He broke her.....

My New Reasons

(Happy Jonghyun)

Outside POV

After Jonghyun found about his sister and what had happened, they both decided to just go back home. EunHae just needed to clear her mind to think more clearly but she was sure about something, there was no camera or any type of recording device near the two. Just thinking about that sight she saw was enough to make everything hurt like a stinging bee and the pain as just unbearable. She just couldn’t stop thinking about it. What she hated about herself was that when she didn’t like something she would always be tempted to hurt herself by thinking about it. She was always unintentionally hurting herself. There need to be a reason for Taemin to behave in that way but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. She really doesn’t want to accept the other reason because that was just simply not believable.

But now was not the time to think about herself she need to take care of her brother who look like he could collapse at any moment from what had happened in the alleyway. From what she was told, Jonghyun acted like an idiot and end up misunderstanding everything and now he was clearly regretting about it. But he just couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t really want to hurt her, he just wanted to make her felt like he felt but in reality there was nothing because Bia didn’t betrayed him at all. He sigh again as they made their way back home. Eunhae just patted his back while smiling. He was her brother and no matter what, she would always be here to support and protect his brother no matter how much he screw up despite this time he really screw up everything.

“EunHae I want to be honest with you”, Jonghyun suddenly said that after sipping a glass of warm water. Eunhae could feel in his voice that he sounded very worried and nervous and you don’t need to be a psychology student to notice that. This sentence was enough to make her nervous. Not only with him but every time someone said that she knew that bad news was to come. So when he said that and since it’s coming from her own brother, her own flesh and blood, she got more nervous. She just looks at him warmly and nodded. She trusts him more than anything so she knew it might not be that bad. Maybe she was just thinking too much.

“I don’t really like your relationship with Taemin because after the many incidents that happened I am scared that it will end badly and in the end you will be the only one to be hurt. I know what you saw in this place really need an explanation but I just want to protect you Eunhae, you are all that I have left….” EunHae was really shocked at this sudden confession from her brother. She was just not use at people telling their real feeling to her. Because she was always the one to close her heart to anyone because the only way for her not to get hurt was to pretend that she doesn’t have a heart. She put that cold attitude because she didn’t want to be too much attached because she thought that no matter what, no one would be scared to lose her, that after the tragedy that hit her years ago no one would really want to be there for her.

(Worried Jonghyun)

But now there she was in front of her brother who is scared of losing her. She just couldn’t help but smile and to just get closer to him. She wraps her arms around him and kisses his cheeks making the latter blush and smile. “Jonghyun I am glad to have someone like you in my life but some things are meant to be deal alone and it took me years to know that and don’t worry too much about that. I trust Taemin with my whole being and maybe I just overreact. So for now do not worry I will just go home as if nothing happened so take care and make BIA come back”. She smile and ruffle his hair before taking her things and leaving but before she cross the door, she look at Jonghyun warmly and smile “Thank you for always being there for me Jonghyun, I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you and take care”. Then she just left him alone with his own thoughts.Jonghyun could not help but get worried about her because he knew that despite her cold mask that she put one she is just a really fragile person as she had been betrayed many times. He does not want her to be hurt again and he would do everything to protect his dear little sister.





Eunhae sigh as she makes her way back home. She had a lot on her mind and she just wanted to know the truth but she wouldn’t ask for it right now. For now, she would act like nothing happened so as not to be too suspicious. All her life she always wanted to have support, someone she can lean on when she was scared or anxious. But as years goes by and she grew up, she realize that the only person she need to lean is the person she see when she look in a mirror, which is herself and no one else. People come and go like the wind and those who are meant to stay in her life will. She stopped throwing away her pride and chasing after people.

She arrives at the house and took a deep breath and opens the door. She enters the house. She found Taemin sitting in the sofa and playing anxiously with his hands. She came to the immediate realization; people do that for either two reasons. The first is because they are stressed and anxious and the second is because they did something wrong. Both were really bad to EunHae. What if he was stressed because he knew he had betrayed the girl he trusted the most? She shakes these thoughts away. It was Taemin after all; he is intelligent he will never do any stupid things like this.

“Taemin? You are here, do you want something to eat and drink?” EunHae ask gently and then she notice hoe Taemin face expression suddenly change from anxious and stressed to pissed off and cold in just one second. The boy didn’t respond, he stayed still and continue to stare on the ground. “Taemin are you fine?” Now she was really worried. Why did he have to act like this? He was too cold; he wasn’t even that cold when they first met. Eunhae immediately try to compose herself. She sits next to him and he could feel him tense up but he had still that cold and pissed off face. She lightly put her hand on his shoulder and looks closer at him, “Taemin are you alri-

(cold Taemin)

In a matter of minutes, Taemin push her hand away so hard that she end up falling down hitting the table completely shock with widen eyes. She looks and saw Taemin looking at her with the same cold eyes and calm attitude, “Can you just leave me alone and stop bothering me….” These words that left his lips were almost unbelievable, it was as if someone else was talking but it wasn’t. The man in front of her was clearly Taemin but this time, he was another person, he was way worst when they met. This made Eunhae more confuse and she hated not to understand what was happening.

“Taemin what happened? Are you alright?” This sentence was enough to make Taemin madder than ever. His eyes look like they were burning like fire. The man just rolls his eyes and look at her in such a way that the girl could feel so low in front of him. “Can you just stop being like this. I have a life too and it is none of your business”. Taemin stood up and look so lowly at her that she didn’t knew what to do. This wasn’t the man she fell for; this wasn’t the Taemin she knew. He took her by the collar pulling the crying girl harshly off the floor “My life is none of your business” he said before throwing her harshly on the floor Taemin took a last look at her before taking his jacket and made his way to the door leaving the girl she love completely broken on the floor.

Taemin made his way to the door and open it quickly without even looking back and went with speed in front on three people who were about to open the door. He give them a look and made their blood froze making them scared to the core. For one moment not even the girl could recognize the man she just saw. He was completely different from the one the two girls knew. The three people understanding that something was wrong immediately entered the house and to their shock, they found Eunhae sitting on the floor with a blank expression but with tears falling over her cheeks.

The three people especially the two girls, immediately ran to Eunhae. “Eunhae?? Are you alright?? What happened??” The girl looks up to find her two friends Nikki and BIA looking at her completely concerned. But she said nothing and stayed silent and she tried processing what had just happened. Her two friends help her to sit back on the sofa. The man that was with the two girls came into sight, it was Hanbin. The man then make the two girls notice about the bruise on Eunhae’s arms as she was too stunned to even feel any type of pain. “The table seem slightly move so she fell and hit her arm against the table” Hanbin said inspecting the arm of Eunhae who seem completely in another world. “Eunhae! Snap out of it! What happened?”

As if her trance was broken, EunHae look at them with a tired expression and could not hold it in anymore. She end up crying on Nikki’s shoulder and the latter tried to calm her down. “Eunhae…..calm down tell us what happened” BIA said gently trying to calm her down. Eunhae back away from Nikki and wipe away her tears quickly. She took a deep breath and explains them what happened from when Taemin and her start to fight and to what happened this morning. Nikki smile sadly as she knew that her friend would always blame herself for every small things that happened but when she think of Taemin with that witch, she feel her blood boil. How in the world could he of all persons do something like this? She just feels like going and punching the truth out of Taemin.

“I feel the great urge of going to him and put my fist in his face” Nikki said making EunHae laugh. Now all they need to do is to find that man and to know about the truth.

Eunhae fell asleep after some time and they just lay her on the couch. Nikki sighs again and hit the couch in anger. She couldn’t believe that Taemin did that to her. Let’s forget about Hailey for one moment, how could he even think of pushing her and treating her so harsh like that. Was Jonghyun right when he said that Taemin might be a dangerous person towards Eunhae? No! Nikki shake these thoughts away, Eunhae would have left if she felt threatened and she would have told them about it. But she sighs in desperation again. Taemin wasn’t that type of person and they all know that. He would never hurt the person he love like this. There need to be some kind of explanation behind all these and they need to find everything about this matter before both Taemin and Eunhae get more hurt.

“Nikki some of my contacts told me that they have found about Taemin exact location and they are tracking him down.…” Hanbin came and told about it to Nikki. The girl nodded and told Hanbin that they will look into that in the morning. It was already really late at night and they all need some good rest for tomorrow especially Eunhae after all that happened to her. Everything need to be resolve, she didn’t want her friends to get hurt anymore. “You really care about your friends…” Hanbin said while smiling lightly. Things between Hanbin and Minho calm down and both of the boys became friends and that made Nikki happy. She didn’t want to cause anyone sadness. “Sleep” Hanbin said and push Nikki slightly on his lap making the girl blush furiously making Hanbin laugh slightly. Hanbin smile and kiss her forehead lightly making the girl become redder than ever. “Sleep you will need a lot of energy for tomorrow”.





The Next Day…..

Eunhae woke up the next day to find her two friends and Hanbin sleeping around on the sofa. She smile looking at how adorable Hanbin and Nikki look all curled up against each other but her smile soon fade away as she think about the events of last night. She sighs and lays her back against the sofa. “Eunhae you are up?” Nikki said tiredly yawning and tiredly rubs her eyes. Eunhae smile at her friend and nod “I just woke up. Sorry for what happened last night” Nikki smile and shake her head “Didn’t we already talk about it back in high school? I will always be here for you so no worry” Eunhae just smile but then she smirk when she look next to Nikki and Nikki blush slightly making Eunhae laugh “If he make you happy then go for it” Eunhae said and stood up.

Nikki then informs Eunhae about everything and they decided to go to where Taemin was. They took Hanbin car and went for it. All during the ride Eunhae was completely scared and anxious. Everyone tried to sooth her and she tried her best not to get too scared of what they might found there and Eunhae was expecting the worst. BIA told her that she shouldn’t worry and maybe everything was just a huge misunderstanding and Hanbin told her that maybe some aliens were controlling Taemin making Nikki sigh. This wasn’t helping and Eunhae became more stressed.

After having driven for one hour, they finally arrive at the place. It was a house, a big luxurious house. There was even a Ferrari car in the garage and there was also Taemin’s Lamborghini in the entrance which means that Taemin was there. But they all start to wonder to whom belongs the other car. They arrive at the door and Nikki look at Eunhae and the latter nodded. Nikki took a deep breath and ring the doorbell and Eunhae expect the worst. They heard footstep coming towards the door and finally the door opened. They all were wide mouth and Eunhae look like she could collapse at any time right now except Hanbin who didn’t know who that person was. Nikki was furious as well as BIA and Eunhae was completely terrified and scared.

That person was Hailey

But the worst thing was the way Hailey was. Hailey look tired and was still in her pajama which consists of a tank top and short. But the thing that made Nikki blood boil was what she saw on that girl neck. She wishes that Eunhae didn’t see it but it was already too late. Eunhae froze as well as BIA when they saw what was on her neck. It was what looks like to be a slight……


When Hailey notice them, she just smirks and laughs slightly looking at them and especially at Eunhae who look completely scared and frightened. “I am sorry but why are you here. I just had a rough night and I am so tired” Hailey said while looking at Eunhae. This was it. Nikki has reached her limits. She came in front of Nikki and punches her right in the face making the latter fall down completely shock. Hailey hold her cheek and look at  Nikki completely angry “How dare you…” Nikki was about to go for another punch but Hanbin stop her and he shake his head in a way to tell them that it would just be worthless to do that.

Then they heard some footsteps coming towards them and it surely meant it was another person. They all look up and there he was. The source of Eunhae sufferings, Lee Taemin. Taemin look completely tired and his hair was messy. His eyes widen when he saw them especially Eunhae who look both confuse and terrified. But this time he got punch and this wasn’t by Nikki but was by Hanbin, “How could you even do that to her. Wasn’t it you who told me to always protect and love the one you love? You continue to hurt her but she still loves you!!!” Eunhae shake her head and look and she told Hanbin to just let go and he just sigh angrily and glares at Taemin, “You will have to give all of us an explanation immediately!” Hanbin is all kind and caring but if you hurt any of his friends then your death will approach sooner than expected.

They all followed him inside and Hailey followed while clinging onto Taemin which made Eunhae both furious and sad. They all arrive in the living room and sat down except for Hanbin who look ready to kill someone. Fortunately Nikki was here to calm him down, “Look like you got someone really good Nikki” Hailey said while looking at Hanbin as if he was meat which made Nikki ready to hit her but EunHae hold her and shake her head. All this time, EunHae did not look at Taemin face and all this time, Taemin was the one looking at her. He didn’t know what type of emotions to feel because he knew he broke the girl that he dearly love like crazy and you don’t break people you care about but Taemin did it.

Taemin just look down, “Eunhae….I am sorry”

These words were enough to break her more. She still did not look at him. Hailey on the other side just smirk and approach Taemin while smirking at Eunhae. She wraps her arms around Taemin and he did not even flinch or push her away. “Of course Taemin love me the most. Right my dear? Isn’t that what you say last night during ?”

“I WILL KILL YOU” This time both Hanbin and Eunhae had to hold Nikki because she looks like she would rip off her face in just one go. Do not enrage her or you will see your death.

Eunhae finally decided to talk, “Nikki I am hurt and more than you of course but I should have just know about it”. She finally dared to look at him right in the eyes and Taemin could clearly see the sadness and hurt in her eyes and he knew that the source of this was him. “I should have known better that I am not that amazing to be with someone that amzing". Eunhae finally stood up and she could not help the tears coming in her eyes. "I know I am not that beautiful or amazing to be with him I always do everything but....but it seems that it was not enough....I maybe if I have been prettier just maybe.....I am sorry....I need to leave" Hailey smile in victory.

Eunhae said and made her her to the exit but someone shouted stop and hold her wrist firlmy not wanting to let her go. She look up to find Taemin which made her more weak. "Taemin let her go! Did you forget about our agreement?" Hailey immediately put her hands over and everyone immediately

Look at Hailey and they all seem to understand. Nikki immediately rush towards her and kick her down, Taemin took Eunhae by the hands and leads her to another room while the other deal with Hailey. “Eunhae look at me I am so sorry for everything I did I love you so much and I did all these because it was all for you” Taemin said and she was more confuse than ever and didn’t know what to believe and she shake her head still not looking at him and she tried to get away from his strong grip. “Eunhae I love you. I did all these just to protect you and to get more information about your cousin. SHe actually hurt herself so it is not a hickey on her neck. Eunhae your cousin Aurora is alive and I have evidence to prove that. I got information that Hailey knew about Aurora and she told me if she want information I had to leave you and she kept a watch on me when we were home and that’s why I had to act like this I am so sorry Eunhae I never wanted to hurt you. I love you too much I am so sorry”

This was now Taemin who look like he was about to cry but Eunhae wrap her arms around him

And kiss him deeply making Taemin happy that she wasn’t that mad. “Taemin I love you” Taemin smile but then her face expression change and kick him where no man should be hit making Taemin fall down in pain. “Next time you do something like this you better inform me. You idiot you got me so worried I was so confuse. Never does something like this without telling. I was really calm but I wondered if I should kill you before leaving” Taemin smile knowing the Eunhae he love was back. She continue to nag until Taemin took her by her hand and kiss her deeply making her stop talking and she kiss back wrapping her arms around him. She was like oxygen and he was out of breath. He nearly lost her and he didn’t want that to happened again.


Someone said making both stop and Eunhae look at a smirking Nikki. “I am glad you both got each other back” Eunhae blush more and Taemin hug her and kiss her hair he love her too much. They both decided to finally go home. Hailey was on the floor and just ordered them to get out and they gladly did.

When they got out. They were happily talking until Eunhae suddenly ran to a cat that was walking a bit far away. She holds it in her arms and wave at them and Taemin was glad to see her happy but his smile faltered.

A black van suddenly approach and Eunhae was forcefully drag inside and immediately went off.





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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie