Ruin Confession

My New Reasons



Outside POV. 

Everything was fine between EunHae and Taemin now. EunHae was slowly getting better but she was a little weak which of course she hate. The only thing that has change is Taemin's feelings about EunHae but the only question that is left is that does EunHae feel the same? He had no other choice but to ask help to one of her friends. She went to Minho's place where Nikki was slowly getting better. Taemin knock on his door.

"Hey Taemin. How're you? Is EunHae fine? Nikki has been asking about EunHae and Bia"

"Can you lead me to Nikki's room? I need to talk to you both. Please"

Minho was surprise he had never seen his friend so desperate like that ever. He nodded and Minho lead him to his room where Nikki was. He greeted her and get inside and plopped himself on the couch nearby snd sigh "I've got something to ask you Nikki".

Nikki frowned "We may have get along when EunHae was around but I still haven't forgive you for what you did to EunHae in the past.....". Taemin look at her and she was right he was about to say something but was cut off "But I guess EunHae was right. You're really different from others and I forgive you. What did you want to ask me about?"

Taemin take a deep breath "it's about EunHae.....I think...I have feelings for her.....I think I....I love her". Nikki didn't say anything but just smile "Well it was about time" Minho suddenly said and Nikki nodded while Taemin was confused. "I just thought that you two look great together but remember something EunHae just think of you as a friend. I don't really know if she has feelings about you but you need to quickly find out because there's competition"

"What do you mean?" Nikki nodded "Back in Mauritius EunHae always thought that no guys would like her but she couldn't care less because the guys there were all s and didn't know her real worth. Coming here had made her got great friends like you but also I guess you already know about Bobby. Well I think that he too has feelings for EunHae"

"So I should hurry- 


(EunHae thoughts aabout love)



On the other hand, EunHae was already a bit fine and she was taking a walk in the park near Taemin's house. She was thinking about how things have change since she came here. She found about Emmy, found that Emmy has a brother and that it was Taemin, got a guy as friend who's not a bad person like the ones she had met back in Mauritius. Just the thought of the person whom she cared more than anything and for whom she could have given her life make her shiver because that person had betrayed her.

EunHae was never the same after that. She had a hard tried trusting and believing people. But it seems different with Taemin. Him and her were the best of friends but even that EunHae was scared, scared that one day something will happened and that Taemin will leave her and that's why she always look like as if she doesn't have a heart because for her pretending to be heartless is the best way not to get her heart broken and her feelings hurt but EunHae has the kindest heart.

For that person she would've ran across the whole World and cared for her more than anything. She once went to her mother happily saying that she has finally found a friend. She was happy with that person. She did everything to make that person happy. She even went to school completely ill just because she didn't want that person to be all alone. 

But the day came that that person stab her on her back and betrayed her. That person had to change school and with that EunHae found out that she was talking behind her back saying things like how annoying she was. With that EunHae felt betrayed. She was scared to trust and believe again. But little by little her childhood friend Shou help and cared for her more than anyone else and with that EunHae became strong once again. That's why Shou was the only guy she trust more than anything else. Another about EunHae was that she didn't believe- 

"Heyyyy EunHae"

EunHae turn around to find Bobby waving at her happily but then his smile disappeared when she saw the bruise on the face of EunHae and the bandage around EunHae's arms. His eyes widen.....well at least tried to widen. He came running at her and was panicking and start to ask many questions. EunHae laugh a little by calming him down and explained everything. 

"That little...Wait I heard she and SeKyung left school and I heard her band disband and SeKyung's acting career was ruined" Bobby said and EunHae sigh "Nothing to worry I just bet that it was all the doing of Taemin and Jonghyun Haha". Bobby frowned, he didn't like Taemin at all. He heard what Taemin did to EunHae in the past but even if everything is alright now he still couldn't forget about it. He wanted to protect EunHae no matter what. Because he had realize that he had feelings for EunHae and would do anything to be by her side and to protect her.

 Since the first day they met EunHae had always been happy and had always cared for him. EunHae always help him and had never give up on him. EunHae didn't laugh when he told her about his dream of becoming a rapper instead she was amazed and cheer him up. He remember EunHae mouth hanging open when she was listening to him rapping to his own compose song called 'Bounce'. EunHae had never judge him nor act like a litter pest. She act always kind. 

And without him realizing he was falling for EunHae little by little. He realize that he has feelings for EunHae and he had decided that he'll admit his feelings to EunHae and hope that she'll accept his feelings. His hand were freaking sweating. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. 

What the two didn't notice is that. Bia has been following EunHae and knew that Bobby had feelings for EunHae. For Bia it was clear like water. But he had to do something. He had heard from Nikki what had Taemin said about his feelings for EunHae and it was clearly the time. The only guy that Bia and Nikki trusted yo be with EunHae was Taemin and also Shou because well Shou had been her friend since childhood. 

It's not that they don't trust Bobby it's just that they're scared that he'll break her trust. But Bia knew that Bobby will confessed to EunHae in some minutes. She started to panic. She only had a bottle of water with her instead of her phone. She was panicking and when she saw that Bobby was about to talk she panic and throw what was in her hand in their direction.....which was the bottle of water. 

The bottle fortunately didn't hit any of them but it went between them completely surprising the two. The both jump back in surprise and glared in the direction of of where the bottle was thrown. They saw Bia standing. Bia suddenly came and took a dumbfounded EunHae away leaving a confused Bobby.



(Taemin is not amused)


Taemin POV. 

I was about to ask another thing to Nikki when the door burst open and come a panting Bia. 

"You got to thanks me later"

"So it was true? He really was about to confess his feelings to EunHae? Did you succeeded in preventing it?" Nikki ask to Bia who nodded i was just confused. Nikki then explained to me that they knew that Bobby had feelings for EunHae and they succeeded in taking EunHae away in time. They told EunHae that Bia had 'accidentally' drop some tomato sauce on the sheets of EunHae. 

"Yeah but we have another problem now" Bia said. "What is it?" Nikki frowned and ask. "I guees you have to see it by yourself". Nikki had got a little better so we all followed Bia back to their apartment and since we didn't want to be seen me and Nikki had to sneak around. We arrive at the apartment but then we all suddenly hide. There was a guy that was knocking on their door. 

"It can't be....." Nikki trailed and Bia sigh "I'm afraid it's him". "Who's he?" Me and Minho asked in utter confusion. "Watch and see" Bia said and we were all still whispering. I started to focus my attention more when I saw the door open. EunHae look tired but when she saw the guy, there was a big smile on her face and that person hug her and I just growl. EunHae took just 2seconds to get use to the hug Damn it. Wait now I think of it.....have I ever hug EunHae? Nevermind I hated him already. Nikki told me and Minho to come with them. 

"Hey Shou? How're you?" Bia and Nikki both said.

"Yo guys what's up-" He stopped when he saw us and me I was still hiding my face I didn't want to look at that er face and why the I'm I swearing at this guy. Ah it. "And who're they?" The guy called Shou asked confused. "Oh these are ourselves good friends that we have met. They're really nice. They're Taemin and Minho" Bia said and I was still not looking at him. "You don't have to be that shy though you can look at me I'm Shou nice to meet you" Ugggh I'm not freaking shy. 

I sigh and decided to introduce myself without hiding my face "Nice meeting you my name is Taemin-" I was cut off when I saw his face. What the actual ? Realizing my reaction he just smirk and then replace it with a smile. "Nice meeting you Taemin. My name is Kohara but call me but call me Shou". Kohara may have sense by the way I act. He swing his arm around EunHae's neck and kiss her hair making me clench my fist. EunHae just blush. 

"EunHae-ah let's go inside I've got some nice stuffs for y'all" Shou said and kiss EunHae's hair once again but this time he look right in my eyes smirking. Minho notice my anger and just patted my back to calm me down. "Well I think it's time for us to go. Take care of you guys" I said trying to get EunHae attention but Shou was too busy talking to her. I sigh and went away but then I heard something that made me smile "Take care Taemin. See you soon"she smile at me and Shou look defeated I just smirk at me and he glared.  

I was smirking while going away but then I felt a force kick me in the leg I lost my balance and I fell down. I look back and saw Shou smirking. I didn't give time for anyone to say something and I just left. 

But hearing EunHae worried voice made me feel better "I wonder if he's Okay" don't worry EunHae I'm fine "He's always so Damn clumsy and he thinks too much that's why he always look lost" yah Kim EunHae Seriously. 




Outside POV. 

The three girls went inside along with Shou. Shou smile and took a tons of gifts from his bags surprising everyone. 

"YAH! Seriously Shou I don't think I deserve all that..."

EunHae said with her insecurities coming back she was thinking that she is becoming a burden to him but with a single cheek from Shou made all her insecurities went away. "Yah~ EunHae please stop. You're better than anyone ever Okay don't worry I got you the best gifts ever". Kohara gave them their gifts and they open them up.

Their mouth were hanging open at the gifts they got. Bia got a and Nikki got three albums of BTS while EunHae got six action figure of Seto Kaiba, Marik, Bakura, Joey Wheeler, Yami Marik and Yami Yugi. Bia got the action figure of L and light and two characters from Mew Mew power as well as two of naruto. As For Nikki she got the action figure of Sasuke and Noctis. 

"Thank you Shou!" They all said in unision and Shou just smile "it may have cost you a fortune right?" EunHae asked.

EunHae was right. If you go and do some research about it. You'll find that the figure of Yami Marik cost more than $120 and the others were more than $100. "Money isn't anything to me as long as I can make you all happy. So no worry. Hey where's the sassy EunHae went?" Shou said that and EunHae laugh and hit his arm lightly "She's still here". Suddenly Nikki's phone started ringing "Oh sorry I have to take that call" she bowed and left. 

She found a nice spot where no one could find her and she took the call "Hello Taemin. So what're going to do now? Shou has come and I don't think he'll leave that soon you have to do something about EunHae and don't deny it I could see the glare that you were giving Shou" Taemin just groan "I know I don't like that guy" "Yeah but EunHae trust him more than anything. About EunHae you need to know something.....EunHae doesn't believe in love"

"What?" Nikki sigh and started to explain to Taemin that since she got betrayed EunHae had a hard time trusting people and that betrayal had really a very bad effect on her and she think that since she was betrayed in friendship how can she trust in love. Even if she had feelings for you she wouldn't even notice it. "What're you going to do about it then Taemin?" Taemin just smirk and said. 

"The only option left is to awake this feeling inside of her and I'll get rid of those betrayed feeling and make her the happiest girl on earth" Taemin said and Nikki just smile "I trust you Taemin but please never hurt her" Taemin just chuckle "She had been the only one to understand me so far and she always slap reality at my face. No one would ever love me like that and it's me who should be saying that I'm glad I got an amazing girl like her. I'll make her insecurities go away and I'll always make a smile appear on her face" "wow can't believe that I'm talking to the same Taemin that nearly killed EunHae" Nikki said sarcastically 

"I'm kidding I trust you Taemin just please take care of her" Nikki said. "But Nikki...why me? Why not that Shou guy? EunHae and you and Bia had known him since a child so why chose a guy that you've known for nearly a year and taking in consideration that we've known each other for about 8months?". Nikki smile "just like I said since the author hadn't listed and wrote chapters where we all had good fun together I trust you. You've taken care of her and most important thing is that you've made her smile in her hardest moment and another thing......she look at you a very different way than she look at Shou"

After saying these words Nikki said she had to go and hung up. "So how did it go?" ask Minho. "Well I guess it's fine. I just have to make EunHae someone who don't believe in love to now believe it. And you?"

Minho frowned "What do you mean?" Taemin just smirk and laugh "Oh come on. I could see the way you always look at her. You like her don't you?" Minho became very flustered and completely red "y....

Yeah" Taemin laugh "Make your move when I make mine"


 (The Gifts)



Author's Note: Hi! Thsnk y'all so much for reading it. The next chapter is going to spice up things 






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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie