Why not me?

My New Reasons

EunHae's POV. 

I sigh as I look on the ground wondering what wrong I ever did to find myself in such a situation and place. Bia and Nikki were over exited and me I look like I'll kill them at any minute. Why I'm here at the first place. I sigh again and cross my arms.

It all happened yesterday after Taemin had fell asleep. After he doze off I take my place and tried to sleep too. But as I was just about to fall asleep, my phone start to ring and I immediately grab it and answer it so as not to disturb Taemin's peaceful sleep. I successfully got out of Taemin's hold and went outside the room to take the call. "Hello?" I didn't look at the number when I answered it so I didn't know who it was.

"It's me, I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet?" I sigh knowing exactly who the idiot that can exaggerated is and be that dramatic that much on a conversation. But I was also pissed because Taemin's ill because of Jonghyun and tired because today was really tiring. "Cut off the crap Bobby! Why are you calling so late?" 

"I need your help!" I told him what was it but he said he'll tell me tomorrow. He sounded so desperate so I accepted to come at a certain place where he ask me to come. I agreed without insisting so much. Knowing that I can trust.

Now here I am at a freaking filming set. The help was that I need to help Bobby with the filming of an MV and since he doesn't know the other actress well, he decided to choose someone that he knows which is me. And to make that I don't refuse him, he make Nikki the stylist of the MV. So here I'm I stuck in a filming set about to be film and which will be shown to the entire world to see. I swear if I got attack by fans after this I'll kill him. 

But to be honest I'll need to admit that since he's a really close friend of mine I would've like any dumb and cute girl acting all cute and disgusting around him. But I need to admit that the entertainment that he's in, has really nice people and the girls aren't ty at all. 

After some time, we were called by Nikki to put on our clothes for the MV filming. I was really happy for Nikki because she made her dream come true, she became a fashion designer and look at her now. She's a stylist in a music video I couldn't be more glad. Everyone are making their dream come true. 

But Taemin? I really hate how his uncle is. Taemin is so rich and yet he can't make his dream come true and yet someone as not as rich as him is achieving so much? No this is not fair and I don't accept that. I'll need to knock some sense in that uncle of his. I won't let anyone hurt my husband! 

Wait....Yeah so what? Oh my I'm blushing so much right now. I can't believe I called him my husband. Well I'm technically his wife so...






"Hey EunHae stop thinking about Taemin and come to change your clothes" Nikki yelled at me making me blush a deep shade of red. Damn. 

I finished putting on my clothes and I go to join Nikki at the filming set where the guys were. The filming had already start. It was now Nikki's turn to go on the set. It was on in a park and 1...2...3...The filming started. Nikki's partner was actually Bobby's best friend Hanbin. The filming start and it was actually nice even though there was not that much of skinship. Nikki was just running around then the scene move to Hanbin buying a cotton candy and they both eat it....Yeah they both were literally eating it at the same time. Now the two of them were just sitting on a bench and Nikki was playing with Hanbin hair as his head was on her lap. It look so really though. These two look like a real couple. 

Hanbin eyes look like they were shining. He seem.....he seem really in love with her.

But then my mind start to wonder around. Damn it mind come here before I start thinking about something I shouldn't. Too late. What about Minho? What would be his reaction if he find this? I know it's just acting but still. Minho might look like a calm and charming guy but that's not for these characteristics that he's called Flaming Charisma. 

Oh! My! God! What about Taemin? Knowing him I bet he's going to kill and rip off Bobby's head. Damn. That's what I got for wanting to help a friend and not asking what was I supposed to do. Well I just hope that he won't kill Bobby but looking at how Nikki's filming was, I guess mine would be the same with really less skinship. 

It was then my turn. For my filming, the setting was set at a basketball playground. I chuckle lightly remembering that it was at a basketball playground that I met Bobby. It was a really painful meeting because that ball hit me hard. 1...2...3...The filming started. I decided to put everything so as to do the best acting possible. I was sitting on a bench and watching Bobby playing basketball while smiling and chuckling. He was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with ripped jeans. He look really nice. 

After that, he came to me and patted my head as if I was some sort of puppy. I jokingly punch him on his arms and he was laughing out loudly. Then he smirk at me. He then stand up and lift me up the ground and spun me around. This took me by surprise but I need to keep the act. The next scene was we were wearing school uniform and Bobby was sitting on a table listening to music then he take one earpiece off and put it in my ear while he continue to shake his head to the beat of the music. He then gently put his head next to mine and continue to move his head to the beat. 

I feel something stir inside me. Why was my heart beating so fast?







Outside POV 

Jonghyun was bored and nothing could change that. Bia went away without telling him anything and his sister went along with Bia and Nikki came along. God knows where they went and he was really bored. But one thing was sure, his sadness that he was feeling for years had disappeared the day that he found out that his sister was alive. He would protect her with every fiber of his being. But another thing that was obvious about Jonghyun was that he's possessive and get jealous really easily. 

The bucket of water that fell on Taemin was his plan. It's not that he doesn't trust Taemin. Like come on, Jonghyun was literally a fan of Taemin. Jonghyun just doesn't want her to get hurt, he knows how dangerous Taemin's life is and he doesn't want EunHae to be put in danger because of Taemin despite knowing the fact that Taemin would protect EunHae. But he was jealous that EunHae give more attention to Taemin than him (Jonghyun know EunHae care for both but he just want EunHae to give him more attention). He just sigh. He know that he shouldn't feel like that but he couldn't. 

Never mind, on another topic that was in his mind was of course Bia. Jonghyun always wonder how can someone as innocent as her could ever exist. Every time Jonghyun try to kiss her, the girl just become completely red and ran away. Even if it was a kiss of the cheek the girl just try to find an excuse and ran away and that is making Jonghyun frustrated. He's known as the king of skinship so he at least want a kiss from Bia but the girl was too shy. 

But if you have to know something it is that both EunHae and Bia are shy like that. What? It's true! From what Emmy had told me, at first EunHae was really shy. She even blush when holding hand. But it seems that as time goes by it is decreasing but she's still really shy. Awww my sister is so a-do-ra-ble but Bia is still stuck with being extremely shy and I don't really know what to do. 





Jonghyun POV

I'm I being too fast? Is it because I'm I too rough with her? Okay I admit that when I didn't know her I really was but when we got together I was really kind and gentle. Doesn't she like me the way I'm I? But she accepted to be my girl! Is she confused about her feelings towards me? I don't really know what to think about it. No one has ever got me this confused and yet! This girl is making feel all types of emotions. 

Sometimes she's all caring and sometimes she's so distance like she want to be alone but then when I want to talk her she's either spacing out or is talking with other people and when I forget the chance to talk with her, she just reply to me with short answers. And that frustrate me like what wrong did I do for her to act like that? But from what EunHae told me, Bia was also towards EunHae and she told me that it was really hard for her but after talking about with Bia, it seems to be alright, Bia is just like that. 

Nikki told me that Bia is just a crazy person and that I shouldn't bother about it but EunHae seem to have been really affected from Bia's attitude. But now it seems to be alright. I guess I wasn't the only one who was affected by that, EunHae's alright now but I'm still frustrated as ever. Why is she like that towards me only? I guess I should just take a walk to clear my mind. The truth is, it’s hard to get people to like you, but it’s even harder to keep people liking you.



Breathing, opening my eyes every day, barely getting through each day
I couldn’t tell you that those things were harder than dying
In case you would get worried so like a fool, I just let out a sigh

When tears fall, even my smallest cherished memories don’t know what to do
Because it hurt so much, we promised to let each other go
But whenever I’m not sure I can do it, please let me hear at least your breath

There was so much I wanted to say but I couldn’t say anything
We said that we were okay, comforting each other in pain
When I look back, we were only happy, we haven’t let each other go



This melody kept on being around my mind a while. I tend to write poems inside my mind. My dream is to become an artist who give courage and happiness to others. 

Then suddenly a smile appear on my lips. From far away I could see Bia walking and she was dressed so nicely and her make-up was on point. Her hair was style nicely and she was wearing grey eye contact. She look so stunning that she left me completely breathless. In that moment everything was nothing. I'm not making any I know but it's just that all my attention is directed towards her. Everything that's around me doesn't seem to exist anymore. 

I smile and decided to go towards her but then I saw something that made my blood boil inside of me. A guy, a rather handsome and tall one, was behind Bia abdominal Bia seem to notice his presence but she just kept on walking. Oh no! What if that guy want to hurt her? ! I need to help her! But then something completely unexpected happened! The guy suddenly wrapped his arms around Bia and Bia? 

Bia did nothing! Bia was just smiling shyly and blushing. With me it wasn't like this! With me she run away when I try to even hug her so why was she behaving so nice and sweet with that guy?!?! That guy is pissing me off! Okay wait maybe I'm just over reacting maybe he's just a friend just like Bobby and EunHae but still why is he hugging MY Bia like this? That bastard. But it’s not that I think I’m so great. I just don’t hate myself. I do idiotic things all the time and I say crazy stuff I regret, but I don’t let everything traumatize me.

But the next thing that happened made my anger dropped and tears welled up in my eyes. The guy turn Bia around and he......he kiss her forehead lightly while rubbing his fingers over Bia's face and still Bia did nothing except from smiling shyly at him. 


Why not me?

I just turn around and get away. I ran, I just ran with my hand still in a fist. What wrong did I did to her? Why acting like that towards another guy and not me? Had she had enough of me?

The way he put his hand over her cheek and the way she was just smiling shyly but still kept still while smiling. The way she stay calm when she was kissed on her forehead. She was calm and silent but she seem to be happy. But why wasn't she like that with me? With me she's always agitated and always trying to get away from me. But with him, she was calm. And yes, I’ll admit, I am jealous. I’m jealous of every minute you spend with him, of every concerned expression you send his way, of every tear shed, of every glance, every touch, and every thought. I want to rip him to pieces and purge him from your mind and from your heart. But I can’t. I’ve never been jealous before I met her, it burns like silver through my veins. I think it will drive me mad.

And I got out of there without punching anyone, kicking anyone, or breaking down in tears. Some days the small victories are all you achieve.





EunHae POV 

After some hours everyone filming was done. Bobby and Hanbin had proposed us to go eat with them and Nikki being a very big fan of the band gladly accepted it. Bia was nowhere to be seem. Her filming was made somewhere far from where mine and Nikki was so we didn't meet. We'll go to eat at YG Entertainment since it'll be calmer there. After we enter the building, Bobby put his arm around my neck and we started to talk and laugh. 

My phone suddenly start to vibrate. I look at it and saw that I received a message from a private detective that I've hired to look for my cousin. But reading the message I feel every hair on my body stood up.



From: Private Detective 

I'm sorry to announce you that but.....we've found his body. He's dead. I'm so sorry. 



Just as tears was about to fall, I look up to see something that made every cells of my body froze. There was a photo-shoot going on and the boy that was doing it was Taemin.....

With Hailey.

As my misfortune wasn't enough and just like I always say before luck isn't always on my side. The MV that we had just filmed was playing on the screen in the photo-shoot place where Taemin was. Taemin seem to be froze on the spot. As if sensing that I was near, he immediately turn around to look at me. His eyes were cold and expressionless just like the day that I met him for the first time but this time it seem more deep. He immediately made his way towards me, grabbing my wrist he took me to the hallway. His grip was strong but I didn't say anything. 

Once in the hallway he let go of my wrist and just stare at me "What was this just now? Why were you in that MV acting all lovely with that guy? Why didn't you tell me anything about it?" He was clearly furious and looked pissed but I don't get why was he getting so angry about. "Bobby is just my friend and all this was just acting and I didn't even know when I came here what it was all about!" 

But being the stubborn guy he is, he just wouldn't accept that. "I don't care from now on I don't want you near him again!" That's it I've had enough of him being all angry like that. For once in my life I got a really good guy friend like Bobby and he He's just being pissed about it? But wait...

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I've stopped being the weak and fragile girl who would just stand and listen. "What about you then? Don't you know my past with Hailey? What the heck were you doing in that photo-shoot with her?" That's it. It's my limit. I wouldn't have mind that much if it was with another girl but Hailey was the worst person to ever exist. How could Taemin even think of doing a freaking photo-shoot with her?

Taemin glare more at me "They told me to come for work and I didn't know what it was about. In the end I was force to do that. But you, you could have decline it! Yet you accept doing something like that with this guy that I hate. Didn't you yourself say that all idols are the same and that they only care about fame and money? Bobby is in this category too!"

This is it! I love Taemin with all my heart but I wouldn't accept how he's insulting Bobby. I did say that about idols but Bobby isn't like that. After watching the reality show and seeing how he had to go away from his family for 3years and how hard he work for a show which his team end up to lose and how much he cried on the day he lose but despite that, he didn't give up and in the end he debuted along with his friends. All this had made me realize that Bobby wasn't like these worthless idols but Taemin was to stubborn and furious right now to understand anything. 

"You don't even know him so don't you dare say such things against him! I wanted to help him and coming here I didn't know it'll be like that!" Both of us were glaring at each other and Taemin look like he wanted to punch someone and obviously it wasn't me but Bobby. He scoff "How could you be so stupid like this? Someone called you and you come without asking what it was about? What if you were killed? How could someone be so stupid like this? Are you so dumb like this?" 


How could you be so stupid like this?

How could someone be so stupid like this? 

Are you so dumb like this?


These words kept on being replayed over and over in my head. It made me think of a time that I didn't want to remember, a time that I hated myself and a time that I wanted to disappear and to never be found. Yet the person that I love made me think of such s time and made me felt all these emotions that I didn't want to feel. He obviously noticed that something was wrong. I had enough just enough. My cousin is dead, I have no family and the man I love think I'm dumb. 

I'm so alone.

I didn't realize that tears was falling down "I'm sorry....I'm sorry for being such a failure....I'm sorry for disappointing you so much.....I'm sorry" I whisper these words and I took some steps back before running away. I don't know where to but I just want to get away from everything. I just want to disappear. 




Taemin POV. 

What just happened? 

I didn't had any choice to do that photo-shoot but my uncle had threatened me to do it and I had no clear choice. I hated that I had to do it with the person that had hurt my wife. She was all flirty over me and of course being the gentleman that I'm clearly not I pushed her away like the trash she's. I had loathed hatred for people like that. And as if I wasn't mad enough I saw my EunHae on a screen in an MV with that Bobby. I was so mad at this why didn't she tell me anything about it?

Sensing her presence when I saw her and being really pissed off I didn't notice that she wasn't herself and it wasn't because I was making my way to her. But I was so mad that I didn't pay attention to that and I immediately start to get angry at her. Her argument was right but I was too stubborn to listen to them and I end up saying things that I didn't meant.

I promised that I would never hurt her and yet I made her cried. But why did she cried? Was it because I called her an idiot? I was saying things I didn't mean I know how soft and helpful she's. But why did she cried. After knowing her for so long I guess maybe that has triggered a time in her past where she used to think that the whole world hated her and think that she was just an idiot and a failure. But it couldn't be only because of that. 

Damn I'm such a freaking idiot myself! I shouldn't have got that mad. I just sigh. Where could she be right now? Knowing her she didn't went to Emmy nor to Jonghyun's place. There was only one place she could be and I know going there would got me beat up. 

After some minutes of driving I arrived at his place. I just knock on the door and after some minutes the door finally opened and I sigh. I didn't even have time to talk that he started to yell at me.

"YAH!!! How dare you make my Bae cry? What's wrong with you? Aren't in your mind? Are you an idiot" I sigh but he still continue on with his insult. Yeah that person who's that protective over EunHae is Key aka her motherly figure. I guess EunHae saw Rachel's characteristic in him, that's why she trust him that much. Key immediately took EunHae as his own daughter. These two immediately become friend and also really protective over each other.

I didn't listen to him and I just push him slightly away making my way upstairs. I arrived at the door and just listen. With every sob I heard my heart was breaking. She trust me and here I am breaking her heart and calling her an idiot. I shake my head.

I open the door slowly and she was there on the bed, her back facing me. "Key....it's al...alright" she said and her broken voice made me mad at myself. I immediately got on the bed and wrap my arms around her. She realize that it was me and she froze and she tried to get away from me but I didn't let her go. I hug her more tightly. 

"Let....me go" she said while looking down as she squirm. I rub my lips on her neck and she froze again. I love it that I have such an effect on her but that wasn't the moment to think about that. "Didn't I promise that I would never let you go?" I say as I turn her around to face me but she was looking down. I place her hands over her cheeks and lift her face to look at mine. What did I do? Her eyes were red from crying and trails of tears could still be found on her cheeks. 

I kiss her forehead lightly before leaning my forehead against hers. "I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean anything that I said I was just mad. EunHae, my love, you aren't a failure okay and you have never disappointed me nor you'll ever. You're the only person I love and you're my wife. Don't ever care about what people think because to me you're an amazing and wonderful person so don't think the opposite. I'm so sorry EunHae please forgive me?"

"I'm not angry at you but-" I immediately cut her off by putting my hand over . I just wrap my arms around her more and snuggled more against her. "Stop thinking about negativity and just tell me everything..."

I kept on leaning against her with my arms still wrapped around her waist. She was tired not physically but also mentally. The shock and pain of finding out that the person for whom she always had a hope to find one day has completely disappeared would obviously made her feel like that. She was a strong person but I could see that due to the events that happened she's losing her strength and is gradually becoming the scared person that she was before but I don't care. Nothing would ever stop me from loving that girl. She's the one who save me and love me after all. 

After some time, she fell asleep. I lay her carefully on the bed and putting the blanket over her, I kiss her forehead and made my way outside. I took out my phone and dialed Kai's number. I need answers and I'll do anything to get what I want if that mean helping the person I love the most.

"Hello Kai? I need your help! Can you search and tell me more about a guy called Aurora Kim?"



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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie