Five Minutes

School Wars

Lee Seokmin is not a model student, whatever his grades may say. Sure, he may have better grades than Soonyoung but that is not due to his work ethic. When it comes to work ethic Seokmin absolutely lacks it.   


Okay, maybe Soonyoung is a little too harsh. For most parts Seokmin is an attentive student, listening in classes rather diligently. Until he decides to open his big mouth and fire “smart” questions at the teachers. Choice samples of him unnecessarily displaying his intelligence include asking Ms. Han “What makes Romeo and Juliet worth studying apart from it being written in unreadable English? What differentiates this unreadable English from our modern slang like #YOLO or OTL? ”with the sharp follow up of “So if a three day story of infatuation between two fifteen years olds is the defining love story of their generation, then shouldn’t we study Twilight instead? They’re both legal and have to defy the fact that the guy is a much older vampire. Definitely has a more mainstream appeal.”   


Soonyoung actually liked that one way too much. For once, it was actually 100% on point. It did result in Seokmin being sent to the Principal’s Office and coming back with the Vice-Principal (Soonyoung loves this guy) in ten minutes with a short lecture on respecting two-way intellectual discourse. If this was any other guy Soonyoung would have given him major respect and props. But this is a common occurrence when it comes to Seokmin.  


Sadly, most of the time his insights are less witty, largely rather lame jokes such as “Isn’t it discriminatory to not call larger angles cute?” It’s a real waste to give a good brain to Seokmin when he wastes his energy making bad jokes. Even though Soonyoung laughs at them, but that’s just because class is dreary and he has a lousy sense of humour.  Someone shoot him.


Right now however, Seokmin is dozing off. Hands on the table and cheek resting on arms, sure to leave a red patch when he wakes up later. It’s always after lunch break where he sleeps blatantly in Physics class. Rather than think Seokmin is more like a regular kid who gets tired after a good lunch (Soonyoung does too), it amplifies Soonyoung’s rage.


Sure, this guy is going to sleep right through Physics lessons and still end up topping the level. How does that even make any sense? Is there even any justice left in this world? Lee Seokmin, this little punk, can sing, is not bad looking and is smart. What kind of innocent animal did he sacrifice to devils to be so skilled, and how can Soonyoung get that devil’s contact number? Things like that should be shared.


Ms. Han walks in. Oh crap. Mr. Kye apparently has something on and so they swapped classes. Ugh, Soonyoung was in such a good mood too. Okay, as good as moods get when the guy asleep next to you beat you in the latest Physics class test despite being asleep through half of it. Ugh.


Ms Han raps the board hard. Scary. No , she’s glaring. What did Soonyoung do wrong this time? He handed in his homework. He has the handouts on the table and he’s diligently copying notes. Even Seokmin isn’t acting up today. There’s no real reason to look like he’s kidnapped her dozen flea-infested cats or-



Seokmin is blatantly sleeping in class. And this is not Mr. Kye who lets people sleep.


Elbow him while copying notes. Kick him from underneath the table. Why does he sleep so soundly?


“Mmm, five more minutes mum! Just five more minutes.”




That was cute. The way his mouth contorts to a pout, slightly opened as he breathes through it.


Still, he can’t smile or laugh out loud. Must have situational awareness, and the situation is Ms. Han staring down at them and raring to give Seokmin detention. As much as Soonyoung doesn’t like that fellow, detention for sleeping in one class doesn’t seem very fair.


Continue elbowing.


“Five more minutes mum. Please? Just five more minutes. Sleepy.”


This is not where you go soft in the heart, Kwon Soonyoung! He needs to wake up right now or the both of them will be in trouble. In trouble for doing very little wrong. He can’t afford to succumb to the cute and sleepy voice that whines for five more minutes. No matter how adorable he looks and sounds asking his mum for more sleeping time.


“Ms. Han, I have this question about this poem…”


Lucky! Lee Jihoon successfully distracted her. Keep asking inane questions, Jihoon! You’re unknowingly saving our asses here!


“You need to wake up. It’s Ms. Han!”


“Please? I won’t eat breakfast just let me sleep it’s so warm and comfortable. Please mum pleaseeeee.”


This is just wrong on so many levels. They’re fighting. Seokmin is evil incarnate and Soonyoung hates him. But here he is trying to wake Seokmin up and getting aegeyo and being called mum in return. The whole thing is adorable and inconceivable.


Soonyoung almost wants to let him continue sleeping. Almost.


Except the class has gone eerily quiet and he’s sure Ms. Han is absolutely glowering at them right now.


“Ms. Han, there’s this one part I don’t really understand.”


Seungkwan is a fool. And a saint. But a fool. How much does he love Lee Seokmin exactly? What did he do to deserve such love?


But he can’t let Seungkwan’s sacrifice be in vain. Ignoring all of Seokmin’s unexpected cuteness, he shakes him really hard and keeps hissing into his ear.

“Wake up it’s class you’re getting Seungkwan in deep trouble wake up!”


That bugger continues acting cute, this time sleeply clinging onto his jacket sleeve and continuing his nap there.


“And that’s what the poet intended. Seokmin, what are you intending to do by sleeping in my class?”




“Seokmin isn’t feeling very well Ms. Han. Touch of fever.”


Blearily Seokmin finally lifts his head off the desk and blinks weakly. He looks so tired that Soonyoung almost feels bad. But none of that. He’s going to be in major trouble if Seokmin says something very stupid.


“Are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse’s office to rest?”


“Sorry Ms. Han. Feeling under the weather.” He hacks out a pretty bad-sounding cough. “Soonyoung kindly offered to help me take notes. I’ll try my best to stay awake but I’m really dizzy.”


Ms. Han doesn’t believe a word of it. Seungkwan sneakily flashes them a thumbs up. The class is convinced.


“If you’re sick then leave. Don’t spread you germs to your healthy classmates.”


“It’s not contagious ma’am.”


Soonyoung wants to hit Seokmin for mouthing off and then hug him for pissing off an annoying teacher. She looks super mad, but no more words come out off as she storms back to the board.




“Thank you. You saved my . Sorry about that. Really sleepy earlier. Did I do anything embarrassing? Please forget everything.”


Soonyoung doesn’t know. Is mistaking an enemy for your mother and then clinging onto that guy’s jacket sleeve embarrassing? Because if it is Seokmin is the embarrassment of the century, the Marina Trench wouldn’t be deep enough for him to hide in. Should he mention he has enough blackmail material to force him out of the rooftop shed and still have leftovers for him to die of shame?


“Don’t worry too much. Go worry about losing to the dance club at the festival.”


“Hey we’ll totally win-“


“Can you two just play nice? And here I was happy you two decided to get along!”


Seungkwan walks into the classroom, two drinks in hand. Seokmin tries to pull the orange juice away but Seungkwan swiftly dodges.


“The magic word is normally please. But today the magic word is thank you. Say it to Soonyoung. He saved you from hell detention with Ms. Han.”


“Already said it.”


 Seungkwan is stunned and speechless. Someone grab a camera, this is a really rare occurrence.  Seokmin takes advantage of his distraction and grabs his orange juice. He pauses, before swiping the chocolate milk with his other hand and tosses it to Soonyoung.


“He really did.”


Seokmin leaves the room, leaving behind Soonyoung to try and shake Seungkwan back to his senses.


“Is this heaven?”


Seungkwan says, eyes glazed out in wonder. 

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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.