Confused and Jealous Heart.

My New Reasons

Outside pov.
Nothing is better than night travelling on a plane where you're seated next to a window with the calm serene darkness outside. You're having enough space on your comfortable seat while having a good hot chocolate while editing your travel videos. It would have been such a beautiful moment for Eunhae if it wasn't for what happened yesterday. Everything happened so suddenly and Eunhae was still confused. And to top all of these she was also angry at Ren but now all she wanted was to be alone to be able to think.

One week ago.....
The final day for the shooting of the Music Video was approaching and Eunhae was really happy about it. Everything was going on perfectly. Her mood was obviously changing drastically from time to time because of the sight of Taemin but she tries to not let that affect her work. Fortunately for her there has been no interaction between the two. But it was obvious for everyone on the set that Eunhae was making it too obvious that she was avoiding Taemin. Well she wasn't good at these stuff and she wasn't seeing that everyone could see it. Bobby saw it but didn't said anything, he wanted the best for her and decided to stay silent on that matter. 

Eunhae was too busy with working on the script and trying to avoid Taemin that she isn't seeing that something was wrong with Taemin. Usually when these two were close by, Eunhae always uses some lame excuses to leave and Taemin never did anything and just understand her reasons but now everytime that Taemin saw her, he would also try to avoid her. Not to mention that with time Eunhae start to catch up with his weird behavior. So she decided to stop behaving weirdly around him and to just let Taemin near when they'll be discussing stuff and she'll just not make any eye contact with the dancer. 

But Taemin still hasn't stop with his weird behavior. Not to say again that Eunhae wanted to slam her head against a wall because she wasn't supposed to be hurt by this. She wasn't supposed to have her feelings in a tangled mess but yet she did and couldn't understand why was it like this. She obviously doesn't want to see Taemin because the pain she endured was unbearable and she had hold on that pain too long. People could not understand that it wasn't a matter of her being a coward and left, she was someone who could get hurt multiple times but she'll still hold onto that person because they'll be worth it for her but this time wasn't like other times. This time the final blow was too strong that she couldn't bear it anymore. 

Eunhae and Ren were both staying in a hotel because of the shooting for the video. The room was a connected room as it'll be more easy for the two to discuss work and most of the time they have their breakfast on the room together. This time they had the traditional Korean breakfast in the morning which consisted of dried anchovies and fish alongside egg and tofu accompanied with rice. 

"I know I should not be worried about this but I have to admit that Taemin's behavior was weird these days" Eunhae says as she took a bite of the dried anchovies which were so delicious. Ren took a last sip at the soup and sigh. "Well I guess you have to thank me for that" Ren said with a smirk as he start to dig in his egg. 

Eunhae tilted her head and look at him with a confused expression, "What do you mean by that?". 

Ren just chuckle with disgust. Ren is really protective over Eunhae and when he heard about how Taemin hurt her in the past, he immediately hated him. "I didn't do much. I just made him understand that you don't want to be associated with him and that if he doesn't want to see you hurt, he should just get away from you. I just don't want that bastard to hurt you again" À tint of anger could be heard at the end. 

But this just made Eunhae more angry than relief from some unknown reason but she tried to control herself in from of Ren. She took a deep breath and sigh "Listen Ren, I'm not a child anymore and I really don't appreciate what you did. It's my life and my problem. What happens in the past stays there. Yes it hurts, it hurts so badly that I cried for days but I'm doing better now so please don't do something like this again" Eunhae finished with a sigh. She knew Ren cares for her but she wasn't expecting him to do something like this. 

Ren just nodded and tried to accept her decision though he hated it. But he knew that he had to do something so that Taemin never approche Eunhae. 




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (The Accident) 




After Taemin had again rescue Eunhae, he got badly injured and he had to be taken in another room. In the state of this confusion, Eunhae felt bad and decided to take care of the injuries of the man. Bobby took this opportunity for his plan. Bobby wanted for Eunhae and Taemin to be back together so he had two things to do. First make everyone leave the premises of the room and two to know who caused the accident because it was obvious that someone plan this. Bobby guided Eunhae to the room Taemin was so as she could treat his injuries. 

Obviously Eunhae was a bit stressed to see him but this time she was worried. Why? Well how should I know I'm just a writer and the voice in your head. Bobby close the door. When she entered the room, Taemin look up and his gaze softened and he just look down. Eunhae slowly and carefully approached him. She smiled sadly, "Hey..." both said at the same time while Taemin was still looking down. 

Eunhae sigh, "Just don't worry about what Ren told you okay". She said as she start to search for some cotton and alcohol. She continues, "whatever he said was completely false". Taemin's eyes went wide after Eunhae said that. 

Eunhae came back with the equipment she needed. "Just show me where it hurt" Eunhae says calmly, Taemin immediately understood that Eunhae doesn't want to talk about that anymore so he stayed silent on that matter. Without saying anything, Taemin tried to take off his shirt but wince in pain and stop as his arm was hurting. Eunhae shake her head and chuckle a little, "You're still stubborn. Here let me help you". Eunhae said with her face completely red as she takes his shirt off carefully so as not to hurt him more. 

For some seconds, Eunhae gulp, he got hurt on his waist but for just some seconds Eunhae could not help but to just stare at his body. Because well, who wouldn't, his body was a bit, just a little bit more buff than usual and his abs were just well defined. Eunhae immediately shake off her head and hope that Taemin didn't see her. She put some alcohol on the cotton and dabbed it gently on his waist as Taemin kept wincing in pain. Then she just wrap bandage around his waist. "You're all good now, you just need to not do any brutal movements for some time" 

Eunhae sat down in silence and look down. Suddenly Taemin holds her hand which makes her heart beats faster. "Eunhae please look at me" this voice, this beautiful and soothing voice was enough for her to obey and look at him. His eyes, his beautiful brown eyes which once shows love and happiness was now filled with sadness and Eunhae could not bear to look at him. 

"I'm so sorry Taemin. I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused to you. I didn't hate you and I could never do such a thing. I want you to be happy Taemin that's all I wish for. Your happiness meant the most to me" Taemin understand because he too felt the same way. They break apart because they didn't want to hurt the other. Taemin has to admit that he had some doubts which were created by Ren but now that Eunhae said what he wanted to hear, he clearly had enough. 

Taemin put his warm hand over Eunhae face who stays still and just close her eyes. "Eunhae I understand how you feel and I clearly understand that pain you felt." Taemin knew clearly that every  person Eunhae trusted broke her and she couldn't bear it anymore. Taemin don't blame her for what happened and in a way it was for the best. Right now Taemin could not tell Eunhae but he'll do anything to bring back the strong Eunhae he once knew. 

"I'm sorry Taemin I didn't meant to hurt you" Eunhae suddenly start to cry. Taemin just smile sadly and wrap his arms around her. He wanted to badly to kiss her and tell her to forget about what happened in the past and for them to be back together but he knew that her heart was still confused and broken. Look what happened, Eunhae will keep on crying and will never heal so for the better both decided. "I'm really sorry Taemin but I've had enough of crying and being sad. Every time I see you these happens I'm sorry". Taemin nodded as he understood. "Promise me one thing Eunhae. All I want is for you to understand that I want you to be happy though we're not together. You have been my one true and only love and I also want you to understand that stomach fat or not, you'll always be gorgeous" 

Eunhae smile and nodded. Though Taemin is the past now, she was glad to have known such an amazing man. Eunhae then stand up to leave Taemin so that he can rest. Eunhae walk to the door and got outside but as soon as she closes the door, Ren was on floor rubbing his cheek where she could also see some blood on the corner of his mouth. She look up to saw an angry Bobby. 
"What the is happening here", Eunhae said as he glare at them. 

Bobby immediately grab Eunhae by her hand and push her towards him. "Eunhae listen to me careful because what I'll told you is the absolute truth. This bastard right here is the one that caused the incident" 

Eunhae look at Ren who was on the floor with a confused face. Ren just laugh and he spat out the blood. "Yes it was me who did this because this guy don't deserve her. Look how she made Eunhae suffer. I taught him a good lesson- 

Ren didn't have time to finish his rant. He was lift from the ground and was slam harshly against the wall. And no this time it wasn't Bobby but it was an enraged Eunhae. Ren was completely shocked alongside Bobby who was frozen and didn't know what to do. "Now I want you to listen to me very carefully as I'll say this only once" Eunhae said slowly but there was a dangerous tone along. "Taemin is and will always be the man that I love and nothing can change that nor can make me hate him. He did hurt me but no one was at fault there we decided that it was for the best. His happiness is still the most important thing to me. Don't you ever dare to hurt him again because this time I won't forgive you" with that she just throw Ren down and walks away. 

Eunhae walk away with anger but as soon as she was out of sight. She breaks down in tears and punch the wall in anger. "Why? Why do I always keep messing things up? What did I do to deserve that" Eunhae hugs her feet and cries while sitting down. She just had enough because she feels that everything is her fault because every time she found happiness, everything ends wrong and she feels like it's her fault. 

"Eunhae...." Eunhae look up to see Bobby looking at her with sadness. After the incident and the apology of Bobby which Eunhae knew wasn't his fault, these two became good friends again. So seeing her friend like this really saddened Bobby as he also feels that it's partly because of him. Eunhae just chuckle "Haha just look at how worthless I look now". Bobby sigh and sat down next to her. "Eunhae listen to me. Don't ever say you're worthless because you're not. We all messed up and Eunhae you got many people that care and will protect you because you help them in ways only them could understand and they all know that. We know because you're special to all of us". 

Throughout her childhood Eunhae was always the black sheep of the family. She didn't like to be distant to others but the aura she project was different. She couldn't stand all the fake people. Eunhae was different from others and she knows it's not a bad thing but because of her open mindedness to the world that others couldn't understand, she prefered to stay alone but now many people understand her and wants nothing more than to stay besides her. 

Eunhae just sigh and wipe away her tears, "I guess you're right. Thanks for being here. 

Authors Note: Sorry with this short chapter. I'll post but I won't worry much about grammar and such. I'm sorry I know this chapter was ty.  

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745 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

745 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

745 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

745 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

745 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

745 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

745 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

745 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

745 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie