game.three part one

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"GAH!" Saeyoon yelped, jumping onto Soohyun. Soohyun widen his eyes till he noticed that it was Saeyoon then he was relieved. Suddenly, a body appears in front of them, Soohyun and the others flinched back. They were too afraid to spoke up. They pushed Yunho to the spotlight and Yunho shuttered, "W-who are you?!"

"I came to help you," its said, "Unless you want him to die, you got no time," its added.

"Kevin?" Saeyoon softly mumbled. They all eyed on Saeyoon, looking at her as if she was crazy. Soohyun raised one of his eyebrow.

"Kevin?" Saeyoon repeated as she walked closer.

"Is she seeing things, Micky hyung?" Xiah whispered to Yoochun. Yoochun shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what he thinks. Saeyoon was much different before the fated day.

"You sure got a good hearing," Kevin winked.

"Didn't you-" Doojoon, the leader of BEAST, didn't continued because of Yoseob's interference. "GHOST!" Yoseob yelped before Doojoon got to finished his sentence, hugging Joon tightly.

"Can't breathe," Joon was turning blue. Jaejoong helped Joon by pulling Yoseob apart.

"Thanks," Joon tried to get his breathing back to normal. I thought I was going to die there, Joon thought.

"We should get going," Kevin started to appear, "That's better now," he said, looking at himself.

"Kevin oppa!" she tried to hugged him but ended up running pass him. Huh? Why can't I hugged him? Saeyoon thought, looking at her hands. Soohyun looked concern. On the other hand, Yunho and the others were cutting through the grass and vines. 

"UGH, so tiredsome," Yunho complained.

"Can we rest, hyung?" Changmin whined, trying to catch up, "I'm tired," he added.   

You will never find him ㅋㅋㅋ

(A/N): Harro there x) you all miss me? ;) jokes. WOOHOO! UKISS WON BEST MALE! As in return, I will learn NEVERLAND...i think. I am learning SAD SONG one of Protect the Boss OST atm x) I find this cute (: Here is a song! Too lazy to find pictures of MBLEAST atm ): Yoseob is cute, but Soohyun is still my ultimate bias x)

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_saranghaekyuti #1
@SasukeTran: i'll make a sequel to this so you'll find out then (:
too little information im lost and left wanting more T.T how can you do that to me -pouts- good story though
too little information im lost and left wanting more T.T how can you do that to me -pouts- good story though
VKchan96 #4
lolx at Joon and Yoseob xDDD
_saranghaekyuti #5
@iluvgirl1997: why "):"
_saranghaekyuti #6
@KevinWoolover1998: thanks for your comment (:
_saranghaekyuti #8
@amnauna: thanks ^^
nice story.