


“Pony-Pony is pretty cute. In a chewed up way. I bet you say goodnight and cuddle it to sleep.”


“You’re not much better. I bet you drool on it too. Cling so tightly if I tried pulling it from your grasp you’d start crying and wake up. Mr. Fluffles is more chewed up.”  


Soonyoung laughs. Really, Seungkwan wasn’t lying. Behind all his harsh words and snarky exterior, Seokmin really is a giant softie. Softer than Mr. Fluffles, possibly. 


“Speak for yourself. I don’t drool. That’s just you.”


“Bet you dance in front of it and share your secrets to it. Oh, Mr. Fluffles, I’m so happy today, the Dance Club recruited it’s final member! Oh, Mr. Fluffles, I ranked no 2 on Physics again! I’m sooooo happy.” Seokmin holds the teddy bear in an exaggerated embrace.


Soonyoung sure as hell isn’t going to lose. Not when Seokmin is clearly worse than him.


“My dear, darling sweetheart Pony-Pony, I’m suuuuper excited! I perfected this rock song, you should listen to it. Great right? I worked suuuuuper hard! Pony-Pony, you won’t believe what happened today! I mean like, no way!”


The mocking voices ring across the room and they’re laughing so hard. Air struggles to reach their lungs and Soonyoung’s sides start hurting. Maybe it’s the sugar cookies, but he’s 95% sure it’s the excessive laughter.   


“Mr. Fluffles, you’ll never believe what happened today! I met the rock band head, Lee Seokmin. He’s such a jerk! Like ugh, can you believe it? Suuuuper arrogant! Sooooo snobby! Oh my gosh, I’m getting a headache just thinking about it.”


“Oh my god don’t say it like that!”


“Mr. Fluffles, today the jerk Seokmin sang soo loudly my ears ring. So inconsiderate! I wish he’d just disappear, why is Seungkwan even friends with him?”


Wow. Seokmin hits way too close to home. Did he always know what Soonyoung thought of him? That’s kind of depressing. Even if he did think Seokmin was pretty much the devil, that's not it now. 


“Darling, sweetie Pony-Pony, I think Soonyoung doesn’t hate me that much anymore. It’s not because I’m just an anime nerd, right? I’m actually a good person with a really poisonous tongue. Soonyoung thinks I’m a good person!”


Seokmin freezes there, before rolling over to face Soonyoung directly. There’s a faint red colouring his cheeks.


“Really? Do you actually think I’m a good person?”


Soonyoung feels the blood rush to his cheeks for no reason at all. There’s a sudden urge to turn away, to not look back at the black eyes that are staring at him but he finds himself frozen too.


“Yeah. Anyone who helps Seungkwan is good in my books. You’re a nice person.” 


A silence descends upon the room. Soonyoung is pretty sure he’s bright red right now. He wants to move away, but he’s just stuck there, unable to move his suddenly body. And very suddenly he turns around. There’s two thuds, and he’s certain that Seokmin turned around too.


But just to check, not because he thinks Seokmin’s blushing face is the cutest thing, he turns to check.


Seokmin is looking too.


Soonyoung gives a little yelp and buries his face into Seungkwan’s pillow. 


“Yah! Stop being gross! I want to throw up, why did I invite you both? Why do you both just want to torture me! What did I do to deserve this, who did I offend… Maybe I should have listened to my grandma and kept the sugar cookies for myself!”


“Well maybe you shouldn’t have lied!”


Soonyoung arms himself with the pillow and charges. Forget being weirdly shy, the true enemy here is Seungkwan. Seokmin is right behind, grabbing the other pillow.


Seungkwan first hides behind his shirt and then grabs the bolster.


“Pillow fight!” He screams, raising the bolster up like a flag. 


They fight until they’re way too tired and sweaty. Sprawled on the floor, Soonyoung looks at the mess they’ve made. That’s going to be a pain to clean up tomorrow.


Even though he doesn’t say it, this is easily in the Top 3 of sleepovers at Seungkwan’s house.


Today was really fun. Worth coming out of the house for. Even without the food.


a/n: hope yall enjoyed that, i've received many many sweet comments the past two chapters and felt really happy so thank you :>>   



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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.