Light before Darkness

My New Reasons

Outside POV 

"What? Are you kidding me Taemin?"

An angry Jonghyun look at a confused Taemin with Nikki just sighing next to Minho who's watching TV. Let me explain what is happening here. Jonghyun being the always romantic guy was saying how Bia's reaction was when she had received the gift that he had given him. He was saying how adorable Bia was when she was smiling and blushing and then he turn towards Taemin and being the overprotective brother he's, he ask Taemin what gifts he has given to her sister but Taemin's answer had make a real mess in the living room. 

Minho look as if he was about to pass out but sigh as he was expecting this as he know Taemin by heart, Nikki had wide open and couldn't believe it while Jonghyun look like he was about to pounce on Taemin. 

"Taemin it's been 8months. 8 freaking months and you're telling me that you haven't given her at least one gift yet" Jonghyun said as he couldn't believe it himself. He knows and was clearly aware of how deep Taemin's feeling was for EunHae but that was something he didn't expect at all. How could you be deeply in love with someone and yet during 6 freaking months of being together with that person you haven't given her anything. That was just unbelievable for Jonghyun. 




But Jonghyun failed to understand something about Taemin. Taemin and EunHae are both introvert, and that's one of the reason that these two are a good match. Both of them were really good at something. Taemin was the meaning of the perfect choreographer and he can manage business well and EunHae was a good photographer as well as a writer but despite both of them being good at their work, there was something that both of them weren't good at.

They were both anti-social and hate stupidity. 

They didn't like to be among people but hate to be alone. You see the problem. But since both of them had found each other, they seem to enjoy their loneliness more because they know that despite when they're alone, they know that there will always be someone to whom they can always reach and seek for warmth. When they're together, it seem that nothing else matters. They can be just next to each other and aren't doing anything nor taking but for them it's just perfect. 

Their gifts to each other was to be there for each other. As days goes by, EunHae is being more and more open to Taemin and they're happy like that. Each other's attention and warmth were the most important things to them but some people just don't get it. It's not always about being materialistic it's about having someone who's there for you not just by saying it but who has also proved his words. 





"Jonghyun please let me talk" Nikki said making Jonghyun sit down with an angry look still on his handsome yet gorgeous face. He look so hot when he's angry- Wait that's not the main problem here. Nikki sigh and look at Taemin. 

"Look both of us know how EunHae is. She's not someone who'll ask for your attention nor someone who'd ask you to spend your money on her okay. I know she want you to be there. But you need to understand something Taemin. She might act as if she don't like romance but she's a girl and if you do something for her she'll obviously like it. And you also. Wasn't there times when you see her smiling or blushing because of you and that had make your heart melt? Wouldn't you like to see that again? Don't you want her to be happy just because of you?"

Nikki said and Minho was in awe at her mate and was smiling proudly at her and he gave her a thumbs up making Nikki blush slightly and Taemin slightly realize what she meant. "Okay but I'll do it my own way" With these words being said he went away. 






EunHae had just finished her courses at university. It was really tiring but worth it. Even though her career had already started and is flying in the air, something might come and hit it and she doesn't want that. She want her dream to come true more than anything else. 

Walking down the alley to Taemin's house she sigh happily and wonder how she could have got so lucky. Suddenly she was thrown away of her thoughts when a black motorcycle roar its engine in front of her. She look up and saw someone dress in all black from heads to toe. The person remove his helmet and EunHae immediately blush slightly while looking down shyly.





It was none other than Lee Taemin. And him being in a motorcycle and in that outfit make him so handsome that EunHae couldn't even look at him or else she'll be blushing madly. 

"Want a ride love?" EunHae always blush at that name Taemin gave her. She then cough a bit to take her composure. She nodded and Taemin smile brightly at her. His eyes look as if they were shining. EunHae was Taemin's angel and to him she was his whole world. 




He gave EunHae another helmet and she climb on the motorcycle and shyly wrap her arms around Taemin's waist while both of them had very different but similar reaction. Both were really happy and EunHae was so red and look as if she could explode at any moment. Taemin was really enjoying the warmth and comfort he was receiving from EunHae while her also was loving warmth and comfort she was receiving. Both of them had spent most of their life in the cold. They had people around them but they didn't had such people important people. 

They spend their time in silence and EunHae was smiling while enjoying the view. It felt really good to be spending such a nice moment with someone you love. She never believe that she would ever find someone like that ever so that was the reason why she broke her hard and cold shell to Taemin because he was someone she could trust deeply. The ride was long but enjoyable and to make it even better, there was a full moon. 

"Emmy has told me what Jonghyun has told you though" EunHae said to him making Taemin stop the engine. EunHae sigh knowing how much it could have made Taemin think. Taemin remove the helmet and look at EunHae sadly and he was about to apologize when EunHae stop him.

"That's really annoying!" EunHae said in frustration as they both get off the engine and walk somewhere. Taemin look at her completely confused. "Damn my stupid brother. I know why he's being like that. He's just frustrated that I'm not always staying at his place" EunHae then sigh. It was clear that Jonghyun was obviously jealous that EunHae was always staying at Emmy's place. The thing was that she also wanted to spend time with her best friend. So from time to time she went to her place where Taemin will obviously be and that make Jonghyun jealous. 

EunHae always wonder if she wasn't his sister, what will be her relationship with Jonghyun. But there's something that Jonghyun doesn't seem to realize is that EunHae really love him. But not only Jonghyun but there's also Taemin who's jealous when she's with Jonghyun. So there's not equality on both sides. 

"To be honest with you I don't need any gifts because..ha....having you is enough" EunHae said why blushing and looking down. "I...I know you feel like that too so just don't worry about Jonghyun". To EunHae's surprise, Taemin just chuckle and wrap his arms around EunHae. 






"I have something for you though" both of them said at the same time and they look at each other with surprise before laughing. They both took out a small box wrap in a red colored paper with a black bow on top of it. From the packaging, it seem that they both had bought these at the same place. EunHae and Taemin immediately blush and take the box in their hand and they open it at the same time. In EunHae's box there was a necklace which is of one of what seem to be an angel wing, it was silver. In Taemin's box there was what seem to be a black angel wing with a small diamond heart in the middle of the wing. 

Taemin cheek went completely red. He was really bad at expressing his feelings but he need to. He cough and look away and he took a deep breath. He look at the dark sky with the full moon. "This.....necklace has a deep is an angel wing because......despite me being always rude and bad towards you, you still try to see the good in me and because of you. I'm able to smile and laugh and to be happy. You've given a new meaning to my life. You'''re the angel of my life!" 

Taemin say looking at EunHae deeply despite his face being completely red. But everything that he had said, he meant it. EunHae was in a deep shade of red but immediately gain her composure and then she laugh. Both of them have a hard time expressing their feelings to each other and Taemin had took a lot of courage to say all these and EunHae was glad about it.

"My turn now, right? The black wing represent yourself. When I first saw you, you were always the bad guy of the story but the reason why I gave you a chance was because of your eyes. The sadness it hold was unbearable for me to see. So I decided to give you a chance and to see happiness in those once sad eyes. The diamond heart represent the kindness you had despite being a rude person and I didn't have to see it by myself to know it" EunHae smile shyly as she look at Taemin. Who would have thought that one year ago these two were at each other's neck. 

Taemin then immediately hug EunHae while snuggling into her neck. EunHae lightly caress his hair both smiling happily. Did he even deserve that happiness? But he didn't care. He look at her and place his warm fingers on her face "I guess when we're together like that our cold and cool side went away. How did I get this lucky". He then lean down and kiss her deeply but lightly. The gifts that they got wasn't the necklace but their love for each other. And no materialistic gifts could ever be better than this.


Then all of a sudden, the rain started to pour heavily. Taemin grab EunHae's hand and they both ran to the bike while laughing. 




Some hours later....

Taemin sneeze again. Because of the rain, Taemin had got a cold now. They arrived at Taemin's place and it was already 23:30. They arrived this late because the two of them got hungry and decided to eat steak in a small restaurant by the road. 

But it wasn't only because of the rain. Taemin was laying on his bed completely pissed off and shivering deeply because of a stupid joke done by Jonghyun. As soon as they had got into the house, Taemin open the door to be greeted by a bucket of cold water falling over his head. In anger and frustration he throw the bucket angrily away only for it to be thrown on Jonghyun. 

"That idiot" Taemin said as he hug himself. "I agree, he's an idiot just like you hehehe" EunHae smirk.

"Hey don't be like that. I'm the one who's ill" the supposedly manly guy pout. "Aww is the manly guy pouting like a 'cute' little kid now?" EunHae say while putting more emphasis on the 'cute' word and she smirk. But then smile lightly. This guy, despite his cold side was really a-do-ra-ble. 

Taemin pout more "I'm cold~" Taemin whine even though he already had a thick blanket wrap around his body. Suddenly Taemin lift up the blanket and grabbing EunHae's wrist, he pull her inside the blanket too "I'll sleep better like this. I like your warmth". He wrap his arms around her while EunHae was a blushing mess. Why? Well maybe that's because Taemin only had his boxer on and his body was completely pressed against hers. Yeah I think that might be the reason too.

But after some time, Taemin immediately fell asleep. EunHae smile and played wing his really soft hair. It felt like snow under her hand. As EunHae decided to go back to sleep, her phone ring and she pick it up, not knowing that accepting this phone call will make her life going down hill. 





Author's Note: I'm sorry guys. This year is really busy and I'm tired both physically and emotionally and life is a bit hard. But I'll try my best to update. Btw what did you think of Jonghyun comeback? I still prefer Base though because 'Beautiful Tonight' Well Nevermind I'll do my best to update. Also sorry I didn't had time to correct the grammatical errors. 


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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie