My Muse

My New Reasons

Outside POV. 

It was during the weeks. EunHae was sitting in her room at her table and she was on a project that Square Enix has given her. It was about new theories to come up with for some oncoming anime. She was sitting at her table with some hot chocolate and a piece of cake near her. After she complete one she takes a rest to think about what to write next. She like it no she love it that she has finally made her dream of working at Square Enix come true.

She had everything now. She found her best friend, she found that she has an amazing and loving brother, an amazing man that'll always love and cherish her, amazing friends on whom she can count and a stable job. But deep down, she felt that there was a missing piece that is needed to complete the puzzle of her life. Without that piece, the puzzle wouldn't be complete. But what happened if you lost that piece? What was the piece of the puzzle that was needed to complete her life? She take a sip of the hot chocolate and look at it sadly.

Her parents.

That was the piece needed to complete the puzzle but she know that was impossible. She stir the liquid and sigh. No matter how much you try to separate the liquid, it'll always stick together no matter what. That's what she thought about her family. That through thick and thin they were together. But within seconds, death separate them. Anyone in her place would have wanted revenge and she wanted that too. But being someone who thinks too much she wonders what will happened if she got her revenge? That won't bring them back.

She sigh again and try to be on the positive side. She took a bit of her cake. The taste was a mixture of chocolate and caramel. It was given to her by Onew. EunHae smile as soon she taste it. It was just delicious. Like Taemin she wasn't a fan of sweet things but this cake was just out of this world. Onew really deserve to become a chef. The sweetness, her parents would have wanted her to have sweetness in her life like this. They wouldn't wanted her to be sad.

She took another bit and smile while leaning against her chair and staring at the ceiling still with a smile playing on her lips, she hope for a better future and hope that in the future everything would be alright and that Taemin would be able to do what he want to do in his life.

She wanted and did everything to be happy and now no one would believe that Emmy was a sad person. She wanted the same for Taemin for him to be happy. She didn't care about her happiness, it's a fact that her life was hard but Taemin deserve happiness also.






Knock knock knock

She was out of her thoughts when she heard someone knocking on the door. "I'm coming" she shouted. She close her laptop and went to open the door. It was weird though Taemin said that he wouldn't be back so early as there was some work to be done and she wasn't expecting anyone to come. Maybe someone wanted to surprise her. 

She open the door, "Yes how can I help yo-"

She didn't finished her sentence that a hand emerged and grab her by her neck. She was startled and she grip on the hand trying to get it off her neck. She couldn't breath and she was choking. She even clawed the hand but with no success. Who the heck will do something like this. When she look at the person, she wasn't even surprise.


" go". EunHae choke on her words asking her to let her go but Hailey just smirk and continue to press more on her neck. EunHae could feel her nails about to pierce into her skin. She knew that she had left marks on her neck. EunHae tried to get away but the grip was too strong and the more she struggle the more that amuses Hailey.

Then Hailey, still grabbing her by her neck throw her down and smirk more at her. EunHae just choke and tried to breath properly then she glare at her. She wasn't scared of her anymore "What's wrong with you?", EunHae spat with venom and stood up and obviously making a distance between them. She clearly know what's this girl is capable of but she wasn't scared anymore. 

"You're pathetic as always EunHae" Hailey said with a smile and EunHae look at her with disgust. She didn't change, she became worst. "I turn it back to you because you're the pathetic one here" EunHae chuckle at her. Hailey change to worst but EunHae change for the better. What Hailey didn't know is that EunHae wasn't the scared girl anymore. EunHae became strong and defiant.

"I'm not the one who came at someone house just to threatened them. I clearly know what you're capable but bear in mind that I know how to defend myself"





(Angry Kai)

On the other hand, Kai and Taemin had practice together today and it was supposedly to be the first day of EunHae but she couldn't come as she had work to do. Taemin had worked all day and later joined Kai, but the latter got hungry and ask Kai to bring him some food as he was too exhausted. He chuckle at Taemin's tired self and went back home to get some food and to check on EunHae because he know when EunHae start to work, she start to forget about the real world. 

"You idiot!!!!"

Suddenly Kai froze and his smile disappeared. That voice, he recognized it too well. 

He immediately shake his head and ran to the door which was wide open and upon getting close he was met with a scene. Hailey was fuming and EunHae was holding her own neck. His anger took over him and he immediately rush to the girl's side by pushing Hailey out of the way.

"EunHae? Are you fine?" Kai asked in distressed while Hailey just rolled her eyes at the scene. EunHae just nodded slightly.

Kai immediately turn towards Hailey and he glared at her, "What is wrong with you? Why did you do that?". Hailey just laugh and smile at Kai which disgust the young man more. He couldn't believe that he used to love someone like that. That was the biggest mistake of his life. Hailey didn't said anything and just turn around and as she exit the door, she turn towards them and smirk.

"My only goal is to get Taemin and I'll do anything to get that"

"He isn't an object" EunHae yelled angrily at her but Hailey just roll her eyes and get out of the apartment.

As soon as she left EunHae collapse but fortunately Kai caught her before. When he was looking at her for any source of wounded that Hailey may have inflicted, he saw some blood on her neck which he deduced to be coming from Hailey's nails. He immediately took out his phone to call Taemin but EunHae grab the phone lightly and shook her head.

"I don't want to be a burden to him".

Kai just smile and took back the phone lightly, "He care about you so much, you'll never be a burden to him". Kai smile at EunHae, he knew how EunHae real character was despite always showing a tough side, she was as fragile as glass inside, a simple hit and everything will broke. EunHae along with Taemin were the person who had help him a lot.

He dialled Taemin number and after hearing much details of what happened, he ended the call, knowing that Taemin was literally flying over to the house. In the meantime, Kai help EunHae to lay on the sofa, EunHae was annoyed, she didn't want to bother them as it wasn't a big injury. She hate feeling like a damsel in distress. 







Suddenly the door was kicked open and EunHae didn't had time to see what happened when she was immediately enveloped into the arms of Taemin. 

EunHae immediately relax, "It's nothing much Taemin, I'm alright..."

He hold my face in his hands and stare at me. He look completely scared because after he knew that some S rank vampires were after me he was really protective over me not that he wasn't before. "Do you know how worried I was?" He then hug me again. I smile and rub his back lightly "I'm alright Taemin don't worry"

"Kai I won't come so you can go in my place please?"

My eyes widen I don't want him to Stop because of me, "Taemin no-

"Don't worry I wanted to take the day off anyway love" He smile at me making me looking down blushing furiously I both hate and love it when he has that effect on me. "Is my love blushing?" He said teasingly and I blush more. "You know I can make you blush more?" I swear if he do something I'll kill him. He lean closer then stop. He look at my face then at my lips he then look at my eyes deeply with a little smirk I couldn't help but look away. Damn that little tease. He put turn my face gently against him and lean down to kiss me making me completely red.

Then a cough was heard and Taemin stop. I had completely forgot that Kai was still here and he was standing there looking down completely embarrassed and Taemin was the only one who doesn't seem to be bothered. This man is really like a kid but I love him when he's himself anyway.






(Relief Taemin)

Kai finally was gone and Taemin was just looking around the room and he came across my laptop on which I was working. I sat down and continued my work and Taemin was moving around the room and he seem agitated for some reasons. He look like a sneaky thief trying to steal something. When I peak at him I saw him trying to take a peak at my computer screen. Oh my God I couldn't help but smile that guy was just too adorable for his own.

I finally turn around to face him "What is it Taemin?". He look down guilty playing with his fingers like a child who has been caught stealing cookies in the secret jar. "Can I see your work?" I just couldn't help it anymore and I start laughing and he look at me completely confused not understanding why I was laughing like this. "Oh my! Taemin you're just too adorable. Of course you can!"

He took a chair and sit next to me. I was a bit nervous to show him my work though. I was working on a new project given by my company. It was also about my new book. The plot was about a boy who wanted to make his dreams come True but his father-in-law didn't want him too. The boy wanted to become a professional choreographer. Yes you get my point, the boy in question is Lee Taemin. I actually wanted to surprise him but now I'm scared like what if he doesn't want something like this.

He seem to have finished reading but he wasn't saying anything so I got worried. "Taemin I'm sorry I shouldn't have written something like this without your concern I'm sorr-

Taemin suddenly hug me taking me by surprise. "EunHae I don't know what to say. It's the most amazing thing to happened to me and it'll be a honour for me if you start this project. I didn't know I was your inspiration I'm glad that you consider me as your Muse, love" I smile and nodded at him shyly "You have always been my source of inspiration Taemin". I really like seeing Taemin so happy and adorable like this. When people look at Taemin they always see the cruel and cold looking guy but they don’t know about the real him. The one who act childish and cute just because its his real personality and because he like too. He hasn’t got a real childhood so its no bother to me and its quite amusing to see it myself he look so happy. But he knows how to be a real man too when the time comes.




Author's Note: I'm really sorry for this short chapter I'll update more next time.

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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie