His Mother

My New Reasons

EunHae POV.

Some hours ago...


I just stare at a grinning Taemin in front of me completely dumbfounded. That guy, that little brat just told me that since among vampires he's an aristocrat he had apply another rule. "EunHae I know you. I know how you hate these boyfriend and girlfriend thing and I also don't like these too. That's why I always call you my love" I blush Ugggh why I'm blushing like that. He told me that he applied a rule only for aristocrat. The rule is that once you find your mate and after you both agrees that you're together even without the *cough* mating process *cough* you two won't be considered as boyfriend or girlfriend but will be considered as husband and wife. You're technically in a way married but without the official proposal which will come later. I actually like it. Like when I date someone I want to marry that person and not just be with him for some times. I want to be with him forever. 

I know that he's my one and only. 





Present Time one month later.... 

It has now been already one month since the three couple have been together. EunHae couldn't really believe it. Taemin really do love her. Even though when they were just sitting together without saying anything, Taemin enjoy every moment of it. Little by little EunHae wasn't being shy anymore. EunHae was now waiting for Taemin to come. He had ask her for their first date night but for her it wasn't normal though. Like they spend time together by watching movies and eating together and they both like it but it's strange that he suddenly want to go out. The things she love about him is that even though they are together they still act like best friend. 

She look around and saw him coming and drop open. He look gorgeous. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt with his hood on. "Hi EunHae you look gorgeous tonight"

"Don't talk about it. Nikki was literally about to strap me up on a chair to stop me from running away but I guess I like it" EunHae couldn't help but blush furiously. Since they act like friends being like this made her blush. "Even your feminine style is gorgeous and don't worry everything is going to be alright. Okay?" EunHae nodded but even Taemin was nervous. "Let's go" Taemin intertwine his hand with EunHae's but after some seconds they both let go and Taemin was blushing furiously. 

His thought was confused. This girl was making him feel all these emotions. This girl was really the one.

They try one more time and intertwine their hands together and Taemin held on tightly while looking down. They arrive there and look inside. The interior was really beautiful. They got the terrace view and went there. "So want do you want to eat?" Taemin ask and EunHae smirk "Is that even a question? Steak of course!" EunHae and Taemin both smile. They fell really comfortable now. Then they started to talk "It's okay not to be like others EunHae. Like different isn't wrong. You aren't like these girls who're afraid to eat" Taemin said sincerely and EunHae smile. They were having a great time. 

Then the waitress came. She look like an American, she had short blond hair and green eyes. She look really pretty. The waitress came and give Taemin the menu but then EunHae notice something, the way the girl was talking was really irritating her. Why? Because her eyes were only fixed on Taemin and she was talking way too sweetly to Taemin "Oh but sir, I recommend you this one because for someone as handsome like you need the best of the best" Taemin didn't seem to notice anything as he was too absorb in choosing the best steak ever. The girl then lean way to close to his face to help him chose. She was putting her hand on his shoulder and her face was way too close. EunHae was feeling so weird and she just cough and with that Taemin seem to be back to reality. He notice EunHae embarrassed and annoyed face and then realize the reason. 

Taemin cough and shift away from her completely annoyed "Excuse me but please keep your distance" Taemin said calmly but his voice was threatening "I have already chose my order and it's Number 5" The girl seem a bit taken aback he had had hit on a lot of men but this one was the first to be so distant to him. She bite her lips. She wanted that guy whom she find so dangerously hot. Taemin notice that EunHae was really embarrassed and didn't want to look rude. Of course she was finding that girl really annoying because she was hitting on Taemin but she didn't want to respond back to sound rude. The girl was so busy with Taemin that she went away completely forgetting to take EunHae's order "Excuse me but you forget to take her order!"

Taemin knew how EunHae was feeling and that girl was really annoying him too. The girl excuse himself to Taemin and not to her "I'm sorry I forget your sister order" Sister? EunHae just cough. The hell? She stayed quiet as she had enough and she doesn't want to fight. She only fight when someone fight and that girl wasn't a threat to her. 

For today, she just wanted to rest and enjoy this dinner with Taemin. But she could feel that they were being watched. Was it her imagination? 

But Taemin didn't want to shut up. She didn't want people to treat EunHae like that. "That girl isn't my sister! She's the love of my life so if you're going to act disrespectful towards her again I'm going to ruin your life" Taemin said again calmly but still threateningly making the girl a bit scared. She took EunHae's order which was the same as Taemin then the girl went away. "People like this are so disgusting. Just don't worry EunHae. Just enjoy this dinner and we'll take a walk" Cold to strangers but sweet to his closed ones. This was one of the reasons EunHae love him. EunHae was the only girl who saw the goodness in him. EunHae saw the waitress coming again and this time she just wanted to slam her head on the table. The girl had opened up the buttons of her blouse exposing her chest way too much. She lean down and place Taemin's order next to him but then Taemin "Excuse me but this is a restaurant and not in a club. So please make your clothes look decent because you're just being disgusting" The way Taemin is talking didn't made him look like someone to pick a fight. He was looking so classy while doing so. 

She place the plates on the tables and went away. The two eyes were now only fixed on the beauty in front of them. 

They took their knife and fork and dig in their food. They were eating and laughing happily while eating. 

After eating both of them were full "You eat like a guy you know? Like you know these stupid girls always seem to eat bite by bite but like me you just dig in without hesitation. You're really amazing. Everything you do is fascinating to me and I like it. You aren't boring at all so no worry" 

"Thank. I always thought I was the boring type well I guess to someone like you. How about ice-cream. The price will be on me. I hate it when girls always made the guy pay, like seriously? He's not your bank account and he shouldn't buy anything you tell him to buy and then get angry when he doesn't. Sorry I'm rambling too much" 

Taemin chuckle and lean down and kiss EunHae on her cheek surprising her "You're really amazing you know" Taemin just stare at her smiling. This girl wasn't like others. She wasn't demanding and she always care if people are feeling comfortable or not. Even though she was fierce, that emotional side of her was perfect even though sometimes she go overboard. 




"Let's go there. They sell a special icecream which cone look like a fish". He grab her by her hand and went to buy it but EunHae was still having the feeling of being watched by someone, looking around she didn't find nothing suspicious. Taemin came and gave her the icecream.

"Wow" She look in amazement at the icecream and Taemin chuckle. Seeing the world in her eyes was something beyond magic. He took his courage and wrap an arm around EunHae "Let's go there" Taemin point and EunHae just look at him and laugh "You know I'm not one of these cheesy girls" Taemin lean closer and his breath hitting her lips "I know love"

"You chose the right one Taemin" EunHae look up to see a woman who look in her 30th looking at them smiling. Taemin look as if he saw a ghost. The icecream he was immediately drop on the floor and he threw himself on the woman hugging her leaving a confused EunHae. "Mom, I miss you" EunHae's eyes immediately so this beautiful and kind-looking woman is Taemin's mother? She look so pretty. "Nice to meet you EunHae, so you're my son's mate? I could now see why he was persisting on changing the laws. I've been following you two for some days now and my God! I was so relief when I saw that you weren't like these cheesy and annoying girl. It remind me of myself when I was you" EunHae smile as Taemin's mother sigh dramatically. "Yah~ Mom! You know me better than that. And you're not that young now Hahaha" Taemin said laughing but EunHae cut him off "Not young anymore? Haha Taemin I'm not praising or anything but your mom look really young to me. Don't worry but to be really honest age is nothing compare to your heart and you're really beautiful" 


"Please my dear I've been watching you and all I can say is that you're the only girl in this world that my son deserve. And don't call me madam dear, just call me mother. My name is Dara" Then Dara look at her son "Taemin can you please leave for some minutes I want to talk to EunHae for some time" 

Taemin nodded and left. Both woman were now sitting on a bench and EunHae was nervous like hell. She didn't expect to meet Taemin's mother so early "Don't be so nervous EunHae I won't eat you. I have a few things I want to say to you. This can’t possibly cover it all, but luckily, we have some time. Even though I look at my sons and see my babies, I’m not raising babies. I am raising men. Men who some day will hopefully become fathers and husbands. Some of the most important roles in existence. It’s my job as their mother to raise them with the skills necessary to go out into the world and fulfill those roles well. Each and every day I am gifted with these boys, I am committed to that responsibility"

Dara spoke so gracefully that EunHae was calm now and was listening carefully "Now looking at them I see that I did well. They grew up to be men even though Kai had left I was afraid for Taemin because I was scared that he would become like his tyrannical uncle. He was shown cruelty a his life and because of that he grew to be cruel. Taemin grew up and became an evil person. Not even his friends could change him"

Dara had sadness in her voice as she talk "But then, you came along and change everything. You made this cruel and ruthless guy into a kind one. He was falling into an abyss and when you show him your kindness despite him being cruel to you, you help him to get out of the darkness he was in" Dara had tears in her eyes as she continue to talk. "When Kai told me that Taemin got someone I was furious because I thought it would be one of these bimbos type that are just using him or him using them or him having one every week. I was scared for him. But when I saw the way Kai was talking I wanted to see by myself who that girl was. When I first saw you I was surprise you weren't wearing any ty clothes and your way of talking was kind"

Dara said as she look at EunHae. "Your view on life and things like that change everything. The way you took care of Taemin and the way you talk just amaze me. I didn't know that such girls exist. You're a one of a kind person. Please continue to take care of my son even if I know he can be a pain sometime but he's just a little flower, my little flower who need a special kind of love that only you can give him" EunHae could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

"No one has ever talk so kindly to me. I promise you that I'll always take care of him even though I'm not pretty. I'll give him all my care, attention and love. He's also the one who save me too. He made me understand what is love and he love me like no other. But he's also my best friend someone I can always count on. Just like Emmy, he make me smile and laugh when I want to cry. He's the light of my life. I'm sorry if I'm sounding cheesy but that's my real feelings" Dara place her hand on EunHae's shoulder "Everything you said about him, Taemin told me the same thing and I guess he was right.." Dara sigh and facepalm "Why do you look down on yourself so much. You're not pretty? My dear you have the prettiest soul, character and personality and all these are lights. These lights reflect on your appearance. Those who're pretty with an ugly character don't have that light that unique people like you have. So trust me, Taemin really do love you. I trust you please take care of my son" She said as she disappeared into black smoke. 

Strong arms wrap around EunHae "I love you EunHae". "I love you too Taemin"

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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie