My Beautiful Angel

My New Reasons

Outside POV.
Jonghyun rushed to her sister's apartment in complete panic mode. After what had happened some hours ago it seems that the only person who could help for that situation was Eunhae and it was clearly obvious why. Eunhae gave him her keys to the apartment just in case and he rushed up the stairs taking the keys out. As he searched for the good one he could hear some movement inside so that means Eunhae was already up. He put they key into the lock and rushed inside. "Eunhae you need to- 

Jonghyun stop dead in his tracks when he saw the man in front of him. "Who the hell are you???". He told Eunhae to be extra careful even with her kindness and not let anyone suspicious inside. He clearly knows about Eunhae kind and helpful nature. And this guy look really suspicious. He had sunglasses and a mouth covering his mouth. The man look down at Jonghyun and sigh, "I guess one day or another I'd have to reveal my identity" 

The man stood up approaching Jonghyun who took a step back as a reflex while still glaring daggers at the man. For some reasons he was feeling scared and his whole body was trembling. He then realized it was because of that powerful aura that was surrounding the man. The man then took off the mouth mask along with the sunglasses. 

As soon as he did so Jonghyun literally fell on his knees staring at the man with wide eyes while trembling. He was shaking his head as if not believing what he was seeing. He kept repeating the word "No" while shaking his head in complete disbelief. But that scar along his mouth and left eye was enough to make him believe what he was seeing. A tear fell as he put his hand over his mouth. 

"Mr Kim...." Jonghyun said between his sobs leaving Eunhae in utter confusion. Eunhae didn't really mind about the homeless man appearance but now when his disguise fell, he took a good look at his face and all the pieces of the puzzle was put back into its right place and Eunhae was indeed baffled, and the word was small. This man was the man from the blurry memories of in the morning where someone save her and it was indeed that man with the scars. 

The man standing in front of them was what you could call "À living anime doll" he look just unreal. His face look like it was sculpted by the God themselves. His jaw could slice your finger. His eyes were just mesmerizing and mysterious you could say that someone could even fall into the abyss of his eyes. But what was powerful about him was his aura, the same aura Eunhae felt when he save her. That dangerous yet comforting aura. But what was outstanding about him was how that man look strangely alike to Lee Taemin. The puzzle was now assembled. 

That man was the one and only Kim Jaejoong. 

"Wait you mean, Kim Jaejoong, the Kim Jaejoong???. Now I know where he got those genes" she said the last part in a whisper ad it wasn't time to think about this. Kim Jaejoong was also famous in the world of humans because Kim Jaejoong was indeed a famous producer as well as an artist. His voice was as smooth as silk and as mesmerizing as a work of art. But what they could not understand is what was he doing here?? He was supposed to be dead. 

"I think we should just all sit down first and talk about that....." Eunhae said because Jonghyun look like he could explode in any minutes. 

"I'm glad to finally meet you under my real identity Mrs Kim EunHae." Jaejoong extended his hand to shake her hand and Eunhae shake his hand while still completely amazed. Then he turned his face toward a still emotional Jonghyun. "Jonghyun I'm happy to see you've become such an amazing person. I'm proud of you. Now I'll tell you everything that happened...."

Jaejoong start to tell his story. He tell the story that the father of Shaw wanted to take the throne and he knew about it. A battle between the two begins but Shaw's father ended up falling from a height and die along with him. But Jaejoong was miraculously saved by what you could called, an angel. The angel took care of Jaejoong and he was soon back to normal. But he could only woke up if the hearts of his twin children have been broken. From that, Eunhae and Jaejoong immediately understood. 

Eunhae look down in Shane but Jaejoong holds her hands, "Eunhae listen to me. I know how much you both love each other and I'll forever be grateful to you for helping my son not to turn into a monster and for showering him with love and kindness." Eunhae just smile back at Jaejoong but then remembered something. 

"oh yes, Jonghyun what was it? You came rushing in all of a sudden" Jonghyun then look at her. With the shocking appearance of Kim Jaejoong he almost forgot the reason to why he came to Eunhae. 

Jonghyun exhale deeply with worry in his voice, "It's Taemin, he's behaving really weirdly the past days. I need you to come with me right now I'm scared he might hurt someone or worst himself."

Suddenly Jaejoong gasp and he look at the two of them with a serious expression on his face mix with worry, "Oh no. Since Taemin is still young he isnt immune to that poison. That poison will just make him really act like a beast and nothing would be able to stop him. You both need to get to him before things get ugly. I won't be able to appear in front of Taemin but when the time will come I'll do so. Now Eunhae go and save my son. You're the only one whom feeling can save him" Eunhae rushed outside not understanding what Jaejoong meant with the last part. 

The immediately rush to Taemin's apartment who was not that far from them. Jonghyun immediately kick the door down and they seem to have come on time. Taemin was strangling Minzy who was struggling to get free from that strong hold. Taemin look back furiously and his appearance shock both of them. 

Taemin's eyes were completely black like those of a demon except for the fact that his iris were yellow with a tint of white. His claws were really long and they were scratching into Minzy's neck. His fangs were not the normal one they were long and sharp. He became what others could called, a monster. 

Eunhae slowly tried to approach him completely ignoring the protest and warning of Jonghyun. Taemin seen to just be at the beginning of his transformation so the real Taemin was still somewhere inside. Taemin head shot toward Eunhae and with one hand movement Eunhae was slam harshly against the wall. But she tried to got back up and continue to approach him while limping a bit, "Taemin listen to me, it's me Eunhae, look at me angel it's me", Eunhae voice was soothing towards Taemin even though his transformation. 

"Angel?" Taemin said with a mocking tone, he snorted and suddenly appeared on front of Eunhae. He grabbed her by her neck and pull her up the wall. "Do I look like a ing angel to you???" Taemin said furiously, Eunhae tried to breath and put his hands on Taemin's arms. She then placed his hand over his face which was like a shock to him. He immediately let go of her. Taemin tried to back away from her but Eunhae hold his hand and place her other hands on his cheek. 

"Taemin, angel. No matter how you look I'll always see how you look on the inside. My angel, you're beautiful and your appearance will not change my love for you. Nothing can change that. I never stopped loving you and never would. I did not want to hurt you but I don't want to live my life without you in this world. I don't care about anything else Taemin, I love you, I truly love you Lee Taemin" 

Eunhae said with tears falling over her face. She lean towards him and kiss Taemin. She wrap her hand around his neck and kiss him deeper. "You're my only true love and I'll always be here to protect you" Taemin responds back to the kiss and as soon as he did, he fainted. 

"Well that's what you can called, a deadly kiss" minzy said as she rubbed her sore throat. "But how did you know it would work?" Jonghyun asked her while trying to lift the fainted Taemin. 

"When Jaejoong told me about my feelings for him I understood. As cheesy as it may sounds, Taemin needed to feel and know that someone would stay by his side and love him no matter what but it will only work if that person still holds true and honest feelings towards the other"

Jonghyun's eyes widen and look at her, "So you still..?"
Eunhae nodded and turn her back to leave, "I always did and I never stopped and it was the same case for him but we didn't want to hurt each other...." Eunhae left in need of oxygen. Everything was just too much for her, she needed a good breath of fresh air. 


Author's note: guys read this at least. Again sorry for this short quick chapter but well *smirk* you're all gonna like it and thanks me for me for making these chapters quick by accident. *smirk* if you know what I mean. A little spoiler is that I've already wrote the next chapter months ago  *smirk*. Eunhae and Taemin will get back together. 



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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie