Breaking into a hospital and her!

My New Reasons

Love? What is love? Love is confusion and pain because that's what Nikki was feeling after what happened yesterday with Minho but EunHae was confused. If you really love someone why do you let them go? Aren't you suppose to fight for them no matter what happened? When you love it's for the better and the worst too. EunHae know Nikki and when someone doesn't want her, she'll literally just go away. So was this the case here? But wasn't it true love for both of them?

From what EunHae knows is that love isn't complicated. The only thing that's complicated it's the people in the relationship. Their love is different 

as it was both their first time loving someone. But Nikki was acting really strange and EunHae obviously noticed that. That night EunHae couldn't sleep and was thinking about it, Taemin tried to help her but she told Taemin it's not necessary and she wanted to find the truth by herself.

"EunHae? Are you sure about that? I can help you if you want" Taemin says as he snuggle into EunHae's neck completely calm and relax.

EunHae just sigh if it was on any occasion, she would be blushing and getting embarrassed but this time her mind was wandering somewhere else and when she wants answers, she'll do anything to find the truth about it just like she did towards Emmy as she knew Emmy was depressed and thought that EunHae was too good for her. But being the type not to let anyone go. EunHae stayed despite being hurt but she stayed and in the end, it was worth it. EunHae was hurt to such a point that anyone in her place would've given up. But she didn't.

"I'll deal with this myself because I know that Nikki is behaving strangely. No worry now go to sleep" EunHae then start room smile shyly as Taemin was still in the crook of her neck and he was slightly kissing her neck making it hard for her to think straight. "I can't sleep!" Taemin whine and wrap his arms around EunHae.

"Oh I know" EunHae smirk slightly at Taemin. "Do you want some milk to sleep better?" EunHae said while trying not to laugh.

"Yah! I'm a man!" Taemin said while frowning but that just made EunHae to laugh more making Taemin more annoyed and EunHae was really enjoying that.

"Oh? So you're a man? A man who always whine like a little adorable baby?" EunHae knew that Taemin doesn't like being adorable and EunHae enjoy teasing him. 




But then Taemin face change from annoyed to serious and that slight creep EunHae out. EunHae was slightly getting out of bed while Taemin was approaching her without saying a word. EunHae back away and make a run for it but she was stop. Taemin grab her by her arms and pinned her against the wall.

"So you want to see the me from before we get together?" Taemin's lips were pressed to her ear as he said these words.

"You want to see. The dangerous me?" He said as his lips rubbed against EunHae's neck in a sinful manner.

"You want me to make you lose your mind?" Taemin then look at EunHae and lift her chin so as to face her. The adorable looking Taemin was no more. In front of her was the dangerous yet hot Taemin she first saw.

Taemin lean closer. One of his hand was holding EunHae's hand above her head while the other was on holding EunHae tightly by her waist pushing himself closer to her. His hot breath was hitting EunHae's lips. 

"Say it" Taemin whispered.

"Say that I'm hot" He whispered again.

EunHae was scared but exited. The Taemin she knew was back. EunHae was scared that because of her Taemin had become weak and she didn't want that. She doesn't want to see Taemin hurt and she will protect him at any cost. EunHae just give in.





"You're hot and I just can't resist you" EunHae said as she break her wall of insecurities towards Taemin. She put her hands on Taemin's neck and kiss him harshly. She wrap her arms around him and kiss him more passionately and Taemin was completely taken aback as it was a first.

But Taemin was so glad that EunHae break her wall of insecurities. He put his arms around her waist and push her harder against the wall kissing her deeper. He went to her neck and bite harder on her neck. EunHae's eyes were blank just as her mind as she look at Taemin. She kiss him roughly. "Damn it EunHae. This side of you is making me losing my mind" Taemin then kiss her her and his hand was making its to go under EunHae's shirt....





Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong

Both stop when EunHae's phone start to ring. Taemin's eyes glowed yellow with anger as he was mad like who would phone at such a time interrupting them. It was nearly midnight. Taemin let go of EunHae who answer the phone while her cheeks, neck and lips were still red.

"Hello?" EunHae had picked up the call and she didn't look at the name on it. 

"Eun....EunHae..." EunHae froze. It was Nikki and she was crying.

"Nikki?! What happened? Are you alright?" EunHae started to panic as she heard Nikki crying and Taemin just stood near to listen and was confused as well. "Come...please"

"Nikki you know I'd gladly come but it's nearly midnight and the visiting hours is close by now" If it was EunHae, she'd literally ran there and and break in but she was too scared to do that but Nikki really wanted to see her but she couldn't go.

Suddenly Taemin took the phone from EunHae "Don't worry Nikki we're coming". Taemin said then end the call leaving EunHae confused. 






"How are we going there?" Taemin just smirk evily.

"Rules are meant to be broken and that's for a good cause. Do you remember how I've always wanted to make you fly along with me?" Taemin wink. He put a jacket on him and gave one to EunHae who put it on immediately.

They went out and Taemin open his large black wings. EunHae was in awe. She has never seen his wings this close and EunHae smile the brightest smile she ever had. EunHae touch the feathers lightly and caress them. They were really soft to the touch and soft. They had a mysterious feel to them but the wings were so beautiful. EunHae touch them and even kiss them and they were so soft on her lips just like cotton candy.

In Taemin's case, he was blushing when she feels EunHae touching his wings. He smile shyly which EunHae notice. "I'm so....sorry" Taemin just smile and shook his head. "It's alright. I like it"

EunHae climb on his back and she wrap his arms around him. But then she started to be scared that she would be heavy and Taemin felt EunHae being sad but then EunHae immediately shake off these ideas and that made Taemin smile.

They flew up and EunHae was amazed by the beautiful city at night "It's so beautiful" EunHae said and Taemin nodded while smiling. It was a beautiful night. "Where are we going though?" EunHae ask but Taemin just chuckle evily and didn't say anything else.

After some time EunHae could see the the hospital and EunHae gulp. Was Taemin really serious about this. "Taemin are you kidding"






And this was the night where me and Taemin were going to break into a hospital. 

We arrive at Nikki's hospital window and knock lightly. I just hope Nikki doesn't scream when she'll see us because a girl on top of a winged man isn't something you see everyday, right? Nikki just open the window and we enter through it.

She immediately hug me and cried. I just sooth her and calm her down while Taemin was sitting and watching us. "I.....I wasn't in love with Minho I don't know why but the love kind of just disappeared".

Taemin snorted. 

"So you just kind of fell out of love right? Or you were never really in love with him right? You just see a nice guy and just wasted his time". This was something that just like EunHae, Taemin didn't understand how could people just fall out of love like this. EunHae was about to.say something to Taemin when Nikki stop her "He's....right. At least he won't be hurt again and he'll find someone who'll truly love him. I already talk to Minho and he's same like me. I know that you wouldn't be able to sleep so that's why I called you. Thank you"

EunHae smile and followed Taemin back to the window. Before getting out, Nikki got a glimpse of EunHae's neck and immediately understood why Taemin look so pissed. "Have a great time EunHae" Nikki said and EunHae look at her completely confused. Nikki wink and point to her neck while laughing lightly making EunHae completely red "!'s not like this"






Back to their home, they immediately went to bed as they were both tired. Taemin had still the thoughts of EunHae kissing him like there's no tomorrow in his mind. He couldn't believe it but he was glad that EunHae wasn't that shy anymore but he wondered what would have happened if the phone hadn't ring. He just shake these thoughts and try to sleep. He need to control himself. 






The Next Morning. 

"I hate this" Taemin yelled as he sat angrily on the couch as EunHae look at him with confusion. Taemin sigh and look at EunHae "I have been forced by my uncle to do a photoshoot to do with that Hailey". After hearing that EunHae's face change and Taemin noticed it. He sigh and went to hug her and kiss her forehead "No worry I got a good news too. Since you're working for Square Enix you'll be coming too" Taemin smile and they both went to prepare themselves

After that they went to the place. The photoshoot included many famous people such as singers and models and EunHae immediately start to feel like she was out of place. She wasn't as pretty as the others. She knows these people did plastic surgery and such but her mind was too negative. Taemin then squeeze her hand and gave her a smile and EunHae smile back.

There they met Minho too whom they haven't met after what had happened with him and Nikki. "You alright Minho?". The model just nodded and smile slightly.

"I'm alright. This was for the better" EunHae smile at his response but then sigh.

"I'm the one who isn't alright now" EunHae sigh again and Minho immediately know what she meant as he saw Hailey completely hung around Taemin about to do their photoshoot.

Minho patted her back "it'll be alright so no worry"

 EunHae nodded and went to get ready for her photoshoot.





When she came back, she felt as if a bucket of cold icy water had fallen onto her. The photoshoot that she was seeing was of Taemin. She clenched her fist as she saw Hailey sitting on Taemin's legs and both were looking intensively at the camera. Taemin had his hand in her hair and Hailey had her hand wrap around Taemin's neck. When Hailey saw EunHae looking she smirk at her which angered EunHae more. 

Then Taemin notice EunHae was looking at then. After some time she just turn her back and went away. Her photoshoot was with Minho who would be a new model for Square Enix. Her photoshoot was simple and not like Taemin's one. It didn't had any skinship, it just has then standing and looking at the camera. After it ended, both high-five each other.

Taemin went to EunHae who was still upset about the photoshoot. "EunHae please you know I didn't had any choice" The girl sigh and nodded but then.

"Taemin!!!" Hailey came running to them and she immediately hug Taemin thanking him and she just went away not before glancing at EunHae and smirk. EunHae exploded. She took her bag and rushed out angrily. Not Minho and Taemin could react as everything had happened rapidly.

"Taemin you better get her and lost yours like I lost mine"Taemin nodded and he rushed after EunHae. They were out of the studio. Taemin finally caught her by her wrist causing her to stop but she tried to get away from his hold but couldn't. "Let me go" She insisted but he wouldn't do that. He would never let go of her for nothing in this world.






EunHae seemed to have calm down "How dare she did that when she knows I was there? She's really the worst and you?!? You let her? What if she had kissed you?" EunHae was now really furious but accusing him wouldn't make things any better.

Taemin just sigh "I wasn't expecting something like this and if she did do that. I wouldn't let her and would have pushed her away before she did so. Can you please stop doubting me like this!". This was it. Taemin had reached his limits as well.

"I'm......I'm not doubting I'm just saying" EunHae said but this time she was caught off guard. She didn't doubt him she was just scared as she know how Hailey is and that when she want something she'll do anything to get it.

But Taemin wasn't calm yet "What about you then? If you hate me being around Hailey that much maybe you've realised how I feel when I see you around Bobby!". EunHae knew Taemin didn't like Bobby but EunHae always tell Taemin not to worry as Bobby is just one of her good friend.

"Taemin we've already talk about that! He's just my friend and that girl just want to ruin me!" But Taemin was way too stubborn to understand that.

"As if I care I don't want to see that Bobby around you again. He just pissed me off!" This time he yelled surprising EunHae a little. This was the first time Taemin had yell at her and she was speechless.

"Taemin......I....." EunHae didn't even know what to say.

"If you really love me why don't you stop seeing him. If you really like him why don't you stay with him!" This time Taemin was just yelling at her and didn't even noticed it. He was just way too frustrated to even care.

"Taemin......." EunHae tried to talk again but the words were caught in . 

"Well that means you never really love me and you love that guy more than me" This was the last straw. Taemin knew what he was saying had no sense and that it was false but he Was so angry that he didn't know what he was saying anymore. But then.....





"Can you please stop! I....I love you more than anything...St...stop please" EunHae now had tears falling over her face. She just turn around and ran. Taemin then immediately realise everything of what happened. He immediately ran to the crying girl and wrap his arms around her. Tearing a bit as he made the strong girl he love cried.

"I'm sorry.....I didn't meant anything I just said. I love you and I know you too do. I promise you I'll try to do something and will push Hailey away from us. I love you". He kiss her forehead and leant down to kiss her on her lips which making the girl calm down and wrap her arms around him.

"You like it when I kiss you like this, right?" This was enough to make EunHae blush madly and Taemin laugh a little.

"You promise right?" EunHae ask and Taemin nodded. "I promise that there's no one that can make me smile, laugh and being happy like you do to me. I promise no one apart you can make me feel like this apart from you. I love you. Now let's go back". EunHae nodded.




What they didn't know was that Hailey was watching secretly while smirking completely happy that she made Taemin make her cry but that wasn't enough for her. This was just the beginning for her and he'll do anything until the end until she has Taemin for herself. 




A/N: I have school so i would not have time but i would do my best. I hope you like it so far. Let the drama begins. JUST TELL ME IF THE ARGUING SCENE WAS GOOD/

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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie