
My New Reasons

Outside POV. 

Everyone was surprised by the way EunHae acted when she entered the room. She literally lift Shaw, slam him hard against the wall and punched the wall angrily just some centimeters away from the guy’s head. The anger of EunHae is understandable. 

“Why? From everyone I know why you? Why Shaw? Why did you betrayed me?”

EunHae was talking calmly about it now even though she was now breathing heavily but then she punch the wall again “WHY DID YOU HAD TO KILL TAEMIN'S FATHER?!?” 

Shaw did something that surprise everyone. He just laugh evilly and look at EunHae “Don't you know the proverb EunHae? An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth? His father killed mine don't you think I should take revenge for mine?” EunHae look at him completely not believing what he was talking. EunHae read the letter that was sent to Taemin from his father. There's no way someone that could write something like that would ever hurt someone.

“No! There must be some kind of misunderstanding. There's no way- 

“No EunHae!” Shaw interrupt her “I saw it with my own eyes EunHae. He kill him EunHae. How could you love someone like that EunHae? I'm sorry for trying to hurt you but that wasn't my intention. It was to just see Taemin suffer like I did. But now I should just accept the fact that I can't hate you because I love you EunHae” he said as he place his hand on her cheek.

“Leave Taemin and come with me. I'll make you happier and give you everything that you want!” EunHae look at him and slap his hand away and glare at him “How could you think that? How could you think that I love this guy for material things?” she said and point at Taemin “I love him because he's the only guy that could make me happy without trying. He never judge me and with his love I'm trying to be a more happy person I'm being slowly trying to love myself” 

Shaw just roll his eyes and scoff “I'm better than him in every way I was the one who took care of you- 

EunHae look at him with disgust “But was your intention honest? No they weren't but him he love and accept me with a sincere smile. Seeing someone as cold as him smile because of me made me feel happy because he's not only the person I love but he's also my best friend. I was good enough for someone like him and that's all that count. Leaving him? Not even in your dreams that'll happened!”

Shaw then glared at EunHae “Then I don't ever want to see you again and another thing I also manipulate your mind with another thing. I wasn't the one who had saved you” he said and then disappeared in black smoke. EunHae then fell on her knees then Taemin rush to her side wrapping his arms around her “It's not your fault EunHae” 



 "I told a friend that I'll replace her for one day at her part time job which is rarely visited so I'll have time to think" EunHae just sigh she didn't really know what to do right now she just need some time to think and Taemin understood it "Take your time and if you need someone to talk too you know where to find me" EunHae nodded. 

Another thing that you should understand is that Jonghyun wasn't a vampire. He was turn into one.




2hours later....

EunHae arrive at the grocery store where she's to be a seller for a day. There's rarely people coming to that store so she'll have time to think. Her friend was actually one of her friend from high-school. She finally saw her and they greeted each other. "So how's life EunHae? It's been years since we met" EunHae just chuckle "Life isn't always easy. I'll talk to you later. Now just go" her friend nodded and she went away. 

EunHae smile lightly what could she do now? Her childhood friend betrayed her. There's was nothing else to think. She sigh again and sink down in her chair. Fortunately she had Emmy and Taemin by her side or else she'll have been already be in tears. People close to her always betrayed her so she wasn't surprise by that anymore. What surprise her now is loyalty. 

At least she had a guy who love and care about her and another one who's her best friend and cares about her. These two guys were better than Shaw. She close her eyes for some time and she just open them again to stare at the roof. Life is always unfair to her but she always continue on, because if she didn't no one will. She had realized long ago that the only person she should trust is herself. 




On another side, just some metres near the grocery store. There was a gang in a car looking with greedy eyes at the store in which EunHae was. One of them had a mask over his face, only his evil eyes were visible. Not a sign of pity was shown on his face. He needed money to survive. 

"Go on! I'll come in some minutes!"

The guy entered the grocery store and EunHae just nodded to greet him and the guy nodded back. EunHae didn't seem to notice that the guy was suspicious she was too lost in her thoughts to care about anything. The guy didn't even look at her face and just nodded instinctively. He go towards the shelf and start to look at the products.

Noticing that the girl had her head down and that she was just staring on the floor. He smirk and took his gun from behind his back. He walk towards EunHae with these evil eyes and with one of his friend by his side. To distract EunHae, he ask her about a certain product. EunHae came to him. His plan was to knock EunHae unconscious and to take the money away.

"Yes how may I help you"

But as soon as his eyes saw her face he tried to tell his friend for some unknown reasons not to hit her but it seem to late so the guy immediately took EunHae by her shoulders and push her towards the shelf making some product fall also he got hit by his friend and he just groan in pain. EunHae was just confused but this was a really bad timing. 




EunHae POV. 

Damn it. I knew I had a ed up life but this is just extreme. I have been betrayed by my childhood friend and now I'm kidnapped. How was I feeling? I am freaking scared like come on I know I'm brave and cold but in this situation I'm freaking scared I'm not in some time of story where I'm the heroine and where I could beat up the bad guy and walk badass away while something explode behind me. This was reality and I'm terrified. 

I had a cloth that was covering my eyes. But when I move my hands I was surprised to find that they were not attached and not my legs also. This was really strange. Who kidnap someone without attaching them up? I immediately remove the cloth from my eyes and I was expecting to see that I was in some type of an old and dirty room or some type of old factory but what I saw surprise me even more. And no I wasn't in some type of luxurious room things like that.

I was in a nice and neat room. It was a small one but it had a closet and a small bed and a small shelf next to the bed.

Of course the first thing I did after looking at my surrounding was that to immediately go to the door and I was still terrified. But unfortunately the door was locked. I curse under my breath with my heart beating really fast.

Then I heard the door being open and just stare at it in a complete horrendous state. Then the guy enter the room and just stare at me. It was the same guy that was at the store. He still had his face covered with a mask but his stare was really cold and intimidating and I just back away while looking down but I feel him approaching me and I continue to back away until I had my back against the wall. He place his hand next to my head and remove his mask.

"Kim EunHae"

My eyes widen when I heard him say my name. I immediately look at him and I couldn't believe my eyes. That guy look 60% exactly like Taemin. The same eyes and the same cold stare. Wait it really wasn't the moment to care whether or not this guy look like Taemin but he look so like him. It's my first time seeing a lookalike so please understand. 

"Wh...what do you want?" I said while still being afraid. The guy open his mouth to talk but was stop when the door open forcefully well it didn't open forcefully it was more like it was ripped off its hinge and thrown away. 




Taemin POV. 

I was really sad for EunHae I didn't expect her to be this betrayed and especially by her childhood friend but I'm still glad that she found her brother and I need to admit that I'm really jealous when both of them are talking sweetly to each other. Ugggh. Nevermind, I decided to pay a visit to EunHae and since I had something to buy why not go to the grocery store where EunHae was.

Knowing her I could sense that she was just staring at the roof lifelessly and just thinking. She has gone throughout a lot of hardship during her life but she's still strong. Oh I have an idea! It's been already one week since we're together and since she was busy with the preparation of her interview I couldn't have ask her that. I should properly ask her on a date and announce to her the new rule. 

If you look at the world nowadays people don't really love each other. They're just attracted by wealth and appearance. They come together just for that, have a great time and then they just leave each other without feeling a thing. This was one of the reason why me and EunHae hated love. 

But I guess we were wrong. I am with EunHae now because not of her appearance and to be honest with you not once did appearance count for us. We understand each other and EunHae understand me more than anything because she still see the good in everything. She helped me and was kind to me even though I bullied her to the extreme. 

When Emmy was telling me how amazing it was to have someone who still stayed even though she pushed her away and said mean things to her but despite all these that person still stayed. Why? Because she knew how Emmy was feeling and that she was just doing all these for her not to get hurt because Emmy was afraid that she would leave like everyone else but she stubbornly stayed.

Can someone this kind be real? Was my thought. 

But meeting her was different. She changed me and help me to not become like my ruthless uncle. I started to smile and laugh more. Just having her by my side is enough to make me happy. That's what people need to understand you don't need to always to go on date things like these to be happy. One of the many things that I learnt from anime was that. 

This world is rotten. 

Okay this isn't the time to think about the conspiracy of the universe. I was really far but I still could see the shop. But then I stop in my tracks. There was some suspicious people entering the store and I had a really bad feeling about it. One entered and another followed. They were just walking and looking at the shelf then one of them walk away and the other called EunHae seeming to ask for help. 

EunHae came towards him to help but then I started to run towards the store when I felt about the intention of the guy behind him. It was a hit and run but suddenly his friend took EunHae by her hand and push her and he himself got hit. Damn it why can't I run more faster? Then the guy did something unexpected. There was a sudden black fog when I finally arrived at the door and they all disappeared in that black fog. 

I fell to my knees and slam the door with my fist completely ignoring that the glass broke and my hand was bleeding. What the hell just happened? Where did they took my EunHae. Was that guy a vampire? If so then I could know where he is. 

Being the king that'll soon take the throne I could do that. I immediately went to the exact spot where they disappeared and I sat down and look up while closing my eyes and I recite a phrase and wait for some times it'll take about 10 minutes since it's my first time using that power. 

When I open my eyes I found myself inside an old and simple house. Then I heard a door being open and immediately rush to where the sound was. When I arrived I found a door open when I look inside I felt my blood boiled. The guy approach my EunHae and place his hand next to her head. I clench my fist.


"GET AWAY FROM HER" I said ready to punch the heck out of him. How dare he try to hurt her. These types of people disgust me. But then when the person get away from EunHae and turn towards me I immediately stopped in my tracks and I look at the person with wide eyes.




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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie