The Conversations

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we sit at the deck floor and start talking.

"Rani-sshi what's your activity right now?"

"hmm... alot, I'm a first year student at university and working in travel agency."

"you must be very busy"

"not that busy actually, I still can have some fun too. then how about you?"

"hmm.. yeah you know, just busy with my album and concert"

after that he ask me what's my hobby. then I told him that I love travelling. mostly adventure trip. because I love to share my travel story, I keep talking and can't stop. he listening very well and sometimes laughing at my story. He even laughing when I tell not-that-funny story.

We talk until the sunrise comes, we have such a great time together.

"Well this is it, I have to take you back to the hotel."

"why the time going fast?"

It's okay, we can meet again someday."

when we about to leave, I put all my belonging in my bag and get up. BUT! the silly things happened, I dropped my bag to the water!!! T_T

then we stare each other with shocking face. how we can get back to the hotel. it's 2 hours far away from here, and my phone and wallet inside that bag.

then GD says : "I don't bring my wallet"

we're doomed!!!! calm down Rani! you can borrow someone phone and call GD's manager. then I started to looking for someone, I see a couple sitting near by us.

"Hi, I have trouble, I dropped my bag to the water, may I borrow you phone plea

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Chapter 7: lmao! i was laughing so hard when she screamed his name and he noticed her. how embarrassing. the party should be fun, can't wait!