His Revenge

My New Reasons

Outside POV. 

“You may plainly perceive the traitor through his mask; he is well known every-where in his true colors; his rolling eyes and his honeyed tones impose only on those who do not know him. People are aware that this low-bred fellow, who deserves to be pilloried, has, by the dirtiest jobs, made his way in the world; and that the splendid position he has acquired makes merit repine and virtue blush. Yet whatever dishonourable epithets may be launched against him everywhere, nobody defends his wretched honour. Call him a rogue, an infamous wretch, a confounded scoundrel if you like, all the world will say “yea, ” and no one contradicts you. But for all that, his bowing and scraping are welcome everywhere; he is received, smiled upon, and wriggles himself into all kinds of society; and, if any appointment is to be secured by intriguing, he will carry the day over a man of the greatest worth. Zounds! these are mortal stabs to me, to see vice parleyed with; and sometimes times I feel suddenly inclined to fly into a wilderness far from the approach of men.”
The Misanthrope


With anger the boy hit the wall with his fist growling. Pure hatred and disgust could be clearly shown in his eyes. He was a cunning mastermind, manipulative and ruthless.

They say he's a traitor. Maybe he is. All he know is that he did what he had to do.

He say to himself “Isn't it funny. I'm enjoying my hatred so much more than I ever enjoyed love. Love is temperamental. Tiring. It makes demands. Love uses you, changes its mind. But hatred, now, that's something you can use. Sculpt. Wield. It's hard, or soft, however you need it. Love humiliates you, but Hatred cradles you.” The man was none other than Shaw. After EunHae and Taemin had discovered who he was he had no other choice that to go away. He wanted to make Taemin suffer for what his father had done to his.

But his heart was confused. After all these time, was how he acted towards EunHae fake? Was his feelings fake? But then he growl again. How could he love someone who had chose to be with his enemy. He did loved her but now not anymore. He shake his head from these thoughts and then he got an idea. What's the best way to make someone you hate suffer. Betrayal clearly has its own reward: the small deep human satisfaction of having one up on someone else. It is the psychology of the mistress, and this regime used it as fuel.

How could he destroy his two targets with just one bullet? The answer was simple. He just need to use EunHae. Make these two lover hate each other and that will make Taemin weak. He hated EunHae for not coming with him after all he had done for her.

But first he need a pawn.  

He knows exactly who he should use. After he had left he had still kept an eye on EunHae by following them secretly he nearly got found when he was at the restaurant but not anymore because someone else will be ruining their relationship unintentionally.

He would use EunHae's biggest flaw against herself. 

Her insecurities. 

Her biggest flaw will make her fall into the abyss of despair and sorrow. 

He quickly change his clothes and went out to see the person that he'll be using as his pawn. That person is really close to EunHae and someone who doesn't know about EunHae's relationship with Taemin and also someone whom Taemin hate. You may have already guessed it. His pawn will be Bobby. He knew where Bobby was and he immediately went there.


Bobby had finished with live. They had just finished the performance of Apology, and Dumb&Dumber. He was sweating like hell but he was happy to have finally made his dream come true. He made his way happily backstage. 

"Excuse me? You're Bobby right?"

The rapper turn around to find a handsome man smiling at him and bowing politely at him. Bobby nodded and the man which was Shaw smile "Oh thank god I was searching for you. May I talk to you in private. If I may ask? Do you know someone named Kim EunHae?"

The name immediately made Bobby smile and Shaw smirk. His work will really be easy. Bobby nodded "My name is Shaw and I'm EunHae's childhood friend I haven't seen her since she came in this country. Do you know where is she?" Sadly Bobby didn't know. EunHae had told him that she'll be moving somewhere else but he wasn't given any location. Bobby nodded as he remembers that EunHae was always talking about her childhood friend Shaw. They then were having some small conversations about EunHae and Shaw was asking about how was EunHae and other stuff like that to just pretend that he care about her and to not be suspicious to Bobby. But Shaw clearly didnt had much to do as Bobby already fell into the trap when he notice how Bobby was smiling and chuckling while talking about EunHae. He smirk.

"Are you in love with EunHae?" The question took Bobby completely off guard and his head snap up to look at the man who was now chuckling in front of him "Don't worry from what I heard from you, you seem like a really a nice person and I'm glad someone like you love my childhood friend. Did you  already confess?" Bobby shake his head while blushing slightly. 

"It's a friend advice you should go right to the point because when I call her sometimes she always talk about you while laughing happily. If it isn't love then I don't know what it is" Of course Shaw was obviously lying. He needed to trap both Taemin and EunHae by using Bobby. The rapper will just be his puppet.

"Oh you see the time? I need to go I have an important meeting to attend to. I know I seem crazy to suddenly came and told you l this but I just want EunHae to be happy and don't tell her I came here. I'll surprise here at the end of this year. So goodbye" Shaw left immediately leaving a happy yet confused Bobby.

EunHae love him too. Just this thought is making Bobby smile happily. 

He need to quickly confess his feelings to her.


Shaw smirk as he saw Bobby smiling happily as the rapper soon disappeared from he sight he took out his phone to make a call. Now that's Bobby in his game to made Taemin mad and confused, he'll also need someone else to play with EunHae's insecurities.

"Hello? Oh hi! Yeah it's me Shaw I think I'll be needing your service soon so meet me at the usual cafe when you come to Korea" He said before ending the call and smirking. 

He'll get his revenge by destroying these two. 






Outside POV. 

EunHae stretch her arms and yawn. She turn around to find  the space next to her empty. The bed was so soft and she was really tired, she felt like sleeping on it forever. She throw away the blanket and was about to get out of bed when she look up to find her boyfriend in the dooraway. Taemin was leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. As soon as he saw that EunHae had notice him, he cocked his head to the side as a confident yet mischievous smirk played on his lips. The man had just took a shower as droplets of water was seen rolling over his body. His hair was wet and he had a white towel around his neck.

"Morning Eunhae" Taemin said in a weary voice while walking towards her and still having the same expression on his face. Eunhae could not help but to look down at his body and his defined features could be seen more because of the droplets of water over his body which makes the girl to not be able to resist looking at his sinful body. Taemin had a satisfied smile on his lips as he notice this and he move more closer towards her making EunHae gulp slightly. EunHae saw Taemin's bangs over his face and she part away the hair from his face to help him. That action kind of surprise Taemin only after some seconds because after that the man had a devilish smile over his face. He hold her hand and interwine his fingers with hers  then he  came closer and whisper something in her ears which made EunHae completely red "My body is only for you to see.....and enjoy but if you continue to be this defiant I wont be able to control myself anymore".Then he blows some airs over her ear making her close her eyes at the contact. He just adores teasing her.

Taemin started to just do some stretching and turn around but then as he suddenly turn back to her, he saw EunHae biting her lips and looking at his body. Taemin then asked, "Is there  a problem?" EunHae immediately shake off her head furiously and Taemin smile mischievously. He grab her by her hand and push her back towards the bed makng her yelp a bit. EunHae close her eyes at the impact and when she open it she was met up with a coldly looking Taemin on top of her. Some droplets of water from Taemin still wet hair fell over her cheek. "Didn't I just told you to be more careful?" He crashed his lips against hers and EunHae wrap her arms around his back touching his smooth skin. The kiss immediately became intense as EunHae was grabbing onto Taemin's back and she had her legs wrap around his waist. Taemin bite EunHae's lips making her moan a bit which is making Taemin more and more needy. "You belong to me" he said in an authoritative manner then he went to kissing down her neck making EunHae grip more onto him digging her nails  on his . Taemin kept  on kissing a specific place on her neck and then he start to and biting harshly  everytime. He then remove his lips from EunHae's neck and stare at EunHae's red face.The girl was panting a bit while looking at Taemin.

"You makes it hard for me to stay sane around you"  He look at her neck at the first mark he put on her. She was his. He caress the spot "This is my mark, you're mine" EunHae blush. They haven't gone that far. It was the first time that Taemin had left a hickey on her and she was completely red. The sheets rustled and Taemin moved to lie on top of her. He looked at her with half-lidded eyes and slowly lowered herself to meet her gaze, foreheads met "Lets leave". The two finally decide to get up and to really get out this time. They immediately prepared themselves.  





Taemin had booked an inn just for the two of them. The place was just beautiful and EunHae couldn't help but to stare in awe. Taemin smile at her reaction and put an arm around her neck  "I knew that you'll like it now let's go!" Their room was a traditional one but it was still beautiful. 

Dinner was ready and they both eat happily. As they were returning to their room "Hey EunHae!!" Both turn around to see Bobby waving happily at EunHae. Taemin roll his eyes in disgust and glared deadly at the guy but fortunately for Taemin some people called out for Bobby and he was about to go when he suddenly came to EunHae and hug her tightly before waving his hand to her and going away.Thia made Taemin drop his glass on the floor, fortunately it was just carpet so it did not break. EunHae look at Taemin to see his eyes glowing yellow which confused EunHae. EunHae's eyes widen and Taemin wanted to beat the out of someone but he kept his calm. That guy was being too irritating and he absolute hate how carefree he was around EunHae. Taemin then glare at EunHae and then cornered her against the wall. He grab her chin and lift her face towards his "You belong to me and if he or anyone  dare to approach you like that then I wont be staying that calm again. I wont let anyone else have you"

EunHae sigh at the angry Taemin. She sat next to him and rub his back gently "He's just a friend and you know that I.....I only love you" EunHae say as he lean to peck on Taemin's lips lightly which immediately calm the jealous man. Anyone would've been mad about how Taemin reacted but EunHae was just calm and understanding about it. Taemin just sigh and put his warm hand on her cheek leaning his forehead against her and stare into her eyes "I'm sorry for my outburst EunHae" EunHae shake off her head and peck many times on Taemin's forehead who was now blushing slightly with his anger now long gone. "You're not at fault Taemin I understand you. Anyone would've react the same but like I said I can't love anyone else except you" 

“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever"
"Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.” 
This is how Taemin and EunHae felt for each other. They may not show it but they both felt it and this is what counts for both of the two.





Author's Note: DRAMA WILL START SOON!!!!! 


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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie