Help Blogs (4,104 blogs)

lf: food lf: life lf: someone to rp markmin with me PLEASE & THANK YOU

By jaomgi posted
Tags  jaemin   roleplay   help   mark   kakaotalkrp   kktrp   nct   markmin   nctdream   freelancerp   discordrp   1x1rp   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 76 views

Did anyone get this message???

By XOXOBlockMania_21 posted
Tags  help   texteditor 
With 126 views, 1 comments

To my LiveJournal Friends

By sangwoosgihun posted
With 26 views

Is This Even An Interesting Idea?

By BangingDae posted
Tags  help   helpme   applyfic   idea 
With 1 pages, 126 views, 1 comments

Karma Points Lost accidentally? Help

By ShinHye24 posted
Tags  help   advertisement   karmapoints 
With 51 views, 3 comments

I Need Help!

By BangingDae posted
With 51 views, 1 comments

how to code? (another help im so sorry)

By undeniablepoint posted
Tags  help 
With 236 views, 3 comments

aff help

By undeniablepoint posted
Tags  help 
With 101 views, 2 comments

hard feelings and questions…

By EllaNotEya posted
Tags  help   adviceconfession 
With 86 views, 1 comments

How to retrieve a deleted chapter? Accidentally deleted it and now I’m stress. Help!

By kwonpapi posted
Tags  help   authors   chapter   delete 
With 101 views, 2 comments

help my friend (srs)

By hzhfobsessed posted
With 176 views

Help. How to get rid of hate in my heart?

By dntknw posted
Tags  help   hate 
With 151 views, 2 comments

Crush problem

By Sisjsj posted
Tags  crush   help 
With 51 views

Which Looks Better Or At Least Isn't The Worse?

By BangingDae posted
Tags  help   helpme 
With 151 views, 2 comments


By omouono posted
Tags  help   update   aff   notupdating   technicalissues 
With 26 views

How do you write?

By Mistycal posted
Tags  survey   writing   help   questions   readers   writers   writingstyle 
With 2 votes, 1 subscribers, 26 views, 2 comments

Want some of my Wattpad drafts to be put here? Pick some.

By BangingDae posted
Tags  help 
With 1 views


By sourytears posted
Tags  help   helpmeeveryone   ao3crosspost 
With 51 views, 2 comments

if ur a haters(lonely) pls read

By qwertyrn posted
Tags  roleplay   help   twtrp   igroleplay   roleplaypartner   discordrp 
With 1 votes, 126 views

can someone please explain why my stories keep getting changed to blog posts?

By inprivate posted
Tags  help 
With 1 views

Do you think

By sourytears posted
Tags  poll   help   pov   preferences 
With 126 views, 5 comments


By sourytears posted
With 1 votes, 2151 views, 1 comments

I want to write, give me a prompt

By sourytears posted
With 201 views, 3 comments

Will I get banned if

By sourytears posted
Tags  graphics   help   exo   lay   yixing   helpmeeveryone   ineedgraphics 
With 251 views

How Do I continue?

By mbutterfly81 posted
Tags  help 
With 51 views, 2 comments

Plagiarism or outright stealing?

By KimmyNurry posted
Tags  help   plagiarism   stealing 
With 326 views, 4 comments


By aest72 posted
Tags  graphics   poster   help   design   graphicshop   information 
With 201 views, 1 comments

can someone explain?

By dusknoir posted
Tags  help 
With 101 views, 2 comments

How do I get started on creating layout themes?

By ahemtimothy posted
Tags  help   resources   layout   themes   themeshop 
With 1 votes, 101 views, 4 comments

What does KKT mean ;-;

By AlecIsGod posted
Tags  help 
With 26 views, 1 comments

Help a sad, confused author please (rant)

By vivibop posted
Tags  help   rant   helpme   ranting   please   needhelp 
With 251 views, 8 comments

Has anyone here published their fanfics on kindle?

By summerdust posted
Tags  help 
With 1 views

Please Spare a Minute For This Poll!

By Skyful_Poof posted
Tags  help 
With 101 views, 5 comments

Why can’t I Set a Cover image for my new fic??

By Sobadnoonecanstopher posted
Tags  help 
With 176 views, 4 comments

Hello Friends, Help Me Out!

By AiSyah98 posted
Tags  help 
With 101 views


By Unicorns711 posted
Tags  help 
With 1 views

Please help

By Damia_Song123 posted
Tags  help 
With 1 votes, 51 views, 2 comments

Recommend some profile layouts for me?

By WhiteWolf16 posted
Tags  help 
With 51 views


By doulikecheese posted
Tags  help   helpme 
With 1 pages, 76 views, 1 comments

How do you earn Karma Points?

By MaddHatter2010 posted
Tags  help   helpme   karmapoints   helpmeeveryone 
With 51 views, 2 comments

Hel me find this Seulrene story

By ScDan- posted
Tags  roleplay   seulgi   yeri   help   helpme   jimin   irene   seulrene   wenjoy   seulreneau 
With 1 subscribers, 201 views

Looking for Advice

By TofuMafia posted
Tags  help   advice 
With 26 views, 1 comments

Preferable Boy Bands??

By thiccbaekie posted
Tags  boyband   boygroup   help   comment   storyideas   storyhelp   helpwanted 
With 26 views

TW || AOA Mina

By purplerain- posted
Tags  help 
With 1 subscribers, 76 views, 1 comments

Pls Helpp

By taenovella posted
Tags  help 
With 26 views, 1 comments

Need suggestion for uploading Pictures into AFF/ Sites

By Owlrose posted
Tags  help 
With 26 views, 2 comments

Hukuo information

By GeekReader posted
Tags  chinese   help   friends   china   information   hukuo 
With 26 views

haha im ruined

By forever12EXO posted
With 51 views, 2 comments

What's your opinion on chapter lengths & waiting for updates?

By BANGTANluv posted
With 2 votes, 126 views, 3 comments

Help with beta readers

By Haru825 posted
Tags  help 
With 1 views, 1 comments

Free Novel/Fanfic Editing! 😊

By sparklingvelvet posted
Tags  writing   help   free   editing 
With 26 views

BTS Magic AU

By arisuin posted
Tags  help 
With 1 views