Bad Start

My New Reasons

Taemin POV 

Seriously there were a lot of new students coming this year and it has only been 4days and all the new girls are transforming into all my disgusting fan girls. I just hate all girls. They're all just fake and disgusting. And if it wasn't for my family I would've already ripped off Jessica head off. She's just an annoying stalker who thinks I'm her boyfriend seriously. I belong to no one. Love? I don't believe in that because it is just a sign of weakness. I just put my head on the desk and trying to rest. How can you rest when all es are looking at you like predators wanting to jump on their prey. Just disgusting.. I just look up and glare deadly at them and they all look down and I just rolled my eyes. Finally I put my head on the table and try to rest. The door open and I could hear the teacher's footsteps but strangely it look like there was another person with them. I bet it's a new student who'd transform into one of my fan girls. 

"Hello Class! Today we have a new student. Please introduce yourself!"

"Good Morning my name is Kim EunHae" I was right it was a girl. Something was strange though her voice seem cold. No I am not looking up because I'm tired like hell. I didn't get any sleep last night because I was too busy practicing my new choreography. You're wondering that Susana don't sleep, right? Well we aren't like the Susana you see in books where onions and cross can destroy us. Seriously we're just human who eat normal human food and drink blood and we also have a beating heart. 

"Okay Mrs. EunHae you can sit next to Mr. Lee Taemin the boy whose seat is after the window." Wonderful another soon to be annoying fan girl. No I'm not looking up. I could feel her pulling her chair and she just said a simple 'hi' and she sat down near the window. I could hear some students gasping it are not every day some new students said hi to me. The class was about to started. I sat up straight and look at the new girl. What is it this time? A girl face stuffed with make-up? A girl hooking up at a club? Or......

A simple girl with no make-up on and who's just looking outside at the window and who smell as pure as an angel. Can't believe these types of girls still exist. She seem really cold to me though. Well I am just saying the truth because in today's society and everything was just about money, attitude and looks and most girls are now fake and most of them are now just plastic with fake personality. That's why I hate everything.

"Okay class today in literature for this year we're going to learn about 'Topaze'. So take out your books we're going to start" Even if I'm good at it I hate it. Sometimes I don't even understand it. Most girls here are here just to see me and they all fail the subject and since they're rich they can continue. I wonder if that newbie didn't saw me and did the same thing. Well never mind Let's wait and see but I have t admit that she was pretty and seem not like the others. Wait what did I just say? Never mind. The teacher pick her to read the explain the story in French. 

"Topaze est une pièce de théâtre de Marcel Pagnol, représentée pour la première fois à Paris, le 9 octobre 1928[1], sur la scène du Théâtre des Variétés. Topaze est, au début de la pièce, un maître d'école au sens civique irréprochable et au salaire modeste. Licencié pour s'être montré trop honnête, et influencé par les exemples qu'il a sous les yeux, il devient peu à peu malhonnête et heureux de l'être, en se lançant, sous l'influence d'une femme et d'un conseiller municipal peu scrupuleux, dans le monde des affaires"

Everyone including me and the teacher were all shock she read it in perfect French without even shuttering. Even I can't do that. I heard others whispered that she was just a show off but I didn't think so. I read her mind and she was nervous like hell. Wow I have never thought someone can be that nervous she could literally hide from anything. Her cold face doesn't seem to match her mind.




EunHae POV. 

I'll kill him. I'll rip his head off and I'll kill him. We were informed that we had got an apartment well it more look like a condo. And of course it's the one and only Shaw who did that. I swear I'll kill him. He shouldn't have use all that money even though he's rich. Well let's see the inside then. We look at Bia room first and after opening it she was jumping around happily inside. Why? Because the room was purple aka her favorite color. "Oh My!!!!! It's amazing!!!! Your boyfriend is just amazing EunHae!!!! Everything is purple OMG!!!!!"

"For the last time Bia. Shaw isn't my boyfriend and yes your room is amazing but I still feel like I'm being a burden to him"

"Yaa~~ don't be like that. Shaw just want you to be happy and to start to smile more again. He want nothing but your happiness"

I nodded to Nikki and went to see her room and of course she behaves the same way like Bia because her room was green her favorite color I just sigh and smile slightly. We went to see my room then and it was black and red my favorite mix of color. It was big and it has the biggest LED TV I've ever seen. "He isn't even hiding his favoritism this time XD" Everyone get into their own room and they all fell asleep. I get my phone and text Shaw thanking him a lot.

The next day I had English literature. Yeah I love literature a lot. Just when I was about to get into my class I saw a scene. There was this girl well more like a clown by the amount of make-up she had on her face. She was looking down and there was a guy in front of him. She was blushing shyly while looking down. 

"Taemin Oppa I have really like you for a long time so I would love if you would be my boyfriend!"

These are the types of girls that I absolutely hate. It was obvious she was acting like that....wait so this is the Taemin guy well he was really deadly handsome I don't understand why they say he was dangerous. Taemin just look cold that’s all. He just went away and rolls his eyes. But the girl was such a pain and hold on Taemin arm as he was going. Taemin was furious and what he did next shock me. He holds the girl's arm tightly. "Oppa you're hurting me!" The girl said but Taemin did not seem to care and hold her wrist tightly.

"Do you think I care about es like you? Now just get out of my face" He throws the girl roughly on the ground without giving her a second glance. What a bad person. I hate people like him and he should be taught a lessons. Never mind my schedule change and I needed to do an audition for the musical play of how a Susana fell in love with a human I hate Susana and despise them so much like I just wanted to dance and show some people that I'm not a fragile human. I hate it when people think I'm weak. And also the dance was more powerful and it wasn't ballet. 

I quickly put on my black tank top with a Sebastian Michaelis character on it. Yeah I'm an anime addict and Sebastian is the only guy I love. He's just so devilishly handsome and so freaking perfect. I put on my ripped jeans and put my hair into a ponytail letting some hair out since they never get into the ponytail. Guys were looking at me and smirking at me seriously this disgusting piece of . I hate it when boys look at me like that I don't consider myself beautiful like that so stop staring I'm embarrassed if only Shaw was there. I miss him so bad. My cute little kitten....wait what did I just say? Never mind.

“Female soloists please meet me at the audition room at 5” 

Along the practice, my head was filled with excitement, but also with nervousness. I kept on glancing at the clock every 5 minutes, which literally felt like 15 minutes. As it was nearing the specified time, I walked towards the room, my heartbeat doubled as I grabbed the door knob. I exhaled as I picked up my courage, stepping into the room. As I did, I saw...Taemin? What’s he doing here? He was sitting in one corner of the room, wearing black tank top and blue ripped denim jeans. As always that brat ignores all the girls that was literally all over him. And I just roll my eyes at him.






Taemin POV 

She was looking at me so disgusted like I thought she'd be all over me like the rest but she just roll off her eyes at me like nothing. It was her turn to dance and everyone was left amazed by her moves even me. Like even with this powerful dance she look so graceful. Then the teacher chose her to be the human in the play and me as the Susana not that I'm not one. I saw her coming my way she was rubbing her neck and took off her hair pin letting her hair down. I just stare....what?. "So well.... Euh....nice to be your partner in the play" 

She really look no that comfortable wow she look like she had never talk to a guy before. I read her mind and yes this cold girl had never talk to a guy before. I stood up abruptly and startling her. And I just grab her arm. Warning her that she should not get too close to me. She look at me and then laugh and just push my hand roughly glaring at me. "Look you. I don't know for whom you're taking yourself. You're not the king of England and stop acting like the whole world should just bow to you like you're God or something so get your idiot face away from me. Okay?"

She said and I could hear some people gasping and after saying that she just glare at me and rolled her eyes and get away. I glare and everyone had gone away. She was just getting her things and didn't notice anything. I took her by her arms and roughly push her against the wall angrily. Who does she think of me? The last person who had made fun of me like that had died. I put my arms on both side of her head and stare deadly at her. "Who do you think you're??? How dare you patted my head and talk to me like that???? You stupid idiot girl????" 

I grab her arm hard and slam her against the wall. I've watched her for 5days already and she look like she always look cold and never answer when she's being provocated but why was she crying? Wait...As if I care. I could feel her heartbeat increase and she was fighting not to cry. I smirk at my prey and lift her chin. "Aww is the cold girl going to cry. Aww then go to your parents you stupid girl!" After that her eyes widen and she was crying. Suddenly in her mind she said something like sorry and just push me away. 

"Let me go!!! Let me go!!!" Her mind was screaming and she kept on screaming in her mind that she wasn't weak that she wasn't weak. But I kept on holding her hand tighter. Then again I smell her and it was the most sweetest and purest scent I've ever smell. I was in such a trance by the smell that I didn't hear the door opening.

"LET HER GO YOU BASTARD!!!!" I was immediately startled and look and saw a girl with ombre green hair and another one who look innocent and confused maybe that's the one who made Jonghyun so mad. The ombre green hair girl immediately push me away and they both took the panicking EunHae away. Why the heck I am feeling bad now? Damn it seem that I still have some humanity in me though well I guess I was the one at fault this time but still no one talk to me like that.




Author's Note: Bad Taemin! Bad,Taemin! 

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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie