Yun Mi's Birth in 1990

The Vampire's Daughter
The SHINee was outside who was taking care of the baby and jonghyun was the one carrying her.
"Hyung, don't you think we should give her a name?" minho asked onew.
"I'm not sure. I'm quite hesitant to decide since she's mi sun's daughter and a human." onew said as he bit his lower lip.
"I'm quite curious why she became a human instead of a vampire like her parents." taemin said tilted his head sidewards.
"So, her surname is 'Park' like mi sun and young ja, so.." key said.
"What about 'Yun' for the first one." taemin said as he her hair.
"Why Yun?" minho asked.
"Like her father. Instead of Young, it might be more suitable for her if it's 'Yun'." taemin explained.
"Not bad" jonghyun smirked.
"What about 'Sun' for the second one?" key suggested.
"Yun Sun? Not really." key commented.
"Yun...Yun..Yun Mi..Yun Mi..?" jonghyun mumbled ever so softly.
"Yun Mi?" onew asked curiously.
"Because it's like mi sun's. When I hear it like that, mi sun's warm face runs through my mind." jonghyun said as he slides his hand through her cheeks.
"Yun Mi. It does suit for a mother and daughter." onew said.
"Even though she's a human, her new born eyes looks exactly like her mother's." minho said.
"So jonghyun, what should we do now that mi sun's gone?" key asked.
"Before I knew she was engage, I was really planning on marrying her." minho said.
"yah, that was my plan before I knew that." onew said as his eyes turn red while grabbing minho's collar.
"yah stop it! She was supposed to be mine when she gave her heart to someone else already." jonghyun said.
"But, I was the one who loved noona!" taemin exclaimed.
"Let's just say we all loved noona." key said.
"And not as a friend, but as a woman." key added.
"Excuse me, what's all the argument?" young ja asked. Even though they didn't see the face yet, the soft voice can hear by a vampire.
"Jeongmal mianhada young ja hyung. We were just deciding the name for your daughter." onew said that made young ja form some tears by the word "daughter".
"I-I see...well, what's the name?" he asked, controlling his tears.
"We're really sorry for mi-... I mean to what happened earlier." taemin said.
"It's what's the name?" young jae quickly answered to forget what happened earlier.
"Park.." key said following by taemin.
"..Yun.." taemin said following by jonghyun.
"..Mi" jonghyun ended.
"Wah~ Neomu Yeppo." young ja commented.
"So hyung, what should we do with her?" jonghyun asked.
When young ja heard his question, he turned to yun mi. Then he gets closer and closer as his eyes turn red. This was definitely not a good sign.
"Hyung! Haji ma!" minho blocked young ja.
"She might be the cause of what happened earlier but, you can't do this to her own daughter." key said.
Then, young ja stopped from getting closer and his eyes turned to yellow, the normal one.
*sigh* "Mianhada, I just can't control myself. But, of course I won't do that to our daughter. I'll ask the council later if there's a way to make her into a vampire." young ja said.
"Alright. We'll take care of her for the night." jonghyun said.
12 o' clock
Young ja went to SHINee's house to get yun mi.
"Hyung!" onew suddenly said when young ja hasn't entered yet. Vampires can hear things even in a long distance.
"So, how she's doing?" young ja asked.
"She's sleeping. So, is there a way?" key said.
"I'm glad there's a way." young ja smiled.
"Really? What is it?" taemin asked.
"This is already the second time that a human child was born from a vampire so, they already know how to deal with it when it happens again." young ja said.
"Oh yeah. I just read 280 years ago that a vampire gave birth to a human child." jonghyun said.
"That's right. Anyway, they said when her 18th birthday is close, 3 things will ahppen to her."
"What are those?" minho asked.
"First, she gets a habit of biting her fingers that causes it to bleed. She can also bit everything that is close to . Than wiping her blood, she it to keep her heart beating."
"What do you mean 'keep her heart beating'?" key asked curiously.
"When she turns 18, she'll get unconcious for a while since she drank some blood. But when she less blood, he unconciousness might take for years." young ja explained.
"And the second one?" taemin asked.
"Then, she loses appetite everyday. Her blood is the only thing she needs until she turns 18."
"Lastly?" jonghyun then asked.
"Lastly, she won't be able to sleep because her heart is starting to slow down 2 days before she turns 18."
"So, it means, she has to die first before she becomes a vampire?" key asked, worried.
"Exactly. On 12 midnight, the full moon will appear and her heart will slowly stop."
"Is it possible that she might die when the full moon won't appear?" onew asked curiously.
"It can be. When we don't follow the plan correctly, the game is over and her soul will be out of her body." young ja explained.
"Okay guys, we need to make this right or else our plan won't work." jonghyun said that made young ja curious.
"What plan?"
"N-Nothing." they all replied.
"I'm wondering.." minho raised his hand.
"Will she stay here with us? The councilor won't allow us, vampires, to have a human child." he continued.
"I knew that. I'm planning on giving her to a perfect human to take care of her for a while." young ja said.
"I can see in your mind that you know one." key said.
"Her mother, almost killed Song Seo Hee, the , but that's when I stop her and met her. She later became friends with her as if she was the only human friend we know. Until now, she's still single and she's living now with her 2 years-old adopted daughter, Song Sang Hee." young ja informed them.
(in this picture, she's already 19 years old)
"So, what now, should we send her there?" taemin asked while pointing at the door.
At Song Seo Hee's house
Young ja was about to ring the doorbell when he took one last long glance at his daughter.
"Mianhada yun mi'ah for sending you like this. I hope you forgive your appa when we see each other again. I just can't bear looking at you anymore and, it's too dangerous for you to be staying with us when you're still young. You'll be a part of us when you are ready. I hope you can still be happy without me or your dearest mom." young ja said as he rang the bell.
"Oh, Young ja'ah! What brings you here? Is mi sun also here?" seo hee asked when she noticed a group of boys beside young ja.
"She..just...died yesterday.." young ja said in a low and sad tone.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for asking that question! But, can I ask something else if you don't mind? Is that baby yours?" she pointed yun mi.
Then SHINee noticed he's eyes turning red and fangs started to appear so they thought they would rather explain it to her.
"Yes she is" key said.
"We're going somewhere where she's not allowed to go. So, we're asking if you take care of her for a while." minho said.
"Guys, I think you should just tell the truth, just don't tell about us." young ja whispered.
The SHINee nodded and took a deep breath.
"Young Ja hyung needs some time to be away from her for a while." taemin said.
"If you understand his situation now, is it okay if we give her to you until he's ready to admit that she's still needs a father?" jonghyun asked respectfully.
"It's kinda awkward how I will be the one taking care of his child and, I already have a daughter to feed but, I'm willing to do it for my good mi sun." Seo hee said as she took carefully his daughter and caressed her cheek.
"We will be taking her away when the time comes." onew suddenly said that made her confuse.
Young ja took off first then minho whispered something to her.
"Her name is Yun Mi. That's how we'll be able to know she's the yun mi we know. Make sure you take care of your new daughter for a while, Seo Hee agasshi." he said.
"Don't worry. I'll take good care of her." seo hee reminded and they all went off.
Seo hee took a glance at yun mi' eyes that are starting to turn brown? She never seen a child with red eyes before or, she's just illusioning..? She look at the guys she was talking to and she noticed they disappeared fast in the streets. Seo Hee went inside to make some milk for the baby when she noticed her daughter was staring or glaring at the baby.
"Sang Hee'ah, could you take care of her for me while I make her some milk?"
Sang Hee didn't want to get close to the child yet she still follows her mother's orders.
When her mother was out of the living room, she picked up yun mi and went to the stairs. She moved yun mi away from the bars after she moved the highest part of the stairs and started dropping her when..
Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong!
The doorbell started ringing loudly and rapidly that sang hee put yun mi down for a while and answered the door. When she opened it, she saw onee of the guys before who was just talking with her mother.
"You must be sang hee. You look really cute. Would you mind taking care of our hyung's daughter from now on?" he said.
"He must really like me! I just know it! They started looking at me when I saw them in my window. I wish I can still meet them in the future! But, they'd surely be old when I grew up the same age as them!" she thought.
"Of course! I'm cuter than her!" she exclaimed.
"I'm jonghyun by the way. I'm glad we met." he said as he quickly left the door.
Sang hee closed the door and blushed as she leaned against the wall.
"He's so cute and handsome!" sang hee screamed inside her head.
When jonghyun was far away from the house he suddenly said to the guys, "Why is her sister going to be such a !"
"Then why did you say she looks cute?" minho asked.
"When she meets me again, i'll make sure her hope won't go up by flirting on me." he smirked.
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going to read the sequel now >< good
I agree with Julie_Tang!!! I want a sequel!!!
I think I'm going to change the title of the sequel..
skaterfifi #5
SEQUEL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Eden-Gray #6
I hope there's a sequel I really liked this!! Btw Are you pinay?
leficklerabbit #7
i dont get the last line... but still, UPDATE SOON~!!<br />
I wonder what happened to her??<br />
Anyways please update soon!!
leficklerabbit #9
Oh no... UPDATE SOON!! :D ^^