
My New Reasons

Outside POV. 
After that meeting with everyone, they all decided to just hang out in Eunhae's room for now. Jonghyun had to go out for some meeting and he will be back late so it was just Eunhae, Mahi, Taemin, Key and Minho sitting around. Eunhae and Taemin were sitting close to each other on the bed looking like two high school students madly in love. After these two got back together they were always stuck to each other and most of the time it wasn't even on purpose, it was like a reflex for them. Key and Minho were sitting on the long sofa which was in front of the big window and Mahi was sitting on the chair staring suspiciously at the couple but didn't say anything. 

But Mahi didn't notice that Key was also glaring intensely at her. After Jonghyun had his heart broken because of Bia years ago he was scared that it may happen again. Key was just really protective over those he holds dear to his heart and for him, Mahi just look like those girls that for him are not good enough for Jonghyun. For him Mahi look too carefree and that she was just one of those girls who aren't serious in a relationship and would drop their partner after a while. Eunhae knows that but Eunhae also knew better about Mahi as she did the same mistake about Mahi when the two first met. 0pl

Eunhae just sigh, "So Mahi care to explain to me and everyone else how you met my brother?" Key's eyes were fixated on Mahi which fortunately did not make her shift uncomfortablably. 


Key just scoff and chuckle while rolling his eyes. He shake his head while a slight disgusted smile played on his pink heart lips. "Why do you need a story Eunhae? It's obvious she's just playing around with our Jonghyun." Key said mockingly while still looking down on her. Key had an aura around him that makes it hard for others to not shake a little bit but now not Mahi was shaking instead she just rolled her eyes. 

Mahi just smiled to Key, "If you know Jonghyun so well you would know he's not an easy person to fool and he won't fall for the next girl that easily after he just had his heart broken. I guess it's me who knows him the best then if you yourself you don't know that much about him. And who are you? He has never even talked about you." Mahi continues to talk while an evil smirk played on her lips and Eunhae knows best that when someone judge Mahi for what she is not, hell will break lose. 

Minho and Taemin couldn't even believe their ears, someone had the audacity to talk to Key like that and to leave him completely speechless. Taemin just shake his head lightly, Eunhae's friends were really something. From Rachel who clearly did not gave a about him and kick him a place where no men should be him to this girl called Mahi who stood up against Key without flinching. 

But Mahi didn't end there and decided to end it with a final blow, "And if like you pretend that you're that close to Jonghyun, why is it that you've never heard of me. Truly that means that you're nowhere near that precious to him" The blow was so harsh that everyone except Key flinch a little. 

But instead of getting mad, Key just smile taking Mahi a little by surprise. "Is that all dear? Because honestly when Jonghyun first got a girlfriend he just couldn't stop talking about her even after the first day he ask her out. He kept going on and on about her. If you were that special to him, Eunhae would be the first to know about that so clearly you're not special to him at all. You're just an entertainment" Mahi was honestly taken aback this time and didn't know what to say. She open to say something but no words could come out so she just close it instantly. 

"What?" Key said while raising his eyebrow. "Didn't you heard what I said? Are you deaf or were you born like that" Key scoff but Eunhae was stunned. Nothing can make Mahi waver but one of her weakness is related to what Key just said and it was something Mahi was scared about. The one person who had help her with that was Eunhae among some others. "What? Do you have a disability that makes you stop talking are you-







A big white pillow was flung onto Key who got really mad and when the latter look Up he saw Eunhae glaring at him. But her eyes were also showing pain, anger but also a hint of sadness. "Shut up Key. Just shut up you've went too far now" 

Key just glare at Eunhae but then his gaze soften and he sigh. He turn to Mahi looking apologic, he could see that despite the cool look and the appease posture, the girl look shaken. Eyes are an open window to the soul and that's the only thing that you can't lie about. Key put his hand forward and smile lightly, "I'm sorry I was just worried about Jonghyun because after what happened with his ex he was so broken but I'm glad he found you. I'd be happy to know more about you in the future" Mahi shake his hand with a smile but Key pushes her closer to him and whispers into her ears, "You better keep him happy and if you break his heart I'll hunt you down and you won't be able to escape no matter where you go" 

Mahi smile and nodded, "Sure no worries Kibum. I was actually kidding. Jonghyun talk a lot about everyone of you" 

Key smile and rolled his eyes playfully. "But honestly I really want to know about the story of how you and Jonghyun met..." Mahi smile and nodded. 




Their story was just beautiful and Eunhae was also really glad that her friend left that she was dating. It's not that she hated that guy it's just she made Mahi docile and that's not something you should do. Mahi became too docile and accepted to just settle down to live and that guy also wanted her to not go abroad for her studies and Eunhae knows that Mahi values her freedom more than anything but that guy was just chaining her down and Mahi nearly unintentionally accepted it. But she was happy because ig there was one person that could make her brother happy again is Mahi. 

"Well it's not that I'm bored but I'm really hungry and breakfast is nearly over" Mahi said and Eunhae just chuckle and Mahi swing her arm around Eunhae, "let's go I'm starving. It's my first day at a damn hotel so I wanna enjoy it at the fullest" Mahi grin and Eunhae smile. 

As she was making her way around the bed to the door, Mahi's foot struck onto something. Key and Minho were already out fortunately because Mahi was indeed a really mischievous person. She smirk as she pick down the piece of cloth that her foot struck and it was none other that Eunhae's lingerie. Eunhae's face immediately heat up and she couldn't even utter a word. 

"Ohh~" Mahi said as she swing the cloth around. "I was honestly kidding about you getting laid but didn't expect for it to have really happened. It looks like you have had a really steamy night yesterday" Eunhae was completely red and didn't know where to hide her face but Taemin was silent all the time as he was just observing how that new person was acting. He has to be honest with one thing about that new girl.... 

She was..... 

She really was just someone who seems to be playing around and seems too carefree and Eunhae never really talk about her old friends. 

But something wasn't also right about her. 

She does look like she was just playing around and carefree but as a soon to be king and as he had learn everything since a kid, he could sense the aura of a person and that ability of his became more and more accurate over these two years. 

Every person has an animal equivalent that describes them and people of Taemin's species could detect these types of things and as he tried to see her aura he expected something as simple as just a dog because those of the dog aura were among the ones who likes to play around and don't take things seriously but to his utter surprise it was something that sincerely shock him to the core. 

Her aura was that of a wolf. 

The aura of a wolf is completely different from that that of a dog. That aura means it's that of someone who value their freedom more than anything and have a deep understanding of the environment surrounding them. They're of those who could help and understand the pain of others by literally putting her into their shoes. 

So why? 

Why was she behaving like a complete idiot. Eunhae's friends will never cease to surprise him but he just shake these thoughts away. Right now, that girl was just irritating. 

"Finally no more of Eunhae haha" Mahi grin but then after some seconds her smile drop and she went straight to Taemin and push him lightly aside with the latter still being irritated. Mahi cross her arms on her chest and glare at Taemin while raising her eyebrow, "Now you better tell me the whole truth. Was it your first time?" Mahi ask completely dead serious. 

Taemin sigh and rolled his eyes, "Yeah..." he said while still being irritated by that woman. 

"Did you do it properly? Did you hurt her? Did you only think about yourself and comes first?" Mahi ask a bit more angry this time and Taemin reached its limits. If there was one thing that he hate is to be compared to these stereotypes men. He was born and raised as a prince from another world so for him to be compared to such lowly creatures just disgust him. 

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!" Taemin snapped and was shaking with anger. "How dare you compare me to these lowly insects? How dare you presumed that I'll hurt the one I love the most? You know nothing of me and if you're really one of Eunhae's close friends you should know that she put her trust in people she believed in. Don't you compare me to these people and don't you dare put Eunhae among those disgusting human girls" Taemin was breathing heavily as he finished. 

Mahi smile and nodded towards Eunhae, "You passed" 


Taemin look at her completely confused and put her hand on Taemin's shoulder and sigh, "she was just testing you Tarmin-ah don't worry". Taemin stayed calm and he was now breathing normally. Eunhae smile and caress his cheek with her fingers, "It's alright Tae". And that was all it takes for Taemin to blush while grinning earning a chuckle from Eunhae. 

"Wow you really got the guy wrapped around your finger haha" Mahi said and the two just glared at her. "okay okay fine I'll just shut my mouth from now on" she throws her hands up in the air for her defense. But Mahi was smiling she was glad Eunhae found someone who could love and appreciate her for who she is and that Taemin guy for her doesn't seem to be an easy guy. Even though she was asking such embarrassing questions, Taemin did not even flinch but when Eunhae talk to him the guy calm down and even blush when Eunhae touched his cheeks lightly. 

Mahi also had a weird feeling about that guy. There was a dark aura emitting from him and it honestly gave her goosebumps which was a first. Just who was that guy. It was honestly her first time seeing a man like that. Mahi is someone who can feel the energy of those around her and the energy she was feeling emitting from Taemin was honestly scary and she was honestly flinching sometimes. It was so dark, too dark for a normal human. 

Usually Mahi would always stay away from these types of people because usually they means trouble and it's not that she doesn't love to get into trouble so as to spice up her life. The thing is that when she's around Taemin she get shivers, in a way it's like electricity suddenly jolted into her body and not in a good way. This man was dangerous and all her instinct was telling her that. Even the air surrounding him was cold which is what send shivers through her whole body. But that got Mahi more curious about him. 

Who was that Taemin guy really? 

But Mahi being a full empath won't let her instincts control her. She'll want to know more about the guy because that guy seems different almost inhuman and she meant that in a good way. Mahi wants to know more and maybe to even get to know the reasons to why he's being like that. Because being an empath she wants to helps him no matter what. 


But Mahi was out of her thoughts when Jonghyun comes into the room with an expressionless face but his eyes shows a hint of anxiety and excitement. He came and grab Eunhae by the arm, "Sorry guys but I have to talk to my sister it's really important". Taemin could see that Jonghyun was now looking both terrified and excited but that also means that it's something urgent. He nodded towards Taemin for him to stay behind along with Mahi which didn't please him at all but he submit to it. Jonghyun took Eunhae away while Mahi and Taemin stayed in the room. 

"So...." Mahi said as she continue to talk, "since we're stuck here for a while I guess for her sake we should get to know each other?" 

"I guess" was Taemin only response. 

"So how did you and Eunhae met?" Mahi ask curiously. Strangely Taemin feels like he could confide in her and it wasn't something normal to do when you meet someone for the first time. That girl was really different and Taemin was still highly suspicious of her for some reasons. He didn't obviously tell her about the harsh things he did to her because he already saw how protective she's so he just told her that they did not like each other at first and with time they stop their war and became friends and then became lovers. While Taemin was talking, Mahi could ses a slight smile on his lips while talking. 

"And how do you find her character?" Taemin started to give in little by little. "Her soul is just above humanity and just beautiful", Taemin's eyes was honestly sparkling as he talk. "Her soul is pure and kind. Although I was bad towards her she still showed kindness to me. She's just amazing. She makes me feel happy and have a feeling of liberty and comfort and she never think bad whatever I do. She helps me when I was down even when everyone was against me. She didn't let me fall into the abyss and if I was going to then she'd jump with me. I don't know how to really explain but being with her makes me feel that I don't have to always show that I'm strong and such. She makes me both weak and strong"

Mahi smile, "I'm glad both of you could find someone to understand you and you're not a bad person so don't feel like that. I understand you don't like how people are selfish and hypocrite and such and you show a strong side so as to act like you don't care and as Eunhae may have told you, that doesn't make you weak." 

Taemin nodded and smile, "I guess you're right. Thank you". 

Mahi eyes widen. She was a bit surprise by the sudden friendliness of Taemin. "oh you thank me hehe. I guess we're friends now" 




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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie