My Sister is you?

My New Reasons

One Week before….

Taemin POV. 

We can be sitting in a room watching a movie or having a simple dinner at home and we'll like it. We love each other and the best thing was that she was my best friend. The best gift I could ever receive. She was my everything even if it's just one week we have been together. 

She had been busy with her work since she has been working part-time at a grocery store just to get some extra money and she have been preparing for her work at Square Enix we didn't had time for our first date. We spend time as friends even though we're in love. For me I was preparing for our future architecture building along with Jonghyun. 

We did spend some time eating together, talking and laughing having a great time together. You know what we both love? Act like both best friends and lovers. We hate all these lovey dovey things. Now we're at the Namsam Tower is Seoul, I have been showing her the beauty of that place. 

We have been eating chocolate vanilla ice-cream while laughing. At what? You know these people that act lovey dovey? It's alright but sometimes it's too much. Like right now this couple are all over each other. They were talking sweetly to each other and like really over exagerrating everything. 

The girl was so disgusting to me. She was pouting and always hitting the guy in what she thought was cute but I find it disgusting but the guy was in complete awe at her cuteness. Just disgusting. “Oppa I'll always love you~” the girl said in a cute way but me and EunHae find it horrible. 

“Aww my princess I love you too” They were really exaggerating everything. Hopefully we would have both hate to become like this. Ugggh. 

I just roll my eyes and turn myself towards EunHae and decided to “Hey EunHae you got something on your face” I said as I apply some more cream on her face and she get some more on my face while both of us were laughing happily. 





Present Time.

I take EunHae by her hand and push her towards me glaring daggers at Jonghyun who's eyes were still wide open and staring into the distance. What the hell happened to him. Then he look at me completely horrified “Please, please come with me both of you”

Me and EunHae just looked at each other confused then we followed him. We arrived at the Villa and he lead us to his room. Entering it I was confused to see a symbol drawn on the floor. Then Jonghyun told me and EunHae to sit obviously the symbol. Hesitantly we did so and then he started to recite a chant and then me and EunHae were like thrown into a memory.





Outside POV 

Jonghyun waited for them to get back into the real world. He wondered how their reaction would be after they find out that who was his mate and who was his sister. After waiting for some minutes the two of them appeared. EunHae had a confused look and Taemin had a shocked look on his face. EunHae didn't see the face of the girl but Taemin seem to had seen it.

“Jon….Jonghyun how….how did you knew about that?” Jonghyun face seem surprise and he ask Taemin if he knew about that but Taemin just shake his head “Not exactly. My father told me to just pretend that I have spend my whole childhood with you. He seemed really serious so I didn't ask for the reason. I just came to know about it” 

Jonghyun look at him confused but then seem to understand everything but EunHae was still lost. The two guys look at her with wide eyes creeping EunHae a bit. Jonghyun then approach EunHae carefully then suddenly jump and hug her crying “EunHae….My EunHae…...My dearest sister….I've…..I've missed you so much!”

“wh...what? I didn't received any memory unlike you….and Jonghyun” Jonghyun was confused now, EunHae was supposed to get her memory after that. Then Jonghyun try something. He approach EunHae and press two fingers on her forehead and then kept a distance of 1cm from her forehead. “break it” he said and then to an X sign with his fingers. 

EunHae eyes widen as if she seem to remember something. She put her hand on her forehead closing her eyes as if she was getting a heartache then all the memories came flowing by. After that her pain seem to have went away. She then look up and as soon as she saw Jonghyun a tear escape her eyes. 

“Jo….Jonghyun I…..I remember”

All the memories of her and his brother come back. She remember how much she had love, care and protect him in the past. The person who had cared the most for her was him. 

Jonghyun close his eyes to suppress the tears but in vain. The tears came more and he embrace EunHae again and this time EunHae hug back while sobbing a little “I miss you Jjong”. Jonghyun smile and then kiss her forehead lightly making EunHae blush a little “I miss you too my dearest sister” 

EunHae smile and kiss Jonghyun on his cheeks remembering how much she like to do that when they were little. To her, Jonghyun is an angel from heaven because his kindness was inhuman, well he wasn't a human to start with now. EunHae look closely at his features and smile. 

“Awww you still look like a puppy mix with a Dino. You're the cutest PuppySaurus ever. I still remember calling you that Hahaha” EunHae remember everything and Jonghyun was glad about it. They were talking about the past but still they haven't notice that a certain someone was watching them with annoyance and can we say? Jealousy? 

A cough was heard interrupting the two sibling. “Shouldn't we know first how EunHae haven't got her memory when she got to Korea?”. Jonghyun nodded and then explain something. “First thing is that someone had put a seal on her mind so that even if she came here she won't get any memory” Then Jonghyun turn towards EunHae “EunHae don't you have any memory that seem familiar to you”

Jonghyun then take the notebook and give it to Taemin “There's something for you in there Taemin….it was from your late father who told me to give it to you”



“My Dear son. I know it has been really hard for you without me. But I want you to remember something I have always love you with all my heart and will always do. Watching you grow and your birth and your brother's was one of my greatest happiness of my life. The day you and him your first steps together towards me and the day that you both say ‘dad’ after you said ‘mama’ was the days that brought tears to my eyes. You and him have been my dear and precious sons”



Taemin read it and tears start to well up in the eyes of the cold guy. He wasn't that cold after all. Taemin had a heart of gold but when his father died, he saw how his uncle was happy and glad to take the throne and had no feelings about his own brother. Taemin and his brother had no one to cared for them except for their mom. They were treated really badly but everything change. 

To change their way of living, their mother accepted to marry the ruthless uncle to change the life of her sons. The two kids were just 13years old. But at the age of 17, Taemin's twin brother couldn't take it anymore and he left the household but still stay in contact with Taemin. 



“if one day I died under strange circumstances I had a feeling that it'll be my brother who's doing that because I know about his vile intentions but I trust you Taemin. You and your brother I know will avenge my death but something that you should remember is to never ever become someone as heartless like him. My son, you are the kindest person ever and I love both of you. No matter how much time I have with you, let's treasure the time we have together. We do not know if we would meet again in our next life. 

This road of life you are now on has been filled with many twists and turns. You have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows throughout your marvelous journey thus far. You have ventured far beyond the shore, more times than not, successfully. You have been blessed to experience firsthand the world, its people, its values, its successes and its failures. 

My son I don't know how to express my feelings. I know I have been sometimes harsh to you but I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. The day that you had hurt yourself after playing soccer I was in a panic state. It was just a small cut but I was worried. The day that your mom left for a business trip and the next day you felt ill, I spend the whole night caring for you and your brother. You always use to think that I hate you because of the way I act towards towards you but I did all these to protect you.

But let me tell you something you won’t remember the way you looked at me right after you were born, or the way I pulled you up next to my heart and marveled “Hi, baby” in your ear.

The way you completed my heart. I was weak before I had you, and you made me whole again.

The way I proudly watched you everywhere we went, you were always the most beautiful boy in the room to me. You won’t remember the way I would brush the hair off of your forehead and the way you’d look up at me. Without any words, our souls could touch and say everything to each other that words couldn’t”




Taemin POV 

At the end of it. I break down crying. I love my father but always thought that my father never did. I was wrong all the time. I couldn't believe that my father love me that much, I could not believe that the man whom I thought hated me had love me all the time. When I was young I always looked up to my dad. He would hug me, we would sit on the couch and cuddle and watch TV, we even had a secret handshake that we would do anytime I left to go to school. I was his prince, I could do no wrong, he was always proud of me and told me I was smart and that I could do anything I wanted if I just tried for it. 

When I was young and was training with him I always did mistake and he always scolded me for that but he always praise my brother. He was never satisfied with what I do. He wanted me to exceed my limits. He wanted me to become the best and me I thought he hate me. All the time when I use to say in his face that I hate him it break him on the inside and I didn't even notice it.

I love you dad. You have always been my role model. You're the person that I always look up too. I remember when I was a child, me and my brother would sit on our father's lap as he'll tell us the stories of his adventures and his stories will always amaze us. I remember how he use to laugh and smile when he tell him our games. He would smile proudly at us and ruffle our hair saying that one day we'll be great men.  

I sat down with tears falling over my face with my mouth slightly open and my breathing uneven. But then I felt two arms wrap around me and hugging me tightly. I look up.and saw EunHae hugging me tightly. It was really shocking, why? Because EunHae was really shy with skinship like even when I hold her hand she blush like crazy now just imagine when I kiss her what happened but I was happy that she seem to understand. 

I didn't say anything and I just stayed in that position sobbing quietly. I promise on my life that I'll avenge my father's death and of course I knew who killed him. I wasn't really sure it was him but that letter confirm everything. I'll avenge my father, take my mom back and make my brother come back home. But first we'll need to know who help my uncle to kill my father. Because my father was the strongest vampire alive, it must have been someone who has betrayed him.

But the only feeling I was having right now was sadness and remorse because I had tell my own father the day before his death that I hate him due to my anger. “Taemin you don't have to feel anything of that sort. I understand how you're feeling but trust me. It's obvious that your father knew that you didn't mean it”. I look at her still with teary eyes “But….”. 

“no but Taemin just trust me. I swear I'll make the person who killed your father and make you in that state suffer” I snuggle closer to her I could feel her emotion. I was always the ruthless and cold guy and her seeing me like that would obviously saddened her but also she was feeling an emotion of pure hatred. 




But then suddenly look up at Jonghyun as if she had remember something. “Jonghyun please tell me something. Was it with you that I had told that I was wanted a fluffy cat? I know the questions is weird but please answer” Jonghyun nodded in confusion “Was it with you that I built a sandcastle with two seashells on top?” Jonghyun still nodded in confusion. Then her voice started to tremble “Wa…..was who had once hug me and promise that he'll always protect me using….the...the pinky finger pro..promise” Jonghyun nodded again. 

Jonghyun's eyes widen as if he understand what she meant. 

“The….person who has erase your memory did it with only one goal. That person knew that you were to be Taemin's mate so he put that seal on your mind so that you couldn't get any memory when you come here. So that after you attained a certain age that person will take all your powers. He use a great power to manipulate your memories. That person only the man that was the secretary of Taemin's father knew that…

I stand up in complete confusion “Wait a minute. What does the one who erase her memory had to do with the one who murdered my father”. I was in confusion because I couldn't see the connection.  

Jonghyun turn towards me “Taemin, your father once told me that since you were his son, he knew who your mate would be. The only persons who knew that was your father and your uncle. But since your uncle already has power, he might have tell that to someone so that he could eliminate both you and your father. That person manipulate EunHae’s mind so that he could attained more power. He and your uncle kill your father. Your uncle did so to get the throne and that person did it for more powers. That person was…..was…..




EunHae said as she suddenly stood up and storm off somewhere. I had no idea who that person was. Me and Jonghyun immediately followed EunHae. She arrive at an apartment and my eyes widen. I couldn't believe that it was that person. 

We immediately rush and saw EunHae forcefully opening a door and entering the room with anger burning in her eyes. The person was surprise and was about to talk when EunHae lift that person and slam him against the wall and slam her fist next to that person's head. Damn my girl was so strong wait it's not the time to think about that.

EunHae had tears in her eyes and she talk with venom in her voice “How….how could you do that Shaw?”


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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie