Trip To Tokyo

My New Reasons

Taemin POV. 


"But Taemin-






EunHae sigh as she look at the stubborn man in front of her. Let me explain to you what happened. EunHae have a conference to attend to because of her future job at Square Enix and she had to go to Tokyo for that. Her travel expenses have already been paid and she have to go tonight but a certain someone won't let her go.

That certain someone was me.

"Taemin it's just one week, one week and after that there will be the entrance ceremony where you'll come. Taemin it's a really important occasion for me to make my dream come true. Please trust me. I promise if I notice something wrong I'll notify you immediately so please" EunHae beg me. This was a really important meeting for her.

I know it was important for her and that her future depend on it. But I can't let her be attack and kill.

I sigh and give in. I can't bear to see sadness in her. "Okay fine I trust you. You can go" EunHae smile wrap and hug I tightly while laughing happily "Thank you Taemin" EunHae smile brightly and kiss me deeply in her excitement and ran away while screaming happily "I love you!" I was left stunned with widen eyes after EunHae's action towards me. I touch my lips lightly and gulp. EunHae's wild side was really something. 

I smirk.

EunHae beg me to let her go to that meeting. I know that it's very important for her future career but I just want to protect her. But in the end I accept and let her go. Before going she kissed me deeply in her excitement and went away. Damn I should accept anything she say more often. I was the one who drive her to the airport there was a lot on my mind. I could see that she was both nervous and exited. To be more precise, the meeting include only her and no one else. Phil Rogers didn't gave any information about why EunHae need to go there. While driving I hold her hand in mine to calm her down and it did but only a little. She was so nervous that even her hand was sweating. 

"Thank you for trusting me though Taemin" She said as we arrived at the airport. I bite my lips and kiss her forehead lightly. Forehead kiss is still a thing you know. "It's alright but if you see something or someone strange just call okay?" She nodded and she went away with her luggage. She turn around and wave me goodbye before going. When she was gone I just smirk. My dear EunHae, did you really think that I'll accept such thing without you having any protection. I made my way to my car and took out my luggage from the back. 


Of course I trust EunHae with my whole life. But my mind won't be sane I won't have a peace of mind. So I'm going secretly. I needed to disguise myself. I quickly change my clothes. I put on a black tank top, a black jacket, my black pants, my beanie and my sunglasses. I'm not Goth okay! Black is my happy colour. 

(Taemin's clothes)

I waited for her to do all the formalities and when I saw her entering the waiting room I did mine. Fortunately she would be in the economic class and me in first class so she wouldn't see me. After I finished I quickly went into the waiting room. I was really far from her but I still could see her. She had her earphones on and she was reading a book. After about 30mimutes we were told to enter the plane. Then we entered the plane, I sigh in relief but as I entered the first class but then I quickly hide myself. 

What was EunHae doing there?

Okay this was weird. What type of person pay a ticket for first class to a new employee? I know Square Enix is among the richest company in the world but still. I know about EunHae's potential and I'm glad someone else had saw it. What happened was that one week ago she was asked to write a script about something which she wouldn't tell me about. I quickly made my way and fortunately my seat was just behind hers. I sat down and decided to sleep for some time. 

Laughter suddenly woke me up. I stretch and yawn, when I look outside it was still dark. There was still a lot of time to arrive in Japan. The country of her dreams. She came to Korea because her friends wanted but EunHae was mostly in love with Japan and their culture and principles. 

"Hahaha you're right Bobby"

My eyes widen. This voice was EunHae's. I quietly peek up to see her and Bobby laughing. I don't like Bobby. I know that EunHae went out to eat with him and I had ignore that. But seeing him again with EunHae in front of me made my blood boil. I have a really bad feeling about him. 

I'm not jealous. I'm just territorial, I protect what's already mine. And EunHae is mine. She's my only and forever love. I don't want to lose her.

She was laughing and was smiling so much that her face could split in half. I've never seen her laugh so much like that with me. Like I do make her laugh and smile but like, never. I'm seeing her laughing like there's no tomorrow. Her smile right now could literally light up the whole world. 


Do I even made her happy? 

I immediately pinch myself. Why in the world I'm thinking about these absurdities right now. If I didn't made her happy she wouldn't even be staying with me.


What if she just pitied me?

Why I'm I thinking like that. Me and EunHae both love each other.


What if?

Damn you stupid mind just stop thinking. Ugggh I'm talking to myself right now. Just because Bobby is making her laugh like there's no tomorrow doesn't that mean that she isn't happy with me. Damn you mind.


"So? Will you be able to come to our concert" I hear Bobby asking her while chuckling. Say No EunHae say no. I hear EunHae sigh. Hehe that was a good sign "I don't really know Bobby. I'm going there for my work and it's a dream coming true so I don't really think but still, Goodluck for your concert I know you'll do great"

You're so close yet so far from me EunHae. 

Damn I'm now feeling like a hopeless romantic now. You see it now? See what this girl is doing to me and can you see how much I love her? No other girls can make me feel the way she makes me feel. When I'm with her it's like heaven and there's no way I can let her go despite these insecurities bothering me. EunHae was right though. Insecurities are just your worst nightmare, they come and go. But you should never give way to these nightmares to become a reality. 

After some moments, the food arrive and since I was a regular customer, I was offered the love of my life. Not EunHae you idiots that's just disturbing (Not that I don't want to have a taste of those sinful lips and her wild nature). My beautiful and gorgeous steak finally arrive. I immediately but the laughter of this Bobby will really make me kill someone and that person will be himself. "So are you still friend with that Taemin guy? Come on EunHae he's a dangerous guy and I bet he's just using you" What is wrong with that guy? I could feel that his voice was worried but still, you can't just say that to the person that love me. But wait.... What if EunHae didn't tell him about our relationship. 

"Bobby please that's enough. I've really had enough of explaining it to you. You can't judge someone base on his appearance and how his character is. Have you ever think maybe he had had a past that made him like that or he had been betrayed by his friends in the past? You should know better before you judge someone especially you. I know that you're also being judge by many people but me I know the real you. So please stop judging Taemin" I could feel myself smiling slightly at how EunHae was defending me. "If you just get to know him just a little bit you'll see that he's an amazing guy. He's nice and really to the people he trust and I know that he'll not betray me because I trust him with my whole life" I could feel my cheek heating a little bit. Do I even deserve that girl. Shut up you brain.

"I'm sorry" he said but I could hear a faint sigh from EunHae "It's okay no worry just don't do it again. I'm so tired, tomorrow is going to be really busy for me so goodnight" I yawn too. She's right I should get some sleep too. I stretch myself and got into a comfortable position to sleep. I took the blanket and cover me completely so that if EunHae woke up before me she don't see me.

"Passengers of Japan Airline we're announcing that we'll be arriving soon to Tokyo International Airport"


I yawn and immediately took the cover off me while rubbing my eyes. I quietly peek in front of me to my my EunHae still sleeping soundly she look so beautiful when sleeping. Next to him was an annoying bastard who was still sleeping and he was drooling. 


"Passengers of Japan Airline we've finally arrive. Welcome to Haneda International Airport"

People start to move to take their luggage and I could see that EunHae was about to wake up. I quickly took my luggage to get out of the plane. Fortunately I got out first before EunHae. Now I need to know which hotel EunHae is going before she didn't tell me anything as she may have doubt that I'll make someone follow her. I did all the formalities and went outside to see where she was going. I saw her getting out and with hearing power I heard that she was going to Palace Hotel. My eyes immediately widen. That was like the most expensive and most luxurious hotel here in Tokyo. Why I'm I having a bad feeling about this? 

After seeing her taxi going away I quickly get into another taxi. I then immediately took my phone and dial the hotel's number and due to my position in the society I got one immediately. 





Outside POV. 

EunHae took her luggage and after having received her room card she went into her room. When she open the door she was left stunned. This was the most stunning hotel room that she had ever seen. It was true that during her childhood her uncle made the whole family travel around the world. She had been to Venice, Rome, Barcelona and Paris. But none was equal to that beautiful room.

She was smiling and giggling to herself as she couldn't believe that she was finally in the country of her dream. Tokyo was always her dream land she had went to Korea only because her friends wanted so. But now being in Tokyo she couldn't be more glad. She could finally explore this beautiful country. She throw herself on the bed and close her eyes as she took in a deep breath before opening them. She roll around the bed and took her phone out from her pocket to see of she haven't got any message from anyone. She giggle to herself knowing that she had loads of message from Taemin waiting for her. As she unlock her phone, her smile fade away. There was none. 

She find it weird like knowing and seeing how Taemin was worried she was expecting loads of message from Taemin but there was none. Didn't he care anymore? EunHae immediately shake off these thoughts off her mind and decided to sleep a little more as on the plane it wasn't comfortable to sleep at all. It was 10:00 and her meeting is at 17:00.







[Seoul, South Korea, The Lee's Resident]

Emmy had just finished taking a bath and she was drying her hair. These last months has been really restless to her. After her encounter with Onew, she didn't see him again. 

She sigh.

After these months that had passed. She still doesn't know what to do. Taemin had explain to her himself that he had send Onew on a mission but she's still confused about what to do. She was happy for EunHae though. Her friend had finally find the happiness that she deserve. She wish that their love would last long. 

But what about her. 

She sigh and lay on her bed closing her eyes wanting to sleep a little. But her rest was for a short while. Just as she was dozing off, something hit her head lightly. She back up to see a paper plane laying next to her. Confuse she open the letter. 

"Please meet me outside. At the bench near the garden of white roses" 

She sigh. 

Only one person could be that cheesy to send a letter. 


What could she do? It was the last chance that she would give him and if he do wrong then she'd have no other option but to leave. She love him, she really do but now she's just confused. She got up and decided to at least dress up nicely. After 30minutes she finally got dress and got her hair done. She finally got out of the house and went into the garden. She found the bench and sat there waiting for the man to arrived. Her heart was beating really fast though. Because no matter how funny or how all smile Onew is, when he's serious he look like a hot and gorgeous beast.

Suddenly she look next to her and find a rose. Burden not a normal rose. It was a blue rose with a letter next to it. She took the letter in her hands and open it.

"Due to the absence in nature of blue roses they have come to symbolise mystery and longing to attain the impossible, with some cultures going so far as to say that the holder of a blue rose will have his wishes granted"

This was the description and meaning of a blue rose. Like the letter say, it's a really rare rose. She continue to read the letter and at the end there was something written. 

"I'm sorry"

She just brush it off. She took the blue rose in her hand and smell it. The smell was just pure heaven. It smell so good that she faint. 

Yes she literally faint.


After what seems like hours, Emmy finally wake up but she wasn't in the garden anymore. She look around and she was left breathless. The view in front of her was just beyond words.

She turn around to see a dinner set on a table for two. She sigh and got up and approach the table. There was a dish that has been covered and next to it was a paper on which was written 'For the love of my life Emmy'. There was also other dish that were covered but this one had her name on the letter. She uncover it to see the most beautiful and delicious dish that she has ever seen in her life.

But looking at it more clearly she remember something which made a single tear fall over her cheek. She remember about that dish. It was a special one. When she was still with Onew she remembered how hard he was working on his dream to become a chef and he had promise her that he would prepare a special dish just for her and the first person to ever taste it would be herself. 

He kept his words. 

Emmy was always scared of losing important persons in her life. She was so scared that one day EunHae would leave her that she push her away saying that she hate her and don't want to see her again but despite that, EunHae still stayed by her side. 

That's what exactly happened in Onew's case too. But now she didn't want Onew to leave her.

As she was crying a little bit, two strong arms wrap around her hugging her tightly. She was turn around and a light kiss was placed on her forehead. It was Onew who was smiling lightly at her with his cheeky grin that could make anyone even the grumpiest person on earth to smile. And it made Emmy smile too. "I love you Emmy. Don't you ever think I'll leave you. You're the only woman that I could ever love in this life. No one could give me the love and understanding that you give me. I promise you that I won't leave you princess" He said as he continue to hug her tightly. "Thank you so much Onew!" Onew grin happily at her and Emmy couldn't help it and she smile too. His smile was really contagious. 

"Now let's eat before the food got cold. I've prepared all these myself for my beautiful princess" He said as he uncovered every dish leaving Emmy speechless.


"Wow it look really delicious! Thank you" Onew smile and they started to eat happily. 



Emmy POV

I watch Onew as he eat happily and I just laugh. This guy was just too adorable for his own good. After some time both of us were full. The food was just heaven. His dream of becoming a chef would really become true if he continue in this way. He was really rich but he still chose that path. I yawn. I was so tired though I hadn't slept well because of my work for the past week. Onew seem to notice it and told me to come with him. He took me by my hand and we went somewhere. 

I was left in awe. This place was so beautiful. I quickly lay down next to Onew. He wrapped his arms around me and snuggle closer to me "I'm sorry for my mistake I was just dumb. I still wonder how can you still love me after that though?"

I lean closer and kiss his cheeks lightly "I know you're an idiot but you're my only idiot who can still love me after being a mess" Onew smile and laugh brightly and kiss my cheek lovingly while looking in my eyes making me blush slightly "Then I'm I forgiven?" He ask while still looking in my eyes.

I stare into the distance and pretend that I was thinking "Hmmm I don't know" He smirk and that smirk really made me uneasy. Suddenly he start to approach me with a slight smirk playing on the corner of his lips. I try to back away but he immediately caught me by my hand and push me down making him on top of me. My face became completely red. It's not like we haven't done it.  "Are you sure?" He ask as he start to kiss my collarbone to my neck. Kissing and trailing his lips on my skin making my breathing uneven. He start to kiss my jawline and went immediately to my lips by kissing me roughly. 

"F....fine. You're for...forgiven" He smile brightly and hug me. His change from a hot beast to an adorable bunny is what amaze me. I hug him back and he wrap his arms against me "I love you Emmy" he said as we both fell asleep in each other's embrace. 


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746 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

746 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

746 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

746 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

746 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

746 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

746 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

746 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

746 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie