Chapter 7

My Lotus Flower
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I spun around in my chair for minutes trying to clear my head. Christine was sick and Jackson was a challenge. Maybe I was way over my head. Being a teacher was never on my mind but when Christine would talk about her first year here in Korea it always seemed easy. Then again Christine did take Early Childhood Education and had a motherly feel about her. Most people found her comfortable and trustworthy. More Christine this was easy. For me this was a challenge. I never had much patience for anything and I always had a bad temper. Of course I felt like lashing out on Jackson that day but knew better than to do that in front of the other guys. I leaned back on my chair and spun around once more.

“Why can’t I have Christine’s perfect life!?” I groaned to myself as I stopped suddenly. But what was I going to do about Jackson? He did skip class and he did lie about why he wasting in class. Not to mention he caused his other members to miss their first vocal practice. I sighed not knowing what to do and leaned back against my chair. Suddenly my phone rang and I picked it up.

“Hello?” I answered as there was loud music blaring through the other line. I pulled back a bit as the music died down.

“Adelaide?” I heard my sisters’ voice and smiled instantly.

“Where were you this morning young lady!? I woke up to a missing younger sister and a sticky note saying “I left early.” I teased playfully as I could hear Christine’s laugh through the other line. Suddenly I heard her coughing and became worried once more.

“Sorry. I had to come in early to show the CEO what I’d be teaching the boys.” She explained to me but I became angry.

“Can’t your CEO give you a day off when you’re sick!? What kind of CEO is he!? What if you end up in the hospital and I lose you again!?” I screamed unknowingly but I was worried and scared at the same time.

“Laide.” I could hear Christine’s soft voice. “It’s just a cold.” She said and I suddenly became embarrassed by my outburst.

“So?” I said trying not to sound embarrassed. “People can still die from a cold.” I said knowing how stupid that sounded but it was all I could come up with.

“Laide. People may feel like they’re dying when they have a cold but they don’t actually die from it.” Christine explained to me as she laughed. I smiled a bit at her as I heard her cough later on. It was true no one could die from a measly cold. I was just worried. Ever since Christine was born she had a weak immune system. Whenever she fell ill she would end up in the hospital for 3-7 days. She’s always been like that and refused to let anyone know she was in pain because she didn’t want us to worry. Just like that night at the masquerade ball. If it wasn’t for Gabe I would’ve lost her.

“Earth to Laide. Are you still there?” Christine’s words snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Y-Yeah!” I responded a little too quickly. Christine laughed as she knew she caught me off guard. I smiled and laughed too.

“I’ll leave you since your student is probably there already, but his teacher is too busy being a mother to acknowledge his presence.” Christine teased and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah right.” I said as I spun my chair to face Jackson’s seat. “What makes you think-” I stopped when I saw Jackson standing in front of my desk. I stared at him for a moment not able to think properly.

“Laide?” I heard Christine’s voice through the phone but remained frozen there in my spot. “Wait! Don’t tell me! Did I do it again!?” Christine asked and I simply nodded my head. As if she could see me Christine simply laughed. “How do I do this I will never know? I’ll leave you now.” I snapped out of my trance when I realized there was something I had to tell her.

“Chris don’t forget to take your medicine and take breaks every now and then.” I said as I heard her hum a yes in reply. We hung up after that before I looked up at Jackson.

“Is she still not feeling well?” Jackson asked and I stared at him surprised and confused. He smiled softly to me before continuing. “I’m sorry for lying and not returning to class yesterday. I will take full responsibility for my acts and for making my members miss their first vocal lesson as well.” He said as he bowed politely towards me. I sat there completely dumbfounded. Jackson stood up straight and looked me for a reply. Once he saw I wasn’t saying anything he sighed before continuing.

“When I practiced with the guys I decided it was best to return early. When I came back I heard you on the phone. I knew it sounded serious from your expressions. I thought you’d run out after that and you’d feel bad for leaving us. So I told the guys you had an emergency. I didn’t expect you to have stayed here waiting for me. I’m a younger sibling too. I’ve seen my brother leave fencing tournaments just because he found out I was ill. I’m sorry for what I’ve done.” Jackson explained better and I looked at him.

He stared at me once again waiting for me to reply. I’ve never been good at these mushy moments. I dreaded hugs because I’ve always felt uncomfortable with physical contact with anyone even my own family. When Christine left to come here I hugged her for the first time. Even then I didn’t want the hug to drag out too long. Holding hands, linking arms, and hugs always sent chills down my spine. Mushy talk was just as worse. I could say I love you to my family members but to say more than that was beyond my capability. I was never good at comforting people either. Yes, maybe a few words of comfort I could handle but once again seeing someone in tears and hugging them was out of my level of skills.

“Teacher?” I snapped out of my thoughts remembering Jackson was still standing in front of me. I sighed and figured t

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kpopayeee #1
Chapter 10: This is so interesting! Can't wait to see when they all meet~
Looking forward to the next chapter!!!