Motherly Figure

My New Reasons

Taemin POV. 

I made my way towards the place that Emmy told me. Seriously how could she live in that ghetto like seriously. When I enter her room at least it was Nice. She had already place her things. I look on the table and notice the picture on the table. I had place the same on my table. I love her so much. But now she really need a little punishment. I switch off the lights and Wait for her to get back. After some minutes I heard the door open. I heard her yawn and saying that she is Tired. Yeah dear you don't say. She switch on the light and as soon as she saw me she gulp and froze "I got the explanations from Emmy but really EunHae how could you?" She sigh "This is my choice Taemin and I'm okay now. So no worry" No worry? " No worry??? EunHae there are professionals vampires after you. You need protection!"

"Taemin this is a ghetto they would not search here and they don't even know how I look!" I shake my head at her. There's no way I would let her stay here. But she just roll her eyes, cross her arms and look away. She's as stubborn as me. "You can't make me come with you!" She scoff and roll her eyes while still crossing her arms. She look so hot while doing that. Wait! Yah! Lee Taemin! It's not the time to think about that. I smirk at what she said "I can't make you...." My voice fade away as I made my way slowly towards her while still smirking evily. She look scared and with every steps I did towards her she was doing one back until she was against the wall. She gulp again. 

"Should I show you? Why shouldn't you never go against me?" I ask threateningly while placing both of my hands next in between her face. She glare at me "What...." her voice trail. I tried one more time "Come with me!" She glare at me again "No!" She said stubbornly "You can't make me- I cut her off by taking her arms and putting her over her head but she was still glaring stubbornly at me "EunHae I'll say it one more time. Come with me" 

"I said no-" This time I cut her off by crashing my lips on hers. She gave in after some seconds and was now kissing her back. I didn't want to scare her by using my tongue now so I kept it in my mouth for now. I lift her up against the wall and smirk at her "So?" I ask "No" She said breathlessly as I kiss her again. By instinct she wrap her legs around my waist and kiss me back more. This side of her was really . I put her down and she apologize for her actions and I sigh "EunHae you shouldn't apologize for such things okay? We already talk about it now please for your own protection come with me. You aren't being a burden" I hit the right nerve. She react a bit at my last sentence. So this was the reason for her opposition. 

"EunHae you aren't a burden. You'll be staying with me and your best friend. Isn't that what you wanted? Why would I mind? I would stay with the girl I love" EunHae blush and I kiss her forehead and lift her chin "I love you so much EunHae and it scare me what I can do for you" I said honestly for her I could confront ever danger for her. "If you don't want to live, then I'm staying" I say as I lay myself of the bed "The room is too small and the hot water can only be use for one person a day" I smirk. I grab her by her hand and made her fall on the bed next to me and I snuggle closer to her "Well I can sleep with you then" as I said that she hit me. Wait why? "I didn't said anything wrong. Unless....Oh my EunHae! You have such a dirty mind. That doesn't make you bad though so no worry and about the shower, don't you know that saying. To save more water shower with the one you love?"

I got hit again "You're the real ert here" I chuckle then I stand up. "Then I have no other choice Kim EunHae" I said as I grab her hand and lift her to put her on my shoulders. I know that she was blushing madly "What do you think you're doing Lee Taemin? Put me down at this instant" I shake my head "Put me down" she started to struggle. "I said no" Then I patted her lightly on her . She yelp and squirm "Don't you dare touch my again" I smirk and smack her again on where she don't like. She suddenly wiggle her feet and by accident she kick me hard and I yelp and she fell down. 

"Oh My God!!! Taemin I'm so sorry" it didn't hurt at all I was just acting when I feel her getting closer to see if I was alright. I immediately stand straight and slam her against the door since now we were out and I immediately attack her lips. Her lips were like an addiction to me and I couldn't stop nor she. Look like she finally understand that she shouldn't think of her as a bad person because her kissing me back like that was making me lose my mind. We both stop and she pant on my neck "I...think you're right...Let's go" I smirk and look at her "Like I said you can't go against me when I want to protect you. Your kisses are like damn though" She blush.




Outside POV. 

Taemin help EunHae to get her things back in her luggage. She knew that Taemin wouldn't have agree with that when he'd find out but she wanted to try. She sigh and smile, she know Taemin too well and she was glad to have such an amazing guy in her life. After that she and Taemin got back home and they find Emmy sitting in the living room working on her laptop. She notice them coming and smirk.

"So you finally got her to come back" Emmy said chuckling a little "Yeah she's as stubborn as me but I love her anyway" he said as he ruffle EunHae's hair. One of the things that Taemin got back from EunHae is his smile and laughter. EunHae isn't the childish type like Bia. EunHae and Nikki are the more open minded among the three. EunHae like to talking things about life, the future, dreams, the universe just like Taemin. 


"Taemin I should go back like there's no place for me to sleep" EunHae knew she was talking nonsense like Taemin house look like a freaking mansion. But Taemin want to protect her and with that in his mind "EunHae there is a lot of place here. I don't want you to be hurt by these vampires. If you don't like sleeping alone then come sleep in my room" Taemin said in complete honesty. He was scared, scared of losing her and he didn't even realize what he said. "Yah! Lee Taemin!!!" Both Emmy and EunHae yelled at the same time and EunHae covered her face in embarrassment. Then Taemin stare borely at Emmy and push EunHae towards him by her waist. He was really serious "Emmy? Did you forget about it. She's not my girlfriend she's my wife now" He said in complete honesty. Emmy smile at him "I know Taemin I'm glad she found someone like you. So take care of her" then Emmy approach him while smiling then she whisper in his ear "But dare to hurt her and I'll not hesitate to slit your throat"

Emmy is always the kind and happy type but if you ever dare to hurt the second most precious in her life which is EunHae then you'll pay dearly. Even Taemin got a bit scared and nodded. But then the question is ask here. Why did Taemin did that marriage thing? The reason is simple. Taemin is the curious type and like to study everything. In one culture he learn that the boyfriend and girlfriend thing is forbidden and it'll be like both of them are sinning together and also because Taemin don't like these thing. He want to have a wife. "So in a way we're married but without the mating process and the official proposal?" Taemin nodded and he notice EunHae blushing shyly and under her breath Taemin could heard her saying that she like which made Taemin happy. He wrap his arms around her and kiss her forehead sweetly "I knew you'd like it. See that's why we're soulmate" Taemin grin. 

But their happy moment had to be broken down by someone yelling and rating like crazy while making their way here. Both EunHae and Taemin realize who that person was and despite both of them being fierce and strong they were both scared of that person. 

"Kim EunHae..."

Taemin knew that he wouldn't get the beating of his life because the anger of that person was towards EunHae. But even Taemin was scared he didn't know what to do. The feline eyes glare at EunHae who just gulp. Here's the reason why those two were afraid. First of all is, who's that person. 

It's the one and only Key. 

Like come on who wouldn't be scare of him? His glare and sassy attitude can literally kill you. Even Jonghyun is scared of him because no one had dared to go against Key and the one who did? Well it didn't end well. It result in them getting beaten. Key was the motherly figure of Taemin when his mom was busy. And Key took care of him like a real mother. Key love Taemin like his own son, his own flesh and blood and he love him more than anything else. But when Taemin had dared to go and rebel once against him. Taemin had to run away because a furious Key was running after him with a broom. It's not a laughing matter. Key really care about him and now during these past month he had been caring for EunHae. 

And EunHae didn't mind at all. Key really had that motherly figure but EunHae hadn't told him about where she had been staying and it seems that the diva had come to know about it. The diva crossed his arms around his chest and glare at EunHae. With a little courage Taemin try to defend her "Key it's okay everything is-" But the dancer was shut up with Key's glare. After some moments of silence, Key just sigh and wrap his arms around EunHae "You really scare me EunHae. At least Taemin had succeeded in making you understand. I still remember how Taemin was stubborn just like you. Now just promise you won't do something like this ever okay? We're your family now EunHae"


These words sound familiar to her. What was it like to have a family again. To be happy with your family. But these moments have already been destroyed by the only person she trusted. Even if it's only been months since she has known them, she knew that she could trust them. "I trust you Key" Key smile and ruffle her hair "Now I know that you're tired. Just go and take a rest" EunHae nodded. She was really tired after all what happened. 




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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie