Black Mask

School Wars

The sun is barely out but Soonyoung’s fully alert. Has to be. Today’s the day. The day where the dance club will regain their former glory. The day where people will forget the humiliation of the Orientation performance.


The day where he will do better than the rock band and shove it in Lee Seokmin’s smug face. And he will throw his head back and laugh.


Seungkwan is freaking out. Soonyoung doesn’t even bother to comfort him. At this stage he’s likely to break down into a verbal vomit of his script.


Seriously, why is he so tense? Seungkwan always does well. Boo is perfect, he likes to say everyday.


Soonyoung might just believe so.


The rehearsals go well. The rooftop shed is peaceful. Hah, smart move to assemble earlier. Made it here before Seokmin’s singing disrupts their concentration. And makes Soonyoung feel even more unsettled. Because Seokmin sings real good.


The practice even as the rock band members come in. Huh, strange. Why are Mingyu, Wonwoo and Jeonghan all here before Seokmin? It’s always Seokmin calling someone and complaining they were supposed to assemble fifteen minutes ago. They fiddle with their instruments, but it’s clear they’re clueless. Jeonghan’s calling him. The speakerphone blasts a rock ringtone to the whole shed.


The door swings open.


Lee Seokmin is at the door. Phone in hand. Black face mask over his face.


Everyone falls silent. The rock ringtone continues blaring.


Seokmin coughs. Violently.


“Sorry I’m late.”


His normally loud voice is muted. He barely finishes his statement before breaking into another fit of coughs.


“Oh my god. Are you sick? Why did you come?”


Jeonghan rushes right over to Seokmin. Now that Soonyoung looks closer, his face is really red. He’s sweating really hard. It’s almost pitiful, the way he’s all bundled up and obviously tired.


“Must sing.”


“There’s no way you can sing like this.”


Still he stubbornly makes his way to the microphone borrowed from the IT team and starts singing.


There’s no way Soonyoung would have finished the song. His normally booming voice is so muted, so choked up. He’s still in tune but it’s clearly painful. Every break he gets he’s clearing his throat. The more Seokmin sings the more frustrated he gets. He goes louder, but it starts sounding worse and worse.


Jeonghan stops playing. Mingyu and Wonwoo do too.


“Save your voice. There’s no way you can perform.”


Jeonghan tries to stop him, but he keeps going on. It sounds worse and worse. The grip on the microphone refuses to let up.


Seokmin is mad at himself. Over something that is so obviously not his fault.


“Said I would do it. Must do it.”


Mingyu rarely uses his size.  But today he does, prying the microphone away from Seokmin’s fingers. He lets out a soft cry.


“We still need you. The rock band is dead if you can’t sing after this, get it?” 


Wonwoo nods. Jeonghan’s making some calls somewhere. The fight seems to seep out of him. He slumps down, a defeated look on his face.


“Guys, we have to go. The first act is in fifteen minutes.” Junhui says.


Wordlessly both teams start moving their equipment, even if there’s no way the rock band can perform without Seokmin. Mingyu is discussing something with Jeonghan and Wonwoo.


They arrive to Seungkwan’s enthusiastic emceeing. Why was this guy even worried, he’s a natural. Even though Soonyoung knows well enough that he’s definitely having a freakout the moment he heads backstage. Over some small pronunciation problem or forgetting to stress one word.  Being a perfectionist really stresses people out. Well, not like he isn’t like that about his choreography.


The dance club first. Soonyoung clears his mind, focuses on the crowd. Try not to think about the rock band, forget about rubbing their performance in Seokmin’s face.


They go on stage. All other thoughts fly away as he immerses himself in the moves. For three minutes he can’t think. Just dance. And when finally finishes he’s smiling. Widely.


Now that. Was what the dance club was capable of.


The rousing cheers and applause was just a cherry on top.


Seungkwan skips back on stage.


“Wasn’t that just an amazing performance by the dance club? I can’t be the only one still stunned by their performance! Next up, we have the rock band to play some great tunes. Rock band, please!”


No instruments make their way on stage. Instead, they bring up a chair. Hairspray. Scissors.


What the hell do they think they’re doing?


Mingyu answers his question.


“Hi guys! We’re the rock band! Unfortunately our frontman Seokmin is sick, so we can’t perform today for you guys. Instead, we’ve put together a hairstyling show!”


Hairstyling show.


Vernon is cackling too hard.  Junhui and Minghao are watching with interested eyes.


Seokmin drops his head down and shakes it hard.


“Idiots. Don’t do this. Don’t make yourself fools.”


And maybe you shouldn’t take it so hard on yourself. Really even Soonyoung won’t blame Seokmin for falling ill at a critical moment. If anything he’s a cool guy, dragging himself half-dead to try and perform.


Fools they are. At least they’re handsome fools. Jeonghan is the hair model, apparently. Wonwoo is the fumbling but adorable assistant. Mingyu is the hairstylist, braiding Jeonghan’s hair dilligently. With witty commentary like "And here you can either use cute hair accessories or a simple hairband!" before playing the crowd with "Pink hairband? Flowers or no?" 


And the crowd favourite. Takes the scissors and hovers it hear the ends of Jeonghan's hair. 


"Should I cut it?" 


The loud "nooooooo!!!!" of the crowd pretty much answers everything. Soonyoung is pretty sure Joshua is one of the loudest voices. 


Once he's done with Jeonghan's hair, he styles Wonwoo's hair as well. All doting and careful, making all the girls squeal off stage. And he gives himself apple hair. Why? Because Kim Mingyu is a manly man. Bull. 


For something they totally came up with in ten minutes, it’s pretty respectable. It’s a mix of hairstyling, handsome guys and comedic moments.


Jihoon mutters something with a smile. Then he leaves suddenly. Soonyoung looks up and shrugs his shoulders.


The girls still love the rock band, no, hairstyling band. Mingyu really made Jeonghan’s hair all pretty and everyone’s taking photos.


Joshua’s in the crowd of people taking photos. Cooing over his pretty boyfriend and making blatant hearteyes. Ugh, disgusting.


“Ah! Seokmin. I heard you were sick so I got some things from the Literature Club.”


Lemon water. Panadol pills. Strepsils.


This guy is an MVP in fussing over others. Soonyoung can see why Jeonghan dates him now. He has sinned, he'll make a greater effort to remember his name. 


“Where did they get their equipment from?” Dino asks.


“Ah, Jeonghan asked me to get it. There was some lying around in the Literature Room.”


What does Joshua think he is, Doraemon?


Regardless, the rock band comes off stage with many cheers. Even Seokmin grudgingly praises them. It’s really a job well done. Now just to redo it for the afternoon performances. Soonyoung thinks the most difficult part would be to convince Joshua to allow Jeonghan to take out his hair. He’s touching it and cooing.


Soonyoung thinks that the rock band should change names to the hairstyling club. It’s less cringeworthy. Seokmin can be the tray-holder. Or snarky commentary provider.


Morning break before they perform the bigger afternoon crowd. Seungkwan finally emerges from behind the microphone. Spies Soonyoung and smothers him with a bone-crushing hug.


“It was so difficult! You did amazing! Where’s Seokmin? Why didn’t he sing?”


Seokmin walks over in his mask. Seungkwan starts fussing over him. Nagging at him for falling sick, telling him to go home and rest.


Hey, that’s my best friend. Make sure you return him in perfect condition. That’s what Soonyoung wants to tell Seokmin, but when he sees the anger seep out of his body he shuts up. For some reason they’re really good friends.


“What? But…”


“The rock band should be playing instruments and singing. Not putting on a hairstyling show.” Ms. Han says.  Lee Jihoon is a short distance between, smirking at him.


“But Seokmin is ill, Ms. Han. He can’t sing in this condition.”


“Then just play your instruments. If you can’t do something as basic as that the rock band should just dissolve.”


 What the hell. Does Jihoon also have something against Seokmin? Hates him enough to pick on a sick guy?


“Seungkwan! It’s starting in three minutes. You guys! You’ll be on in twenty.”


Wonwoo has his head down and he’s shaking it so hard. They won’t live like that. Whatever legitimacy the rock band gets off the back of Seokmin is going to dissolve in three minutes.


It’s difficult to perform with a light heart when sitting in the audience is a clearly wrecked Seokmin. Somehow it’s hard for Soonyoung to tear his eyes away. Jihoon is in the third row, looking frustrated at their performance. So he dances harder. More perfect. Make Jihoon feel like he’s lost.


The instruments are slowly moved on stage. It sounds like the death march for the rock band.


“Hey, we’re the rock band! Our frontman Seokmin has a terrible cold and can’t be with us today-”


Soonyoung can’t really believe what happened then.


Seungkwan, who always freaks out backstage and practices like a maniac for anything he does for a large audience has taken the stage. Without any cue. Holding his emcee microphone with determination.


“So the wonderful Boo Seungkwan has graced the rock band with his lovely vocals! Please listen to our song!”


He turns back. Nods. They start playing.


Boo Seungkwan is a choir boy. Not a rock band frontman. It’s rather obvious. The hand he places on the microphone stand keeps shaking. But he is a good singer. So it works. Not as loud as Seokmin, but today the rest are messing up less.


The crowd still loves it. Laps it right up.


Soonyoung looks up. Jihoon is fuming mad.


Seungkwan is panting when he’s finished. Heaves a practically inaudible sigh of relief. Smile cutely before heading straight back to his emcee job.


And if the crowd does cheer louder every subsequent time Boo Seungkwan comes out, it’s because he did well. Really well.


Soonyoung stays the entire festival. Because the whole thing is so un-Seungkwan like it might as well come from another planet. He’s the craziest about being rehearsed, the one who stresses so much when it comes to impromptu things. But there he was, throwing his neck and pride on the line just to save Seokmin’s .


He needs answers. Why are he and Lee Seokmin friends? It’s not as simple as them simply getting along. That’s the kind of thing Seungkwan only does for people he cares really deeply about.


“Tell me.”


“What? I’m just relieved the festival is over. Let me enjoy myself now, Soonyoung.” Seungkwan's  aegeyo is good. But Soonyoung is not going to be soft-hearted.


“What went on between you and Seokmin? You won’t do that for just anybody. Hell, would you even do that for me?”


“I would, okay! It’s a really long story.”


“Well I’ve got a lot of time.”


“So do we!!”


Soonyoung turns around. Oh god, the rest of the rock band and dance club are hovering around with evil glints in their eyes.


Seungkwan sighs. Of course, they would corner him.


“Let’s go somewhere quieter. With food. I’m hungry.”   

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Alecsgonzales0411 #1
Chapter 4: I know it's like, a lot of like late, seeing that this story was posted years ago, but I just want to say that this is really fun! It sorta gives out that vibe like the stories I used to read when I was younger (11 years old), so finding a story like this makes me so excited.

PS: Please don't mind my grammar as I'm not sure if my words are correct. It's only my second language.

PPS: I tend to use the word "like" when I'm expressing something~
Chapter 4: I had a feeling it would be Dino to sign up kekeke
I like how Minghao and Junhui stayed even though the club would be dissolved. It shows their friendship with Sooyoung and it's so cute~ 💞
Chapter 2: That rivals2lovers tho, thats som good shiiit 👁👄👁

I love how Seungkwan is so done with everybody else but he keeps being by their sides, taking care of them. You go, Seungkwan! And cheep up, Soo-sshi — you'll surely find new members for the club 💞
(I'm also interested in Jihoon's development hnm 👀)
Chapter 1: Petition to give Sooyoung an official title of Korean Gremlin: in this essay I will

And we're off to a greaaat start
Things gon get spicyyy 👁👄👁 man I'm excited WHOOP HIS , SOOYOUNG, IMMA PAY YOUR JAIL BAIL IF IT EVER COMES TO THIS
kyokifruba #5
Chapter 30: I really like this story... Can you write this again but with seokmin point of view?
Chapter 30: Yaaaay!!!!! OMG THIS is so Sweet (even though my bias woozi was the Bad guy lol but I don't care if it makes my other 2 babies get together like this)
Chapter 26: aww poor boo boo
Chapter 24: ohhhh the mistake was Soonyoung and I would like to know the reason why. I dont like the Jihoon here... he is a total jerk.
Chapter 4: Nice chapter. Chan saves the day.
Chapter 2: Awww... I kinda feel bad for soonyoung.