The Effect

My New Reasons

Outside POV 
EunHae with the help of Nikki was getting ready for the Award Ceremony of tonight. EunHae had the choice of bringing someone with her and she chooses Rachel as she knew she would like this. After having literally beg EunHae to put on some makeup and after Rachel storm inside the room threatening her to wear some makeup or she'll reveal all of EunHae secrets to the media, EunHae accepted with a sigh.

She was already wearing the dress that Jonghyun has brought her which left Nikki and even Rachel in awe. Because Rachel wasn't someone who get awe really easily. Just like said before by EunHae, Rachel King is the girl version of Key. Of course EunHae will be going in Jonghyun's car to the ceremony whereas Nikki and Rachel would go together since Nikki doesn't want Hanbin to be involved in a scandal. "And.....done. Like you asked I just lightly put some makeup. A little bit of lipstick and eyeshadow and a light line of eyeliner. Here look into the mirror"

EunHae just blush shyly when she look in the mirror. It was light makeup and she really like it for someone who only like to be natural. Rachel enter the room and chuckle "Girl, you're going to make heads turn tonight". This makes EunHae blush more. Then Nikki did her hair style and after some time, all were ready. As always EunHae was in awe and fangirling over Rachel aka her Bae's looks. "Let's go girls, let's slay tonight" Rachel says while flipping her hair.

While EunHae was checking herself one last time into the mirror, someone knock at the door and Nikki opened it to reveal Kim Jonghyun in the most handsome suit with his hair style up and of course with those irresistible puppy eyes.

"Is EunHae read-"

Jonghyun couldn't finished his sentence as EunHae turn around looking at him blushing like a little girl. Jonghyun's mouth was wide open. "wow" It was all that Jonghyun could say when he saw his sister. He then smile brightly and made his way towards EunHae and hug her then continue to smile while looking at her making EunHae look away shyly. "My sister is going to make heads turn tonight. I better be there to protect her" Jonghyun said then left a sweet kiss on her forehead making the other two girls completely envious. Because even though Jonghyun was their friend, he was still a hot mess that no one can resist not even Rachel who looks like she was undressing him with her eyes.

Seeing how her two friends were looking at her brother. EunHae immediately became protective and glare at them. "Yah! You two! Stop staring at my brother seriously. What would Bia think? Hahaha". EunHae was just like Jonghyun. They were both protective of each other and just like Jonghyun, EunHae tend to get jealous of every girls that get near him. She love his fans but she didn't like these celebrities that look at her brother as if he was a piece of meat but fortunately Jonghyun was a clever guy. So he knows better.

They all laugh and then they all went outside to get ready to go. Suddenly Jonghyun's phone range and he told the girls to just go outside. When Jonghyun was alone he took the call. "Hello. Jonghyun it's me Minho. I'm telling you that the schedule of the ceremony changed and Taemin is about to perform there. The performance is about 12minutes so you better do something because we all don't want both of EunHae and Taemin to get depressed like two years ago"

"Damn. I thought he already performed. Okay just messaged me when his performance end. I'll try to lose some time. Thanks again Minho. I just want to protect both of them from getting hurt and tonight EunHae might get an award and I don't want her to meet him on this beautiful night" Jonghyun was obviously sad when these two break up but tonight would be a special night for EunHae and he doesn't want her to be sad. Jonghyun knew that Taemin has been keeping update about EunHae and he was having some suspension that EunHae was doing the same but seeing him face to face would really be dangerous for EunHae.

"I understand Jonghyun don't worry. We all want to protect them. Bye. See you soon" Jonghyun ended the call and smile sadly. He then messaged Nikki to inform her. Jonghyun then arrived to them. EunHae entered the car of Jonghyun and Nikki entered Rachel's car and like the badass she is, it was her who'll drive the car. When Nikki entered the car, she immediately informed Rachel about the message. They had to lose some time. But how?

On the way to the ceremony, Jonghyun got an idea. After some time of driving they immediately fake a break down car. Using that excuse, Jonghyun took a lot of time faking that he was trying to see what was wrong with the car. After about 15 minutes, he get back inside the car and decided to drive back hoping that Taemin wasn't there anymore. To be really honest, Jonghyun didn't really kept in contact with Taemin, they rarely called each and didn't talk much. Jonghyun really appreciate Taemin like his little brother but he would do anything to protect his little sister, the only family Jonghyun has left.

Arriving at the VIP car park, Jonghyun sigh in relief when he didn't saw his car. He then continue his way until they arrived at the venue where there were many fans and journalists waiting there. He knows that EunHae doesn't like these types of things so he just have to make her blush to make her alright. When they stop the car, Jonghyun told EunHae to just wait there. He got out of the car and he flash his usual smile at everyone making the camera flashes and the fans yelling in happiness. He
then make his way and open EunHae's door. "May I? My lasy" EunHae blush, Camera continue to flash and the fans squeal when EunHae took his hand and smile shyly.

When they arrived backstage, they saw Bia and Onew waiting there. Since they came with someone, they had to wait backstage. Everyone preferred to just sat backstage waiting whereas Jonghyun and Minho had to go. "Girls you look gorgeous tonight" Key said hugging her. "Now just go and win the award" Key said with pride but EunHae just chuckle "I was lucky enough to be a nominee among all these talented people but the award itself I don't think so"

After some hours, the award for the 'Best Newcomer Director and Writer" was to be announced and this surprised everyone because they put both awards together and Key as well as the other saw EunHae's chance of getting this award getting smaller because nowadays talents isn't recognized only popularity is but they still kept hope. They announced the names of the nominees which was Kim Jonghyun who was announcing the names. "And the winner for this award is....."

Jonghyun smile as he open the envelope. He took a deep breath and everyone were waiting for him to announce the winner. Key's eyes were fixed on Jonghyun's face to see any type of reaction. But then he saw his face change into sadness. Key then look at EunHae "EunHae you know it's okay if you don't win. We all know that it was you who deserve it."

"The winner is Kim EunHae!!!!!"

Key and Rachel screamed and Key jump on EunHae hugging her tightly. "SEE YOU UGLIES I KNEW THAT MY GIRL WAS GOING TO WIN. I'M SO PROUD OF MY DAUGHTER" EunHae couldn't believe it and after getting back to reality. EunHae with teary eyes and a big smile on her face, made her way to the stage. She couldn't believe it. All these years of doing what she love she was finally going to be awarded. She arrived on the stage and was immediately hugged by her dear brother who was tearing up making everyone awe.

The MC which was an actor said that the one who'll be giving the award to EunHae was the one who won 'Best Businessman' of last year. Everyone was just so happy for EunHae. Among all these famous people, she, a simple girl won the award and its Normal that she would not be able to believe it.

Backstage the man who was to give EunHae the award was sleeping and was woken up. A staff told him what he was to do and he nodded. "So I just have to give this award to someone okay" The man made his way on stage. But the next world left all of EunHae's friends completely speechless.

"Here he comes the one who'll be giving the award, Lee Taemin!!!"

Everyone was in complete panic.

"Holy Mother of!


"What in the world???

When EunHae dared to look back, she was stunned to see the man she once love. Taemin was like struck by lightning. He just didn't expect any of that especially of meeting EunHae like that again. EunHae immediately look down saying nothing and Taemin was like in a trance while he walk towards her. When he arrived next to her, he handed the award to her and she still kept on looking down with her heart beating madly and took the award and just nodded.

Taemin was still looking at EunHae not believing what was happening. The girl he love was right here standing just in front of him. The girl he once broke. He watched as she said her speech and smile lightly before going back. When she was out of the audience eyes. She immediately rushed downstairs. The others tried to talk to them but she just made her way toward Key. "Your car keys" Key try to say something but when EunHae glare at him. He just gave it to her.

EunHae immediately went to the car. She got inside and immediately went to Key's place. After arriving inside, she immediately rush to a room. She locked the door and slide down the doors laying on the cold floor. Taemin was still the same after all these years. He still managed to take his breath away. EunHae kept it as a secret from everyone but she has been keeping update about Taemin since one year and despite still not wanting him anymore, she was honestly really proud of everything Taemin had achieved especially him having finally became a choreographer.

The cold floor felt just so good at this moment. "After all these years and after how I still made myself believe that I hate you, you still manage to have that effect on me" EunHae just roll down on the floor. She forced herself to cry but nothing came out. This was just pure sadness. She was just so sad to a point where she just couldn't cry. Seeing him again after all these years has made her strong self shattered.

EunHae felt as if she couldn't breath because seeing him after so long, she remembered about everything. Her lungs was like clouded with sadness and memories. She remember about his warmth about how she felt safe and protected with him. How she smile and laugh when she's with him. How she could have gave up on everything just to be with him and protect him at all cost. But he, he lied to her, left her and broke her. So why was these memories starting to haunt her again. It was a fact that she always seem to be dreaming of him.

After he gave her the award, Taemin did the same. He just left but not before getting stop by Rachel. "I know deep down she still love you but I don't want you anywhere near her. I swear if you hurt her I'll make your whole life a nightmare". Taemin just went away for his apartment. After all these years seeing her soul still leaves him breathless like always. "How do you still manage to have this effect on me, Kim EunHae". She was still the amazing and lovely EunHae that he loves but this time, her soul was shining more brightly, she had become stronger than ever. And Taemin was glad that she was happy even without him.

Taemin close his eyes as he remembers every moment spent with her. How she was the only girl who wasn't afraid of him. How patient, loving and understanding she was with him and he also remembers how he smile and laugh when she was around. How she was the only girl who would never have given up on him. But yet, he did. He left, he lied and broke her. He miss her love so badly and miss her warmth like crazy but being wit her would only end up with EunHae being hurt and he didn't want that. Only her happiness count.

But something felt so wrong for him especially when he was on stage. He could felt the same eyes of the person who had done everything to break these two apart. The same cold black eyes.


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736 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

736 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

736 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

736 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

736 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

736 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

736 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

736 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

736 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie