Good bye

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He come out from the bedroom.

he looks funny with that shirt and short pants. I really wanna laugh out loud but I hardly hold it.

"I'm hungry, do you have something to eat?"

"hmm.. I guess so"

Thanks God! my mom left some food for me. she left soup, and another indonesian side dish. I hope his stomach doesn't hurt after eat my food.

I heat the food on stove, while he sitting on the kitchen bar. It's feels like we are newlywed, I wish I could always do this for him everday.

then I put it on the table in front of him.

"It looks delicious, what is this?"

"It's traditional food, I hope you like it"


we pray together before start to eat. Gosh! can he stay here just a little bit longer?

 I put a spoon and fork for him. but, I started eat with bare hand, we Indonesian usually eat by bare hand.  he observe me with curiously, and start to put off his spoon and fork and eat with bare hand. I'm shock with his act.

"why did you eat with bare hand ?"

"It's looks like more delicious with bare hand"

"but your hand will get dirty because of it"

"I'll wash it later"

I can't hold my self to stay calm from great food, especially my mom's brew. I eat without breathing..hahaha. I even forget that GD watching me and laughing at me.

after clean up my plate, I notice that GD saw me all the time! he must be think that I greedy. but he starting to

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Chapter 7: lmao! i was laughing so hard when she screamed his name and he noticed her. how embarrassing. the party should be fun, can't wait!