Do you think

Do you think every single story must be written in first person pov, because my friend does

I prefer writing in third person, 

In this particular case I'm writing angst, so first or third



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Well, I’m not a writer but I do notice as a reader that there are more stories written in 3rd persons. But I’ve also noticed that there are some fanfics that are as equally hecking good when they are able to switch between 1st and 3rd depending on the scene with very captivating grammatical techniques.
ahhh i always write in 3rd person! i find it much easier but i guess that depends on how deep you want to go with describing someone's thoughts by writing their pov :) 1st person means that you need to switch povs in every other chapter which is honestly tiring for me lol so i stick to the 3rd person XD
You can do what is the most comfortable for you as your friend did.
The third person has no limit so I prefer this one and when I want to enligh something very personal about a character I will sometimes write her thoughts in italics. You can write feelings of your characters in third person, it allow you to display them as well as all in the same time. On the contrary first person will force you to rewrite a part of a scene in another point of view if you want to display feelings of more than one character, and personally as an author I will find it boring as well as a reader. The trick to avoid that is either to describe through the eyes of your main character what she or he sees/think of the other characters or to make the other characters talk and express clearly their feelings.

It depends also of teh way you want the reader to feel. First person allow the reader to substitute your character, to be at her or his place and sometimes to feel more that way. But I feel the same as a reader in third person because I'm used to it.
Hmmm it depends on how many you want to reveal the story to reader I think ? If you want everything to be kind of a bit narrow and everything is related how the person think and feel - 1st pov would be a great option

but I found myself enjoy more of 3rd pov which i could see how the atmosphere of the scene is and it’s pretty effective to control the vibe
i find 3rd easier to write ! because it's not as limited as 1st